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"Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize a Fascist" - by ContraPoints

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Tried to watch it but had to shut it off. Not because of the content but the lighting was giving me a really awful headache. Plus I know a fascist when I see one. Kinda cool for the parts I watched though.
Tried to watch it but had to shut it off. Not because of the content but the lighting was giving me a really awful headache. Plus I know a fascist when I see one. Kinda cool for the parts I watched though.

Funny I was just coming to post three things..this being the second one lol.


Tried to watch it but had to shut it off. Not because of the content but the lighting was giving me a really awful headache. Plus I know a fascist when I see one. Kinda cool for the parts I watched though.

Yh the lighting was a bit weird for me at first but got used to it.
The video definitely has a lot of imagery that needs to be seen for the point to click.

This part really freaked me out.

Amazing video.


It seems like a centrists general stance is confusion, and indecision over everything. They don't educate themselves enough on anything.

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951

One of the best books ever written, and still relevant 66 years later.


“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951

One of the best books ever written, and still relevant 66 years later.

"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."
― Martin Luther King Jr.
Letter From The Birmingham Jail
April 16, 1963


Again, the point applies to centrists, leftists, and whatever other denomination you can think of.

The moment you believe you are impervious to it is the moment you start falling for it because someone is using this type of device to hit on a strawman you don't particularly like.

The whole world has been falling for populist-fascist tactics. Pointing out how it is done in this particularly egregious case is a fantastic lesson.


Definitely on point, of course this is common sense and correct in theory. I just hope it doesn't encourage any ideas along the lines of "oh so you say you aren't a facist but that's exactly what you've been told to say so I don't believe you..get them!!!!" ( I'm thinking of antifa here)

Don't kill me gaf I'm not a nazi/ white nationalist/racist/homophobe/ antisemite/ xenophobe. Fuck nazis white supremacists racist homophobes etc etc etc


Wouldn't call Sargon of Akkad a centrist YouTube channel, but overall this is a fantastic video breaking down the general strategies of these fuckers.
so at the start this guy (in the video footage) starts talking about "European" as identity, and I immediately got kind of offended that some jackass American thinks he's 'European'. :\


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Wouldn't call Sargon of Akkad a centrist YouTube channel, but overall this is a fantastic video breaking down the general strategies of these fuckers.

Yeah, not at all. He's someone known for choking on his flabby neckbeard as he coughs out his disdain for "the left".

so at the start this guy (in the video) starts talking about "European" as identity, and I immediately got kind of offended that some jackass American thinks he's 'European'. :\

European meaning "white people".


Wouldn't call Sargon of Akkad a centrist YouTube channel, but overall this is a fantastic video breaking down the general strategies of these fuckers.

Some reactionaries have started referring to themselves as "classical liberal", as a way of distancing themselves from mainstream liberalism which they perceive to have been hijacked by "SJW's" and "regressive leftists", etc. They're a prime example of the gullible moderates discussed in this video. They may not be outright fascists, but act as useful idiots for them.


Some reactionaries have started referring to themselves "classical liberal", as a way of distancing themselves from mainstream liberalism which they perceive to have been hijacked by "SJW's" and "regressive leftists", etc. They're a prime example of the gullible moderates discussed in this video. They may not be outright fascists, but act as useful idiots for them.

People have self described as classical liberals for quite some time. It's more to do with the curious development of liberal coming to describe just the American left when the traditional sense of the word would describe most of the American political sphere.


People have self described as classical liberals for quite some time. It's more to do with the curious development of liberal coming describe just the American left when the traditional sense of the word would describe most of the American political sphere.

That too.
On point video, I think it perfectly captures the problem we've seen with gullible centrists, especially on YouTube being lured in by alt-right talking points and becoming outright fascists and white supremacists themselves (JonTron).

One of the problems is that there are several prominent alt-righters who are able to project confidence and competence, so it doesn't matter that what they're saying is complete horseshit because they can still talk circles around the average person. I saw a YT animator recently on Twitter talking about how he's heard "people smarter than him" talk about "virtue signaling." People who don't care think of themselves as stupid - they're not stupid, they're just ignorant. And alt-righters aren't smart, they're just evil.

Great video, will have to watch more of this channel, I've never seen it before.


Some reactionaries have started referring to themselves as "classical liberal", as a way of distancing themselves from mainstream liberalism which they perceive to have been hijacked by "SJW's" and "regressive leftists", etc. They're a prime example of the gullible moderates discussed in this video. They may not be outright fascists, but act as useful idiots for them.

They're just cryptofascists with an emphasis on the crypto part.


Right wing propaganda is so effective that it's making the left self-loathe
(more than usual).

Ugh. What do we do about this?


Easiest, absolute foolproof way to recognise a Fascist.

The entire ideology is based off of conflict and violence. It can't sustain itself without it.


I like ContraPoints a lot. Need to watch them more than I have. It's mostly speaking to the choir for me but any video that is targeted to tell centrists how Nazis try to appeal to them is good in my book.
As she claims in the video, fascist subtlety is not to be underestimated.

I highly recommend you find some things they claim to hate so much. Conspiracies against the white race, how those conspiracies are supposed to play out, the argumentation of "Their enemies," and all.

...Because they use them to great effect. In Mein Kampf, for instance, Hitler writes about Jewish people losing an argument one day, but the very next day pretending it had never happened, or pretending that they won that argument. And if the whole base feels that way, then it's true to THEM, and that's all that matters(it's...memetic, one might claim).

