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Interested in picking up FFXV. World + combat enough to prop up bad story?


Based on the 15 hours I've played I wonder where the "amazing dungeons" compliment comes from? All the dungeons so far have been super linear caves with a different texture set and a regular enemy as the boss...

No cut-scenes, no puzzles, no nothing.


Unconfirmed Member
You called my comment "revisionist in the wake of FFXV".

It's not. That's been my consistent opinion of this series since I started playing it back in 1990-whatever.

Not because I'm making excuses for FFXV, but because the FF series having weak nonsensical story lines "is the reality we live in".

No I've been calling this argument in general(because it has popped up around the FFXV discussion a lot that's why I'm referring to that in my statement) revisionist in the wake of FF history as a whole.

Many of the beloved FF stories where true greats when they hit at the time for the whole medium of games. Many of them even inspiring people to become devs themselves.
Some of them arguably still hold up but that's another discussion.

You don't get to say they never were their strong point when that's the reality we live in.
It's like saying Star Wars the first trilogy was pretty meh for cinema, so Joseph Campbell textbook. Unremarkable brand of sci fi.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I had a terrible time with the red frogs. But the yellow frogs were easy as fuck once I realized that I could hear their ribbits when I was nearby.


As someone who tends to do every sidequest in RPGs, I thought FFXV activities are pretty lame. Fetch quests and 'Go kill that please' hunts are not what I consider fun or clever. Also, the game design is very paradoxial because if you do every quest, you end up overpowered for the story, so it's yet another case where developers don't know how to strike a balance between free roaming and story. This is the case of most open-world games by the way, and why I'm very skeptical about Breath of the Wild (another story this one!).

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I enjoyed the shit out of it even though the story is an unfinished mess.

Make sure you watch Kingsglaive first.. A lot of important stuff happens that you only hear about secondhand in the game.

It's absolutely worth playing IMO. Combat, music, characters, graphics, dungeons are all top notch.


Best jrpg of the gen. Having so much fun in it, still got tons of stuff to do after 150 hours. I careless about the story but they will have more DLCs coming, maybe the story will be better with a twist?


Based on the 15 hours I've played I wonder where the "amazing dungeons" compliment comes from? All the dungeons so far have been super linear caves with a different texture set and a regular enemy as the boss...

No cut-scenes, no puzzles, no nothing.

lmao, only one dungeon? wait til you play more dungeons lmao.
I enjoyed the game.
If you've played other FF games I'd rate it better... than FFVIII and FFXIII lol.

Combat is simple to a fault but still finds a way to be oddly satisfying.
The side quests are like all MMO style fetch quests/hunts... really inconsequential.
The music is great, feels really FF-like which XIII did not to me.
Story feels in line with most FFs but it really does have a lot of wasted potential if it wasn't so rushed at the end.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
As someone who tends to do every sidequest in RPGs, I thought FFXV activities are pretty lame. Fetch quests and 'Go kill that please' hunts are not what I consider fun or clever. Also, the game design is very paradoxial because if you do every quest, you end up overpowered for the story, so it's yet another case where developers don't know how to strike a balance between free roaming and story. This is the case of most open-world games by the way, and why I'm very skeptical about Breath of the Wild (another story this one!).

The actual development time for this game should have been expanded one more year to fix certain things. This certainly feels like a game that needs development around 4 years. While we have been waiting 10 years, the development for this final product was only around 3 years. I'm not sure they even had a chance for balancing checks before getting the game shipped out.

Zelda might not turn out so bad because they are given time to make it.


It hurts my head when I read something this stupid when in the FFXV ad campaign they had Ken Levine speak about how influential FF7's story to him was and what it meant for games and stories at the time.

Err, not really wanting to dive into the FF narrative pool, but the story of FFVII wasn't actually all that interesting to me, and I "guess" it was just the translation, but it had so many plot holes that were never addressed. The characters were the most memorable thing about it, but not necessarily what they were doing. I don't really care how many believe FFVII is the epitome of storytelling when IV, IX, but especially Tactics and VI were far more memorable to me. Without reading what Levine had to say, it was probably more about how FFVII was a proof of concept more than anything regarding what could potentially be done with the medium.

The Witcher 3 did not have bad story...Unless you're grading on super strict Steven Spielberg bar.

