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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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formerly nacire
The monsters, the environment, the armor. All of that art looks markedly worse. That's not cherry picking. Is an opinion, sure, but I can be fairly sure in not liking the direction they're going with the visuals.

The art direction looks identical to me, but with higher quality assets. Been playing the series since PSP and I'm just not seeing this drastic difference you're describing. The armor shown is very reminiscent of early armor sets like Steel or Hunter. The Rathian looks identical to all previous incarnations albeit with higher polycount, texture count, normal mapping, etc. The environments look to be more detailed versions of typical monster hunter areas, albeit we are limited to one locale which appears to be a tropical island setting or sorts.

So yeah, just not seeing it.


Rathalos looks like Rathalos. The frog looks like Royal Ludroth. The environment looks like a jungle. The armor (and GS) looks like the starter sets you get in every MH.

You are drawing ridiculous conclusions from this trailer.

I disklike the art in the trailer emensely. The fuzzy T. rex is legit the worst large monster design I've seen in the series. I have more than enough info to judge those things. You don't have to share the opinion, but I certainly can judge the game based on what Capcom has decided is their best foot to put forward.
If Capcom is smart, they will realize they can attract the Dark Souls audience in the west by keeping monhun combat true to form. I'm not too worried. Everything shown so far seems to point to classic monhun combat.

Not necessarily. Souls succeeds because you can use the RPG mechanics to make up for your action game shortcomings, and the action game mechanics to make up for your RPG shortcomings. A low-level, high skill player and a high-level, low-skill player can both beat the game.

MH, in contrast, has way less wiggle room and zero leniency for a skill or stat deficit. If you don't have good gear (at the very least, a level appropriate weapon) and you aren't a skilled player, you're doomed.

And if you consider seeing all the content to be beating the game in both Souls and MH, that can usually be done in 1-2 playthroughs of any Souls (generally about 50% of all players do this per game, if trophy numbers are accurate). Beating G-rank in any given MH, on the other hand, is something I'm certain only a tiny portion of the playerbase could accomplish. We're talking an endeavor that takes hundreds of hours, many of which will be grinding, and with a real possibility of encountering a monster the player is simply not skilled enough to overcome. This is okay if you only play the game casually on your commute, but that's not how Westerners play.


Unlimited Capacity
This looks great to me. Each generation brings some additions and changes. Swimming is back and the grapple stuff looks great. THe real difference is finally no damn zones. We get a big open area to hunt in, what it always should have been. I am sure the core gameplay will be the same, this trailer was meant to highlight the new stuff. There is nothing in that trailer to even hint at the combat changing.


I disklike the art in the trailer emensely. The fuzzy T. rex is legit the worst large monster design I've seen in the series. I have more than enough info to judge those things. You don't have to share the opinion, but I certainly can judge the game based on what Capcom has decided is their best foot to put forward.

Really? Worse than Plesioth? Worse than bulldrome? Worse than Cephadrome? Worse than most frontier designs?


Not necessarily. Souls succeeds because you can use the RPG mechanics to make up for your action game shortcomings, and the action game mechanics to make up for your RPG shortcomings. A low-level, high skill player and a high-level, low-skill player can both beat the game.

MH, in contrast, has way less wiggle room and zero leniency for a skill or stat deficit. If you don't have good gear (at the very least, a level appropriate weapon) and you aren't a skilled player, you're doomed.

And if you consider seeing all the content to be beating the game in both Souls and MH, that can usually be done in 1-2 playthroughs of any Souls (generally about 50% of all players do this per game, if trophy numbers are accurate). Beating G-rank in any given MH, on the other hand, is something I'm certain only a tiny portion of the playerbase could accomplish. We're talking an endeavor that takes hundreds of hours, many of which will be grinding, and with a real possibility of encountering a monster the player is simply not skilled enough to overcome. This is okay if you only play the game casually on your commute, but that's not how Westerners play.

