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Monster Hunter World (XB1/PS4, PC later, Early 2018) E3 info [Up: Effectively MH5]


Anyone else think we will get some crossover quests/items etc?

Maybe something like Xbox gets a question for the Halo Plasma sword, or Chief armour or something. It worked great on 3ds having monthly additions etc. I hope World adds it too.

I feel like worldwide servers puts a nail in fun crossover event gear.


So, I wonder what changed at Capcom that pushed them over the edge to do this - an HD game that drops the ancient PS2 assets they've been reusing since forever.

Was it that the Switch is an HD handheld?

Going by interviews, it seems like they wanted to try new things on capable hardware and bring in new fans. There are going to be a lot of first timers when this game comes out, and I think that's great for the series.


So, I wonder what changed at Capcom that pushed them over the edge to do this - an HD game that drops the ancient PS2 assets they've been reusing since forever.

Was it that the Switch is an HD handheld?

Probably want the series to grow worldwide and this is the main way they can appeal to the PS4/XB/PC crowd.

MH is still really only big in Japan and even then iirc one of the PSP MH games is still the best selling one. So the series hasn't really grown since leaving PSP.

The Switch is clearly a non-factor here.


That would be a shame. Would love to see something happen!

Given that there's no more flexing after a potion, and reduced/eliminated harvesting animations, it sounds like they might be keeping some of the silliness to a minimum for the time being. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but this might be one of the more srs monster hunter experiences. At least until it's been available for a while and DLC quests start trickling in. I could see us getting Megaman or other Capcom properties as costumes/armor sets. Something platform agnostic.


Given that there's no more flexing after a potion, and reduced/eliminated harvesting animations, it sounds like they might be keeping some of the silliness to a minimum for the time being. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but this might be one of the more srs monster hunter experiences. At least until it's been available for a while and DLC quests start trickling in. I could see us getting Megaman or other Capcom properties as costumes/armor sets. Something platform agnostic.

Yes, from the little bits we have seen, it does look a little more serious.

The Capcom stuff would be damn cool though.
So, I wonder what changed at Capcom that pushed them over the edge to do this - an HD game that drops the ancient PS2 assets they've been reusing since forever.

Was it that the Switch is an HD handheld?
My bet was the stagnation/transition to phones of the JP market combined with the apparent health of the western console market.

Nothing's stopping them from making MHWP in a year or two if this fails, but they can't rely on that market to float iterations of the same game (that was admittedly begging to get stale for me) forever.


Given that there's no more flexing after a potion, and reduced/eliminated harvesting animations, it sounds like they might be keeping some of the silliness to a minimum for the time being. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but this might be one of the more srs monster hunter experiences.

Doubt it, since they removed those animations instead of replacing them with something serious.

It was done for gameplay purposes more than anything else imo.
Given that there's no more flexing after a potion, and reduced/eliminated harvesting animations, it sounds like they might be keeping some of the silliness to a minimum for the time being. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but this might be one of the more srs monster hunter experiences. At least until it's been available for a while and DLC quests start trickling in. I could see us getting Megaman or other Capcom properties as costumes/armor sets. Something platform agnostic.

Honestly, I don't see the potion-flexing as "silly" so much as "Frustrating"

Here, your character drank the potion. Now he's just fucking around doing nonsense animations irrelevant to the action of drinking a potion whilst you're screaming at the screen "Fucking mooooooove already!" as the monster on the other side of the zone suddenly decides to disengage from fighting your three buddies to go after you.

Here's a thought experiment: Dark Souls, but you have to stand in place for three seconds after using Est- Oh wait that was Dark Souls 2.


The initial reveal had me skeptical but I said I'd wait for more info before I judged. Seems legit enough for me so far, I'm pretty open to a lot of these changes. Really happy it's not an open world game.