Huh? I never mentioned anything about the game having a bad story. I actually stated the opposite. The characters and stories were the only thing I found to be interesting at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Best jrpg of the gen. Having so much fun in it, still got tons of stuff to do after 150 hours. I careless about the story but they will have more DLCs coming, maybe the story will be better with a twist?

Let's be real that doesn't say anything. The west specifically hasn't had too many JRPGs yet this gen.
Like what are comparing this too? Atelier? Tales?

Err, not really wanting to dive into the FF narrative pool, but the story of FFVII wasn't actually all that interesting to me, and I "guess" it was just the translation, but it had so many plot holes that were never addressed. The characters were the most memorable thing about it, but not necessarily what they were doing. I don't really care how many believe FFVII is the epitome of storytelling when IV, IX, but especially Tactics and VI were far more memorable to me.
I don't want to be that ass to say that doesn't really add/subtract from the point I was making, but it doesn't add/subtract anything from the point I was making.
I appreciate it as a general comment on the topic though.


Based on the 15 hours I've played I wonder where the "amazing dungeons" compliment comes from? All the dungeons so far have been super linear caves with a different texture set and a regular enemy as the boss...

No cut-scenes, no puzzles, no nothing.

I've platinumed it and I've encountered in all of the game exactly two things one might think are puzzles at first, but both of them barely qualified for that. That was indeed a huge disappointment for me.


It was fun with some obvious design flaws. Combat was good. I found the world to be a bit empty and repetitive though. It just wasn't very fun to explore. Quests were pretty boring too.

Story wasn't bad, just not developed or explained enough. I think the core story is great actually, if only it was told better.

Now that I'm a week or so removed from beating it, I'd recommend buying it if you can get a good deal. Solid game but a bit weak as a Final Fantasy game and I wasn't that impressed with the world/quests.
From what I've read, the story isn't so great. However I'm itching for a JRPG, and if the consensus seems to be that the world/combat/things to do in the world are good enough, I'll probably bite on the Amazon deal currently running. Thanks!

I would say the answer is yes. The overarching story is pretty lame but the characters and interactions you have with all of them are great. Furthermore, pretty much everything (including the most mundane tasks) are all generally pretty fun to do. I wish I had gotten the game for $30 as I would've bought the season pass with it. I mean, you could get the game AND the season pass for less than $60


You don't get to say they never were their strong point when that's the reality we live in.
It's like saying Star Wars the first trilogy was pretty meh for cinema, so Joseph Campbell textbook. Unremarkable brand of sci fi.


It's his opinion. If the stories never clicked with him, they never did. What are you getting on about? This is some of the most backwards posting I've ever seen. Guy has said he's said from the beginning he thought the FF stories were unremarkable. Then you come back and say 'you can't say that, they were great'. That's like someone saying the Sonic games were never good. You can say that, if that's what you thought when they came out. I'm one of those people. Grew up with Sonic, I always thought the series was mediocre.

I don't get your argument.


Almost everything interesting about the world happens off-screen. The combat is okay, but repetetive and button-mashy, and will never be as complex as the old turn-based systems allowed.

Having played every FF since V, I would say this is the second worst.


I played through it without any preconceived notions when it came out. I honestly didn't even have any big issues with the story. I beat it and enjoyed it for what it was. The main complaint I've seen/heard is that some events aren't fleshed out enough and that it's a lot of missed potential. I will agree, but I don't think it should take away from how absolutely fun the game is. My game of the year for sure.


Much to my surprise, I ended up enjoying it. Surprised because I don't generally care for open worlds, I didn't like the combat in any of the previous demos and the story ended up disappointingly disjointed and poorly told. Despite those factors, I just couldn't put it down. And the postgame is really good, with some fun dungeons.


Unconfirmed Member

It's his opinion. If the stories never clicked with him, they never did. What are you getting on about? This is some of the most backwards posting I've ever seen. Guy has said he's said from the beginning he thought the FF stories were unremarkable. Then you come back and say 'you can't say that, they were great'. That's like someone saying the Sonic games were never good. You can say that, if that's what you thought when they came out. I'm one of those people. Grew up with Sonic, I always thought the series was mediocre.

I don't get your argument.

