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Movies you like that people hate.

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Incredible Hulk. I just don't understand the hate for it.

Maybe just retroactive hate for Norton bleeding into their view of the entire movie? I dunno but I love it too (skydive scene was so badass) and am bummed Marvel doesn't have the ability to create more Hulk standalones. The tone of Ang Lee's and Incredible are so different from the rest of the Marvel output as they probably should be for such a complex type of character.


I get the hate for 2 Fast 2 Furious but i love that movie.
Its just a fun light heart funny movie. Solid car action too.
Seems like everyone on that movie was having fun specially Paul Walker and Tyrese.
I can watch Michael Bay all day baby.

Bad Boys
The Island
Pain and Gain

Whatever, I'll take those over his more critically acclaimed films any day.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Battleship is cool as hell. And it had Thunderstruck playing while they set up a museum to be a fighting machine again. It has the museum doing a Toyko drift before blasting the fuck out of aliens and it had Liam Neeson.

Also Speed Racer for a generic answer. And also Independence Day is still one of the best summer blockbusters out there. Don't care what anyone says. *Too bad the sequel sucked hard*

And any and almost all disaster movies...they are all a guilty pleasure, especially 2012. I blasted Armaggedon for being stupid, but i still love it as a guilty pleasure. I know they have no plot and all just special effect show off films, but who cares?

Oh one last thing: Jurassic World is awesome. It isn't the original, but i don't think anyone can make as good of a dino movie as Spielberg can...not even Spielberg himself. As a dino wreck shit up movie, it passes its job with flying colors.

The issue here is that you're using the vocal opinion of GAF as a benchmark, which is generally never healthy.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I suppose... White Chicks? I thought that movie was funny, especially the singing in the car scene with Terry Crews, but well, you can't possibly call it a movie that most people would praise.
Masters of the Universe
The Shadow
The Phantom
Terror by Night
Batman and Robin
Street Fighter

edit : apparently Transformers 1986? I thought that was beloved.
90% of the movies mentioned aren't hated.

I like Pink Cadillac. A flop. No Eastwood fan is particularly fond of it. I don't think anybody hates it, but it's certainly a very irrelevant movie.


Can fully agree with Battleship. Movie is loud ,dumb and filled with cliches but I had a lot of fun watching it.

I also like Watchmen. Sure it has issues bit I still love the way it looks and sounds. Also, for every misscast actor there are at least 2 that seem to have been born to play the role.

Avatar. I agree with a lot of the criticism, with the derivative plot and bland characters and all of that . But with the amazing looking world and great use of 3D it's still one of my favorite movie going experiences ever


Prometheus. It had one shitty running scene but that's about it.

Hot Chick. I think people are writing this movie off because of Schneider. It's actually pretty damn funny.
I'll still go to bat for that first Bay Transformers movie. A lot of the humor is so stupid and way too many "THIS WEIRD SIGNAL/WHO'S CAPTAIN WITWICKY" scenes but I dig the action setpieces.

It's just funny how reined in it feels compared to its sequels especially that three(!!!)-hour last one.


I absolutely love the first Hellboy movie. It has a nearly-perfect mix of fantastical elements that I enjoy, along with juuuust enough levity in the overall darkness and dourness throughout.

Most people say they prefer the sequel. I loved the improved special effects, but I preferred the Lovecraftian stuff to the magical fae world, and I didn't care for the increase in humor.
I can't think of a good example of this, my movie tastes usually line up pretty well with the mainstream. The only thing even remotely close is that I'm one of the small minority of Star Wars fans that think the original film is the best of the series.


Super Mario Bros. is pretty damn fun. It's got a great energy to it and really strong production values. Haters be damned.


I believe the Artist and The King's Speech are great movies. I also enjoyed the Phantom Menace (fuck War of the Clones though).


Ghostbusters 2016.

I liked the girls, especially Kate McKinnon. Chris Hemsworth was funny. I loved the metal show. I do wish Kristen Wiigs character was funnier, but other than that I have no complaints about the movie.

Adam Sandler movies. I haven't been watching any of his movies since Grown Ups 1, but that was tolerable for me.

Do people hate Batman Forever? That was my first or second favorite Batman movie before the Nolan trilogy.


Mars Attacks

Apparently it's not as universally loved as I'd like it to be. It's my favorite movie tied with Beetlejuice.


eh, I'll just keep it to movies a majority of GAF hates:

Jurassic World
XMen First Class
Avengers AoU
Thor 1 & 2
Incredible Hulk
Transformers franchise
Lady Ghostbusters
Watchmen - the actors who played Night Owl and Rorschach really make the movie. Plus, it has some really cool scenes, specifically the old Night Owl death scene from the extended cut. It's great.

Blair Witch Project - recently rewatched it and it still holds up pretty well.

Interview With The Vampire - do people hate this movie? I really like it.
Uwe Boll's Rampage

The story is dumb and the twist ending is pure schlock. I still like the film for its tone and atmosphere. It manages to build tension and suspense incredibly well.


I decided to check the RT score for some films I thought of mentioning and I noticed a funny thing. Some of the films that were roasted when they came out 20 or 30 years ago seem to have gotten a lot of retrospective praise. For example, I don't remember Strange Brew being particularly well received when it was released but the RT is at 73% now. On the recent list of movies that Ebert hated was Summer School which he gave 1/2 star but I really liked. Time has been kind to that one as well since its RT is up to 61% these days.


Cable Guy - comedy genius


One of my all time fav comedies.
Uh, Drive I guess?

And 3.0

Yeah, I believe that it's the best of the rebuilds too

Btw my entry would be ff: the spirits within. Short, sweet and marvellous to look at. Plus the ost and the ending song are really good too. I wish it would have started an era of virtual actors recurring in different movies. Square pictures had also great potential, to think that a parasite Eve movie had been in consideration


I like these, and hey Fuck you if you dont like them fine, doesn't mean i cant like them.

Ghost in the Shell
Man of Steel
Batman v Superman
Van Helsing
Star Wars Prequels
Ghostbusters was alright (didn't hate it, didnt love it either but oh boy does the Internet hate this one)

Did not like Suicide Squad though.
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