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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
This guy truly is human garbage that clearly adds nothing of value to the world. He should feel extremely lucky his bigot ass has leeched millions of dollars off fucking streaming videogames..what an easy life he's had.
My 5 year old son likes to watch video games on youtube on my phone(mostly angry birds, plants vs zombies, mario party, and minecraft).

My rule is, no one can be talking during the video. If I hear commentary, I will take away the phone.

I think I will be keeping this rule for a long time.

I let my son listen to Kwing or ZackScott. That's about it.


It's the gun control counter "We need a few weeks of mourning before talking of fixing it. Whoops! Happened again! Reset the clock."

People are getting gunned down in the streets and their murderers are getting paid vacations for it.

Believe it or not, situations like these are the foundation for such occurrences.

Apathy is the same as enabling.

Tbh I thought something would happen after Sandyhook. Dead children in their own school. Deranged gunman who very obviously shouldn't have a gun.

But no. NRA is too strong and congress too cowardly.

Big tobacco's back was broken but I have no idea what will ever break the NRA.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
What's the context of this gif? Guy has the hardest "What the fuck are you saying" face
IIRC, Billy Bush was defending Ryan Lochte after he was caught lying about being robbed at gunpoint to save face about vandalizing a gas station in Rio. Roker didn’t like how Bush was sugarcoating the incident.

I'm really surprised Youtube still didn't do anything about it.

I get that they like the money he makes them, but not even a timed suspension or something?
Only thing that will make them do something is more advertisers pulling out cause of this.


Man, I wonder how the Firewatch fair DMCA strike went

But again, saying the n word aint racist, guys
People sure are ballsy behind anonymity


It sounds like he doesn't want to get caught saying it again because someone has told him it's a naughty word, not because he realises what's so wrong about it.

I think he realizes it's wrong, but the issue is that he's "grown up", or failed to, read it as you will, in a vile environment where everyone says this kind of thing for shits and giggles. Unfortunately, it seems like it's something that's become second nature for him by now, but the fact he's at least saying he doesn't want to say it anymore is... well, better than nothing.

I know some peeps will take this reply as being apologetic to PDP, which really isn't what I want to come off as, but at the end of the day I think the guy is simply an idiot. For the longest time he looked at this word, and many other things, as just some dumb things people repeated online and threw around as insults without a real care in the world. Now, be it because he's growing a conscience or because everyone's onto him and it's affecting him, he seems to be realizing, slowly, but surely, that he won't get a free pass. As such, he's at least trying to avoid it. Sure, babysteps, but you gotta start somewhere.

Does that give him an excuse? Does that make it less of a racist act? Nope. In a way, this 'brand of racism', so to speak, is even more worrying because it treats racism as a whole as something completely normal. But, on the other hand, PDP also comes across as a guy who wouldn't mistreat a random POC person on the street or whatever. He's not going to march on those white supremacists riots or whatever. For him, it's about learning to be less stupid and realize that even if it doesn't cause direct harm, the word itself being used is still something that can fuel other kinds of racism.

Maybe I'm too naive, and maybe I'm just missing the mark completely, because I never suffered racism of any kind. If so, I'm sorry, but I'd like to believe even something as dumb as PDP can eventually grow to be better, indeed.
I'm just gonna say this, if you're not a person of color you're not allowed to ever say the word unless you're trying explain something that requires the usage. People defend this idiot by saying he's not racist just stupid are silly, a white dude from northern Europe who says the n word enough for it to slip in his videos isn't someone who you should give the benefit of doubt.


At this point regarding youtube I'm of this mind
Fuck youtube, fuck the advertisers who are still on it too.



I mean, we hear basically this same defense everytime he does something fucked up. That he's this idiot, he needs to grow up, "I think he'll learn from it", etc. etc. They even said it when he actually went through with saying the N word...

Sorry to say, I've run out of forgiveness. If you or anyone else wants to give him yet another chance, go for it. But when we're back here again (and it feels safe to say that we will be), it'll be interesting seeing if he continues to get that forgiveness.


If you're not interested in discussing the topic, as always, stay out of the thread. No one's interested in your opinion here regarding whether a thread is needed. If you want to discuss moderation, PM a mod.


...does he?

I don't think he's gonna act the way he does on the Internet in front of someone just because of their color or whatever. I think a lot of this comes off from being behind a computer screen, when he isn't talking to "anyone". As I said, it's worrying because he fails to realize that this "anyone" can still be hurt and be affected by his words, but I don't think he actually feels any sort of hate towards individuals.

I mean, we hear basically this same defense everytime he does something fucked up. That he's this idiot, he needs to grow up, I think he'll learn from it, etc. etc. They even said it when he actually went through with saying the N word...

Sorry to say, I've run out of forgiveness. If you or anyone else wants to give him yet another chance, go for it. But when we're back here again (and it feels safe to say that we will be), it'll be interesting seeing if he continues to get that forgiveness.