This was never about personal opinion but a commentary about a stupid narrative that has risen within the release of FFXV that is just factually untrue.
Like I said in my opinion black is pink. Because it's muh opinion??? What do you say to that???
It doesn't change the fact that black is not pink.


Based on the 15 hours I've played I wonder where the "amazing dungeons" compliment comes from? All the dungeons so far have been super linear caves with a different texture set and a regular enemy as the boss...

No cut-scenes, no puzzles, no nothing.

The structure of the dungeons are pretty cool, at least the later ones are. The enemy and boss encounters in them are great as well, but this depends on how much you like the battle system.

hemo memo

Gold Member
The bolded is your problem. If you just hold O, it will become a Potion Drinking Simulator. Otherwise, you can probably get unscathed in most battles.

Jump and attack, finishers, changing weapons between attacks, wrap attack. No it's not holding square.


This was never about personal opinion but a commentary about a stupid narrative that has risen within the release of FFXV that is just factually untrue.
Like I said in my opinion black is pink. Because it's muh opinion??? What do you say to that???
It doesn't change the fact that black is not pink.

So, because someone has an opinion that fits within a narrative, it's to be dismissed?

To use your strange color metaphor, why are you so quick to jump to white and black when the world is filled with grays?


This was never about personal opinion but a commentary about a stupid narrative that has risen within the release of FFXV that is just factually untrue.
Like I said in my opinion black is pink. Because it's muh opinion??? What do you say to that???
It doesn't change the fact that black is not pink.

You are honestly, SERIOUSLY arguing that Final Fantasy games have objectively great stories?

For real?

It's his opinion. If the stories never clicked with him, they never did. What are you getting on about? This is some of the most backwards posting I've ever seen. Guy has said he's said from the beginning he thought the FF stories were unremarkable. Then you come back and say 'you can't say that, they were great'. That's like someone saying the Sonic games were never good. You can say that, if that's what you thought when they came out. I'm one of those people. Grew up with Sonic, I always thought the series was mediocre.

I don't get your argument.

Exactly. And I thought I made it clear that I judge the basis for "good story" on fiction as a whole, explicitly calling out fantasy novels and comic books (which I was most certainly reading when those FFs came out) as being so far past even the best FF that these games aren't even in the same discussion.

Where is the FF equivalent of Watchmen? The FF equivalent of Kraven's last hunt? Knightfall? Days of future past? The Hyperion Cantos? Game of Thrones? Dark Tower? A wrinkle in time?

FF has never been anywhere close to the level of these works in terms of fiction, but this is the bar that for ME a work needs to hit in order to qualify as "good story." You weren't exposed to these things early and often then that's a shame, but it doesn't make FF7 a masterwork just because you weren't aware of what else exists.


Unconfirmed Member
So, because someone has an opinion that fits within a narrative, it's to be dismissed?

To use your strange color metaphor, why are you so quick to jump to white and black when the world is filled with grays?
You're just being silly now. You do you and make any statements you want with your only defense being "it's muh opinion". That's basically like saying I don't want to engage.
So I'm also not going to engage. That doesn't even go into the fact that you're making 0 sense with that last sentence.

Exactly. And I thought I made it clear that I judge the basis for "good story" on fiction as a whole, explicitly calling out fantasy novels and comic books (which I was most certainly reading when those FFs came out) as being so far past even the best FF that these games aren't even in the same discussion.

Where is the FF equivalent of Watchmen? The FF equivalent of Kraven's last hunt? Knightfall? Days of future past? The Hyperion Cantos? Game of Thrones? Dark Tower? A wrinkle in time?

FF has never been anywhere close to the level of these works in terms of fiction, but this is the bar that for ME a work needs to hit in order to qualify as "good story." You weren't exposed to these things early and often then that's a shame, but it doesn't make FF7 a masterwork just because you weren't aware of what else exists.

Can you fucking stop making this argument about me??? It just shows you don't get it at all?
I haven't even talked about my own opinion of FF7 like at all. And I'm going to leave it at that cause you've not shown me to be worth engaging with.
Say the moon has the shape of a cube in your opinion for all I care, same difference at this point.


Why would you spend 120 hours on a game that you thought had horrible combat when the story is relatively short and at 120 hours you would be doing a lot of combat. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong because it's yours but I'm legitimately confused as to why you would invest so much time in a game that you thought the combat was shit.

