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You've stolen Phil Spencer's identity. How would you change Xbox?


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I think getting upset in silly thread like this is wrong.

It's interesting which side of being upset you chose to criticise.

Hint: it wasn't the dumbass one
1. Heavily invest in 1st party ips, and exclusive games.

2. Pack Elite controller with Scorpio

3. Shut up! Let games do the talking.

4. Make a new Captain Skyhawk game

5. Bro Down


I have zero business acumen so I'd probably run the whole thing into the ground immediately by focusing on remakes of smilebit's OG Xbox titles.


Bring back Project Gotham Racing and call it Metropolis Street Racer again. Finance the development of another Sonic & All-Stars Racing.

Do everything necessary to get a Naughty Dog game like exclusive to Xbox.

But probably probably get all the games and event for the Scorpio ready before E3. Gotta build that hype.


Beg Nadella to buy over AMD and Nvidia.
Then pay compensation to cancel contract with Nintendo and Sony.

Watch Nintendo and Sony try to build a console to replace their current existing console.
I would think Intel would be the smarter purchase, even though they're not in the console space, but from a revenue standpoint they're far ahead and have a lot more potential with smart cars and the like.
In general I think he's doing a good job but I would make sure there are a couple of AAA single player games, try looking for deals for japanese developers to publish their games on XBL, invest in more AA games and invest the minimum posible on VR. All that asuming I'm not limited by upper executives.


I'd detach Halo from 343i and task another studio with the creation of new Halo games.

Create a Xbox OS for PC / allow XB1 games to run under UWP on PC.

Create an "upgrade your physical copy to a digital copy" program. (Yeah I'm one of those who actually wanted the original XB1 plans to happen, with a small amount of changes)

Look at the options to revive old IPs. (Banjo, LO, Mech Assault for example).

I'd put a full stop to the exclusive content that's usually part of marketing deals. Marketing deals themselves are fine, but the (timed) exclusive content needs to stop.
Shut down the xbox division. Offer all gaming related properties and hardware to SEGA as a gift.

I would be here for this if it were Sega from years ago but current? eh. Would they even put that to good use? they can barely put out HD ports.

On topic bring back Brute Force but as a better game with all the good ideas.


Wooo, I always wanted to attend the E3.

I wouldn't change much, but I would give twice the money to the people at Playground games.
Make that triple.
But the question is not "How would you fix it?", the question is "how would you CHANGE it". So stuff like wanting them to stop working on stuff you don't care about in order to work on stuff you do is perfectly valid as an answer.
Still, the implication is that Xbox needs to be saved from itself - and that the suggested change of course would right the ship.


I'd go all in on the tweeting. Also do a new interview with a different outlet every hour, on the hour. Turn that shit up to 11. Then watch GAF fry under a sea of "Phil said..." threads.


Trying to keep it realistic...

- Have the Coalition revive Shangheist with a small team while working on Gears 5. Position it as an early marquee title for the next Xbox
- Have 343 set aside a small team to plan a massive new IP for the next Xbox following Halo 6
- Leave Rare and Turn 10 alone, they're doing fine as they are
- Since their history is with action-platformers and collectathons, Team Gobo's game will be a proper Banjo 3
- Seek some prominent, unaccounted for independent devs capable of large scale development like Avalanche or Yager and sign them to deals to create new IPs for Xbox. Announce the slate of partners at once to soften fears that they don't have anything
- Established a new first party studio to revive Fable as more of a Zelda game


I don't care about realistic. I want to dream.

1) 343 Studios, The Coalition, Turn10, and Playground are told that they should pitch ideas for new mainline Halo FPS, Gears of War, Forza Motorsport, and Forza Horizon, but that they will all be next-gen titles. No more Halo FPS, Gears of War, Forza Motorsport, or Forza Horizon games this gen.

2) 343 Studios starts work on a new IP and Mass Effect style Halo RPG and fixes MCC.

3) The Coalition starts work on a new IP and single player story DLC for Gears of War 4 (involving Kait Diaz exclusively).

4) Purchase Playground and have them make a new open world IP.

5) Purchase Remedy. Renew the license for Alan Wake music for another 5 years. Announce Alan Wake 2 and Quantum Break single player DLC (involving Beth Wilder exclusively).

