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Alt-Right Infighting Simmers Around Inaugural 'DeploraBall'

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I skimmed through that dude with the Hogan beard's video...funniest thing he said was "I fought in the trenches...in flash mobs."


Another alt-right leader, author and organizer of the DeploraBall, Mike Cernovich, appears to have reached out directly to Treadstone to tell him it was not wise to raise the "JQ?" — or Jewish Question when he is a featured guest at the event. Cernovich also urged no Nazi salutes either, a gesture popular with the movement.

It's 2017 now and this is a legit request that someone has made. Jesus tapdancing christ.

Others sided with Treadstone and took to burning Cernovich's book Gorilla Mindset.

Well, at least they honor their traditions.
You can't refer to yourself as a "Deplorable" in a sarcastic manner if you are, in actuality, a deplorable peice of shit. Is not understanding sarcasm an inherent trait among right-wingers? Is this why they read some strangely worded emails and end up believing in a Pizza place being the epicenter of a sex trafficking ring?


You can't refer to yourself as a "Deplorable" in a sarcastic manner if you are, in actuality, a deplorable peice of shit. Is not understanding sarcasm an inherent trait among right-wingers? Is this why they read some strangely worded emails and end up believing in a Pizza place being the epicenter of a sex trafficking ring?

I've noticed right-wingers in general have a terrible lack of self awareness. That's why they're so quick to scream at you for stooping to their level.
See with the liberals down and out and no big bad Clinton-like opponent to fight against, they're bored.

They NEED conflict, they NEED strife, they can't function without it.

In time they'll turn on Trump and everything they helped to build.

Yup. When poor white people realize they been sold a bunch of horse shit and automation not Mexicans is killing their jobs, and the top 1% not people on welfare sucking the econodry they gonna get real mad*

*at minorities, as usual.


tl;dr: Jews

I don't fucking understand what these dudes have against jewish people good lord.

The religious ones dislike Jews because of traditional Christian antisemitism rooted in religious rivalry and Jesus being killed. The Nazi ones hate Jews because they believe Jews are a different race who infiltrate host societies and work their way into positions of power to benefit themselves and not the ethnic group who the land belongs to.


Get out of here with that shit. You're equating enjoying anime to being a nazi. How is this not bannable?

The fact that there is still, and even worse, a growing anti-Semitic sentiment when there are people who lived through the Holocaust still alive today is fucking terrifying.

I think the only good that can come from this coming into the open is the number of well-off, white, Jewish Republicans (my Aunt and Uncle) who voted Republican in the past and voted Trump this year (my Aunt and Uncle) who are now absolutely horrified by what is being said on their side of the alley about them, where they no longer have the privilege to not be affected by hate and prejudice (my Aunt and Uncle).


tl;dr: Jews

I don't fucking understand what these dudes have against jewish people good lord.
These are people who believe that Jewish people are engaged in a conspiracy to wipe out the white race through race mixing. Don't try to make sense of this.


Get out of here with that shit. You're equating enjoying anime to being a nazi. How is this not bannable?
No one is saying that. It's fine to like anime. There is a real corrilation between people posting although right shit, and people with anime avatars. That doesn't mean everyone who likes anime or who has an anime avitar is at roght, or even that all alt righters like anime, but the correlation is there.
"The Deploraball is apparently an attempt at a sanitized, cuckolded, pro-Jew version of the NPI conference."

FFS do they ever love the term cuckold.

It really betrays an overriding sense of insecurity behind the whole thing.

Most people don't worry about cuckholding, it's honestly more revealing of their own insecurities.
Speaking as someone who's been watching anime forever, the anime avatar correlation is a real thing.

Bull fucking shit.
I don't even care if this is bait or trolling or just a terrible joke, there's so many times where people get shit on or called terrible people on this forum because.... they like anime? And they use such as an avatar?

How, in any universe, is having a two dimensional picture representing yourself supposed to correlate to thinking that certain races of humanity should be wiped off the planet?

No one is saying that. It's fine to like anime. There is a real corrilation between people posting although right shit, and people with anime avatars. That doesn't mean everyone who likes anime or who has an anime avitar is at roght, or even that all alt righters like anime, but the correlation is there.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

That's like saying there's a correlation between people who like the color green, and serial killers. Are there serial killers who like the color green? I'm sure there are. Do the two points have *fucking anything* to do with each other?


Bull fucking shit.
I don't even care if this is bait or trolling or just a terrible joke, there's so many times where people get shit on or called terrible people on this forum because.... they like anime? And they use such as an avatar?

How, in any universe, is having a two dimensional picture representing yourself supposed to correlate to thinking that certain races of humanity should be wiped off the planet?