Honestly, I don't see the potion-flexing as "silly" so much as "Frustrating"

Here, your character drank the potion. Now he's just fucking around doing nonsense animations irrelevant to the action of drinking a potion whilst you're screaming at the screen "Fucking mooooooove already!" as the monster on the other side of the zone suddenly decides to disengage from fighting your three buddies to go after you.

Here's a thought experiment: Dark Souls, but you have to stand in place for three seconds after using Est- Oh wait that was Dark Souls 2.

Agreed, I've wanted the flex animation removed since playing MH for the first time with MH2.

It makes no sense whatsoever.


Unlimited Capacity
No more potion flexing? I tried to be down with this game but I think it is truly over. The Japanese ideals of patience and humility that stuff like this brought to the game are completely gone now. I bet they even throw the potion bottle on the ground now after guzzling it down like an animal smh I am done with this series.


That's literally one of the biggest things that made the rumor a giant load of BS before we got any MH: World details/reveal. Sony would do PS4 without a care for a PC version, sure.

Sony doesn't care about Xbox? Yea, that's a no. The rumor was a bunch of BS, logically inconsistent and got a bunch of things wrong. Let's stop giving it any credence.

Yeah ok. Noone can guess a westernized Monster Hunter out of the blue. You can lie to yourself all you want but the leaker knew a lot of things.

The only thing that should ever be questioned are the parts about motives.

They could be manipulating facts to get an emotional response. They could simply be speculating but regardless they had insider info that 2 monster games are coming and for now we got the less plausible version already coming. I'm guessing we'll find out about the traditional version next year. I'm betting on that because I would assume that game announcement would hurt XX sales.


No more potion flexing? I tried to be down with this game but I think it is truly over. The Japanese ideals of patience and humility that stuff like this brought to the game are completely gone now. I bet they even throw the potion bottle on the ground now after guzzling it down like an animal smh I am done with this series.

I heard from a trusted source that you crush the health-can against your forehead and belch before throwing it away.


Neo Member
+ HBG looked like it could always move slowly while shooting
+ HBG machine gun thing seemed like a special mode, depleted a meter
+ HBG had many ammo types and traditional ammo switching mechanics

+ gathering plants was instant with no animation

Everything about being a gunner feels like it's getting some decent attention and QoL updates. Hopefully the gameplay demo coming later can show how that skill cool down and new ammo types will work.

Also excited about the changes to animation priority when using items and gathering. As someone who has been pitching Monster Hunter to friends for years, a lot of these little changes are getting them most excited about trying this entry.

Also thanks for your impressions.


Agreed, I've wanted the flex animation removed since playing MH for the first time with MH2.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

It's a fun animation. Functionally it's the same as making the drinking animation longer but visually it's more fun.


Agreed, I've wanted the flex animation removed since playing MH for the first time with MH2.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

It's a sort of "All right! Felling much better!" animation. Is it antiquated? Maybe. Can it be frustrating when you barely choke down a potion and you're one frame from being out of your flex pose and you get smashed by a monster again, and now your health is even lower than before? Yes. Absolutely. Is it silly? Definitely.

But silliness is a part of Monster Hunter's DNA. and I hope that doesn't disappear too much. That said, I think that cherry picking certain things to remove that could be seen as frustrating to series newcomers is a step in the right direction for expanding the audience.


I was watching a video where they said there is a cool bow move where you fire shots, juke to the side and you strike an arrow on the ground to light it on fire.

I need to see more BOW!

That's the new aggro mechanic.

Great addition. Really makes it a true western game.
3 had local co-op, it was just relegated to arena quests.

My bad, not played MH3. Point still kind of stands though. Dude was comparing local co-op to being able to jump in a platformer, even though the series didn't start with the local co-op.

I found them to be a complete snoozefest. The only weapons worse than them back in second gen were HH and GL.

I'm still waiting on them to make the GL fun.

