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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


What's the point of infected and then curing Jorah? Is there a greater lesson or is it just a dead-end story?

And what are these human "emotions" this show keeps portraying? What is the purpose of love?

They haven't shown us enough to make us care about Grey Worm's relationship.


What was the point of even given Jorah Grayscale if they are just going to cure it? Presumably in the books Connington is going to spread it to the population of Westeros in some way (maybe King's Landing?) making his love of Aegon the undoing of Aegon's short rule (assuming he gets that far). In the show...they just give it to him and cure it?

Why are we assuming the cure worked?


What was the point of even given Jorah Grayscale if they are just going to cure it? Presumably in the books Connington is going to spread it to the population of Westeros in some way (maybe King's Landing?) making his love of Aegon the undoing of Aegon's short rule (assuming he gets that far). In the show...they just give it to him and cure it?

Maybe it will show that the Citadel is actively hiding knowledge and is a suppressant force on the people of westeros


Nymeria was beautiful

apart from that, there was not a lot to love
we are still in the build up phase we have seen in every season so far.
the fleet battle was actually pretty good, Euron was kinda cool, the sand snakes died well. Theon was hilarious.

grey worm/missandei just didn't feel right at all. pretty meh. I do hope we see Nymeria again, I also like that Arya changed and acts more mature now. I wish we had seen a similar noticable change in character with Jon after his resurrection.

That episode needed a Bran flashback, Tourney at Harrenhal next please and Battle at the trident in the finale.
I have this feeling that the Game of Thrones TV show ends without a resolution to the battle with the White walkers. I could see the show end with the seven kingdoms consolidated, the two sides facing off, then the headlong rush against the walkers, then fade to black...
I have this feeling that the Game of Thrones TV show ends without a resolution to the battle with the White walkers. I could see the show end with the seven kingdoms consolidated, the two sides facing off, then the headlong rush against the walkers, then fade to black...
Another sopranos? I hope not.


I have this feeling that the Game of Thrones TV show ends without a resolution to the battle with the White walkers. I could see the show end with the seven kingdoms consolidated, the two sides facing off, then the headlong rush against the walkers, then fade to black...

that would be horrible


What's the point of infected and then curing Jorah? Is there a greater lesson or is it just a dead-end story?

Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.
Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?

I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.

Up to the late 1800's, cutting off a huge chunk of skin without contamination was incredibly difficult. Given how contagious greyscale is, that part wasn't hard to believe at all.
Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.

will he jump in slow motion and scream "MISS PRESIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENT"
Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.

And while Jorah is bleeding he turns around and asks Dany "now can we fuck?" and then Jon appears and chokes him.

Jorah stay losing.


I love that Littlefinger went from subtle schemer to telling Jon he wants to bone his sister.

Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.

I thought we would find out that Stonemen are invulnerable to dragon's fire.
I'm trying to put my finger on what feels so off this season.

Everything feels disjointed and abstract at the moment. So far, watching it feels like I'm back on AFOIAF reading some big, silly overarching theory for how the series is going to end. All big events and fanservice wishful thinking, no nuance or consequence. I suppose this makes sense because they're now adapting GRRM's broad stokes as opposed to his actual writing, but it really shows their own weakness as writers. So much here feels contrived to arrive at an endgame. I feared that the further they left the source material, the weaker the show would become, especially outside of the big "tentpole" episodes, and here we are.

It's disappointing but I'll hope for improvement and still enjoy it for what it is.
Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.

No way Sam stays long enough to actually become a Maester. The dude's going to steal some really important book and take off sooner rather than later.
No way Sam stays long enough to actually become a Maester. The dude's going to steal some really important book and take off sooner rather than later.

Sam is going to save them all, then die heroically. As a reward, when they're all celebrating the Gods will paint his face with the stars.

Jon will be looking up and people nearby will say" Look! That's him! That's Phil's boy!"

