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Ex-Green Beret Nate Boyer writes open letter to Trump, Kaepernick, NFL and America


sparkle this bitch
Blacks have been meeting them half way.... quarter.... 1/10....etc. It's a completely mute point. Any improvement is will to be met.

It's white people that are kicking and screaming the entire way through that don't even want to budge 1/100 of the way.


Have you seen the news? Look at Fox News, and think about what people would believe if that was the only way they consumed information. They aren't actively researching things like me and you. They don't know what snoops is, or listen to NPR. Of course they are ignorant!

Alright alright alright.

How long are we supposed to assume that racist side of the country are just informed. Because we've been telling people about this shit for 50 years. People just straight up forgot about the Boston Busings.

Yet it's on us to keep trying to drill down past all of these layers, often times getting us LITERALLY MURDERED IN THE ATTEMPT because "we're all just people"?

Like seriously, come on. That's bullshit and you know it. If someone throws water in your face and calls you a nigger, you're just supposed to be fine with it and let it go because "they're just ignorant! they don't know the reasons they hate you are all based on lies! EDUCATE THEM! IT'S YOUR DUTY!"

That's some dumb shit.


Jesus fucking christ, you have not been paying attention.

The fucking president spoke at anti-gay seminar yesterday.

But there are no sides. It's all just people.

Come the fuck on.

You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that. That is the toxicity of our outrage culture. That is why this all-or-nothing attitude that everyone is entrenched in is so dangerous. We are all seeing what we are wanting to see and vilifying everyone who doesn't see it your way.


Colin Kaepernick and President Trump should be the ones uniting our country together. Wait...what? I know it sounds crazy, but maybe that's exactly what we need to see. Maybe that's how we start to heal. Two men sit in a room and talk, simple as that.

He's not wrong in principle, problem is that Trump's side will never agree to that. They created the division he hates so much and fueled it for decades.


You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that. That is the toxicity of our outrage culture. That is why this all-or-nothing attitude that everyone is entrenched in is so dangerous. We are all seeing what we are wanting to see and vilifying everyone who doesn't see it your way.

Are you...


What's the middleground? What is there to discuss?


FGC Waterboy
You want a suggestion on what to do? Win elections and enact policy that will hold police departments accountable for their actions. That's the solution.

That's the only solution.

You're not going to win over the hearts and minds of conservative America. If that were possible, it would have happened already. The police must be legally compelled to enforce the law in a fair manner.

See, after living in Seattle for 10 years, I'm pretty convinced that even changing from conservative to liberal politicians will not do a goddamn thing. Because we have horrific police brutality issues. :(


You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that. That is the toxicity of our outrage culture. That is why this all-or-nothing attitude that everyone is entrenched in is so dangerous. We are all seeing what we are wanting to see and vilifying everyone who doesn't see it your way.

Once again what is the middle ground of "Stop murdering unarmed people"? You keep pushing both sides are wrong idea to muddy the issue, like so many others.


See, after living in Seattle for 10 years, I'm pretty convinced that even changing from conservative to liberal politicians will not do a goddamn thing. Because we have horrific police brutality issues. :(

It won't. The problem is so much deeper than "Democrat vs Republican".

We have cops that murder people for no reason not getting fired from their jobs. And if they do get fired, they go to another city and get rehired as cops!

But no one wants to talk about that.

Edit: Shit I wish he didn't get banned because I actually want to know his answer to this question.

Because it's the answer no one who's against the protests seems to have.
You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that. That is the toxicity of our outrage culture. That is why this all-or-nothing attitude that everyone is entrenched in is so dangerous. We are all seeing what we are wanting to see and vilifying everyone who doesn't see it your way.

This line of thinking breaks down when one side wants the other dead.

This isn't an outrage about Kim Kardasian breaking up with Kanye or whatever stupid celebrity blowup happened this week.

This is literally life or death.
There is no middle ground with White Supremacists\Nazis.

Imagine that shit...

I'm not saying all republicans are racist. The fact that current supporters of this administration support a vile man is a conversation in and of itself. What I'm saying is we have a frightening resurgence of Nazism and White Supremacy emboldened by the very president all those not-racist people voted for and folks would rather bitch about a Black man peacefully kneeling. But they're not racist. I mean ok, but it'd be easier to believe you if you'd actually address the Nazi's, White Supremacists, and police brutality going on. Fucking amazing some can't see this.
You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that.

