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Talk about double standards (Wall Street Journal vs. PewDiePie)

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I am unsurprised that a guy who thought it was funny to pay people to hold up a "Death to All Jews" sign is now being defended and associating with Sargon of Akkad. He just needs to hook up with Notch and JonTron, and he'll have the whole set of sad little man-boys who hate the world because no one loved them enough.


The fuck is this? His show is not diet racist, and lol at people associating him with alt right. Everything and everyone you don´t agree with now is alt right, right? You are as bad as the people you hate.

When he's linking to channels that talk about the SJW conspiracy and how there's a conspiracy against Milo, I think it's fair to say he's swimming in alt-right circles, especially since Gamergaters already perfected the "ethics in journalism" routine.


The fuck is this? His show is not diet racist, and lol at people associating him with alt right. Everything and everyone you don´t agree with now is alt right, right? You are as bad as the people you hate.

When you're linking Sargon of Akkad what the fuck are people going to think. Sargon defended Milo and calls black people stupid.

Excuse me if I give PDP the side eye he deserves for that shit.
The fuck is this? His show is not diet racist, and lol at people associating him with alt right. Everything and everyone you don´t agree with now is alt right, right? You are as bad as the people you hate.
He literally thanks a racist, alt-right gamergater below this video. What are we to take from that? He associates himself with it.

People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.
And when that happens the millionaire celebrity should call up a PR firm on how to handle this stuff, instead of going off on Youtube in angry rants. He can be mad all he wants, but you just don't deal with the situation like he is now.


PewDiePie engaging in dangerous rhetoric as he doubles down and starts linking to shitstain fuckwit wastes of human life like Sargon of fucking Akkad and making this not about his inability to take responsibility for his actions and instead a persecution complex to gather his fans around is 100x worse than literally anything the WSJ has published about him.

The man is going straight into super dangerous territory here. Just look at Jacksepticeye's intelligent and well-reasoned video and how he had to fucking back-peddle in a gross and disgusting manner because he "didn't defend Felix enough" and got comments out the ass calling him a backstabber.

Look at this fucking disgusting behavior in people he has direct impact and influence over.

This is how it happens. Successful white dude takes it way too far one too many times and finally starts getting shit for it. Without an ingrained ability for self-reflection due to the fact that they've been getting away with being shitstains for so long that they've never had to practice and deal with actually taking responsibility for anything worthwhile, instead the route of being a victim is taken almost reflexively. Heels are dug in more and more, and then they'll start listening to anyone who's on their side, particularly those who say that everything wrong in their lives is the fault of everyone else but themselves, and the people who are best at doing that? Racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and those sorts. It's fucking embarrassing. Or to put it another way:

a fundamental tenet of far-right pro-trolling is that it’s only other people’s feelings that are frivolous. Their own feelings, by contrast, including the capacity to feel shame when they’re held accountable for their actions, are so momentous that infringing them is tantamount to censure, practically fascism in and of itself. These are men, in short, who have founded an entire movement on the basis of refusing to handle their emotions like adults.


When you're linking Sargon of Akkad what the fuck are people going to think. Sargon defended Milo and calls black people stupid.

Excuse me if I give PDP the side eye he deserves for that shit.

Pretty much, getting in bed with these kinda of folks does him no favors. Not for his career, he will always have his supporters. But the days of fat contracts and tv appearances are gone


People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.

No, Pewdiepie's looooong history of badly crafted shock humor eventually and inevitably caught up with him. Don't shoot the messenger; his antics were clearly going to blow up in his face eventually.
The WSJ is rightfully getting exposed for the garbage they post.

They are abusing their position in the media hierarchy and that entire hierarchy can't crumble fast enough.

Okay. So what about PDP?

You don't think this affiliation is garbage? You don't think PDP is abusing his power here? You think he should have stood up for Jacksepticeye instead of letting him get attacked by his army of drones for giving a balanced opinion?