Er, my boyfriend can attest to skill being paramount in Monster Hunter. Considering he can get insanely far in 4 (I don't remember how far but it was a lot) purely with very early gear. Granted, he's been playing MonHun for most of his life, and he's actually excited from the trailer while I'm not... But that's my input.


I disklike the art in the trailer emensely. The fuzzy T. rex is legit the worst large monster design I've seen in the series. I have more than enough info to judge those things. You don't have to share the opinion, but I certainly can judge the game based on what Capcom has decided is their best foot to put forward.

I'm not a fan of the T-Rex but nothing touches the giant rubber chicken Gypceros. That thing is just a mess. The worst thing you can say about the T-Rex is that it's a bit bland.

IMO of course.


No it isn't. There are currently no plans to do so at Capcom so don't get your hopes up. Or just hope that Nintendo steps in.



Damn I came on here after watching the conference thinking everyone would be loosing their shit with excitement.

Boy was I wrong. I feel some people are just predisposed to hating this game.
Can't work out why though.
It looks exactly like Gen 1 Monster Hunter to me. If you jumped in when they started introducing more anime looking monster designs, I can see someone might think this is a charmless and colorless artstyle. But MH1 always strived for a more naturalistic color palette and design for their environment and monsters. Personally I always hated how progressively cartoonish and anime they've got with the monster designs and armor designs. If I could, I would glamour the hunter's armor over the current selection of Super sentai and magical girl armors you get in MH games these days.

That's not to say we won't be getting some ridiculous looking monsters and colorful environments though. We've seen two new monsters and 1 biome. The iguana thing at least has interesting behaviors with swallowing the apontoth and feeding it to its kids.


At first I was worried with the trailer (and excited too), but after rewatching and reading some details, I'm all in, this looks like the next step for the franchise and a breath of fresh air.

And that lizard eating the Aptonoth looked awesome, as did the grappling hook mechanic.


I for one think we will see monsters from all 4 previous gens. Too much work went into them to not be used in your first "open world" game.


Damn I came on here after watching the conference thinking everyone would be loosing their shit with excitement.

Boy was I wrong. I feel some people are just predisposed to hating this game.
Can't work out why though.

Me neither. I'm very excited for it and was surprised to see so much negativity surrounding it. Admittedly I haven't played MH before but this has me HYPED.
Damn I came on here after watching the conference thinking everyone would be loosing their shit with excitement.

Boy was I wrong. I feel some people are just predisposed to hating this game.
Can't work out why though.

A lot of MonHun traditionalism (which is fair), a bit of console wars, and A LOT of not trusting Capcom when it comes to making their games more accessible.

I'm impressed with what I've seen so far, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic until full details come out.


I for one think we will see monsters from all 4 previous gens. Too much work went into them to not be used in your first "open world" game.

I doubt it. I'm expecting a Tri esque roster with expansions fleshing out the roster (along with adding new zones). They need to completely revamp any pre gen 3 monsters in terms of movement, animations, and hitboxes to put them in this game and that's a ton of work.


I for one think we will see monsters from all 4 previous gens. Too much work went into them to not be used in your first "open world" game.

Honestly, with the 4th Gen and Generations, I hope they go the Tri route and just give us lots of new monsters, it is a new continent after all.
Damn I came on here after watching the conference thinking everyone would be loosing their shit with excitement.

Boy was I wrong. I feel some people are just predisposed to hating this game.
Can't work out why though.

Exclusive switched brands. Fear the franchise will lose its root by being westernised. The second is a valid concern but a lot are just salty.


Since it looks to be open world I wonder how they will handle multiplayer.

Well, they had those shots in the trailer of hunters being carried around by pterodactyl-ish creatures, so I guess that's the "delivery system." You pop that flare, to indicate you want more players, and they get air-lifted in.
I disklike the art in the trailer emensely. The fuzzy T. rex is legit the worst large monster design I've seen in the series. I have more than enough info to judge those things. You don't have to share the opinion, but I certainly can judge the game based on what Capcom has decided is their best foot to put forward.