Ok so then what’s the point in coming to the table when you yourself acknowledge they aren’t coming to the table in good faith? If the people who want to be right about blacks being animals that deserve death, gays having an agenda and Muslims all secretly being terrorists want to believe that way then there’s no point in a conversation and these same people have to be dragged kicking and screaming into a progressive world rather than convinced.
I don't get why people are still engaging with jred. His posts reek of alt-right rhetoric. Maybe if we leave him alone he'll go back to r/pol.

The very first thing on this episode of "This American Life" that was done right after the election is an interview with two Latino police officers who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump.

Do you honestly think that these two guys are racist? Why don't you actually listen to what they have to say before you blanket everyone as complicit in a racist agenda.

I said they supported racists, white supremacists, and Nazi's. That is what voting means you put your support behind someone even if you do not support some of their policies. You take the good with the bad and those officers whether they want to admit it or not actually support racists, white supremacists, and Nazi's. Also are freaking kidding those police officers are racists no doubt about it they are actively fighting against criminal justice reform. They even used racist coded language. Also just because they are a race other then white does not preclude them from being racist.


See, after living in Seattle for 10 years, I'm pretty convinced that even changing from conservative to liberal politicians will not do a goddamn thing. Because we have horrific police brutality issues. :(
That's where the enacting policy part comes in. You need to elect people with the ability, the will, and the political capital to fight police unions (and now the DoJ) that want to remove all accountability for their officers.

It's not a partisan issue, but one party is actively fighting against any sort of progress. Voting in Dems likely keeps us from going backwards at least, but more than that is needed to fix it.


You find it because you are looking for it. The people who support him want to be "right" so they ignore anything that contradicts that. That is the toxicity of our outrage culture. That is why this all-or-nothing attitude that everyone is entrenched in is so dangerous. We are all seeing what we are wanting to see and vilifying everyone who doesn't see it your way.

Wow, I know he's banned, but this single post has like 3 alt-right dog whistles in it.

"Outrage culture" is the big one.
TV manufacturers and cable companies should share data on the number of people who change channels during the national anthem. When I'm at parties, people use that time to go grab beers and take restroom breaks. People are such hypocrits. I'm bombarded by news on whether or not it is disrespectful/unpatriotic for players to kneel, but I rarely ever hear people go into depth over the reasons the players are kneeling to begin with.
Holy crap I must have skimmed over it the first time but did he really begin the letter with an MLK quote? Dude is like a parody.

He should read the whole of the Letter From Birmingham Jail

I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition from an obnoxious negative peace, in which the Negro passively accepted his unjust plight, to a substantive and positive peace, in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.


That's where the enacting policy part comes in. You need to elect people with the ability, the will, and the political capital to fight police unions (and now the DoJ) that want to remove all accountability for their officers.

It's not a partisan issue, but one party is actively fighting against any sort of progress. Voting in Dems likely keeps us from going backwards at least, but more than that is needed to fix it.

I mean, there's so much easy shit we could enact tomorrow that would change things for the better, but none of it would ever get passed.


...because we don't have the right people in office :p

Well, on the surface. It's more that there's so much influence on the people that are there that nothing meaningful can ever change. Hell, we can't even get bump stocks banned after one was used to gun 60 people down on the probably most famous city street in the country.

But yeah. We don't have the right people in office. It's extremely frustrating knowing that, where I live, there are good, albeit flawed, people doing their best to make this state better, but I can't do shit about Arizona or Mississippi or Georgia or Ohio or Wisconsin. So we just keep doing this dance.

People people don't want to vote for those that would change shit.

Because a lot of people in certain parts of this country think things are just fine the way they are, murders and all.


People people don't want to vote for those that would change shit.

There were a billion blogs written last week about how Obama should say something

Last year he said the exact words "My legacy is on the line" and " Don't boo, vote"

If I was him I wouldn't say shit again either.


Thought that letter was kinda shitty tbh. His heart's in the right place, but he jumped headfirst into both sides.

Kaepernick and other players knelt in silent protest. Trump and the right-wing echo chamber were the ones who attacked them as traitors who are disrespecting the flag, the military, etc. The hatred and division comes clearly from one side and one side only.
Yeah, let's meet in the middle between "Police can't kill black people with impunity" and "Police can kill black people with impunity."