And Jon will tear up.
Rough episode that was very frustrating. They tried to do a bunch of things that made sense on some level, but then they completely botched the execution.

Dany doesn't want to burn down all of Westeros on her way to ruling, which isn't unreasonable. I doubt that will work in ASoIaF, but it's her call to handle it this way. She makes this decision, but then the plan to split her forces doesn't make much sense, and they give Emilia Clarke a bunch of dialog that she couldn't handle in the war room scenes.

Grey Worm and Missandei pursue a relationship, which works for me to show some of the human side of things admist all of this conflict. But then they move from some meaningful dialog (well acted, too) to another gratuitous T&A scene that flattens any resonance that it had.

A large sea battle between Euron and Yara was probably going to happen sooner or later. But they jump into it without much thought as to how he tracked them down, and then their huge set piece for the episode was messily edited to the point that it was difficult for me to follow parts of it.

Just a sloppy letdown after the solid premiere to the season. At least the Arya scenes worked for me.



This is probably useful if recut/spliced in some way:

More gifs here on GoT's giphy account.
I'm split on next week on thinking what will happen.

Jon & Davos arrive, Davos goes ape shit at Mel.

Jon won't bend the knee as it will betray the north. Maybe she has the dragons near her as a show of force and one of them likes Jon and goes over to him? Mel mentions Jon died and was reborn?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Sam cures Jorah, and because he went above and beyond the call of duty, he earns a special express route Maester's chain. Meanwhile Jorah being cured can rush to where Dany is, just in time to jump in front of her when Euron fires something deadly and he takes one for the team and dies. It's like poetry.
Nah, he's gonna to get back to Dany just in time to see her fucking Jon. He'll also see that Jon has his family's sword.
That missandei and grey worm scene was great, but am I alone in feeling that the nudity and overly long sex scene killed the emotion tension there.

And Euron coming down on yara's ship was fucking AWFUL. I laughed more than once on replays. Looked like some mortal kombat shit


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";244351167]My favorite scene this week was Cersei telling the lords how evil Dany is.[/QUOTE]

"The Targaryens are vile. They have sex with their siblings, burn innocent people alive, and have giant monsters do their bidding for them."

*everyone looks around awkwardly*
Also, I would be shocked if Jon bent the knee.

Honestly, I'm not sure if he gives that much of a shit as long as he gets the support he needs in the north and the dragon glass.

He might be annoyed by the request but if he's going to save the lives of his people he will do it.
I liked the battle at sea bit? The first half I had no fucking idea what was attacking who and where but it was awesome to look at. Sand snakes obviously lose to Euron because they're assassins who don't use proper weapons and are in a stand-up slugfest with a dude in heavy armor and giant axe. Theon freaking the shit out was great, completely in character and sets him up to actually do things that don't include hovering in Yara's shadow. Or he'll just fuck off with Gendry somewhere and live the easy life.

Definitely not the best battle scene but I liked it.
Hmmm upcoming events guesses?

- Jon and Danny seem to almost reach an accord, but Danny's aim is to reclaim the throne while Jon's is to fight the white walkers. So while he promises he will not fight her, he will not help her in her quest and instead beg for allegiance where they can at least get dragon glass and a promise that once the war for the kingdoms is over that she will aid him.

- They left the queen and one of the daughters from the sand snakes alive, so technically Danny still has her allegiance if she somehow manages to escape.

- Theon will once again have a redemption arc once he actually stands a fighting chance. Maybe he will sacrifice himself and kill his uncle.

- We know the Hound and co. will eventually meet up with Jon and fight the rob zombies, so my assumption is this is prior to Danny being done with her conquest. Was Jorah in this scene in the trailer? Can't remember. But I expect him to be cured enough at least for the time being to be able to fight properly.


Also, I would be shocked if Jon bent the knee.

Why? He doesn't want to be king and recognizes that there's a bigger threat that requires alliances. It would be weird if he didn't bend the knee.

