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Final Fantasy XV $34.99 on Amazon PS4/XB1

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Hmm, do we have any idea yet when those story patches and adjustments they said they were going to do will release?

As a big FF fan, it pains me slightly I haven't picked this up yet... but I've been so busy I haven't had the time. Figured at this point I might as well wait till updates are out and maybe plays dishonored 2 first (on top of the other 5 or so games I'm slowing working through, sigh)


I feel like it's good to let people know the price for potential buyers but this thread will most likely turn into a negative sales (hope I'm wrong) thread when all games released around the holidays drop in price rather quickly. It's really business as usual


Junior Member
Applies to every game. Those who bought Witcher 3 at launch had to suffer through performance issues, messy UI and bugs.

No reason to say SE is an outlier here.
I played Witcher 3 at initial launch and outside of occasional minor quest bug, I had no issue with the game whatsoever. Witcher 3 came out as a complete product. No obvious terrible segment like XV's chapter 13, no missing story sequences with important characters dying offscreen, etc. XV wasn't complete.


this is part of the amazon daily deals an is going to end in a couple of hours.
Soon enough ms will offer FF XV as part of Christmas sales.


Also some people like to be apart of the zeitgeist of playing and discussing a game at launch. Mp populations also dwindle for some games after awhile.

The most annoying thing for me is these games being launched before they are done. So you get bad performance, missing features, etc. Seems to be happening a lot more this generation.

Well yeah sure I also like being part of the zeitgeist and play stuff I'm looking forward to ASAP. But at least I used to know that it would take some months for the game to get significantly cheaper.
Now that every other game seems to be selling for $30 2 weeks after release I'd probably never buy anything at launch if I lived in the US

It's 2-3 weeks. Most big releases will still have a very active OT and any multiplayer that isn't bad or broken will have as much or more people online than at launch.


Even if a temporary deal, isn't this excessive for a JUST released "AAA" game? I've been noticing that there's virtually no one talking about the game also. Curious to see sales figures


I am stupidly tempted to grab this, but all the negativity toward a certain chapter of the game, the likelihood that I'll hate it and quit at that point, and they're "fixing" that particular portion of the game, makes me think better of it.


Bit of a stupid sales question, but I'll ask here since it seems to be moving a lot faster than the other sales threads - is it better financially for a publisher to sell more games at a discounted price, or sell less games at full price? I've been surprised that Sony seems completely content to be selling The Last Guardian at full price pretty much world wide, whereas FFXV (Titanfall 2, etc) dropped in price quite quickly. Is it because TLG is a more niche title, so they probably wouldn't move that much product even with a price drop? I don't regret buying FFXV when I did, but I've been really surprised to see how quick the price drops have been for AAA games this year on console, I don't remember it being like this last year.

Don't think it really matters to publishers. It's the retailers offering discounts and eating the costs if they are discounting initial shipments no?
Sometimes the publisher pays back the price difference to the retailers if they want to sell their games at half-price or so:
Most often, publishers offered what are called "Back End Rebates" where an agreed to dollar amount off the wholesale price for each unit sold will be refunded to the retailer for lowering the retail price.

For example, a game that retails for $59.99 may have a wholesale price of call it $46.

The publisher wants to have the game sell for $30 on Black Friday, or a 50% off retail sale.

The retailer will put the game on sale, and tally the number of units sold. Let's call it 1,000 pieces sell at the discounted price.

The math isn't exact, but in this case the publisher would pay basically half the wholesale price (or around $23) to the retailer as a rebate for each unit sold, or around $23,000.

In a vast majority of cases, the publisher will take the hit on the discount, while retailer margin will be protected.

However, sometimes a retailer will decide to drop the price on its own for a number of reasons. In that case, the retailer would eat the discount.

Hope that helps.


Even if a temporary deal, isn't this excessive for a JUST released "AAA" game? I've been noticing that there's virtually no one talking about the game also. Curious to see sales figures
Not really, most games drop in price pretty fast. Going by camelcamelcamel, Uncharted 4 dropped to $40 less than a month after release, Gears of War went down to $30 a little over a month after release, Deus Ex was down to $40 a month after release, etc. It's just a common thing.

Also, the bolded is blatantly false.


I played Witcher 3 at initial launch and outside of occasional minor quest bug, I had no issue with the game whatsoever. Witcher 3 came out as a complete product. No obvious terrible segment like XV's chapter 13, no missing story sequences with important characters dying offscreen, etc. XV wasn't complete.

The combat could have used a few more months, though.


Glad I returned it after Plat-ing it last week, this game is far from being amazing.
As a magic fan, I really hated the spell system.