6) Wait for Spiderman to be released, then purchase Insomniac and hire them to make Song of the Deep 2, Sunset Overdrive 2, and a new IP.

7) Purchase the Ryse IP from Crytek and fund a Ryse 2.

8) Make a new studio involving Swery 65 as studio head, called "Swery 65 Studios". Make a new IP and release D4 Season 2.

9) Purchase Playdead (makers of Limbo and Inside) and have them make a new IP.

10) Purchase Thekla (makers of The Witness) and have them make a new IP.

11) Purchase Studio MDHR (makers of Cuphead). Announce Cuphead will release July 2017 and have them make a new IP.

12) Purchase Fullbright (makers of Gone Home and Tacoma). Announce Tacoma will release July 2017 and have them make a new IP.

13) For Rare: Make sure Sea of Thieves has a single player campaign that can be played offline solo.

14) Hire Playtonic to make Banjo Kazooie 3, with oversight by Rare.

15) Hire Bethesda to make Perfect Dark 3, with oversight by Rare.

16) Purchase Iron Galaxy and have them start work on a new fighting game IP.

17) Purchase Atlus. Make a Persona 5 port, a Persona 4 Golden port, and have them start working on a new JRPG IP for Xbox.

18) Purchase Platinum, uncancel Scalebound, port Nier Automata. Also, purchase the rights to Viewtiful Joe from Capcom and have Platinum make Viewitful Joe 3.

19) Cancel the indie game parity clause.

20) Add original Xbox backwards compatibility. And significantly increase the output of 360 BC games.

21) Work with Valve to make Half Life 3.

22) Purchase Silent Hills IP from Konami, then contract Kojima's new studio and Guillermo Del Toro to revive Playable Teaser / Silent Hills.

23) Hire the people who made Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, and have them work on Blue Dragon 2, Lost Odyssey 2, and a new JRPG IP. Have them form a new 1st-party studio called Osaka Studios.

24) Work heavily on making sure Xbox gets really important third-party games that would ideally be multiplatform. Like The Talos Principle, 999, Virtue's Last Reward, Zero Time Dilemma, Yakuzo 0, Kingdom Hearts remasters, etc...

25) Hire Armature Studios and Inafune to make Recore 2.

26) Hire CD Projekt Red to make Fable 4. Will be a massive WRPG like Witcher 3.

I can't think of anything else.
Though, what happens to the real Phil Spencer?

He's located in a bunker on a small island. He has everything he needs to survive.

Still, the implication is that Xbox needs to be saved from itself - and that the suggested change of course would right the ship.

Incorrect. The question is simply "how would you change Xbox?" with no implication that your suggestion should be good or bad for the brand. That most people skewed towards "fixing" things is a coincidence.

I'd go all in on the tweeting. Also do a new interview with a different outlet every hour, on the hour. Turn that shit up to 11. Then watch GAF fry under a sea of "Phil said..." threads.

Jesus christ... The entire front page would be Phil Spencer threads.


I'd find out when the PS5 is due and make sure the next Xbox is there day and date with more powerful internals at the same price. Only longterm chance they have.


- Remember that Japan exists.

- More exclusives, by which I mean "if you don't own an Xbox, you can't play the game this gen". No timed exclusive or console exclusive or also on Windows 10 crap.
He's doing a brilliant job, more so after being dealt such a bad hand.

But If I was able to have some say on the board and have a really nice budget to spent I would do this

Team up with SEGA and fund Binary Domain II only with full on-line 4 player co-op

Team up with Yu Suzuki and bring Shenmue III to the One and agree to help with the funding for Part IV

Team up with Fromsoftware to make O.TO.GI II along with High Der remasters of 1 and II

Work with SEGA and From software to make Chromehouds II even if it's no much more than a reworking of the 1st game with current gen graphics

Alan Wake II

Work with Team Ninja and make a sequel to Kung Fu Choas II

Recore II

New focus on LIVE Arcade and sign deals with SEGA, Konami, Square/Tatio and whoever owns the RAIZING rights and start to bring Arcade perfect ports of Sega Rally II, Battle Garegga 1/II, Soukyu Gurentai, Lets Go Jungle, Sega Race TV, Ibara Ect

