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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


Despite Comey's mistakes with Hillary he did his diligence in making sure a dictator didn't usurp the Executive branch of the United States even when working with a complicit Legislature.

Either he an appointed special prosecutor will be the lead character in the movie.




This is exactly like the campaign. One huge scandal follows another, flooding everything out and never letting any single thread develop into a "deal breaker". The scary thing is that I really don't think any of it will stick. He already admitted to sexual assault on tape, why would a memo saying he tried to obstruct justice change anything? Not only is the whole world stuck with him, he is basically eroding every single moral and legal institution in the country.


I know people keep saying this but I doubt that will happen. Pence seems to be laying low. It'll probably be hard to get anything to stick to him. Granted, the way the bombshells keep dropping that could change quickly.

Lol, people? I'm like the only one. Pence may be lying low, but he's been implicated with the Flynn stuff as well, and he's attached himself to Trump at every turn. He could manage to stay, but I won't be surprised at a total flush since this administration has been so ridiculous and embarrassing.

Yeah, I can't imagine how anybody in this administration stays given the scale here, guilty or not they must all be removed. This begs the question, if it goes down to Ryan, who becomes the POTUS? assuming that his entire administration is compromised.

Ryan would become POTUS, he would name a new VP
If the Republican led congress impeaches Trump it isn't an easy out. They will be decimated as a result. They've tied themselves to the man thoroughly as far as the center and left are concerned and they will alienate a large chunk of their own base when they turn on their king. A Republican led impeachment is the best case scenario. Sick the deplorables on the Republican establishment. The moderates will be disgusted by what comes out and their is enough tape of Republicans supporting Trump through far far too much.


Yesterday certainly seemed like there was a major card that got removed from the house.

Today, it seems like the entire floor was removed. In the past 24 hrs, we've now found out that he is going to likely be the cause on some level of terrorist attack, he put innocent lives in grave danger, pissed off one of our biggest allies, then today, the FBI has pretty much drawn a line that they are against Trump, and Comey made sure he lit the fuse on his way out with these memos, and what is likely hard evidence at some point to be released that really gives Trump no way out.

It just feels different now.


force push the doodoo rock
Yeah as much as I want to use this to advance my liberal agenda, this is about saving the country and our standing in the world. Trump is sabotaging us and the longer it goes on the worse it will get, and it won't get fixed by simply putting someone else behind the desk.

We're getting attacked from the inside by Putin and that shit won't stand.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It angers me to my bone that despite Trump finally potentially going down, America will still have lost so many great leaders and patriots due to 100 days of GOP fuckery.

Sally Yates, James Comey, Preet Bharara, and the hundreds of career staff. Even with Trump eventually gone, the administration is still worse off.
Man, whoever decided to air a multiple part Season Finale of American Fucked Up Politics is a genius.

Now let us see whether the network decides to renew it for another season this fall, or cancel...



Beat EviLore at pool.
This is exactly like the campaign. One huge scandal follows another, flooding everything out and never letting any single thread develop into a "deal breaker". The scary thing is that I really don't think any of it will stick. He already admitted to sexual assault on tape, why would a memo saying he tried to obstruct justice change anything? Not only is the whole world stuck with him, he is basically eroding every single moral and legal institution in the country.

Only difference no Russian help pushing a Clinton story to silence it.


Unconfirmed Member
Is this news slowing down GAF for anyone else or is it just me?

Actually maybe it's just twitter? images seem to be loading slow from there.


Unconfirmed Member
You guys keep talking about impeachment when we don't even have rumors of a select committee getting created yet.


Honestly I feel like one of these days the ultimate curveball in this whole thing is gonna occur and Trump will just literally drop dead right on the spot from all of the stress. If I was writing the movie, in true Burn After Reading style, that'd pretty much be the only direction to take the plot at this stage.


Inbox: All Dems on Oversight and Judiciary Committees Demand Immediate Investigation of President, Attorney General & Top White House Aides


All Democrats on Oversight & Judiciary Committees demand immediate investigation of Trump, AG, top WH aides.


https://democrats-oversight.house.g...ght and Judiciary Dems to Chairs 05-16-17.pdf

It makes it look partisan and is, in my opinion, counterproductive. You gotta get some bipartisan letters in... otherwise it will make the Repubs dig in their heels more. At this rate and with what's out there, we should be seeing some of it.


This is exactly like the campaign. One huge scandal follows another, flooding everything out and never letting any single thread develop into a "deal breaker". The scary thing is that I really don't think any of it will stick. He already admitted to sexual assault on tape, why would a memo saying he tried to obstruct justice change anything? Not only is the whole world stuck with him, he is basically eroding every single moral and legal institution in the country.

Normally I'd agree, but it's hitting a fever pitch here soon it seems.


If the Republican led congress impeaches Trump it isn't an easy out. They will be decimated as a result. They've tied themselves to the man thoroughly as far as the center and left are concerned and they will alienate a large chunk of their own base when they turn on their king. A Republican led impeachment is the best case scenario. Sick the deplorables on the Republican establishment. The moderates will be disgusted by what comes out and their is enough tape of Republicans supporting Trump through far far too much.

Yup, impeachment (or at least hearings) prior to midterms would be the best case scenario imo.
I'm a masochist and checked out the_donald and it's entirely filled with the conspiracy theories about the attempted robbery and shooting of the DNC employee.....
This is exactly like the campaign. One huge scandal follows another, flooding everything out and never letting any single thread develop into a "deal breaker". The scary thing is that I really don't think any of it will stick. He already admitted to sexual assault on tape, why would a memo saying he tried to obstruct justice change anything? Not only is the whole world stuck with him, he is basically eroding every single moral and legal institution in the country.

This is exactly like the campaign.

Comey writes a document and details on it leak. And it causes people to reassess their position.

Or you could just look at the daily opinion polls to see that this is gaining traction.

There is no one to point to and blame for this other than faceless leakers. That they can only blame by confirming the damning information in the leaks.


Lol, people? I'm like the only one. Pence may be lying low, but he's been implicated with the Flynn stuff as well, and he's attached himself to Trump at every turn. He could manage to stay, but I won't be surprised at a total flush since this administration has been so ridiculous and embarrassing.

You are not the only one claiming Pence is going down with Trump. I don't know why you think that. Also, Pence fits perfect into what the GOP wants but as I said we don't know everything yet. From what we do know, I don't see why Pence would have to resign.


Problem is if Comey thought it was a crime, they are going to claim he should have reported it and/or resigned. I feel like Trump will skate on this one like all the others.


Probably been posted in a thread somewhere, but I just saw this and lol would be god tier if Comey said exactly these words https://twitter.com/BraddJaffy/status/863080652706598914

Also what's with Chaffetz? Did he wake up from the delusion? Did him deciding not to run again (possibly with higher office in sight) make him realize he needs to stop being a partisan shitheel? Maybe he decided not having someone to investigate all the time is boring?

Yesterday certainly seemed like there was a major card that got removed from the house.

Today, it seems like the entire floor was removed. In the past 24 hrs, we've now found out that he is going to likely be the cause on some level of terrorist attack, he put innocent lives in grave danger, pissed off one of our biggest allies, then today, the FBI has pretty much drawn a line that they are against Trump, and Comey made sure he lit the fuse on his way out with these memos, and what is likely hard evidence at some point to be released that really gives Trump no way out.

It just feels different now.

I'm not hearing emails or benghazi, so I don't see why we should all be mad?
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