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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Even if in the end nothing major changes on a political level, the fact that a campaign that was exclusively fueled by hate, racism, xenophobia and ignorance is revolting enough in itself.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I just want everyone to know that I voted for Hillary. In case anyone was wondering what my political alignment was.

Maybe add some Nena ‎- 99 Luftballons as well.
In case you dn't understand german, here are the lyrics in English:

u and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'til one by one they were gone
Back at base bugs in the software
Flash the message: "something's out there!"
Floating in the summer sky
Ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
Where ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine decision street
Ninety-nine ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it, boys, this is war
The president is on the line
As ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine knights of the air
Ride super high-tech jet fighters
Everyone's a super hero
Everyone's a captain kirk
With orders to identify
To clarify and classify
Scramble in the summer sky
Ninety-nine red balloons go by

As ninety-nine red balloons go by

Ninety-nine dreams I have had
In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standing pretty
In this dust that was a city
If I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you, and let it go

Still chilling as ever today.
Ya know, I get to work today, get some shit thrown my way by Trump supporters, fine, but I can't even levy the anger at them that I can the Dems right now. Running Hillary was just dumb. You run Biden and the Dems win. With the states Trump stole from her I think even Bernie might have had a closer run. But you run the most established candidate with a ton of baggage versus someone who doesn't follow the laws of politics.

This fucking party.


How could Trump have won if everywhere on the Internet people share their disgust for him? He is not even popular

This article written in july predicted this.

The internet is not America's reality. Just look at Gaf, im willing to bet there are way more trump supporters hiding in our midst than we're willing to admit. The internet can pressure them into hiding but we cant stop them from voting.


I should add, anyone predicting a Trump victory was guessing. It was pure political punditry to guess he was going to do as well as he did. People who "saw him coming", and will be wrong as shit next time an election comes along, because that's how punditry works.

Say what you will about polls tonight, their job is to make a scientific projection of an election. Part of science is being wrong, and adjusting your model, and that's what's going to happen tonight.

I'm going to continue to put my trust in polls over Michael Moore, or unskewed polls, or anyone else who takes a guess, lucky or not.


I have lost all faith in America and can never look at it the same.

You just proved you care nothing about minorities.
Try to remember that America is not a monolith. A portion of Americans did this. Many Americans lament the outcome of this election. Many Americans will suffer the consequences.
I think people are reading focusing on the wrong thing here. Yes, Trump win OMG blah blah blah.

The bigger story is a Republican party that has had countless gaffes, insulted tons of people, a group people on the internet and media said was dying and would be irrelevant in a couple years now owns all control of the government. They control all per of the government and the Democrats gifted then a supreme Court judge also.

This is the party that was going extinct and wouldn't even exist in a couple years due to his incompetent they are. The only dying party is the Democrats it would seem.


I'm guessing financial issues coupled with the gullibility. A lot of those Obama voters were later disgruntled Obama voters; you saw it and still see it around here plenty. And while not the case for 100% of those people, you mix in some diet or not so diet racism and there you go.

You can't watch Trump speak and think "that's President material" without some desperate need to believe in something so very different from Obama, Clinton, and/or Sanders for that matter.

That said, trying to act like a significant portion of Trump's support doesn't come from bigotry when that was his launchpad is just insulting.

I mean it sucks. Trump is going to undo a lot of good Obama did.

However, as Democrats we need to focus on what we can control. We can't covert bigots. We need to focus on places where we can win and put our energy there. The whole social justice angle is just not that compelling to win elections.

We lost voters that voted for us last election. Massively. That's a huge and something we need to address.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Coworker of mine just said to another:

"Hey ___, surprised you didn't show up a white hood. I know you've had it in your closet a while, you can definitely bust it out now."
Hope still lingers at the end of the tunnel.

We just need to wait for a whole lot of people to die

Younger people are always lefter leaning. Then they grow up. These patterns haven't changed for years and years. As you get older and have to support a family you change and your priorities are less ideological and more things you think will practically impact your life.


So whatever happened to Hillary being the "electable" candidate?
Turns out "electable" only amounted to "bland" in the end. She drew like 10% less voters than Obama to the ballots, Trump was still down vs Romney, but not nearly as much. Had Hillary had the same draw as Obama she'd have slaughtered Trump.
I hope this is the right thread for what merkel said


https://twitter.com/antonwsj/status/796311131639971841 translation source and here in german

Honestly a lot of the blame about the rise is right-wing nationalism can be traced back to her immigration policy.



Clever girl. Whilst politicians around her were openly criticizing Trump and hoping for Clinton, Merkel said absolutely nothing in that regard. She detests Trump but hasn't shown it one bit. Typical Merkel fashion. Stay flexible and don't show your cards early whenever you can.


I think people are reading focusing on the wrong thing here. Yes, Trump win OMG blah blah blah.

The bigger story is a Republican party that has had countless gaffes, insulted tons of people, a group people on the internet and media said was dying and would be irrelevant in a couple years now owns all control of the government. They control all per of the government and the Democrats gifted then a supreme Court judge also.

This is the party that was going extinct and wouldn't even exist in a couple years due to his incompetent they are. The only dying party is the Democrats it would seem.
Democrats aren't going to suddenly lose our conscience or stop caring about facts just because we suffered a hard dicking from a bloated bully.


