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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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It's flat out dangerous to just assume racism and sexism taking over America is why he won.

People are upset and pissed now, but eventually it's going to be worth diving in and seeing exactly what drove turnout for Trump and what suppressed it for Clinton.

While I'm absolutely not saying these aren't real issues in America today, I think there's more to the picture than that and we need to learn what before we try again.

I think we legitimately underestimated how sick of the Clinton machine the country is, even people in our own party. These are issues we can fix, but it requires looking past the easy racism/sexism answer sooner rather than later.
Great post. Also I think that Liberalism has lost its way. Instead of arguing for, and persuading people to your side, it's all name calling and anger. Nobody is going to consider your position when you lead off with "listen dumbass..."


I'm just going to smile today. Democracy worked last night. It just didn't work for the right party. Why? Corruption, money in politics, establishment politics, identity politics, and arrogance. All by the DNC. They screwed all of you democratic voters out of a perfect candidate, and a lot of of democratic voters sat back and took it, making excuses and contortions for Hillary.

People wanted anti-establishment, money out of politics, and a candidate with a promise for radical change. The DNC forced Hillary on you. And it's not like Bernie voters were going to just be ok with that. Look at how well Gary Johnson did last night if you want proof of this. 3-4 percent is many states. 3-4 percent that would have gave Hillary a fighting chance.

The DNC blew it. Democrats blew it. Single issue voters blew it. And we all failed Bernie.

Now we get to suffer through the strongest Republican government in HISTORY since the early 1900s.

Lessons learned, I hope.


So is Hillary going to jail now? I got very little sleep last night over this shit election results

No. The vast majority of Trump's campaign was cynical theater. His acceptance speech, which was weirdly normal and subdued, confirmed that.

Fox Mulder

A sophisticated, compassionate, NeoGAF Liberal. Nice.

It was a correct statement. Fuck everything republicans and their voters have done the last 8 years.

Meanwhile, Obama was never a secret Muslim trying to take guns away and invade Texas through closed walmarts. He just let gays have civil rights and people health care coverage.


Saw this coming. Knew there was going to be surprised people today...

The economy is slowing, Obama didn't really create any new jobs and failed to convert on new areas to create jobs. Our debt is through the roof and everyone is paying out of the ass for healthcare...Country was headed for disaster. People wanted change.


anyone else compiling a soundtrack?

The Doors - Riders On The Storm
The Beatles - Yesterday
Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
The Cranberries - Linger

It has to be 'The End' by The Doors. Was literally on my mind this morning.


I'm just going to smile today. Democracy worked last night. It just didn't work for the right party. Why? Corruption, money in politics, establishment politics, identity politics, and arrogance. All by the DNC. They screwed all of you democratic voters out of a perfect candidate, and a lot of of democratic voters sat back and took it, making excuses and contortions for Hillary.

People wanted anti-establishment, money out of politics, and a candidate with a promise for radical change. The DNC forced Hillary on you. And it's not like Bernie voters were going to just be ok with that. Look at how well Gary Johnson did last night if you want proof of this. 3-4 percent is many states. 3-4 percent that would have gave Hillary a fighting chance.

The DNC blew it. Democrats blew it. Single issue voters blew it. And we all failed Bernie.

Now we get to suffer through the strongest Republican government in HISTORY since the early 1900s.

Lessons learned, I hope.

Lessons? The American voter? Never.


I remember how I felt in 2004. I did not like George W. Bush and hated the Iraq War.

Now I am nostalgic.

Not saying there isn't the potential for something like that to happen, but nothing going on right now is as remotely bad as the Iraq War.

My big takeaway from this whole election is that our system of nominating and then voting for presidents is not really working for anyone. People across the whole spectrum of political beliefs seemed to have a hard time picking their candidate. I think the entire two party system is no longer functioning for a country that is as diverse as America is. I think this country has to do some serious reforms in the federal government if we want to heal the red vs blue divide , and to me that start with a diverse party system.


Welp, since it won him the Presidency. Anything that doesn't go my way I'm blaming it on Political Correctness. Since he used that every other sentence.
It was a correct statement. Fuck everything republicans and their voters have done the last 8 years.

Meanwhile, Obama was never a secret Muslim trying to take guns away and invade Texas through closed walmarts. He just let gays have civil rights and people health care coverage.

This is the big one.
I know alot of people who voted for Trump because their Obamacare premiums went up over 100%.
I'm curious as to how Walt Disney World update their Hall of Presidents attraction. Will it get an animatronic Donald Trump, and will he record a speech for it?