You also think 'WSJ = media' and therefore 'all media = garbage'? It seems that way if you're talking about wanting a hierarchy to crumble. PDP seems to be awful eager to talk about 'the media' as if they're some hivemind. You think so too?


In case you don't know that was a reference to the Dailystormer having "The world’s #1 PewDiePie fansite” written on their site. People asked why he didn't distance himself from it, but now the WSJ is apparently not distancing themselves from it either.
They are trolls, and the daily stormer has some meme about Pdp being a nazi, where did they get that? From his videos. Is it necessarily true? No, they're just assholes.
The new banner is precisely because pdp was called on it, they thought it was funny.
That's why I say he is clueless for even bringing it up.


Oh come on, Sargon is not a fascist. He's definitely a conservative, but that doesn't make him a fascist. Each side of the political divide has gotten so damn hyperbolic, it makes it impossible to have a an actual discussion.

Lol, both sides right? One side wants equal rights and the other white supremacy. Sargon believes poc have lower IQs. So you know what, you can fuck off with that WhiskeyKnight. Nothing to have an actual discussion about.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.

What happend to him was directly due to his own videos. People should be responsible for themselves. I don't like Wall Street Journal, they are as rightwing establishment as Fox news.

But Disney dropping Pewdiepie is at Disney's discretion and anyone else who funded his TV show, and youtube for demonetizing him. WSJ was not to blame for highlighting that. If not WSJ, it would be someone else and you'd be crying about that as well.

Being a fan of a youtube personality is not a reason for that person to be above reproach
He's such a idiot. This story was fading but he couldn't help but bring it back. These people he hates so much now have perfect ammo, him associating with a actual nazi.
You know what's really shameful?



What the fuck is wrong with you fucking people?

PewDiePie isn't a racist, anti-semite or nazi but he non-apologied and is now doubling down on dangerous rhetoric and creating an us vs them dichotomy that is based on having people stand up for him failing at making a funny joke and pushing harder into beliefs that will be harmful to fucking Jewish people. What he is doing, right now, in all these videos isn't ethering "that darn mainstream media" for slandering him, he is making it okay for people to hold these fucking views.

Preach. I share this anger, but I'm also just so... tired... because this happens over and over and over again with these fucking people.


Neo Member
No, Pewdiepie's looooong history of badly crafted shock humor eventually and inevitably caught up with him. Don't shoot the messenger; his antics were clearly going to blow up in his face eventually.

Yes but again WSJ made it way worse and tried to make a case that was MUCH MUCH worse then what actually happened. I dont understand how he can't be mad for them personally trying to ruin his carrer?


I am unsurprised that a guy who thought it was funny to pay people to hold up a "Death to All Jews" sign is now being defended and associating with Sargon of Akkad. He just needs to hook up with Notch and JonTron, and he'll have the whole set of sad little man-boys who hate the world because no one loved them enough.

I said in the original thread something to the effect of:

"PDP needs to brush this dirt off his shoulder and move on now, cause if he doubles down it won't be long until he's on Sargon's podcast agreeing that the media are cucks"

And here we are.

I really really don't care what PDPs point is, associating positively in any way with Sargon is a step over the line for me. It shows me that you're either not critical of your sources or that you're willing to overlook racism and sexism. Or that you agree with Sargon in regards to racism and sexism... which...

Either way I'm off the "I will sort of defend PDP" bandwagon at this point. Don't want to associate myself with that stench. *wipes hands clean*


People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.

WSJ didn't "do" this, PDP did this. How about he takes some fucking accountability for being a moron?


So many of the alt-right sort among nerd bros have this sort of origin story. Do something shitty, as everyone is wont to do from time to time, but then when people get mad about it, instead of just being like "whoops! sorry!" they just go balls to the wall defending themselves, and accept whatever shitlord hangers-on that come to their defense. Today it's "thanks for sticking up for me, Sargon!" Tomorrow it's "you know that guy has some pretty good ideas..."

WSJ didn't "do" this, PDP did this. How about he takes some fucking accountability for being a moron?