The T-Rex is kind of plain (though I like how he flushes when enraged, and his pop out snoot and back sails).

But, like, so are a ton of MH monsters. Look at Velocidrome, Bulldrome, Blangonga, Congalala (other than being bright pink), both of the crabs. On the other end of the scale, you have trash like Gypceros and overdesigned nonsense like most of the Frontier monsters.

Not every monster in MH is some perfect, memorable design. If Fuzzy T-Rex is an early monster and not some key late-game hunt, he's just fine. And if he is some big late game hunt, oh well, we all love Rajang and Deviljho even though both of their designs (when not in rage mode) aren't that fancy either.


Honestly I'm just glad to get away from the nonsensical designs of the newer generations of monsters. Like Brachydios and Glavenus, to name a couple. They're not even fun to fight.

Going back to the first generation is the best decision they could have made.


No it isn't. There are currently no plans to do so at Capcom so don't get your hopes up. Or just hope that Nintendo steps in.

That sucks, enough so that despite really liking the look of MH World I might skip it on principle. Capcom making Switch MH doesn't matter if I can't play it. :(


Honestly I'm just glad to get away from the nonsensical designs of the newer generations of monsters. Like Brachydios and Glavenus, to name a couple. They're not even fun to fight.

Going back to the first generation is the best decision they could have made.

Say what now? Our opinions when it comes to MH couldn't be more different, could they? Haha.
Nice cherry picking. Go show me something that looks anywhere near as cool as Brachidios, the new XX flagships, Zinogre, etc. The big new monster they showed was a fuzzy T. rex. Yes they have shiny new high poly models, but the art design is worlds behind.

Lmfao at Brachidios looking cool. My ass. Zinogre on the other hand is cool yeah.


Honestly I'm just glad to get away from the nonsensical designs of the newer generations of monsters. Like Brachydios and Glavenus, to name a couple. They're not even fun to fight.

Going back to the first generation is the best decision they could have made.

While i agree Monsters like Valfalk are pushing it a bit, Brachydios, Glavenus and some of the Generations monsters are some of the better designs. Malfestio is one of the best designs across all of the games.


Say what now? Our opinions when it comes to MH couldn't be more different, could they? Haha.

You're the Yin to my Yang. Or something.

While i agree Monsters like Valfalk are pushing it a bit, Brachydios, Glavenus and some of the Generations monsters are some of the better designs. Malfestio is one of the best designs across all of the games.

I'll explain why I hate Brachy and Glav:



*Brachy whiffs an attack and then instantly hops to the side*

Glavenus does this too except his hitbox is narrow and even worse to hit.

Awful monster designs. Definitely the worst ones alongside that bastard Owl Malfestio. Malfestio is like someone at Capcom was having a really bad day and decided to design the most annoying monster EVER.
You're the Yin to my Yang. Or something.

I'll explain why I hate Brachy and Glav:



*Brachy whiffs an attack and then instantly hops to the side*

Glavenus does this too except his hitbox is narrow and even worse to hit.

Awful monster designs. Definitely the worst ones alongside that bastard Owl Malfestio. Malfestio is like someone at Capcom was having a really bad day and decided to design the most annoying monster EVER.

Brachy is like the best new monster they have designed in some time. The stuff in gen 4 is meh compared to him. Such a unique creature design. God, Gen 3 was so fucking good.


You're the Yin to my Yang. Or something.

I'll explain why I hate Brachy and Glav:



*Brachy whiffs an attack and then instantly hops to the side*

Glavenus does this too except his hitbox is narrow and even worse to hit.

Awful monster designs. Definitely the worst ones alongside that bastard Owl Malfestio. Malfestio is like someone at Capcom was having a really bad day and decided to design the most annoying monster EVER.

Will definitely have to disagree on that one. Brachydios and Glavenus are two of my favorite monsters to fight in the entire series.

Then again im a weirdo and think both of the Raths can die in a fire. Never liked fighting them.
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