You take that back. Gunlance is life. Just needs a bit of QoL adjustments. The heat gauge was an interesting addition and hopefully they can expand on it. And let me jump forwards. :[
I know everyone didnt like them but I loved hunting styles and wished they were back. The art were a little too over the top but i would love for them to either tone them down or just bring styles back seperately


Even if you replace the animation with something else the drinking animation has no business being that long.

Of course it does. It's there to force you to time your heals instead of just guzzling potions and the monsters were designed around it.


Gold Member
Look, as long as the battles are long thoughtful and drawnout affairs that is more about strategic positioning than reflexes...then I'm on board with whatever they want to make me.

Day 1.

Make it a reflex fast game like "Souls" that is less hunting and more fighting..color me a sad panda.


I can't tell if people are joking in this thread or not. The series has its fair share of obscure mechanics they've been clinging to for many iterations and I think this is a step in the right direction to finally appear to a wider (and western) audience.

Everything I've seen and read about this game seems fantastic. It appears to finally be the MH entry I can get into and convince friends to play with me. So happy its being considered a mainline game.

Also, why do so many people seem to think Capcom owes Nintendo loyalty? Are they forgetting the series was exclusive to Sony for a long time?


Of course it does. It's there to force you to time your heals instead of just guzzling potions and the monsters were designed around it.

No, it doesn't.

The actual drinking animation is fine but the flex after is clearly a waste of time, from a gameplay standpoint it‘s dumb.


Alternatively the loss flexing could just mean the monster behaviors are such that you get much less breathing room. Who knows. You already can't zone out, whose to say it might not be intentional. We'll have to wait and see.


No, it doesn't.

The actual drinking animation is fine but the flex after is clearly a waste of time, from a gameplay standpoint it‘s dumb.

No, from a gameplay standpoint it's perfect. The healing system in an action game is just as important as the combat itself and they nailed it with Monster Hunter. Dark Souls 3 is the perfect example of how faster heals can mess with the balance of a game.
No, from a gameplay standpoint it's perfect. The healing system in an action game is just as important as the combat itself and they nailed it with Monster Hunter. Dark Souls 3 is the perfect example of how faster heals can mess with the balance of a game.
All of this is ruined by the ability to take 3 steps out of a zone to heal with no penalty or danger. Also, perfect is subjective as hell in this situation. I've played all of the Western games since 2 (plus MHP3 HD), and while I'm used to the arm pump I am not in love with it.

Take a breath before assuming they've wrecked the balance of the game by updating mechanics.

Zeta Oni

I'm genuinely surprised that we're getting an Xbone version. I don't think it has much of a market tbh.

I wouldn't count it out just yet.

It's not going to be anything like PS, but ARPG's tend to fare much better on the platform (for example the souls series), and the 4 player co-op focus certainly doesn't hurt its chances. MS would be smart to push the game when or if they can.

At the very least, ill be there day 1 doing what I can to keep a community going.


Agreed, I've wanted the flex animation removed since playing MH for the first time with MH2.

It makes no sense whatsoever.


its a big part of the balancing, iis to stop players from being able to just chug potions at any given time and instead having to wait till there's a given opportunity to do so.
All of this is ruined by the ability to take 3 steps out of a zone to heal with no penalty or danger. Also, perfect is subjective as hell in this situation. I've played all of the Western games since 2 (plus MHP3 HD), and while I'm used to the arm pump I am not in love with it.

Take a breath before assuming they've wrecked the balance of the game by updating mechanics.

yeah the new route might be to try to defer aggro so you can use stealth , i always left the zone to heal and sharpen anyhoo, so now there will be a gameplay loop for it.

its a big part of the balancing, iis to stop players from being able to just chug potions at any given time and instead having to wait till there's a given opportunity to do so.

Except the games can and will revoke those opportunities at any arbitrary time at random even if you've found the perfect window.

I've lost count of how many times in MH4 I've had a monster suddenly de-aggro from the rest of my party on the opposite side of the zone to bumrush me while my character is spending five hours jacking off post-potion.



its a big part of the balancing, iis to stop players from being able to just chug potions at any given time and instead having to wait till there's a given opportunity to do so.