Right, they pursued a story. PDP wouldn't be in this situation if he hadn't created that story. And of course they went to Disney and Google and his sponsors first. The story in the WSJ isn't going to be "Pewdiepie says some shit". It's going to be "Disney sponsors antisemite on the internet whom our readers have never heard of". From the perspective in the WSJ, his sponsors and the companies involved are the primary characters in the story. Not him.


Yes but again WSJ made it way worse and tried to make a case that was MUCH MUCH worse then what actually happened. I dont understand how he can't be mad for them personally trying to ruin his carrer?

he can cry into his millions for all we care

throwing a temper tantrum while getting in bed with racist fascists? why would you defend such a piece of shit?
Yo, some people just dont know. Learning about these topics can be tricky so thats why some prefer to ask "why" instead of jumping to conclusions. I"ve done it, and I have learned a lot thanks to people that respond politely and with information.

I hope this message doesnt come across as an attack.

Hence me saying I hope I wasn't falling for a JAQing.
Because it's sticking it to old media, or something. But they can be the ones defending an anti-semetic dumbass, it makes them look so much more silly.

I think he was wrong, but the way it's been handled by the media was sloppy at best and they're bringing more attention to his cause with stupid ass headlines about his glasses and haircut. I'd rather give the guy rope so he can hang himself rather than give him stupid ass headlines to parrot to his fans and others.


Okay. So what about PDP?

You don't think this affiliation is garbage? You don't think PDP is abusing his power here? You think he should have stood up for Jacksepticeye instead of letting him get attacked by his army of drones for giving a balanced opinion?

You also think 'WSJ = media' and therefore 'all media = garbage'? It seems that way if you're talking about wanting a hierarchy to crumble. PDP seems to be awful eager to talk about 'the media' as if they're some hivemind. You think so too?

You have to remember that this isn't really about the "media hierarchy." This isn't about "free speech." This isn't about "ethics in journalism." This isn't about any of that shit. These are just the front businesses.

This entire thing is ultimately about the fact that one of the biggest poster boys for juvenile shock humor at the expense of minorities- a white male nerd who got rich and famous by "being himself", someone who is just like many of these guys defending him- hung himself with his own rope, and the moral implications of what that means are really fucking uncomfortable for the rest of his following and admirers.


I can't believe people are continually defending this guy. What a pos to run these kinda people because the "media" is being mean to you.

The alt-right was born from a combination of MRA, PUA and Gamergate folks. Don't be mistaken, the internet -- and internet communities -- have been ground zero for white nationalism radicalism.


The fuck is this? His show is not diet racist, and lol at people associating him with alt right. Everything and everyone you don´t agree with now is alt right, right? You are as bad as the people you hate.

He had people holding "death to all jews" signs for a laugh and has a story of racial jokes, n bombs, f bombs, rape jokes.
Now he is linking and giving shout outs to alt right channels.


Can’t stump the diablos
Okay. So what about PDP?

You don't think this affiliation is garbage? You don't think PDP is abusing his power here? You think he should have stood up for Jacksepticeye instead of letting him get attacked by his army of drones for giving a balanced opinion?

You also think 'WSJ = media' and therefore 'all media = garbage'? It seems that way if you're talking about wanting a hierarchy to crumble. PDP seems to be awful eager to talk about 'the media' as if they're some hivemind. You think so too?

That's not how logic reasoning works, Lol. I can't even wrap my head around how you get that from my post. You must work for the WSJ?

I don't follow everything PDP does so I cannot absolve him of anything here. I just see a shitty news organization making a desperate attempt at ending somebodies career and that attemp blowing up in their face.

If they wanted to expose connections with shady people they should have exposed connections with shady people instead of running the bullshit they did where they are taking things out of context.


Neo Member
he can cry into his millions for all we care

throwing a temper tantrum while getting in bed with racist fascists? why would you defend such a piece of shit?

Im not defending him, what he did was too far but he isn't actually a nazi supporter or anything that the media thinks he was lol.