Because I like to do everything on FF games, bar dlc which I won't get, but at least I can mark this game out of the list as done, and the only main game I have left to do that would be FFII but I can't get past the combat system, some day I might try, but it's not like FFXV where I can shoot down my mind and go from hunt to hunt, or sidequests to sidequest until everything is done.

Also fishing takes a lot of time in certain instances.


You're just being silly now. You do you and make any statements you want with your only defense being "it's muh opinion". That's basically like saying I don't want to engage.
So I'm also not going to engage. That doesn't even go into the fact that you're making 0 sense with that last sentence.


Someone said they never thought the FF games had good stories, even when they played them fresh. You dismissed them because of recent posts from people saying the FF stories were never that good. Some of those people might just be having kneejerk reactions or aren't thinking clearly, but some of them are legitimate opinions that you just dismiss because of recent rumblings.

Well, enjoy dismissing opinions and never growing as a person.
The actual development time for this game should have been expanded one more year to fix certain things. This certainly feels like a game that needs development around 4 years. While we have been waiting 10 years, the development for this final product was only around 3 years. I'm not sure they even had a chance for balancing checks before getting the game shipped out.

Zelda might not turn out so bad because they are given time to make it.

I don't even time would have fixed the fundamental flaws in the combat and progression. Zelda is probably going to turn out fine because they're making progression gear oriented rather than using levels of any kind, combined with aggressive durability, makes exploration more worthwhile. I also thnk the korok Sidequest on the great plateau is what we can expect from most Sidequests in the game.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I don't even time would have fixed the fundamental flaws in the combat and progression. Zelda is probably going to turn out fine because they're making progression gear oriented rather than using levels of any kind, combined with aggressive durability, makes exploration more worthwhile. I also thnk the korok Sidequest on the great plateau is what we can expect from most Sidequests in the game.

There is several fixes to combat, progression, and balancing that would make this a much better refined product.


FFXV is fantastic. It's in the running for my Game of the Year, competing with DOOM and Pokemon Sun and Moon.

I love its characters, its world, and yes, its plot, even if the narrative is loosely structured in some regards. The game is full of neat concepts, cool lore and memorable moments, and the dots all connect, albeit hurriedly sometimes. But I always wanted to see what happened next, and I thoroughly enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) every moment in it. It's a wonderful experience, one that I frankly am enjoying more than FFVII, which I'm playing for the first time alongside it. Oh, and the ending is SO GOOD. The most moving ending in a videogame since The Last of Us and 999... Heck, it gave me similar feelings to the endings of Pan's Labyrinth and Titanic. Thematically, this game is strong. FFXV has tremendous heart.

And the combat is sublime. It has this scrappy quality to it, which feels a bit frantic at first but quickly becomes second-nature as you warp-strike in and out of the fray, phasing through attacks, toppling enemies with broadsword strikes, air-dancing with daggers, shattering appendages with a satisfying crunch, and imploding the entire goddamn battlefield with magic that actually feels POWERFUL. Seriously, it's so good. Most exhilarating combat system I've experienced in a JRPG.

The dungeon design is also top-notch. Some take multiple hours, and one is entirely composed of platforming — no enemies — and it works brilliantly. Of course, the enemy encounters are also great. One of the best bestiaries I've ever seen. And the art direction, writing, VA and music? Lawd. So good.

Can't stop thinking about this game. I simply adore it, and I can't wait to see what they add.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
How varied is the open world environment. Be brutally honest. Is it just the desert and green field environments? Not talking about cities or towns.

I mean, what have you seen before?

The first area is desert, but when the second area becomes available you get forested areas that look like they came from the US Pacific Northwest, wetlands, riverbeds, mountains, and craters.
FFXV is fantastic. It's in the running for my Game of the Year, competing with DOOM and Pokemon Sun and Moon.

I love its characters, its world, and yes, its plot, even if the narrative is loosely structured in some regards. The game is full of neat concepts, cool lore and memorable moments, and the dots all connect, albeit hurriedly sometimes. But I always wanted to see what happened next, and I thoroughly enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) every moment in it. It's a wonderful experience, one that I frankly am enjoying more than FFVII, which I'm playing for the first time alongside it. Oh, and the ending is SO GOOD. The most moving ending in a videogame since The Last of Us and 999... Heck, it gave me similar feelings to the endings of Pan's Labyrinth and Titanic. Thematically, this game is strong. FFXV has tremendous heart.

