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Former Mozilla CTO: "Chrome won."

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I begrudgingly use Chrome on my Mac and my wife uses Safari as we're not using separate logins. Hate Chrome.

I use Edge on my Alienware though. Edge is legitimately good.

Mr. Robot

For the people that only have used firefox, try watching online videos in fullscreen, and then try them on chrome, i always thought that some sites just had shitty video players when in fact it was firefox that caused issues with framerate and video quality.

The only reason i still use firefox at work is because it lets me open files immediatly instead of downloading them to a set folder to open them, i just cant figure out how to do it in chrome.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Not surprised. Edge is so much better though, lighter and on 4k screen its the smoothest.

no it does not

yes it does

I don't understand the argument about the Google chrome ads, even if they're not there now, they were hugely widespread, and obviously played a part in marketshare.


Sounds about right. I was a hardcore FF user that couldnt ever see myself switching but now Im 100% chrome on mobile and desktop. They have massively improved it, and finally gotten to the point where their addons were equal enough for me to hop to Chrome.

Make no mistake, shit like that is why companies try to move away from letting you set default programs. Competition can drag people away over time if they don't.


We're a Firefox household. No google chromes allowed in here, with their CIA backing and lack of moral ethics and penchant for weird secret science experiments.


Unconfirmed Member
I've been using Firefox since it was Firebird, apart from a brief stint where it was so unstable it was essentially unusable. Haven't really felt any need to switch, and Chrome honestly makes me kind of uncomfortable. Using a browser developed by an advertising company just feels sketchy to me.
The newest Opera is the shit. I ditched Safari for it and man, so good (it also has dark mode).

Messenger integrated with the browser is the GOAT.


That's because chrome is awesome. Firefox is a good second though. Really, I'll take anything over IE/Edge.


I use Firefox for general browsing on my desktop. It's kept me very secure over the years. I do use Chrome for Google services like play music and play movies.
I don't like Firefox at all tbh, it's my third choice behind Chrome and Safari. I tried Vivaldi a while back and never got attached. Edge is ok, but I don't like using one browser on my laptop and a different one on my pc so I've never really tried to use it. Chrome just works fine for me. Too much memory usage, but at least it's not a memory leak.
The question is, could anything topple Chrome at this point? A bit over 10 years ago, Internet Explorer was the most common browser by far. Even here on GAF. I guess mobile plays a big part too now.


I just recently switched from Chrome to FIrefox on my desktop and android phone because people said Firefox is better for privacy. I have no complaints and haven't run into any issues I see people talk about nor do I see the need to go to Chrome anytime soon (I switched from Firefox to Chrome during College, but I don't remember any particular reasons why...).


I was a Firefox guy several years ago, then moved over to Chrome and kept Firefox exclusively for the porn. Then incognito mode came (so did I) and away went Firefox.


Firefox is and will always be the browser that got me away from IE, and for that it will remain my backup browser to Vivaldi, so long as Vivaldi doesn't take the same step into stupid that Opera 13+ ended up taking. I just don't like the google integration and layout in chrome.
Chrome was always going to win. They have Google search, maps, mail and dozens of other services that they can integrate within Chrome seemlessly. Firefox never stood a chance.
Firefox is and will always be the browser that got me away from IE, and for that it will remain my backup browser to Vivaldi, so long as Vivaldi doesn't take the same step into stupid that Opera 13+ ended up taking. I just don't like the google integration and layout in chrome.

Opera 13 was gutted because it was basically an alpha version of a new browser since they switched engines. I'm very glad we have Vivaldi now. I doubt they'll build in an IRC client again but a man can dream.


Gold Member
This is surprising because Chrome barely works for me (actually it fucking sucks hard) and it's worse than having the NSA plugged directly into your computer.

Stop using Chrome.
Just stop.


The question is, could anything topple Chrome at this point? A bit over 10 years ago, Internet Explorer was the most common browser by far. Even here on GAF. I guess mobile plays a big part too now.

I dunno, I just think its certainly possible. I didn't think anything could move me off of Firefox once it basically gave me somewhere to go after Netscape Navigator lost its mind and forced me back to IE. Yet here we are. If it can happen then, it could happen again.
I still prefer Firefox and safari if I'm on Mac. I only use chrome when I need flash and that's about it. I'll keep using Firefox until they stop updating it.


Just letting everyone know that the current best browser is the latest Opera. It has messenger and what'sapp intergrated. It also works wonders.


First tragedy, then farce.
Someone make a version of the Jeb winning the election meme with Netscape winning the browser war.


I was an always FireFox guy but I switched to Opera last year when FireFox's adblock stopped working on Twitch for me and I couldn't figure out why. I kind of want to go back though just because Opera's spellcheck system sucks ass for some reason (why.....this can't be that hard to improve on)

I always have issues with Chrome if I have several tabs open at once.

Also it blows my mind that the majority of internet browsing is done on mobile these days. I don't think I could ever do that. It's such a foreign concept to me.

The Real Abed

I switched to Safari years ago and only keep Firefox on my computer for porn. Chrome hasn't touched my disk since I gave up on its buggy ass when Apple implemented iCloud support into Safari. Haven't looked back and don't plan on it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
In my experience (and note this is just my experience), Firefox works better than Chrome on weaker computers, but on a decent computer or better Chrome works a lot better. Chrome takes up nore CPU for me at least (I have a few plug-ins so might be because of that though), but Firefox has serious memory leak issues and both is shit with higher quality videos and crashes more. Chrome takes up more overall CPU for me but runs a lot smoother of you have the CPU and goes faster with much better video capabilities. Firefox has some good plugins, but Chrome allows developers to push put updates faster while Firefox happens sometimes weeks behind (jshakles enhance steam, for example).


I don't like Chrome and I don't want to use it, but it wins every time... The prolific nature of the browser means all my bookmarks are synced across my 3 major platforms (Windows, MacOS, Android). I tried Firefox on PC & Android, but it just feels worse than Chrome.

My biggest qualms with Chrome are the lack of customization without extensions, and giving Google a bigger magnifying glass than they need.


Firefox for life. There was a good post on Hacker News that basically said that Firefox has won because we aren't using Internet Explorer and are now using a standards compliant browser, which happens not to be Firefox, but that was Firefox's goal in some sense.

Chrome is great, but Google's monetization methods are altogether creepy. There is Chromium of course, but the majority don't use that.

Firefox now-a-days has been focused on Privacy and open web issues, and if they can move the goal post again, then truly they are the winners for all.


On mobile I use Firefox because I can use uBlock Origin without Root.

For adblockers in Chrome you need to root your device.

I've started using brave browser on all my devices and never looked back. It's raw Chrome browser with adblocker built in. No root needed. It feels looks and acts like a faster version of mobile chrome.


Still using Firefox... Will be doing so until I die! Even if the stability has been absolutely terrible lately. Like, EXTREMELY terrible.

I just can't get behind Chrome UI at all. That options menu UI can't go die in a fire; draw 3 cards.
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