How was this not partially on WSJ when they took clips of 8 vids to make thier case stronger instead of looking at the bigger picture of each vid? That is all im saying.


Yes but again WSJ made it way worse and tried to make a case that was MUCH MUCH worse then what actually happened. I dont understand how he can't be mad for them personally trying to ruin his carrer?

Disney dropped him on their own accord. That was his fault and no one else's. he made a half ass apology that started off with bim attacking the media.


Unconfirmed Member
People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.
you mean he should be mad because he got what he deserved?

I am unsurprised that a guy who thought it was funny to pay people to hold up a "Death to All Jews" sign is now being defended and associating with Sargon of Akkad. He just needs to hook up with Notch and JonTron, and he'll have the whole set of sad little man-boys who hate the world because no one loved them enough.



People saying that he should just let it go dont understand what the heck happened to him in the first place.

Listen I like Pewdiepie so I may be a little biased but if you put 2 and 2 together you would realize that WSJ went out of there way to make the initial situation way worse then it actually was.

Anywho why in the world would Pewdiepie drop it when WSJ did the following things:

- Got his 2nd season of his show canceled
- Got him dropped from his sponsors
- Almost got him completely demonetized from youtube
- Did all this without contacting him first.

Just dont understand how people can say he can't be mad at them lol.

No, PewDiePie caused all that himself through his actions.

If anyone he should be mad at himself for lacking any type of foresight.


A couple of people in this thread have a hard time understanding that you can disagree, and rightfully call out the shitty cherry picking job WSJ and other medias did WITHOUT defending or agreeing with Pewds

Comparing Ghandi's glasses to Hitlers would be just as stupid as comparing PewDiePie's glasses to Hitlers, and should be pointed out either way


WSJ is irrelevant in this, its what he did on his channel. How does criticising WSJ suddenly make what he did ok?

Its maybe sad for you that your favourite internet video man is revealed to be a daft racist but I'd suggest maybe learn to deal with that instead of helping to normalise this kind of shit, which is a way bigger deal than some stupid youtube videos.
i thought he didn't have a cause and it was all jokes

Whatever it was, it was stupid, but we've gone from something incredibly stupid to this because he's been given way too much ammo. Those headlines were pathetic. I don't feel sorry for the guy and I honestly can't stand his content, but I saw the video and immediately thought "damn vox is dumb as hell". Getting on the guy for his glasses and cut?

I'd rather not turn the guy into some martyr of free speech and that's exactly what they did. It's been played all wrong. I only hope it bites him in the ass, but in today's climate, I doubt it.


Personally, i think that both Felix and the wsj were in the wrong in this situation. Felix for his distasful and offensive joke and wsj for taking his video out of context and exaggerating the whole thing.
That's not how logic reasoning works, Lol. I can't even wrap my head around how you get that from my post. You must work for the WSJ?

I don't follow everything PDP does so I cannot absolve him of anything here. I just see a shitty news organization making a desperate attempt at ending somebodies career and that attemp blowing up in their face.

If they wanted to expose connections with shady people they should have exposed connections with shady people instead of running the bullshit they did where they are taking things out of context.


This sure gets you hard, eh Diablos? So are you going to comment on the pretty obvious anti-semitism, or are you gonna ignore that?
PDP is still saying what he wants, when he wants.

He just not getting paid for it. No one owes him a check.
He is still being paid. Youtube - rightfully - still lets him monetize his videos. He was dropped from the preferred program that pays higher amounts and through which larger brands advertise on your channel.

Good for you pewdiepie expose those fucks.
Fake news need to die
It was not fake news.

This war on the media is really going to bring trouble.


Neo Member
A couple of people in this thread have a hard time understanding that you can disagree, and rightfully call out the shitty cherry picking job WSJ and other medias did WITHOUT defending or agreeing with Pewds

Comparing Ghandi's glasses to Hitlers would be just as stupid as comparing PewDiePie's glasses to Hitlers, and should be pointed out either way

At least somebody understands what im trying to say.
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