Rallisport III
Release the Xbox Swap hybrid console. ..... i'll have to check with legal and marketing on the name. it'll be like a switch, but with more buttons, an AV out port (i'm guessing mini hdmi or something like what the PSPs had), and be dockable. hopefully get full compatibility with xbox one games. try and work something out w/ Steam and get steam games on there somehow? that last bit is a super far stretch of the imagination though. i think. if this ends up with me being fired .... i'll ask for a job at sony and do this w/ the ps4? .... i love the ps4 more. and i cry because i have a vita and a a pstv. ...... cry..... cry


Gold Member
Probably focus on PC with XBox intergration and throw a ton of money of secured third party timed exclusive content for Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.

Thats more likely given Xbox's history. They struck lightening in a bottle with Halo and rode that wave until mid-LAST generation when Sony finally started to get their act together.

Salty Hippo

I was too tempted to make a joke post, but I'll be serious. 10 steps:

1. Separate a team of about 50 staff at 343 to alternate between Perfect Dark sequels and AA New IP. Maybe Halo Mega Blocks too. Smart budgets. Focus on quality first. 2-3 year cycles. Keep main team on Halo.

2. Separate a team of about 50 staff at The Coalition to alternate between ReCore sequels and AA New IP. Smart budgets. Focus on quality first. 2-3 cycles. Keep main team on Gears.

3. Separate a team of about 50 staff at Rare to exclusively work on old IP. Smart budgets. Focus on quality first. Banjo, Conker, Viva Piñata, Battletoads. Keep the main team on Sea of Thieves.

4. Buy Playground. Put the Horizon team on a 2-year cycle, but rotating between Horizon and a another racing franchise. For example: Horizon, then PGR, then Horizon again, then Midtown Madness or a kart game, then Horizon again. One Horizon every 4 years. Give creative freedom to whatever their second AAA team wants to do.

5. Buy IO Interactive and put them on a new GaaS IP.

6. Build a studio from the ground up to work on Fable.

7. End the parity clause.

8. Make a great Windows 10 storefront.

9. Put key games with growth potential like Killer Instinct and Sea of Thieves on Steam.

10. Find Phil Spencer and murder him so he doesn't come back to turn everything to shit again.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Now we can have 2 playstations! awesome. You forgot kill xbox live and call it XSN.

what the heck does buying new studios and investing in new VIDEO GAMES have to do with playstation? why should sony have a monopoly on japanese third party games? why should sony be the only one investing in new studios and new IPs. What a ridiculous thing to say.

You will. Youd have to be mentally retarded to do such a thing. You dont kill IPs that are successful, you just add more on top of those.
Mentally retarded? get over yourself.

Halo and Gears both sold a fraction of what they did back in the day. Halo used to sell 3 million copies in a month. Gears used to sell 2 million in a month. Both in NA alone.

Sure they still sell millions overall but if the sales will continue to decline and they will never find their next Halo, their next gears or Fable. Halo has been topped by CoD then Destiny. Imagine if Destiny was a Xbox exclusive. It';s a fucking bungie game. All they had to do was let Bungie make whatever they wanted. what a disaster.

Let these franchise take a breather. Let the hype mount. Give them some time. Maybe a full gen break and launch Xbox 5 with a new Halo game.

Same goes for Gears and Forza. Horizon is the better Forza game, and is doing different things, let that be the only Forza franchise and have Turn10 go out and reinvent the sim or racing genre. Go do something different. Have Black Tusk make something truly original.

Otherwise MS will never have their The last of us or Horizon or God of War. or even Uncharted. This is why most people dont give a shit about Nintendo. they just release their mario, zelda and metroid games along with a bunch of obscure nintendo franchises most people grew out of when they hit puberty. MS fans have obviously left Halo and Gears behind or the sales would've been the same. Those Crash and jak and daxter fans grew and ND grew up with them and gave them a nice pulp action adventure. then in a few years, a full blown adult game in TLOU.

MS needs to grow up.
I'd stop producing hardware, partner with the market leader to push a windows based OS onto their platform, and publish games onto that platform plus PC.

Something like that.
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