- Jon and Danny seem to almost reach an accord, but Danny's aim is to reclaim the throne while Jon's is to fight the white walkers. So while he promises he will not fight her, he will not help her in her quest and instead beg for allegiance where they can at least get dragon glass and a promise that once the war for the kingdoms is over that she will aid him.

That's possible but doesn't Tyrion know about the White Walkers?


what kind of proof is it anyway that this stupid ballista can hardly penetrate some 800 year old fossil skull. Dragons have armor skin, dude. qyburn is such a hack.


Purple Drazi
I have this feeling that the Game of Thrones TV show ends without a resolution to the battle with the White walkers. I could see the show end with the seven kingdoms consolidated, the two sides facing off, then the headlong rush against the walkers, then fade to black...

This is like the only ending I can possibly imagine which would put me off the fanbase entirely for the legacy phase.
what kind of proof is it anyway that this stupid ballista can hardly penetrate some 800 year old fossil skull. Dragons have armor skin, dude. qyburn is such a hack.

As long as the dragons stay perfectly still it should do enough damage.

The dragons just need to stay still.


It's been said by a few people on here already and I have to echo it - the direction and editing of that battle sequence was very messy. No sense of space or time, multiple cuts per second to a bunch of people indistinguishable from one another, cutting around the action rather than in service of it, cutting from below deck to above and vice-versa without any establishment of where we are... what happened? It doesn't take Sapochnik to direct a competent battle scene. This was dreadful.


I'm trying to put my finger on what feels so off this season.

Everything feels disjointed and abstract at the moment. So far, watching it feels like I'm back on AFOIAF reading some big, silly overarching theory for how the series is going to end. All big events and fanservice wishful thinking, no nuance or consequence. I suppose this makes sense because they're now adapting GRRM's broad stokes as opposed to his actual writing, but it really shows their own weakness as writers. So much here feels contrived to arrive at an endgame. I feared that the further they left the source material, the weaker the show would become, especially outside of the big "tentpole" episodes, and here we are.

It's disappointing but I'll hope for improvement and still enjoy it for what it is.

I feel you. Definitely getting the same vibe. Hoping it'll start coming together soon.


Honestly, I'm not sure if he gives that much of a shit as long as he gets the support he needs in the north and the dragon glass.

He might be annoyed by the request but if he's going to save the lives of his people he will do it.

Why? He doesn't want to be king and recognizes that there's a bigger threat that requires alliances. It would be weird if he didn't bend the knee.
Because he needs the Northern houses more than he needs Dany, he's not going to commit northern troops to petty squabbles over a chair. Not to mention the revolt he would face from his bannerman if he bent the knee to a southern monarch.
Can't believe people find it so hard to find the fleet for Euron. First, they probbly have spies, it is established that Cersei has a vast Spy network and is probably well informed.
Then they know who is allied which whom, so the routes to take are not very many. Euron probably send scouts and they found the route they took when picking up the army and the return route is pretty clearly towards Kings Landing. Finding a fleet of 100+ Ships shouldn't be that hard.
The surprise attack was a bit strange, ok, but they seemed pretty full of themselves and let their guard down. So it was proably easy going for a veteran like Euron to stage an ambush.

And, after all, it is fantasy. How did Gandalf arrive with all the Riders JUST at the right time in Helms Deep and the Urukai army had no scouts to see them coming and stall them? Yeah, because its fantasy and we want spectacle, not 100% logic.


And, after all, it is fantasy. How did Gandalf arrive with all the Riders JUST at the right time in Helms Deep and the Urukai army had no scouts to see them coming and stall them? Yeah, because its fantasy and we want spectacle, not 100% logic.

The best fantasy has real logic behind it.

Because he needs the Northern houses more than he needs Dany, he's not going to commit northern troops to petty squabbles over a chair. Not to mention the revolt he would face from his bannerman if he bent the knee to a southern monarch.

What would the Northen houses do if he bent the knee? (though I do agree sending troops south would be madness)
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