Would I get in trouble if I posted a "He mad" picture? I'll let my question stand in its place, because it's sorely needed.



You should save your outrage for the white nationalists who have, in certain online circles like 4chan, willingly adopted the use of anime avatars as one of their binding signal on par with the term "cuck" or Pepe the Frog or the number 88, instead of people for acknowledging the signals.
Bull fucking shit.
I don't even care if this is bait or trolling or just a terrible joke, there's so many times where people get shit on or called terrible people on this forum because.... they like anime? And they use such as an avatar?

How, in any universe, is having a two dimensional picture representing yourself supposed to correlate to thinking that certain races of humanity should be wiped off the planet?

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

That's like saying there's a correlation between people who like the color green, and serial killers. Are there serial killers who like the color green? I'm sure there are. Do the two points have *fucking anything* to do with each other?

You should be angry.

But you should be angry at the alt-right for quite blatantly and purposefully using anime avatars and memes as part of their propaganda machine, not at someone for pointing out to you that they're doing so.

They're basically turning anime into the 21st Century Swastika, and yelling at people who tell you that's what they're doing isn't going to fix the problem.


Unconfirmed Member
I am fascinated by the constant fear of being cuckolded.

I'm increasingly confused as to whether they even know what it actually means. How can a conference be cuckolded? Was ComiCon making a move on CPAC behind NPI's back or something?


Bull. Fucking. Shit.

That's like saying there's a correlation between people who like the color green, and serial killers. Are there serial killers who like the color green? I'm sure there are. Do the two points have *fucking anything* to do with each other?
Man you're getting really mad over this, and I'm not sure why. I like anime, quite a bit but I'm not going to deny a connection when I see one. I'm not going to link news stories because I'm on mobile, but Google "alt right anime avatars", and see for yourself.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
See with the liberals down and out and no big bad Clinton-like opponent to fight against, they're bored.

They NEED conflict, they NEED strife, they can't function without it.

In time they'll turn on Trump and everything they helped to build.
Basically. All that's left to do is just sit back and watch a bunch of alt right idiots destroy each other.
You should be angry.

But you should be angry at the alt-right for quite blatantly and purposefully using anime avatars and memes as part of their propaganda machine, not at someone for pointing out to you that they're doing so.

They're basically turning anime into the 21st Century Swastika, and yelling at people who tell you that's what they're doing isn't going to fix the problem.

You should save your outrage for the white nationalists who have, in certain online circles like 4chan, willingly adopted the use of anime avatars as one of their binding signal on par with the term "cuck" or Pepe the Frog or the number 88, instead of people for acknowledging the signals.

What the flying fuck!?

Well, okay, but this isn't 4chan. I think it's safe to assume that people on GAF who are using anime avatars *most likely* aren't freaking Nazis.
I've seen the sentiment, on GAF (and not just in the last year) of people shitting on people just because they like anime. Like, actually the fact that they like anime, not 4chan fucking everything up on the internet. Sorry, I thought this was an extension of that, and now it was just cool to call people who watch anime Nazis because it's always cool on GAF to shit on anime cuz lol. I was angry because I did not know that Nazis actually decided to do this, and thought this was just more GAF shitting on anime. I apologize.

Also fuck 4chan.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
What the flying fuck!?

Well, okay, but this isn't 4chan. I think it's safe to assume that people on GAF who are using anime avatars *most likely* aren't freaking Nazis.
I've seen the sentiment, on GAF (and not just in the last year) of people shitting on people just because they like anime. Like, actually the fact that they like anime, not 4chan fucking everything up on the internet. Sorry, I thought this was an extension of that, and now it was just cool to call people who watch anime Nazis because it's always cool on GAF to shit on anime cuz lol.

Also fuck 4chan.
It's a real thing. There's a definite correlation. Not ALL anime fans are like that, but the perception of them has worsened due to the seemingly large contingent of anime fans who're also alt right white supremacists.


What the flying fuck!?

Well, okay, but this isn't 4chan. I think it's safe to assume that people on GAF who are using anime avatars *most likely* aren't freaking Nazis.
I've seen the sentiment, on GAF (and not just in the last year) of people shitting on people just because they like anime. Like, actually the fact that they like anime, not 4chan fucking everything up on the internet. Sorry, I thought this was an extension of that, and now it was just cool to call people who watch anime Nazis because it's always cool on GAF to shit on anime cuz lol.

Also fuck 4chan.
But the guy you were responding to didn't say any of that. All he said was "anime avatar strikes again". You just assumed to know what he meant.