Younger people are always lefter leaning. Then they grow up. These patterns haven't changed for years and years. As you get older and have to support a family you change and your priorities are less ideological and more things you think will practically impact your life.
Aka you give up and become another drone

Leftism isn't even ideological it's material. It's the best option to support your family. People just get pushed the propaganda until they break.
I think people are reading focusing on the wrong thing here. Yes, Trump win OMG blah blah blah.

The bigger story is a Republican party that has had countless gaffes, insulted tons of people, a group people on the internet and media said was dying and would be irrelevant in a couple years now owns all control of the government. They control all per of the government and the Democrats gifted then a supreme Court judge also.

This is the party that was going extinct and wouldn't even exist in a couple years due to his incompetent they are. The only dying party is the Democrats it would seem.

The Democratic party tried to play it safe and this is the result. They completely forgot about 2008 election when Obama ran and he was hit on his lack of experience by both Hillary and McCain. But what was the end result? People didn't care because they wanted a breath fresh air. And so fast forward eight years and Republicans, whether you like Trump or not, go with a breath of fresh air candidate and Democrats select Hillary, a candidate that had previously been rejected by America.


It blows my mind how a woman could ever vote for Trump.

He sexually assaults women! Continually!

If you are a women voting for him you are basically saying you are ok with sexual assault and being treated like an object?


The saddest thing about this is climate change.

Social issues, economics etc can be fixed in the future. If we do nothing to combat climate change, the world is fucked. Four years of Trump as president pretty much spells doom.

I've already been thinking about whether I truly want to bring children into this world, this makes that decision even harder.

Same, this one of my biggest fears, also considering my career is dependent on such action remaining in place.
It wasn't her time because America was still dealing with its deep hatred.Likable or not she is/was the most qualified person to run

I find it crazy that we are blaming the left for not being kinder to racists and sexists. Rather than being open to discuss that this country is still filled with racism and sexism. Nah, we are just going to pretend otherwise. Darn if we can only hold hands while I get called a nigger.

You can make an argument that Hillary should have extended an olive branch to uneducated whites and sympathized with them but the entire left?


( ≖‿≖)
op-ed by New Yorker editor


The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.
Democrats aren't going to suddenly lose our conscience or stop caring about facts just because we suffered a hard dicking from a bloated bully.
You're missing my point, this has nothing to do with Trump. This party that everyone said wouldn't exist any more had complete control of the government. They lost two other branches also, this has nothing to do with your hatred of Trump because it's bigger than that. Republicans aren't dying, they've been growing in power as people forecasted them as irrelevant.


She has since won the popular vote, which changes her speech significantly. She's going to give it soon.
I was initial perplexed why she didn't, but it makes perfect sense to wait in this instance.

Crazy how a few states angry at the system and establishment caused this. Seriously a few hundred thousands votes out of over a 100 million decided who won.

They believed Trumps bullshit that he would bring jobs home. Perhaps he will? If he did it I would actually gain a minute amount of respect for him. But I sincerely doubt he will do anything. Just blowing smoke for votes. He will do nothing but make his friends and himself richer, whilst simultaneously making life more difficult for the poor and minorities.

Why do poor white people always vote against their own interests? Same thing happened with Brexit.


Welp, was it Francis Bacon who said, "Truth is the daughter of TIME not authority"?

I'm honestly not surprised by the outcome because Trump's opponent was absolutely terrible for being under FBI investigation twice while running for president, having leaked documents in which she confirmed her obvious duplicity, and having presided, as Secretary of State, over the bloody Libyan "regime change" the aftermath of which Obama admitted was "the worst mistake" of his presidency. The writing was on the wall; but the Dems picked her when they had a candidate that was usually polling better against Trump so they probably wanted to lose /sarc.

My first couple bans ever were obtained during this election period and, while I am sure they were completed deserved, I thought it wise to preserve my account by staying away from the forum until everything was resolved the way I expected. I am not dancing on the rooftop for President Trump, since I have my own concerns about him, but I definitely feel that my viewpoint was vindicated by the result.

Anyway, it's not the end of the world; Trump is President not King. I believe the media (who fed Clinton debate questions in advance) and other branches of government will do a better job keeping him in check than they would have done for Clinton. It also remains to be seen exactly what kind of President he'll be. His victory speech called for unity. I hope he takes that seriously going forward.


I should add, anyone predicting a Trump victory was guessing. It was pure political punditry to guess he was going to do as well as he did. People who "saw him coming", and will be wrong as shit next time an election comes along, because that's how punditry works.

Say what you will about polls tonight, their job is to make a scientific projection of an election. Part of science is being wrong, and adjusting your model, and that's what's going to happen tonight.

I'm going to continue to put my trust in polls over Michael Moore, or unskewed polls, or anyone else who takes a guess, lucky or not.
That reminds me of that guy who went absolutely NUTS in very early 2008 on that CNBC channel predicting the recession.

Sometimes a lone outsider who has a particularly special understanding is going to be correct and the greater paradigm is wrong.

That doesn't mean they were guessing.
The Democratic party tried to play it safe and this is the result. They completely forgot about 2008 election when Obama ran and he was hit on his lack of experience by both Hillary and McCain. But what was the end result? People didn't care because they wanted a breath fresh air. And so fast forward eight years and Republicans, whether you like Trump or not, go with a breath of fresh air candidate and Democrats select Hillary, a candidate that had previously been rejected by America.

You're also missing my point. Presidency wasn't the only thing up for grabs last night. You're too narrow minded thinking about Trump. This went beyond candidates.
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