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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Really? They started filming S7 at the very end of August. So if this shoot starts less than two months later, with one less episode to film, I can't see why that'd take over a year to finish. When did they say they expect production to go all the way through next August?

Longer episodes though.
The end of another season, and idea of a long wait is starting to settle in and it's depressing. Especially knowing it'l be the last season.


Neo Member
All I see is a butt pooping.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Agreed. What sucks about Essos is that she was surrounded by people she had to act strong around all the time. Her character was with others she wasn't allowed to show weakness around, so her acting came off wooden and fake. But in reality...her character kind of was being fake? Or rather, she was playing a role. And she had to. I think.

This is why I've always stated that Dany was the best during her Khaleesi days. That first and second season where she standing up for herself, when she's gaining their trust, love, and admiration. That scene where Visarys mentioned to Jorah that he never in his life received from anyone what Dany got in the hut (when she ate the horse heart), solidified all this for me.

Then we got to the Masters and it was running into one group of dipshits after each other. You're right, she couldn't be anything but hard against these people, as evidenced when Tyrion thought they could be negotiated with. Now that she's dealing with people who are for the most part not as assholish (Cersei excluded), she can go back to showing that softness she had earlier on. That entire last episode was Dany softening. Everything from her not taking Cersei's bait when she rebukes her for being late, to her conversations with Jon, to the end scene with them.


They start filming in October and are expecting to go till August.

We really are looking at 2019 realistically. Especially with an extensive post-production to complete after filming.

Nothing was ever said about August. Jaime's actor said he starts filming in October. That's the only info we got. If it's 6 months like S7, then that means filming should end by late March/ early April. Very small chance S8 can start in September. Most likely November though. Worst case scenario February 2019.

Longer episodes though.

That doesn't mean much. It's still only 6 episodes.
It's kind of awesome that Rhaegar has the same hairstyle as Viserys.
Viserys must've admired Rhaegar and tried to emulate him appearance wise.

It's headcanon but it's a detail I think is cool.


My prediction about the end of the series (Big post ahead )

Game Of Thrones Series Finale

Major Characters :

Danearys – Dead giving birth to son
Danearys Son – New King
Hound – Dead after killing the mountain
Moutain – Killed by Hound
Brienne – Dies during the great war
Sansa – Queen
Arya – Survives the great war and continues being an assassin
Tyrion – Dies during the Great War
Cersei – Dead by Jaime (The prophecy that she will be killed by her brother to this day she always assumed it would be Tyrion but it will be Jaime)
Jaime – Becomes hand of the new king
Jon – Either dies by sacrificing himself to win the great war or like his uncle gets ”locked" in the north but not before killing the Night King and finding out that the Night King is noone other than Bran Stark.

Bran – OK how is it possible that little crippler bran is the Night King?not only is he the night king but has his action affect the game of thrones history in a number of ways. There are numerous hints at this during the show so far :
- The kid that takes Bran to the 3 Eyed Raven and even 3 Eyed Raven himself have said numerous times that if bran stays too long in the past he might get stuck in it.
- There is a scene in which bran witness the creation of the Night King where after it he asks the first chidren who they were protecting themselfs and they answer ”From you"
- The 3 Eyed Raven tell Bran in their first talk that he will never walk again but he will fly.
- Hodor ”Creation"

Now back to present timeline :

After realizing that the war against the white walkers is lost , bran tries for 3 times to go back in time and change the course of history.

1st failure attempt : He goes back in time when Aerys Targaryen (Mad King) was king. We have been told by Daenerys that before he got mad , that Aerys was a good king and went nuts. What happenned there is similar to what happenned with Hodor as well as what happen with Ned Stark (when he was young and was about to go to the tower where Lyanna was , he turns around after hearing some kind of whisper) Its these whispers that turn the mad king mad. Bran tries to make the mad king build a lot of wildfire (the same one that Tyrion used in the battle at the end of season 2 against Stannis Baratheon and the same one Cersei uses to kill the high sparrow , Margery and loras at the end of season 6). When you hear the mad king scream ” Burn them all" its not for Kings landing but for the White Walkers.

2nd failure attempt : This one will probably be the hardest to put on the TV show since there isnt any reference of it (that i recall ) during the seasons so far. But who built the Wall was Brandon , The Builder who as said to have excepcional climbing skills (Season one Episode 1) but in the books there are references that he had to be moved around with help.

