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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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I think it's a mistake. CNN's exit polls show the exact opposite:

white college graduates: Trump 49/45
whites no degree: Trump 67/28

white college-grad men: Trump 54/39
white non-college men: Trump 72/23

Clinton is the second number

Ohh okay. I can accept minorities being more pro-Trump than predicted, but this being true would just turn my entire perception of reality on it's head :p
Any chance Trump is secretly a Democrat? I remember seeing a video saying even though he is registered Republican, he agreed more with Democrats.

I'm pretty sure he was a Democrat for quite a while. One of the things Republicans pointed out when the Access Hollywood video dropped was that he was a Democrat at that point. He was also a huge fan of both Bill and Hillary before this election.


Well I don't like it, but it is what it is. All I can do now is hope Trump actually has a really good presidency. He's our president now (or will be), so not wishing the best for his term doesn't help anyone.


The Birthday Skeleton

I hope Jimmy Fallon is proud of himself for that show humanising Trump as much as possible.
I'm at a lost for words but it was all right there from the beginning. The tea leaves were set a very very long time ago and Hillary and her campaign must realize this now.

As a proud American I cannot say that I am proud today at what half the country has decided to do. Repudiate Obama and his legacy, repudiate Hillary and embrace ALL that Trump symbolizes good, bad and ugly.

The pollsters were wrong, the data was wrong. The night started off and folks were saying Trump needed a miracle and how ironic that it would be Hillary who would need it.

But the American people have spoken loud and clear. This great nation is divided, perhaps like never before and now is the time for us to reach out to each other. As a Latino, as an American how unaware I was of the feeling of despair, disenfranchisement and resentment the other side of the aisle has had and had for years until it has finally boiled over into Trump winning the Presidency.

I won't bad mouth Trump because like it or not he is my President Elect and I have to trust that he along with the rest of the GOP will make strides to reach out to that other half that didn't not elect them.

As a "fan" I can't wait to get into the weeds of this in the upcoming days and read all the meaty articles and listen to the great coverage that will try to explain how polling failed. How the data for Hillary was all wrong. How did he crack the blue wall?

I love you America. I still think you're the best, but right now we're gonna have to work a little harder, grind just a little more to be the America the world knows us to be. To be the America we know we can be.
He is your president. Don't be a sort loser like right wingers we're the last 8 years.

Republicans won by being as terrible as possible to the Democrats since Obama was elected. Because it works. They deliberately ground congress and by extension the entire government, into a complete halt which sewed the sort of dissent that allowed for the rise of Trump. They gerrymandered their states in the aftermath of the 2010 census and elections, completely perverting the outcomes of elections in extremes we have never seen. They gutted the voting rights act and have been working to suppress the votes of likely democratic voters.

The end result? Both houses of congress. The presidency. And the supreme court. A majority of state governors and state legislators.

This thinking reminds me of guys you face in video games who get upset over characters and moves they think are unfair and yell at you to stop using them. Making up fake rules and etiquette is how you lose.
Supreme Court.

I'll possibly be looking my adult child in the eyes when the pendulum has a chance at swinging back.

Note: I don't currently have a child.

I have a three month old girl and this is incredibly disturbing. A Republican SCOTUS can lay some serious waste to civil liberties, environmental protection, etc. that my daughter now has to grow up with.


No man, she's going to get gunned down by the GOP now. LOCK HER UP was the rallying cry of choice, they have to follow through. The Clinton Foundation is done, the Clintons are done.

Trump in his victory speech complimented her and said "we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country" and he seemed legitimately sincere about it.
It was all just posturing.


Things were actually able to get done under Bill. Things actually got done under Bush(tax cuts, for example). The right brought a new level of obstructionism to the fore with Obama.

I don't really care about the validity of the outcries,i just it a fascinating display of human nature.


Unbelievable stat, 9% of registered Democrats voted Trump compared to 7% of Republicans who voted for Clinton according to the NYT.

Goes to show how awful a candidate Clinton was. The ramifications and recriminations have barely started of course but it will be fascinating to find out what actually happened and why.

The polling industry is in disarray. How did they get it so wrong?


Supreme Court.

I'll possibly be looking my adult child in the eyes when the pendulum has a chance at swinging back.

Note: I don't currently have a child.

He's going to fill the vacant seat, but the balance of power won't change because it was a conservative seat anyways.

People also forget Judges can surprise you. Roberts is a Bush appointment and he ended up being critical to the Obamacare ruling. Republicans wanted his head on a spike after that.

If another seat opens up there will be a cause for concern, however conservative judges don't always toe the conservative line.


A sophisticated, compassionate, NeoGAF Liberal. Nice.

Cute. You really expect people are going to be calm and reserved in response to this outcome, especially if they're in one of the many groups who would be harmed by a Trump presidency and the aftermath?
I left the UK just before Brexit happened, came back to the Philippines just before Duterte got elected and while I'm still here in the midst of the Philippines-China-US relations shenanigans going on, now Trump gets elected.

I'm in the nexus of hell


I want to be optimistic, but there was that point in his speech where he carefully took the time to mention his racist ass parents which was meant with massive applause.
Can someone link me to a video of Hillary's concession speech. I can't find it.


I'm devastated and can't quite believe it. I've never had a lower opinion of Americans than in this moment. You all have to learn the hard way, huh?


He's all over the place politically, but he's definitely not a hardline conservative outside of fiscal issues, he just plays one on tv and said whatever he thought would get him elected that week.

Its why he chose Pence, who is a lot more worrisome imo

I think Trump is going to delegate much of the political grunt work to Pence. Pence is basically going to shape policy.


Unbelievable stat, 9% of registered Democrats voted Trump compared to 7% of Republicans who voted for Clinton according to the NYT.

Goes to show how awful a candidate Clinton was. The ramifications and recriminations have barely started of course but it will be fascinating to find out what actually happened and why.

The polling industry is in disarray. How did they get it so wrong?

They were off by about 2%, which is a fairly normal polling miss. Less than many presidential elections. The big miss was the electoral college, which very few modelers realized was in a dicey situation post Comey 2.0.


I'm kind of scared at what's gonna happen. I hope the people who voted for him are right and that he does good in this country......
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