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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Dr. Buni

I don't mind focus on story in games, but I cared fuck all for the relationship between Joel and Ellie. Which is why I'm kinda eh on the story in the new Dad of War. I have littoe interest in lugging around his son, so I hope it ends in one of two; either his son dies and Kratos goes back in rage mode, or Kratos dies, his son gets pissed and becomes the new God of War.

The Last of Us was also way too much stealth for me, as I absolutely hate stealth games besides MGS (and I only like those because I can play them as third person shooters on the lowest difficulty to enjoy the batshit story).

As for Jak, I only cared about the first game. The rest is eh.
That is fine. It is fine to not like a game. I think games shouldn't really try to appeal to everyone and The Last of Us definitely doesn't attempt to.
I prefer Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth over Persona 5
If the character design in Cyber Sleuth wasn't so bad I would perhaps like it a lot, too.


I played it on easy. Still way too much stealth for me.

Therein lies another dilemma, how can you say the gameplay was "shitshow awful" if you only played it on easy? After all, it's well-known that TLOU really shines on harder difficulty levels. You may not like stealth gameplay, but that doesn't mean it's subpar.


GTAV doesnt deserve all the 10s it got because its nowhere near a masterpiece. Its the epitome of style over substance


I much preferred Horizon Zero Dawn over BotW which I feel is the most disappointing Zelda game ever and totally overated.

Witcher 3 is not much fun at all, although setting is good.

Mad Max is one of the best licenced video games of all time and totally underated.


Destiny 2 lacks ambition and is in fact more restrictive than the first game in many aspects, it almost feels like the first Destiny is/was the actual sequel

(note: opinion is based on the media coverage of the game thus far, and beta)


Esports are not sports
Playing videogames is not a sport
Recording yourself playing videogames is not a Job
And Uncharted sucks

Come to me people!!
Esports are not sports
Playing videogames is not a sport
Recording yourself playing videogames is not a Job
And Uncharted sucks

Come to me people!!

If you got paid for this abortion of a post and other posts like it, even that would be considered a job. You can't just change the definition of a word.


I don't know how controversial this opinion is. But I feel that RE7 is the best RE game since RE4.
Easily on my top 5 resident evil list.
I don't know how controversial this opinion is. But I feel that RE7 is the best RE game since RE4.
Easily on my top 5 resident evil list.

Well given that most people don't like 5 anywhere near as much as 4, and 6 is pretty much hated, I'd say there's nothing controversial about that whatsoever.


That's not a controversial opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, the best survival horror of the decade by far.

Well given that most people don't like 5 anywhere near as much as 4, and 6 is pretty much hated, I'd say there's nothing controversial about that whatsoever.
Fair enough. :p Though Revs 2 ,and 5 have huge followings.

That reminds me I should buy the game at some point.
Fantastic game. You should really consider picking it up. I think it's on sale with ps+ right now.

I'm hoping the series continues in fps for the next couple of games. Just add more enemy types, and increase the length.


Fantastic game. You should really consider picking it up. I think it's on sale with ps+ right now.

I'm hoping the series continues in fps for the next couple of games. Just add more enemy types, and increase the length.

Damn, if the price is good I might have to bite, eventhough I don't have the time for it right now.

Is there a lot of run & hide type of gameplay mechanic, like in Outlast? That's really not my cup of tea.

Beth Cyra

Well given that most people don't like 5 anywhere near as much as 4, and 6 is pretty much hated, I'd say there's nothing controversial about that whatsoever.
The five arguement doesn't hold as it's the same for 7 as it's no where near as popular and the genre defining 4.

That said I don't it's exactly controversial opinion though I think it and 5 have pretty equal fan bases if 5 isn't slightly larger. It gets a ton of hate for sure, but 5 is also very popular with a large crowd of folks.


Found both BoTW and Last of Us just poor games. Last of Us consistently drags on these pretty much forced stealth parts.

BoTW isn't really that fun. Mentioned this before on the games you've dropped thread.


Damn, if the price is good I might have to bite, eventhough I don't have the time for it right now.

Is there a lot of run & hide type of gameplay mechanic, like in Outlast? That's really not my cup of tea.
You can always wait. No point in getting it if you aren't going to play it for a while. Might be cheaper too.

Well, I killed just about everything I came across on my normal game. Haven't done a madhouse run, but I've been told enemy behavior is less predictable, and their health/damage is increased too. So you might have to hide on that mode.

The five arguement doesn't hold as it's the same for 7 as it's no where near as popular and the genre defining 4.