3rd and last failure attempt : Understanding he cant change the course of history , he decides to go even further in the past to the moment the night king was created by the first children and warp into the Night King before he dies but as 3 Eyed Raven stated (u can get stuck in the past if u go too far , thats exactly what happens.
This is why the NIght King is always a step ahead of everyone , that why everytime bran tries to gather some info about the night king he gets discovered , its because he already lived all of this. Even the chains that pull the dead dragon out of the water , he knew he would die and he knew he was going to ride to pass through the Wall.
Speaking of the dead dragon the sentence the 3 eyed raven says to him about flying , become true when he (as the Night King) rides the dragon.
Also the reason why the Night King (now Bran) kills the 3 Eyed Raven is because he knows who the Night King is and didnt told him anything.

But u ask...But if Bran is the Night King than who is bran?

Bran is Bran. Bran when goes to the past , gets stucked in night kning´s body and lives that way for millions of years. As the story unfolds Bran gets born like anyone else.

1st failure attempt : He goes back in time when Aerys Targaryen (Mad King) was king. We have been told by Daenerys that before he got mad , that Aerys was a good king and went nuts. What happenned there is similar to what happenned with Hodor as well as what happen with Ned Stark (when he was young and was about to go to the tower where Lyanna was , he turns around after hearing some kind of whisper) Its these whispers that turn the mad king mad. Bran tries to make the mad king build a lot of wildfire (the same one that Tyrion used in the battle at the end of season 2 against Stannis Baratheon and the same one Cersei uses to kill the high sparrow , Margery and loras at the end of season 6). When you head the mad king scream ” Burn them all" its not for Kings landing but for the White Walkers.
that's amazing


Ok, I'll officially admit it: I'm dumb. 20 minutes into the episode I totally bought the bs and was almost done with the series as a whole. GG D&D, gg.

Bye LF, Arya and Sansa redeemed. Undead Dragon is OP.

...and romance GAF got their incest J+D missionary flower sex scene. Y'all happy now? ;P
- There is a scene in which bran witness the creation of the Night King where after it he asks the first chidren who they were protecting themselfs and they answer “From you”
This one doesn't work, in my opinion.

"You created xyz"
"We were at war, we needed to defend ourselves"
"From who?"
"From you, from men." Even "From you. From men" wouldn't properly mean what you're implying.


This one doesn't work, in my opinion.

"You created xyz"
"We were at war, we needed to defend ourselves"
"From who?"
"From you, from men." Even "From you. From men" wouldn't properly mean what you're implying.

think about it like this :

For you (big pause) meaning bran
From men (this time in general)

what if bran after warps into the night king moments before he gets stabbed and tries to convince the first children without sucess and they stab him anyways ?

i think this is what happen. same reason why last season we dont get the name of jon snow and only see lyanna whisper something to ned. dont need to reveal everything at first


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
especially since we've already seen the night king's origin

Yeah I don't get it. I keep seeing these Bran = NK posts but did everyone forget the scene in 6x05? The first WW there is Vladimir Fudik, who then played the NK from that ep onwards (instead of Richard Brake). So first WW = Night King = case closed?
Is Jon and Danny and survive till the end, I want her to legitimize his name to targaryen, but Jon refuses and chooses snow or stark.

If the Citadel had proof of his lineage she wouldn't have to, no?

I feel like after his speech he'd pick Jon Stark anyway. He might not be Ned's Son, but his character is a result of Ned's ethos, teaching and father-ship(?). Which, with D&D in (and I don't mean to rag on them for no reason) means he'll take the Targ name and plough Dany until Spring comes.


This was the worst episode of the season, they have gone waay to far now into the fan service terriorty.

This season was the 2nd worst of the lot and now i only watch for the action. Fucking disgracful
Is Jon and Danny and survive till the end, I want her to legitimize his name to targaryen, but Jon refuses and chooses snow or stark.

He doesn't need to be legitimized because he wasn't born out of wedlock, he's a true Targ. He's also the heir to the Iron Throne, so he would be the one who will be doing any legitimizing if it came to that.


i think that the secret marriage of lyana and rhaegar will impulse jon even more to be totally honest and honorable. he would see that "lie" that "secret" as the reason thousands of people dying, that lie started robert's rebellion.

i think he will despide his parents for this.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
He doesn't need to be legitimized because he wasn't born out of wedlock, he's a true Targ. He's also the heir to the Iron Throne, so he would be the one who will be doing any legitimizing if it came to that.