They use this concept writ large, abuse disinformation, mix it with a little gaslighting, to confuse and muddy the waters surrounding everything they do. It's not necessary to prove themselves right or us wrong, all that's necessary is to make it so the average person isn't entirely sure they were wrong to begin with, or that we were right, to begin with.

Disinformation is their bread and butter. Many of these people started off in conspiracy sites, joking about slenderman and all that sort of nonsense. From there, it slowly grows -- the disaffected cling onto anything to make them feel better about themselves or, failing that, make them feel like others are worse. "The average person, don't you know, doesn't know that the Zionists have conspired against White Heritage for centuries! If you don't believe me, ask yourself why they have been kicked out of every country they called home for thousands of years!" or "You don't really believe the government, do you? The FBI shot JFK and MLK Jr and Malcolm X because they were threats to them, so clearly if they don't like us, we're like they are!"

For some, it's hard not to entertain these thoughts. Each of them has a nugget of 'something to think about and maybe research,' but most people aren't really going to research. They'll think about it for a little bit, file it away at the back of their mind, and next thing you know, you're a goddamn fascist sympathizer. It gets worse: too many people believe in crazy conspiracies like Oswald wasn't the only shooter, or the moon landing was a hoax, or 9/11 was an inside job. The people at the TOP don't, but that does not keep them from abusing the people that do.

Similarly, look at Gamergate. The very wording used in Gamergate wasn't really theirs, it was people like Anita Sarkeesian's. The average person still does not understand the concept of "toxic masculinity," which gives enough of a wedge for someone to come and say "when she says toxic masculinity, she means that men acting like men (implicitly, 'because they want to') is bad for society! She wants to stop all these things YOU like, and replace them with the things SHE likes!" Never mind the fact that toxic masculinity does not mean what they say is means -- it doesn't MATTER what words actually mean, it's what they can make their cadre THINK they mean. All useful tools in the fight.

So we should appreciate the effort, the planning, and the execution of this disinformation. Not even the goddamn Russians were this good at it until very, very recently -- unless this was all Russian psyop bullshit from the start.

Personally, I'd prefer we keep trying that "fixing fascists by hitting them in the head until they're no longer brain damaged" thing. You can't punch disinformation, but you CAN punch the nazis spewing it.


I mostly loved it, though some parts of the video could be a little alienating to centrists who would perceive a tone of them being talked down.

I actually disagree, this video was MUCH more kinder to centrists than most leftists I've seen are (saying this as a leftist myself). Great video.


Im so glad contra survived the primordial cesspool of the youtube edgelord atheist era and came around to focus that beautiful brain of hers towards social issues.
Bit about asking yourself if you're paranoid for how you infer statements rings true, sadly. It's become a habit to take a moment and second guess those impulses, be it to give it the once over or find additional information.


What the fuck about the OK sign? I had no idea until I saw this video just now. I used it today at work. Should I be apologizing on Tuesday for it? I've been use it forever (like ten plus years).... ;_;


People have self described as classical liberals for quite some time. It's more to do with the curious development of liberal coming to describe just the American left when the traditional sense of the word would describe most of the American political sphere.

Classical liberalism goes back a long, long ways and is mostly economic, focusing on a belief in free markets and individualism. Probably the most notable book exposing it is F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom from the 1940s
Great video.
Put into words a lot of the thoughts I've had about the insidious spread of ideas through "ironic memes" and controlling the message to make anyone left of centre look hysterical. Hate that shit, I really do. Seen too many friends just casually start saying hateful garbage because they saw it in a supposed funny shit-post. Or whatever they call it these days.

Also hate the youtube comments. Tried reading them and now feel like I've died a little.


Whenever I see ContraPoints all I can think about is the video criticizing the use of the concept of cultural appropriation where they represent "brown people religion" with a clip of kecak, a theatrical dance from Bali formulated by a German guy for Western tourists in the 20th century. Besides being ironic as all hell, it left kind of a bad taste in my mouth.


( ≖‿≖)
That Richard Spencer video lmao corny.

Also I wonder if the covert jewish hand manipulating banking / media / foreign policy / immigration / white genocide garbage will die off this century.


Excellent video. Not only is the information spot-on, but the way it's presented is aesthetically pleasing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wouldn't call Sargon of Akkad a centrist YouTube channel, but overall this is a fantastic video breaking down the general strategies of these fuckers.

Sargon at best can be described as alt-light.


Neo Member
Contrapoints is consistently fantastic, informative, funny, weird and freaky.

I gotta say I had no idea the OK symbol was being used as an alt-right symbol, but watching Trump's goddamn hand gestures it makes sense. It makes me constantly get worried that I come across as a white nationalist if I shave my head or use a hand gesture that has ties to fascism unintentionally. It's very insideous and makes you doubt yourself, and it's frustrating as hell to see people fall for even their most obvious tricks time and time again.


"[Fascists] don't have a right to a mega phone."

Fucking thank you. If anything else has been annoying about centrism's response to fascism, it's been pussyfooting around with them and insisting they be invited onto liberal shows and spaces to spout their bullshit because "free speech" or "the war of ideas will win out on the side of good in the end." Fuck no. Curation is a thing. Have some fucking standards.
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