That said I don't it's exactly controversial opinion though I think it and 5 have pretty equal fan bases if 5 isn't slightly larger. It gets a ton of hate for sure, but 5 is also very popular with a large crowd of folks.
I knew I wasn't crazy about RE5 having a pretty strong following. :p
Still a pretty good game.
Found both BoTW and Last of Us just poor games. Last of Us consistently drags on these pretty much forced stealth parts.

BoTW isn't really that fun. Mentioned this before on the games you've dropped thread.

When did you drop BotW? I understand TLoU not being overly exciting (I liked it though) but BotW gets really good like 10h in when your aimless wandering around gets some purpose. The game starts off a little slowly.


You can always wait. No point in getting it if you aren't going to play it for a while. Might be cheaper too.

Well, I killed just about everything I came across on my normal game. Haven't done a madhouse run, but I've been told enemy behavior is less predictable, and their health/damage is increased too. So you might have to hide on that mode.

It's still 70€ in the local PSN store, so it looks like I'll wait. Good to hear, that it's not the run & hide horror game I thought it was.


Not controversial. People calling the combat "serviceable" just don care about combat which is fine but don't bother to comment on it then if doesn't impact your enjoyment one way or the other anyway. I'm in a boat with you in having a hard time naming an open world game with worse combat. I'm pretty sure I had more fun with trashy combat in Risen or Two Worlds 2.

And indeed you got to fight a LOT on Witcher 3. Not even sure how that is debatable. The game is plain unenjoyable if you can't look past the combat because you fight consistently.

I'm sure it's been rehashed, but what exactly is so bad about the combat? The criticism I would give is that it's too repetitive and easy, but that could be due to the normal difficulty I played.

At the same time, what I found tedious was the dialogue in general and the Novigrad segment, where the story disappears. I have traveled to the islands, and now I haven't touch the game in months because I got bored.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Therein lies another dilemma, how can you say the gameplay was "shitshow awful" if you only played it on easy? After all, it's well-known that TLOU really shines on harder difficulty levels. You may not like stealth gameplay, but that doesn't mean it's subpar.

I would have hated it even more on any higher difficulty.


I hate absolutely everything about PUBGB. just everything, from the ground up. the UI design, the stupid shitty music on the menu screen, how badly it performs on brilliant hardware, how the movement feels. gunplay, the way it just dumps you into this laggy fuck fest before a round starts and everyone runs around shooting each other in the face bunnyhopping around like idiots. it just feels like total garbage and everyone thinks it's the best thing in the universe.

I can't wait till a studio with actual talent takes this concept and makes something that isn't a total piece of fucking garbage. No idea why it hasn't happened yet.
I hate absolutely everything about PUBGB. just everything, from the ground up. the UI design, the stupid shitty music on the menu screen, how badly it performs on brilliant hardware, how the movement feels. gunplay, the way it just dumps you into this laggy fuck fest before a round starts and everyone runs around shooting each other in the face bunnyhopping around like idiots. it just feels like total garbage and everyone thinks it's the best thing in the universe.

I can't wait till a studio with actual talent takes this concept and makes something that isn't a total piece of fucking garbage. No idea why it hasn't happened yet.

You know it's not done right...?

The UI stuff and performance are obviously placeholders or lack of optimization. Not sure what the issue is with the "fuck fest" when it's just a queuing lobby. Would you rather look at a loading screen?


Yes i know it's early access. I am also aware that it is a loading lobby.

Doesn't change the fact it's just messy game design. At least with H1Z1( Also poorly designed) players are scattered around and spawn in clusters apart from each other, and not dumped in a big bunch in the same small area (which causes huge frame drops regardless of hardware).

This 'omg its EA optimization will come later jeez' that I see so often is total bullshit. they are WAY past that point and I can bet you 1000 dollars this is about as good as this game will ever get in terms of performance. isn't the next step for this game paid crates and a new map?


Until Dawn looks awful (except when Peter Stormare is on screen, weirdly enough).
I feel a strong urge to delete the game every time those creatures posing as teenagers open their robot jaws and move those grotesque synthetic lips. The models are impressively detailed, but poor animations combined with really low framerate make the game look really bad, way worse than it would look if it used Telltale-quality puppets.

Seeing those things in motion makes me feel like


I recently watched a video of all the instant kills in the most recent version of Guilty Gear. Everything was so terrible, I can't believe this game is treated as a master piece of fighting game choreography, these finishing moves are hardly actual attacks and they're just silly weird cutscenes. Oh and the character designs, woof. I'll never get the appeal of ArcSys fighters.