If people want to pay the Early Adopter Surcharge, it's their money to burn. I'm happy to wait and not pay through the nose for video games because DAY ONE! anymore.
I'm gonna guess that if I've disliked and/or been disinterested in every Final Fantasy since VII (excluding IX), there's nothing here that's gonna change my mind?
Never pay more than 20 bucks for a console game

Bought Halo 5 for $20 at a Fry's one day sale about a year back. Didn't enjoy the game so I put it up for sale on those apps where you can post things for sale. Almost about 6 months later I got a bite and sold for.... $20

The only game I've paid more than $50 this year is for Rock band Rivals guitar bundle (which isn't working)


Heck yeah! I was going to by this for full price to test out the PS4 Pro and KS8000 I bought, but I am glad I waited a bit. I was able to get this for free due to a $5 gift card Amazon gave me a month or so ago and also some Amazon Visa reward points I had built up.



Oh well, I think its a good game and worth the money, now if only they would fix performance issues.

Hello? SE? You there?


And there it is. Used the Prime Now code and got it for $28. Wasn't planning on spending any more money on myself this year but that's a great deal.



Oh well, I think its a good game and worth the money, now if only they would fix performance issues.

Hello? SE? You there?

Pls be excited for March 2017, and for now enjoy some shitty costumes we probably cut from the main game months ago.

The World of Final Fantasy pro fix being unmentioned for as long as it was, then slapped with a January date sums Square up.


Why would anyone in the US even keep buying games at launch?
It used to at least take a few months to see significant price drops on big releases. Now it seems like every big game is 50% off within 2-3 weeks of releasing. Even games that are, as far as we know, selling within expectations like Battlefield 1

This post is 100% fueled by salt from the fact that where I live games take months to drop in price and even then it means they are dropping from $70 to like $60 or $55

I can't speak for everybody that buys day 1. But i buy day 1 so I can play the game on day 1. The price I paid at launch vs now would be $15 difference but I've already platinumed it and am looking to start with the new game +. That's way worth it to me than the trivial amount of money I would have saved by buying it almost a month later.


Yup. Never buy games on day one anymore. You are literally throwing money away to play it at full price a few weeks early.

People were paying 1.5~2x the cost of RRP to play FF15 early... and disc only copies at that lol. I said such hindsight would hurt a week(s) after release when everyone else is playing for a normal price.

There is pre-ordering which is bad enough in this industry, then there is paying over the odds for broken street dates, or in the case of discs only, probably stolen copies lol. Patience my fellow humans.


90 hours in, still content to explore. A great value.

Used the 20% PSN coupon on the game + season pass so it was $60 all in, don't feel burned at all.


I opened this game, updated it, then read the news that they were patching in the rest of the game later, so I figured I'd wait and some buyer's remorse was coming. Didn't think it would be this soon though.


Why are people treating this as an unusual event? Pretty much every single AAA game was on sale for under $40 weeks after release this year.

Titanfall 2, Battlefield1, COD all sold for $35 (Legacy Edition $43 after GCU), Dishonored 2 sold for $25-30, Mafia 3 sold for $20, Hitman full season sold for $15-20. NBA 2K17 sold for $35 and so did Madden and NHL (maybe $30).

Let's repeat this, every single game was on fire sale this year at BF and the subsequent weeks. FF XV is certainly not an outlier. It just released after BF so you are seeing discounts now. This should not have been a surprise.
Why are people treating this as an unusual event? Pretty much every single AAA game was on sale for under $40 weeks after release this year.

Titanfall 2, Battlefield1, COD all sold for $35 (Legacy Edition $43 after GCU), Dishonored 2 sold for $25-30, Mafia 3 sold for $20, Hitman full season sold for $15-20. NBA 2K17 sold for $35 and so did Madden and NHL (maybe $30).

Let's repeat this, every single game was on fire sale this year at BF and the subsequent weeks. FF XV is certainly not an outlier. It just released after BF so you are seeing discounts now. This should not have been a surprise.
You know damn well why
Just got it for $10 for minimal effort.


1) https://www.groupon.com/deals/audible-174-174 … Sign in and claim this for free.
2) http://www.audible.com/at/redeem Redeem here on your Amazon account.

Give it about 5 or 10 minutes to show up. Gives you a $25 credit for free.

Edit: Only works for new Audible members.
Edit 2: You have to have Amazon Prime as well.

Trying to prevent any future heartbreak as this is blowing up.


You know damn well why
If it's just the FF XV hate train then people need to knock this shit off.

Just got it for $10 for minimal effort.

1) https://www.groupon.com/deals/audible-174-174 … Sign in and claim this.
2) http://www.audible.com/at/redeem Redeem here on your Amazon account.

Give it about 5 or 10 minutes to show up. Gives you a $25 credit for free.

You could do this with ANY game. This has nothing to do with FF in particular.
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