EDIT: Fuck; they work fast.

Maybe they'll build a wall around the Mexico portion of Epcot's World Showcase.


this might be telling:

don't know how much this subcategory tends to lean republican

So 24% of those who befitted under Obama voted for Trump? Presumably because of his social or foreign politics?
I'm at a post for words but it was all right there from the beginning. The tea leaves were set a very very long time ago and Hillary and her campaign must realize this now.

As a proud American I cannot say that I am proud today at what half the country has decided to do. Repudiate Obama and his legacy, repudiate Hillary and embrace ALL that Trump symbolizes good, bad and ugly.

The pollsters were wrong, the data was wrong. The night started off and folks were saying Trump needed a miracle and how ironic that it would be Hillary who would need it.

But the American people have spoken loud and clear. This great nation is divided, perhaps like never before and now is the time for us to reach out to each other. As a Latino, as an American how unaware I was of the feeling of despair, disenfranchisement and resentment the other side of the aisle has had and had for years until it has finally boiled over into Trump winning the Presidency.

I won't bad mouth Trump because like it or not he is my President Elect and I have to trust that he along with the rest of the GOP will make strides to reach out to that other half that didn't not elect them.

As a "fan" I can't wait to get into the weeds of this in the upcoming days and read all the meaty articles and listen to the great coverage that will try to explain how polling failed. How the data for Hillary was all wrong. How did he crack the blue wall?

I love you America. I still think you're the best, but right now we're gonna have to work a little harder, grind just a little more to be the America the world knows us to be. To be the America we know we can be.

Great post. Thanks for this.


I honestly do not think for one second that Donald Trump will allow for the legalization of gay marriage to be overturned.


This is somebody who has lived in NYC his entire life, who's attended gay weddings (for instance Donald Trump described one gay wedding he attended as "beautiful"), who has many life long gay friends...etc.

I genuinely think Donald Trump actually is in favor of gay marriage (just like his wife, and just like his children - who have gone on record in favor of gay marriage).

I am comfortable in saying that he won't allow for something as deplorable as gay marriage being overturned to occur.
10% on average of votes went to Johnson... Imagine if their vote actually counted instead of wasting on someone who didn't have a chance


Freaking unbelievable.

Seriously fuck the democrats. You outspent a billionaire, had a huge infrastructure, had one of the most experienced politicians running and you lost to a fucking joke. Total failure.

Donald was supposed to destroy the Republican Party and the fucking democrats destroyed themselves.

lol. :(

Fox Mulder

This is the big one.
I know alot of people who voted for Trump because their Obamacare premiums went up over 100%.

Because republicans obstructed and ensured it failed.

They were rewarded for the last 6 years or Washington gridlock with the most power since the 1920s.

Funky Papa

I know you guys hate the comparisons, but there's so much to parallel the brexit vote here.

I've been telling as much here and I've been told time and time again that minorities would save the day, that America wasn't a craddle of pasty racists like the UK and YASS QUEEN.

This is the angry scream of a silent yet large number of people who feel left out by traditional politics and who voted to a candidate who promised actual change (no matter how vacuous those promises may be) over other promising mere improvements. Sending Hillary against Trump was the equivalent to sending a lumbering armoured division to combat a ferocious, mobile and highly motivated guerrilla movement.

The Democratic party needs to lock itself in a room, think about its many mistakes and then start acting like they want to win not just the elections but the country.


I'm kind of scared at what's gonna happen. I hope the people who voted for him are right and that he does good in this country......

See this is the key. He's going to be the president now, so wishing anything other than a good run for him is completely idiotic. Even if one doesn't like him.


Is it so hard to believe that Obama's and the Democrats polices were NOT working for a LOT of families? Especially Obamacare and the healthcare sector in general?

It was a sick joke that Clinton thought Obamacare has been great and wants to expand it. Obamacare has been crushing millions of families, and people stood up and fought back.

The government massively intervened into healthcare and it got worse. How are you able to convince people that we need MORE government intervention and take over?


Tangential, yet related: After the Obama win there were tons of videos of Fox News melting down. Are there any of MSNBC from this year?


Congrats. America and the world need a change not the same old corrupt politicians.
Yep. They just picked the wrong candidate for it. I'm thinking back to all the condescending responses I got I Primary threads while preaching Bernies realistic chances.

Lot of folks eating crow with salt this morning. And a lot of I-told-you-so's being passed around.
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