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Movies you like that people hate.

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This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.

Peter Jackson's King Kong

Pootie Tang is a hilarious movie. I firmly believe the people who don't like it just aren't willing to let themselves "get" something so stupid.

lol nah man even Louis CK will tell you Pootie Tang sucks


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Movie GAF will not have it in a top Pixar's list.

A Bugs Life is my #1 Pixar movie as its the only one I can watch over and over again and not get sick of it.

I might be the only kid on earth who fucking hated Toy Story thought that shit was corny even as a eight year old.


Kung Pow:Enter the Fist and Machete. I think they're the funniest thing ever, but my GF will actually get mad if I put either on
death proof.

at least a top-five tarantino movie for me, yet the world (including tarantino himself) seems to have near-unanimously agreed it's his worst. i thought it was a great throwback that stripped out everything inessential.

also: apocalypto.

i legit think apocalypto is the greatest action movie of the 21st century. now i don't know if it quite fits the thread, because most people that have seen it do seem to like it (if not quite as much as me), but i think the vast majority of people out there assume it sucks and won't even think about seeing it. it came out right around peak mel-gibson-being-a-racist-dick time, which certainly didn't help.

but it's incredible. one of the most intense chase movies ever made, managing to be intimate and low key at the same time as staggeringly epic. anyone who liked the way mad max fury road doesn't let up would straight-up love apocalypto, and i'd be shocked if george miller wasn't influenced by this movie given his connection to gibson. it's fury road on foot in the jungle.

Apocalypto is legit in my top 20 favorite movies. If it is ever randomly on TV or streaming, I drop everything to watch it. It's an absolutely genius, brilliantly executed endeavor by Gibson and crew. I agree it probably doesn't belong but if I did ask I'm certain maybe 1:20 people might say they've heard of it and/or would be willing to give it a chance. It's criminally under appreciated
All three Purge movies. I wouldn't say I love them but I honestly think they're really solid and good movies and legitimately do not understand the critical panning of them.

Normally I can at least see where general critic consensus comes from with almost all movies, and even if I enjoy something that is considered bad I can see that it's bad and either still enjoy it or enjoy it because it is bad.

But with these three movies, mostly the first and to varying degrees the second and third, I honestly don't know why they're blasted so much as I don't actually believe them to be bad.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
On behalf of Dookkake, myself, and all the other poster sin this thread who said they liked Batman V Superman, I'm going to go cry for two whole days over how mean GAF is.
I loved Hulk (from Ang Lee). It was more realistic than other comic book movies of the time (aside from the antagonist). It made me feel for Bruce Banner trying to come to grips with weekday happened to him.


On behalf of Dookkake, myself, and all the other poster sin this thread who said they liked Batman V Superman, I'm going to go cry for two whole days over how mean GAF is.

Liking it is one thing, saying it's the best comic book movie of all time is an entirely different fucking thing.


sparkle this bitch
Thinking of some films

I'm reaching for some universally hated flicks, where I see very little love for.

Transformers 3:Dark Side of the Moon. For me, it's the finale that saves it. It's Bay typically wanting to film something big and them actually doing the free fall jump from the skyscraper... I have to love it.

Ironically, Gaf has a pretty strong following for Alien 3.

I'll go with Die Another Day. It's just a ridiculously fun film for me to watch. In comparison, I think Skyfall and Spectre are absolute slogs to get through
Quantum of Solace is one that comes to mind. Like yeah it was hampered by the WGA strike and the song sucks and the Bond tropes here are not memorable (or present really) but I find it a watchable action movie at best and I'd easily prefer it over Spectre.

Plus I really like this track from the score. https://youtu.be/lsbXFm_NaSI

John Carter is another one. It was just way too long.


The Dark Knight Rises
Man of Steel
Spring Breakers
Trash Humpers
Hulk (2003)
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
The Lone Ranger
Cloud Atlas
Jupiter Ascending

When it comes to very recent movies, I quite liked that new Malick movie Song to Song that everyone seems to hate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Man of Steel.
Pineapple Express.

I love the first and the third unconditionally.
I couldn't think of anything until someone mentioned Van Helsing. That's the one.

I find Woody Allen's Scoop to be hilarious. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one.
I just found out some of this movie filmed at a location literally 2 minutes away from me and at many other places I frequently go to. Feels odd since nothing is ever filmed here beyond the odd TV episode, really.
Batman and Robin
Rocky V
Xmen III The Last Stand
Spiderman III
Superman IV (Enjoyed it so much more than MOS which was dog poop in comparison)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014). Their look since the initial maquette leaks hooked me and the action shots make for a great watch. The long takes, the cg quality, the turtles always being in frame, their personalities etc... Just excellent.

One of my fav overlooked moments is when you hear the turtles riff Ozzy when they make their introduction in the subway station.

*distant* "all aboooooard! hahahaha"
All the Star Wars movies cos ya'll nerds complain so much I have turned off from watching any.

Well, going from the title it's probably apropos.

Hudson Hawk.
HH is a fun movie. Been a while since I've seen it but I remember liking it.

The Star Wars Prequels.

I know deep down they're objectively garbage but I can still manage to wring some enjoyment out of the entire bunch.

Try watching the HAL-9000 fan edits (this is not a download link, but a link that shows a list of HAL-9000's edits). They fix a lot of the movies problems and make them much more watchable.

I love Last Action Hero, but all my friends hate it, lol


as an enormous fan of drive i was fairly disappointed with only god forgives. i didn't hate it like a lot of people do but i didn't really care much for my first time round. but the weird thing is despite my apathy it's still something that i regularly feel compelled to rewatch. i think there's a lot to that film that rewards going back to it, even as someone who wasn't a huge fan. i had a friend in first year of uni who swore by this film.

oh, and that reminds me - refn's neon demon is a good shout for this thread. people really hate that film for some reason but i liked the hell out of it. certainly more superficially enjoyable than only god forgives.

Drive is actually my tied favorite film, and yeah, the two are very different.
But Only God Forgives is genius. I watched it two times in theaters and saw some video analysis' before I fully appreciated it so you might wanna rewatch!
Neon Demon is a good call aswell. Best film of 2016 imo.
Clash & Wrath of the Titans.

Until any one of you fuckers gives me a better big-budget Hollywood blockbuster about greek mythology, I'll take one can't get thank you very much.

I guess Immortals is just too low budget for you because it's the superior film.




I honestly don't think this is a bad movie. If you overlook some of the silly stuff, and treat it as a semi-serious drama, it's much better.


Lots of visual-heavy experimental movies with minimal dialogue. The filmmaker I worked for years back actually hated 2001:ASO for it's glacial pacing, but I loved that aspect, being allowed to soak up the visuals and feel immersed in outer space. I dug the cosmos scene in The Tree of Life and will probably love Voyage of Time if I ever get to see it.


Brother (Takeshi Kitano)
Hobo with a Shotgun
Grandma's Boy
Buffalo 66
The Island
Ace Ventura 2
Mortal Kombat
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
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