No one is saying that. It's fine to like anime. There is a real corrilation between people posting although right shit, and people with anime avatars. That doesn't mean everyone who likes anime or who has an anime avitar is at roght, or even that all alt righters like anime, but the correlation is there.
It is true and this is coming from a guy who likes anime. There is an undercurrent of racism/sexism from a good amount of fans. We even had a thread about Talib Kweli covering this very issue last week.

I think it's as much an affectation as anything.

The alt-right realized the Neo-Nazi movement was made up of a dying breed of backwoods racists and dinosaurs, and they needed to 'invigorate' it with a new generation, so they started looking at the younger generations and trying to figure out where they could identify weaknesses and sympathies.

They identified a group within the younger generations (lonely young men) who had a lot of feelings of resentment and a sense of entitlement they could exploit. They first went after that group through the most obvious vector (video games; see also GamerGate), and then started looking for other useful 'signalling tools' to try and ingratiate themselves, hence anime avatars.

It's like when a sexual predator trying to arrange 'dates' with teenagers uses a pop star avatar, basically.
That's beyond stupid.

Well, I'm not changing my avatar. I took that photo myself and I love it, I'm not gonna let Nazis ruin everything.


Bull fucking shit.
I don't even care if this is bait or trolling or just a terrible joke, there's so many times where people get shit on or called terrible people on this forum because.... they like anime? And they use such as an avatar?

How, in any universe, is having a two dimensional picture representing yourself supposed to correlate to thinking that certain races of humanity should be wiped off the planet?

Me: "Many alt-right shitposters have anime avatars."


It's like "gamers are dead" all over again.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I think it's as much an affectation as anything.

The alt-right realized the Neo-Nazi movement was made up of a dying breed of backwoods racists and dinosaurs, and they needed to 'invigorate' it with a new generation, so they started looking at the younger generations and trying to figure out where they could identify weaknesses and sympathies.

They identified a group within the younger generations (lonely young men) who had a lot of feelings of resentment and a sense of entitlement they could exploit. They first went after that group through the most obvious vector (video games; see also GamerGate), and then started looking for other useful 'signalling tools' to try and ingratiate themselves, hence anime avatars.

It's like when a sexual predator trying to arrange 'dates' with teenagers uses a pop star avatar, basically.
I mean some of the stuff in the medium itself isn't exactly innocent either which certainly doesn't help. Like how the fuck is that selling millions?
This dude is taking anime way too personally. Get a hobby, tbh.
Tbh, this is going to sound really stupid, but I don't even really watch anime itself all that much. I like the art style and character designs in a lot of them, but I'm too busy usually to actually devote time to actually watching them.
I'll watch shows here and there, maybe one or two a year, but this was much more about the (from my perspective) very stupid witch hunt against people because of their avatars. Just seemed dumb, baseless, and entirely too common a thing. And *then* to see a comparison to Nazis, over liking some shows, well that was the button.

But apparently Nazis. :/

I mean some of the stuff in the medium itself isn't exactly innocent either. Like how the fuck is that selling millions?

It's a medium. Anime can be about literally anything. There are racists TV shows and comic books too.


The only thing that group of dick bags can agree on is how much they hated Hillary. Now that she's out of the picture, it's back to being selfish assholes who only care about themselves.


Get out of here with that shit. You're equating enjoying anime to being a nazi. How is this not bannable?

Here's a good video on the topic. Talib Kweli explains why there's a correlaton between racists/white supremicists and anime avatars on twitter and other social media.


Obviously no one is saying ANY person with an anime avatar on social media is a racist/bigot/misogynist, but there's a strong correlation for it otherwise.
These people are terrible, but this is really really funny to me. I'm imagining that once they finally manage to get this event pulled together, everyone will spend the whole night just bickering over the most inane shit all night. Just the worst event with the worst people.

Also, anime avatars = bad person is a real thing, but only on Facebook and Twitter.


Maybe the KKK. Neo-nazis seem to be less religious in their hatred and more pseudo-scientific.

It was both. Nationalsocialism's antisemitism was more "science"-based, but it appealed greatly to large parts of the christian society in Germany.
Now Nazism is more american and appeals to a probably even more crazy christian community.


It was both. Nationalsocialism's antisemitism was more "science"-based, but it appealed greatly to large parts of the christian society in Germany.
Now Nazism is more american and appeals to a probably even more crazy christian community.

Yes and no. If you look at /pol/ for example they tend not to like evangelicals so much since they're seen as being part of the cuckservative thing, but since a lot of them are neoreactionaries they're into (traditionalist) Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Of course you've got your Christian Identity types too. But there's a ton who consider Christianity a Jewish trick and are either atheists or neopagans. And some Hindus.

And then there's the Kekists.
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