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Interested in picking up FFXV. World + combat enough to prop up bad story?


Play it without UI and in Japanese (with subtitles). It then becomes a decent adventure game that hides the flaws (intrusive UI, terrible English voice acting and script).


If you do end up buying, ignore 99% of the side quests. You will quickly lose the will to live if you don't.


I got it for 30 at launch and already unloaded it. To each their own (obviously).

Gorgeous game/presentation. Decent music. Combat is initially fun but feels random as hell after a while. I don't like the way the magic system is handled. Most importantly I just can't get into the story, or its poor exposition at least. And yeah I've seen Kingsglaive.

Also worth noting how poorly this handles the "pro" mode on PS4. Deal breaker for me considering this game was one of the reasons I upgraded.


It doesn't go much beyond eye candy.

If you want to experience a good looking world,with good looking monsters & good looking(but lacks depth & rife with a myriad of problems) combat then this is the game for you.


I've personally spent 40~ hours doing nothing but sidequests, hunts, and exploration. I'm only on chapter 5. I'm having fun so far and will appreciate the game even if story does end up shitting the bed later on, as i've heard.

Not everyone will agree with me, but there's fun to be had there.

I have had a blast, about 40 hours in, basically done with Chapter 9. Haven't had any time to play after I got there.
Game is solid. I'm only on chapter 4 or so myself, but that's because I've been spending 20+ hours exploring, hunting, and side questing.

If you're looking for a linear way to play through your favorite anime tropes again this game is absolutely not that.

This game is structured a lot more like the Dragon Age games- the draw is in the hunts, open world, and side quests. At least so far.
If inquisition was a little more polished with a combat system that wasn't brain dead I'd expect it to turn out like FFV.


You get the whole picture but it's fuzzy in terms of story. I enjoyed the combat and presentation of the world and the whole bond of the squad was fun. It's definitely a "the journey is better then then destination" type of thing regardless if the story was more fleshed out.

It does lack some small nuances current open world games have which might distract you.
Its getting good scores despite the story getting rushed towards the end. The games mechanics are very strong and its much more polished than most big open world rpgs.

Im 110 hours in and still digging it.


Potion Drinking Simulator XV

The gameplay is alright but it's more style over substance. The DNA is there for something compelling but it usually turns into holding O.

A lot of encounters will just be whittling at something's HP as hugely inconsistent parry windows rob you of cool finishers and moves, as you get one-shot over and over, drink potions and never get a game over.


Someone in the OT once said "There's not a single side-quest in the game that's worth doing."

Having completed a fair number of side-quests, I'm inclined to agree with them.

Copy+paste quest design at its worst.
As bad as, or worse than The Witcher 3? If so, I might just pass on this. I wasn't getting a Pro for this game anyway (Horizon/Nioh).

That poster is crazy. Combat in this is great. Weapon types are distinct from each other (guns, broadsword, great sword, spears, daggers, shields, etc) and easily switched on the fly, phase defense and parrying is crucial to victory and quite fun.

And the warp mechanic is awesome. Nothing like warping in for a critical hit, calling a buddy in for the assist and just piggybacking off that and crushing an enemy.

You can even end up with some pretty powerful magic damned early if you pay attention to infusing items into your spell creation.
It's not as bad of a story as people make it seem. By the time I the ending credits were rolling I actually felt like I had gone on a journey, and felt really attached to the characters.
Potion Drinking Simulator XV

The gameplay is alright but it's more style over substance. The DNA is there for something compelling but it usually turns into holding O.

A lot of encounters will just be whittling at something's HP as hugely inconsistent parry windows rob you of cool finishers and moves, as you get one-shot over and over, drink potions and never get a game over.

The bolded is your problem. If you just hold O, it will become a Potion Drinking Simulator. Otherwise, you can probably get unscathed in most battles.


Finished the game after 120 hours, these are my impressions:

  • The combat is horrible, the lack of strategy whatsover or meaningful options is terrible.
  • I loved using Elixirs and Hi-Elixirs, since I never waste them on any of the other games.
  • I didn't find anything wrong with Chapter 13 as many people did, I actually have no idea why they complained about it, it was a great change of pace for the whole boredom that the game was.
  • Shiva was the highlight of the game
  • The story wasn't that bad, the combat was very bad.
  • The characters during Chapter 14 were so much better than the rest of the game. If they would have been like that all the time I wouldn't have hated Prompto.
Even if the story wasn't told as well as it could have been I found the villain to be really memorable. Great voice acting and presence.

I'm already 90 hours into the game and am on my second playthrough. Game of the year by far.


As bad as, or worse than The Witcher 3? If so, I might just pass on this. I wasn't getting a Pro for this game anyway (Horizon/Nioh).

Does it make sense to say that it has better but less balanced combat than Witcher 3?

Witcher 3's combat is balanced well against every encounter in that game.

FFXV have better combat overall, but there are groups of enemies/some encounters where you will be like: I'm just gonna keep using potions/phoenix dawn until one of us win I guess.