Question. For Jon to be accepted as the legitimate heir, wouldn't his death and resurrection have to also become public knowledge? Because without that information, Jon would still technically not be the heir by virtue of those vows to anyone who doesn't know of his history.


Last night had a crazy thought, odds are the good guys win due to killing the Night King, likely by Jon Snow. Based on the death of the other white walker and his dead troops instantly dying when he did its likely we'll have a case of "head vampire". Kill the head vampire and all those he turned dies.

But what if there might be an exception?

Remember the babies the Night King would take and turn. What if they are too young and still too "alive" to actually die. If you look at the other White Walkers in charge they all look quite old, like they are in old age or perhaps beyond it. Beyond a normal life. What if those that got turned are still too young and still too fresh, maybe they won't die.

Maybe the show ends and at the very end we see a tease of very young white walkers still existing beyond the wall.

All to happen again one day.

Who knows, maybe this Night King isn't the original Night King but whatever one became so after the originals defeat in the first great war.


i think that the secret marriage of lyana and rhaegar will impulse jon even more to be totally honest and honorable. he would see that "lie" that "secret" as the reason thousands of people dying, that lie started robert's rebellion.

i think he will despide his parents for this.

In a way, his speech to Theon is even more relevant now.


Aegon is born from a married couple, he already is true born
It's just unknown since Ned is dirty liar

Yeah I don't get it. I keep seeing these Bran = NK posts but did everyone forget the scene in 6x05? The first WW there is Vladimir Fudik, who then played the NK from that ep onwards (instead of Richard Brake). So first WW = Night King = case closed?

He doesn't need to be legitimized because he wasn't born out of wedlock, he's a true Targ. He's also the heir to the Iron Throne, so he would be the one who will be doing any legitimizing if it came to that.
Totally forgot about citadel]. I still don't think Jon is going to find out because either Jon dies, or both Sam and bran die.
Idk, all I want is Jon to reject his birth name, and just stick to Jon stark.
Question. For Jon to be accepted as the legitimate heir, wouldn't his death and resurrection have to also become public knowledge? Because without that information, Jon would still technically not be the heir by virtue of those vows to anyone who doesn't know of his history.

The wall has fallen. If life wins over death the Night's Watch won't be a thing anymore.
The coolest shit next season is going to be Aiden Gillen reprising his role as Little Finger, only as Arya wearing Little Fingers face. Should make for a cool performance.
i think that rhaegar was about to depose his father, robert rebellion interfered with that

That's possible. I'd certainly say a rebellion was already in the works. I mean, you don't completely overthrow a long-stable central government just because some dude's cucking you; well, okay, Robert very well might try, but no one else would go along with that plan.

Everyone else was like, "Yeah, I guess we can get your wife back bro, whatever, let's just get rid of this skeezey king douche please?"
Question. For Jon to be accepted as the legitimate heir, wouldn't his death and resurrection have to also become public knowledge? Because without that information, Jon would still technically not be the heir by virtue of those vows to anyone who doesn't know of his history.

I guess at this point the Nights Watch will be no more, either the NK will be defeated as will the threat to the north removing the need for the NW, or everyone will die.

Normally though, who knows since it's probably a first where someone was relieved of their Nights Watch vows because they died and came back to life.


Dany gonna try and catch him on a technicality like "AH HA! You gave up your titles and claim when you joined the Night's Watch! I'm still on top!"

AeJon like "About that..."



Ah that's right. Forgot he took off with Sansa after joffery

I don't think they knew that, though. That's why he killed the drunk dude that was helping her - he'd tell eventually.

He did rebel against the crown for marrying Sansa to the Boltons instead of returning her to Cersei though.
Rhaegar was an asshole refusing Elia, abandoning her and their children to run away with Lyanna, starting a war that killed millions.
Can't imagine Jon approving of that. He will probably refuse the Targaryen name.
Totally forgot about citadel]. I still don't think Jon is going to find out because either Jon dies, or both Sam and bran die.
Idk, all I want is Jon to reject his birth name, and just stick to Jon stark.

There's a behind the scenes clip from the last ep, which I will spoiler in case you prefer not to watch those, but Issac (Bran) talks about finding out about Jon becoming heir to the iron throne and he's says something along the lines of
Bran now not being sure what to do with the knowledge because just as everyone was joining forces to fight, this new info could tear that apart.


Did the plot for season 8 leak yet? Because I'm trying to watch this YouTube video. And I don't know if there theories are based on spoilers.
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