Like I said, I've no interest in actually defending him, I think what he did is serious and deserves all the backlash. The fact this backlash even happened is what made him apologize. Heartfelt or not, the action has to count for something. Ideally, he'd be moving from actual regret, but... yeah. It was just an attempt at really describing how I see the guy, and he's not really alone there. It seems like a very common stereotype amongst the gaming community, as unfortunate as it is.
I get that YT dont wanna ban him and cause a shitstorm of "muh free speech" but holy fuck how have they not demonetized his videos yet?


My 5 year old son likes to watch video games on youtube on my phone(mostly angry birds, plants vs zombies, mario party, and minecraft).

My rule is, no one can be talking during the video. If I hear commentary, I will take away the phone.

I think I will be keeping this rule for a long time.

I have that rule for myself.
If you're not interested in discussing the topic, as always, stay out of the thread. No one's interested in your opinion here regarding whether a thread is needed. If you want to discuss moderation, PM a mod.
I hope my comment wasn't out of topic, if so sorry.
Ok I would understand if it slipped once by accident considering online trash talk circumstance, but how many times after that? Yeah this is getting weird for sure, almost like he doesn't care anymore because he's making so much money and has nothing to lose. That's not good man, you have to respect everybody that got you to where you are today. An accident is fine nobody is perfect, this is something else clearly.
Pretty sure that I read that he got one strike for it with three strikes resulting in takedown of the channel.

Edit: Ah here: https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/14/16309430/pewdiepie-campo-santo-strike

Not three strikes, one more than that.
Thanks. See if others follow. Sounds like a bad business model when you built your company around using copyrighted material and trust that nobody will claim it forcing your channel to go offline.

I get that YT dont wanna ban him and cause a shitstorm of "muh free speech" but holy fuck how have they not demonetized his videos yet?
His actions did lead to the whole advertising trouble Youtube channels are going through. A lot of stuff is labeled as sensitive content now, and advertisers are avoiding that. Google is also pushing that label through to their other ad networks, so that advertisers can more easily avoid websites with hateful messages.

L Thammy

I don't think he's gonna act the way he does on the Internet in front of someone just because of their color or whatever. I think a lot of this comes off from being behind a computer screen, when he isn't talking to "anyone". As I said, it's worrying because he fails to realize that this "anyone" can still be hurt and be affected by his words, but I don't think he actually feels any sort of hate towards individuals.

I'm not going pat Felix on the back just because he's too much of a coward to be as racist to people's faces as he enjoys being behind their backs. There's still nothing worthy of pride there.


Only thing that will make them do something is more advertisers pulling out cause of this.

Isn't it a really stupid move, though? Suspending him and losing a few days/weeks/whatever of revenue is much better than losing their partners and having to regain their trust all over again.


I'm just gonna say this, if you're not a person of color you're not allowed to ever say the word unless you're trying explain something that requires the usage.

It is 100% allowed. You have light skin people like Fat Joe dropping N bombs on songs with black artists collaborating with him whilst doing so. They all accept the fact he says it.

It's a perspective thing and you don't have to agree with it, but you should try and understand that different perspectives exist instead of just the 1 correct one you believe in.


Isn't it a really stupid move, though? Suspending him and losing a few days/weeks/whatever of revenue is much better than losing their partners and having to regain their trust all over again.

You're right but then again you would need to take action for that...
Btw good luck with that Red subscription Youtube.
If he is a racist, I sincerely doubt economic ramifications are going to help him grow and change his views. It’ll probably just entrench them and weaponise his followers.

I honestly think it’s him—in the 4th instance—him making light of it because that’s his personality ever since he started YouTube. Either way, the point is that whether he’s a racist or someone who’s just an idiot, he won’t change.
Isn't it a really stupid move, though? Suspending him and losing a few days/weeks/whatever of revenue is much better than losing their partners and having to regain their trust all over again.
Especially considering how wide reaching advertiser withdrawal will be for the platform

The smart *and* right thing to do is to suspend him
at a minimum. In a perfect world they would have zero tolerance for this and nuke his entire channel


The worst thing about boogie is that he can (and apparently has, since he had weight loss surgery) choose to not be fat anymore if he wants to and suddenly the fat hate would no longer apply to him.

A poc can't decide to stop being a poc and have the racial slurs stop affecting them. How can he not see the hypocrisy of his statements.


If he is a racist, I sincerely doubt economic ramifications are going to help him grow and change his views. It’ll probably just entrench them and weaponise his followers.

I honestly think it’s him—in the 4th instance—him making light of it because that’s his personality ever since he started YouTube. Either way, the point is that whether he’s a racist or someone who’s just an idiot, he won’t change.

It doesn't matter if he won't change at this point. Youtube needs to get off it's ass and do something. He has way too much influence.


If he is a racist, I sincerely doubt economic ramifications are going to help him grow and change his views. It’ll probably just entrench them and weaponise his followers.

I honestly think it’s him—in the 4th instance—him making light of it because that’s his personality ever since he started YouTube. Either way, the point is that whether he’s a racist or someone who’s just an idiot, he won’t change.

what if we start a gofundme and send that jazz musician over there to befriend him
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