No its not, the best thing to do is leave the zone. Because in the time it takes you to finish, the monster can finish an attack animation, reset, run towards and attack you from across the map. That is damn bad.


No its not, the best thing to do is leave the zone. Because in the time it takes you to finish, the monster can finish an attack animation, reset, run towards and attack you from across the map. That is damn bad.

No it's not. If the monster can finish it's attack and manage to hit you with a different one during the heal then you chose a bad time to heal. This isn't the game's fault it's your fault.
No, from a gameplay standpoint it's perfect. The healing system in an action game is just as important as the combat itself and they nailed it with Monster Hunter. Dark Souls 3 is the perfect example of how faster heals can mess with the balance of a game.

Nailed my ass. The animation was useless, drinking was already slow enough and the flex animation ruined it.

The fact that normal potions and mega potions have the same duration proves that it's not about balance, it's simply stupid.
I'm going to miss being trampled over by a monster that suddenly switches its sights onto you in the middle of drinking a potion :p

I'm liking that they removed some of the pick up animations. God those were tedious if you were farming for honey and herbs.


No its not, the best thing to do is leave the zone. Because in the time it takes you to finish, the monster can finish an attack animation, reset, run towards and attack you from across the map. That is damn bad.

What about arena fights? Or Fights against Elder Dragonson a single room? Can't leave the zone there.

Except the games can and will revoke those opportunities at any arbitrary time at random even if you've found the perfect window.

I've lost count of how many times in MH4 I've had a monster suddenly de-aggro from the rest of my party on the opposite side of the zone to bumrush me while my character is spending five hours jacking off post-potion.

This is still something you have to time well. Is the monster in the middle of the animation against a party member? You should probably heal. Is the monster standing around and just moving? Its probably switching targets and you should wait till you heal.


Unconfirmed Member
^^^If you're carrying honey and a tome/combiner, you have 20 megas. Being prepared is a balancing factor of monster hunter.

People complaining about the flex don't understand the drinking animation (in the games they are currently present) would still be the same duration without the flex due to balancing.

People complaining about potion timings likely don't play gunner either, because knowing good timing windows to reload is make or break AND doesn't do anything for your health. Hell, Tanzia Chips got replaced with grilled fish and you can still find a timing window to do the much longer eating animation if you're on the ball.

Cautiously optimistic about world, if not for the double cross debacle.


As a hardcore MH fan. I'm indifferent now. Capcom really wants this series to take off West and willingp sacrifice its portability sales for Western reveneue. If this bombs saleswise, I really hope Nintendo doesn'y take them back. Nintendo built up the brand, made it a juggetnaut and this is how Capcom repays them. I'll buy the PC version to see how it plays, as PC settings are probably more suited for co-ops. Capcom, you laid your neck out now. I hope for your sake you survive. I don'y want to see IP's split up due to potential financial difficulties
Psp made that game booming, buddy. No scrap that, monster hunter made monster hunter booming.

Handhelds were just a vessel. If the series had stayed with psp, it would have been just as big.


This is still something you have to time well. Is the monster in the middle of the animation against a party member? You should probably heal. Is the monster standing around and just moving? Its probably switching targets and you should wait till you heal.

I did appreciate that because of long animations for this and that, you really have to commit to your actions. And you really have to pay attention and learn monster patterns and behavior. Simply watching the monster carefully and looking for tells, and memorizing patterns is one of the easiest ways to become successful in MH.

I think whatever side of the fence we are on in regards to animation duration, its evident that we are all passionate about the games. I think we will have a blast with MHW.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Can we not panic about healing animations yet?

I mean Bloodborne has incredibly fast healing animations, but the game isn't casual/easy by any means, and people routinely go into boss fights and run out of healing items or whatever.

The game can certainly be balanced around fast healing, come on.
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