And the combat is sublime. It has this scrappy quality to it, which feels a bit frantic as first but quickly becomes second-nature as you warp-strike in and out of the fray, phasing through attacks, toppling enemies with broadsword strikes, air-dancing with daggers, shattering appendages with a satisfying crunch, and imploding the entire goddamn battlefield with magic that actually feels POWERFUL. Seriously, it's so good. Most exhilarating combat system I've experienced in a JRPG.

The dungeon design is also top-notch. Some take multiple hours, and one is entirely composed of platforming — no enemies — and it works brilliantly. Of course, the enemy encounters are also great. One of the best bestiaries I've ever seen.

Neiteio never lies.
^ one my Trusted Gaf members
except when the day comes and he acknowledges RE7 as a true resident evil :(
I'm on the fence myself, I have really not liked any Final Fantasy since (and including) VII, except for IX.

On the other hand, I do like Kingdom Hearts style gameplay (that this was supposed to have a decade ago, not sure if it held up to that).


There is a volcano, there are forests and rivers

That's more than he mentioned, no?

You're being technically correct - the worst kind of correct.

The volcano is basically a dungeon and 'forests and rivers' was already covered by the 'green' part; you're left with Desert Area and Episode Duscae Area.

What the poster was probably asking is if the other environments shown in the trailers - of which there are many - are explorable areas. And the answer is no. The trailers make you think there's an ice area, some post-apocalyptic red area, the place Luna is from, etc, etc, and those are not open world and explorable.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's easily worth it.

It's funny because it's clearly "missing" a lot. But that's considering that we're talking about a 10 year pie-in-the-sky story scenario parsed down into what is still a massive bellyfull of a game.

What's there is still a LOT of game. Gameplay-wise? Yes, easily. Even storywise... it's got more than you'd think when you hear it's "unfinished"... and the characters and general progression through the game still give plenty of feels. You'll see the seams of what's missing... but you'll still get a lot out of it.

I think once that story patch comes in, it will go down as a classic (similar to FF14 2.0, I suppose). Will it realize the loftiest ambition of Versus or early XV trailers? Probably not. But it's already a great package I think fondly of, and it will only get better. Play it now, though, and play the patched version on New Game plus later on.


Neiteio never lies.
^ one my Trusted Gaf members
except when the day comes and he acknowledges RE7 as a true resident evil :(
Ha! Well, I have the same concerns about RE7. I already miss the emphasis on characters and combat. But RE7 is looking promising. Resident Evil is many things, so I bet it'll fit in its own way. :)
Was not worth the price of admission in my opinion, but mileage may vary. Depends largely on how much you dislike the story. Some people love it. I dislike it with a passion.


The story's actually pretty good, it's the narrative that's bad. But, yes the game is great fun just wandering the world and doing sidequests even if they are mostly of the fetch-variety.
Ha! Well, I have the same concerns about RE7. I already miss the emphasis on characters and combat. But RE7 is looking promising. Resident Evil is many things, so I bet it'll fit in its own way. :)

I trust that you will write a review one day
That's going to decide if I buy it at a pawn shop for 5 dollars,play on easy mode (if possible with cheats) just to say I've completed every RE since the series launched.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
No I've been calling this argument in general(because it has popped up around the FFXV discussion a lot that's why I'm referring to that in my statement) revisionist in the wake of FF history as a whole.

Many of the beloved FF stories where true greats when they hit at the time for the whole medium of games. Many of them even inspiring people to become devs themselves.
Some of them arguably still hold up but that's another discussion.

You don't get to say they never were their strong point when that's the reality we live in.
It's like saying Star Wars the first trilogy was pretty meh for cinema, so Joseph Campbell textbook. Unremarkable brand of sci fi.

Uh... most FF stories were never exactly what I call great. I guess, perhaps, "videogame great" or maybe "console RPG great", and even then, maybe 1 or 2 out of all the releases. That's not to say that I didn't love them, but it was more about the entire package and my love for the RPG genre itself.
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