Depends on what version you saw.

Guilty Gear happened at a time where Street Fighter III and Garou : Mark of the Wolves displayed incredible animation. In comparaison, Guilty Gear was REALLY bad looking.

But, the first game, even with its extreme unbalance was able to create a whole genre (People like to call them "anime fighter", i dislike that a lot, i prefer the term "airdasher") with whole new ideas. That's why it was very well received.

Oh, and myself, my own controversial opinion is that i never understood the appeal of Street Fighter from a chara design stand point. They are just so generic, or i just don't get the humor... I don't know. And even from a mechanic standpoint, I began playing fighting game with Street Fighter 2 and thought it wasn't for me. It's only when i took Guilty Gear X that i finally thought "oh ! i get it ! It's actually fun and cool !". Maybe i prefer the whole craziness of ARC Sys chara design. That's the appeal to me at least.

PS : Oh yeah, and i dislike the concept of parry in Street Fighter III a lot. Sure it's cool to see Diego do that set but what it means is that most characters evolved to be a "mix grab and rush" characters, a lot of concept like zoning is way less present in that game because of that mechanics. The parry is so strong as an option that i'm under the impression that things like pressure is futile because the opponent can always counter by a parry.
Finally, i thought the parry was not a very interesting thing to learn as a beginniner.


Diablo style loot is garbage.

shit out three billion trash items so when you find something with a 1 dps increase on your current gear you feel like you won the lottery


the only "loot games" I ever finished were the first 2 Borderlands games, and those only worked because the shooting was fun
I think Crysis 2 is the most polished and balanced Crysis game. It's fundamentally a well made videogame, with tight combat and excellent set piece design. Crysis 3's problems stem almost entirely from it trying to please Crysis 1 fans, and in the process heavily diluting encounter design, thus rendering the game kinda flat for the most part. Being rushed didn't help, either.

Crysis 1 is not a bad game, but it's not a very well made VIDEOGAME. It's a sandbox power fantasy.

I also think Crysis 3's opening is the greatest thing ever. Especially the part where Prophet says, "I saw a glimpse of what's coming. And there was nothing left of me to stop it." Anyone who doesn't feel chills during that scene simply hates fun.


Until Dawn looks awful (except when Peter Stormare is on screen, weirdly enough).
I feel a strong urge to delete the game every time those creatures posing as teenagers open their robot jaws and move those grotesque synthetic lips. The models are impressively detailed, but poor animations combined with really low framerate make the game look really bad, way worse than it would look if it used Telltale-quality puppets.

Seeing those things in motion makes me feel like

Not directly related to gaming, but...

The use of Bach's Goldberg variations in Until Dawn's psychoanalysis scenes (and every other non-Hannibal Lectar game, film or TV series) is just a cheap way to imply intellectualism and plant suspicion in the player/viewer. It's so lazy, when you could easily take almost any other piece of classical music, not reference Lectar in any way, and at the same time surprise people.


Japanese developers, on average, understand the nuisances of combat and combat systems more so than Western developers

Found the weeb.

I think that Smash Bros 5/ 4 Switch port should prioritise content over 'balance' and 'competitive' stuff. Bonus if there's no way to turn items off.


I think that Smash Bros 5/ 4 Switch port should prioritise content over 'balance' and 'competitive' stuff. Bonus if there's no way to turn items off.

If you want to kill the competitive aspect of Smash, it will not be enough.
The Melee sphere will only grow more stable as a result and Smash 4 U will be seen as the definitive version.

It won't stop what i suppose you dislike.
Also, balance is something which happened with patch, the initial balance of Smash 4 was quite horrible so they actually put priorities on "content".


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
If you want to kill the competitive aspect of Smash, it will not be enough.
The Melee sphere will only grow more stable as a result and Smash 4 U will be seen as the definitive version.

It won't stop what i suppose you dislike.
Also, balance is something which happened with patch, the initial balance of Smash 4 was quite horrible so they actually put priorities on "content".
I don't think vanilla smash 4 was that unbalanced at the beginning, it was ok for most people its just when it got to diddy and shiek there was a large gap from them to everybody else and even then, a lot of players were saying that it just took people getting use to them and countering them


GTA IV is one of the most overrated games of all time. I actually wouldn't mind but the praises I hear about this game...somehow it just gets to me.

Probably because I was hyped as fuck as I LOVED GTA San Andreas before that.
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