It can be a mess sometimes as much as it can be fun.
As bad as, or worse than The Witcher 3? If so, I might just pass on this. I wasn't getting a Pro for this game anyway (Horizon/Nioh).
witcher 3 at least feels properly balanced. Nothing in FFXV feels like it was properly thought through. Enemies have twitch like attacks that require instant reflexes to dodge, however the games attacks are all based on animation lock. Its like if you dropped a bloodborne character into devil may cry. Theres no fun variety in combat, and the game lvoes to throw hordes of enemies at you despite again having combat more aligned with slower action games. Party members are braindead and best ignored. And enemies are mostly one note.

Despite this the game never poses a challenge. Enemies are as braindead as your teammates. Most of them flail around like idiots trying to hit you if you use aerial attacks. There is a ludicrous number of ways to go invincible, so you never actually have to dodge with the Hold Square to auto dodge for mp thing, which is really useless anyway since many things will hit you through it. Instead, "Rescue" a dying teammate for 3 seconds of invulnerability (at least one of them will always be "Dying" state), Activate a party member skill to go invul for up to 15 seconds, or use a point warp for 1 second of invul. After dodging whatever large AoE required dodge, go back to wailing on whatever idiot you are fighting that is too dumb to hit you.

Now granted I didnt bother with any of the side content because I was waay too bored to do anymore, but the final chapter had 3 bosses in a row, the final one was a joke but even the sponge that took 20 minutes to kill before him still only hit me like 6 times total, and that was because the terrible camera kept going dumb while I was trying to highlight a warp point.
I found combat to be inherently frustrating because of the lack of ways to command the braindead allies. But people seem to enjoy the world, so maybe you'll enjoy that.


How varied is the open world environment. Be brutally honest. Is it just the desert and green field environments? Not talking about cities or towns.
As bad as, or worse than The Witcher 3? If so, I might just pass on this. I wasn't getting a Pro for this game anyway (Horizon/Nioh).

Opinions and all, but I found XV's combat to be a blast. Easily one of my favorite ARPG systems, and better than Witcher 3 (though I honestly wouldn't compare them since they're suited to different things).


If for reference FFXV's combat is a 10/10, Witcher 3's is about a 3/10. Some people in this thread have got to be kidding me.

I mean, it looked fun to me, but then there's no real way to tell how it all comes together in the end until you're actually the one playing it. I don't really want a game where I can either mix things up "just because" so I don't get bored, or alternatively just hold O most of the time because that's how it was intentionally designed.

After hearing about the upcoming updates though, I more than likely wouldn't bother getting it until the bigger updates were already released. Wasn't getting a Pro until the end of next month anyway.

Finished the game after 120 hours, these are my impressions:

  • The combat is horrible, the lack of strategy whatsover or meaningful options is terrible.
  • I loved using Elixirs and Hi-Elixirs, since I never waste them on any of the other games.
  • I didn't find anything wrong with Chapter 13 as many people did, I actually have no idea why they complained about it, it was a great change of pace for the whole boredom that the game was.
  • Shiva was the highlight of the game
  • The story wasn't that bad, the combat was very bad.
  • The characters during Chapter 14 were so much better than the rest of the game. If they would have been like that all the time I wouldn't have hated Prompto.

The opinions in this thread regarding the combat are so diametrically opposed it's hilarious.

Witcher 3's combat is balanced well against every encounter in that game.

FFXV have better combat overall, but there are groups of enemies/some encounters where you will be like: I'm just gonna keep using potions/phoenix dawn until one of us win I guess.

It can be a mess sometimes as much as it can be fun.

It's not though. It's laughably not balanced in the slightest. It starts out "kind of" hard just because you have zero skills and garbage weapons. The hitboxes also make swarm encounters more annoying than they should be (but it's really only an issue early on). After around level 10 it drops to "everything is relatively easy, aside from bosses, but most bosses you can just burn with Igni and laugh while they can't touch you". By the mid teens, if you weren't already playing on Death March, it's time to turn the difficulty up just so you aren't bored to tears. On my recent playthrough, I was hunting down enemies 10+ levels above me just for any kind of challenge. If they could burn or be dropped by Aard though, they were still no challenge. If you do a hybrid build that includes whirl, the "balance" is entirely thrown into the incinerator.


What are you basing it off of that the story is bad? I would say the story is pretty fantastic, however the delivery of said story isn't all that great. If you can sort of connect all the pieces on your own then I think you'd be pleasantly surprised OP. But beyond that, yes, the world and combat are pretty top notch.
The beauty of the game is that it opens up to all the side quests/hunts/exploration basically from the get go, so you can really dig into doing a lot of that, especially if you're a true JRPG fan and are really big into doing the collectibles, level grinding, and exploration. I'm still on chapter 3, yet I feel like I can keep doing most of the side stuff, level up as much as I want, and just breeze through the story once I'm satisfied with the side stuff.


I had no idea what the plot was, and I couldn't care less. Like, if someone had a gun to my head, I still couldn't tell you the story.


Man, this thread hasn't made things easier! .

How so? The vast majority of people here are telling you it is a good investment. If you were expecting 100% recommendations from everyone, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How varied is the open world environment. Be brutally honest. Is it just the desert and green field environments? Not talking about cities or towns.

No. There are more.


How varied is the open world environment. Be brutally honest. Is it just the desert and green field environments? Not talking about cities or towns.

Pretty much.

There's some small variations (a beach at the edge of the desert; a mountian). But that's about it. Don't go in expecting any environmental surprises.
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