Maybe the middle ground is "Police can injure black people with impunity"? Does that sound like a good compromise to everyone...?
There were a billion blogs written last week about how Obama should say something

Last year he said the exact words "My legacy is on the line" and " Don't boo, vote"

If I was him I wouldn't say shit again either.

Does saying shit even do anything anymore, in the terms of change? Like, we're at the point those that are far-gone are so far-gone they'll just keep turning things around to keep being hateful. It's like a never-ending cycle they feed off of, and I don't know what the proper answer is.


Well, on the surface. It's more that there's so much influence on the people that are there that nothing meaningful can ever change. Hell, we can't even get bump stocks banned after one was used to gun 60 people down on the probably most famous city street in the country.

But yeah. We don't have the right people in office. It's extremely frustrating knowing that, where I live, there are good, albeit flawed, people doing their best to make this state better, but I can't do shit about Arizona or Mississippi or Georgia or Ohio or Wisconsin. So we just keep doing this dance.

Because a lot of people in certain parts of this country think things are just fine the way they are, murders and all.
Yeah, we just have to chip away at it. There's no quick, sweeping solution. It's going to be a battle for every inch of progress and every single win will have to be defended constantly. That's just how it is.

Just need to take the wins where they are available.
God I hate the word "Outrage", the only people that really use it now are those that want to shout down or muddy the waters

But that's all it is to them. "Outrage culture" just being upset because someone over the internet told you to. The inference is that without being told about injustices you'd just go on your way in peaceful ignorance.

The message is you don't REALLY care about black people being murdered by the police because Chicago (They LOVE to bring up Chicago but never the social inequality that lead to it...image that).

It's so fucking disingenuous that it's difficult for me to even engage a dialogue because they never reply when salient points are made.

Because a lot of people in certain parts of this country think things are just fine the way they are, murders and all.

But if you call them a bigot or a supporter of white supremacy they get REAL upset...
Yeah, let's meet in the middle between "Police can't kill black people with impunity" and "Police can kill black people with impunity."

Maybe the middle ground is "Police can injure black people with impunity"? Does that sound like a good compromise to everyone...?

I keep saying, the middle we're settled on has been benefiting America for a while now, and that's "No killing white people. Everyone else, eh, I mean..."

That's the sick attitude this country has.
That's where the enacting policy part comes in. You need to elect people with the ability, the will, and the political capital to fight police unions (and now the DoJ) that want to remove all accountability for their officers.

It's not a partisan issue, but one party is actively fighting against any sort of progress. Voting in Dems likely keeps us from going backwards at least, but more than that is needed to fix it.

Voting is not going to change a damn thing. The system has been built in a specific way. Misinformed voters are not going to elect non corrupt politicians. Non corrupt politicians are not going to be allowed office and to make sweeping changes to the system that has been maintained specifically to favor corporations, come on.

Our politicians already know the drug war is bullshit. Obama knew marijuana being illegal causes more problems than it fixes. Those problems are profitable for the groups that allowed him office, so he couldn't do the things you imagine he would.


Voting is not going to change a damn thing. The system has been built in a specific way. Misinformed voters are not going to elect non corrupt politicians. Non corrupt politicians are not going to be allowed office and to make sweeping changes to the system that has been maintained specifically to favor corporations, come on.

Our politicians already know the drug war is bullshit. Obama knew marijuana being illegal causes more problems than it fixes. Those problems are profitable for the groups that allowed him office, so he couldn't do the things you imagine he would.
Then this county is lost and we should all leave.

I don't agree
Yeah, we just have to chip away at it. There's no quick, sweeping solution. It's going to be a battle for every inch of progress and every single win will have to be defended constantly. That's just how it is.

Just need to take the wins where they are available.

This is true in every way. Sadly, there is no quick fix, thanks to where we are being cause by years of shit decision making and choices that've shaped culture. Just now we have to slowly put it back together again.

Then again, as I type this, I think bout how many lives will be lost while we "take our time" to fix this issue and get more upset, but...still.


im glad a football player is fighting for me
maybe harry Potter and my favorite super hero actor can do the same

He ain't playing football right now. That's part of the problem.

To be fair, Hemsworth and Evans do what they can in calling shit out. Radcliffe...is nude on broadway right now?

I'd rather have Aaron Rodgers kneel though. Get the NFL to actually fucking do something.


Thought that letter was kinda shitty tbh. His heart's in the right place, but he jumped headfirst into both sides.

Kaepernick and other players knelt in silent protest. Trump and the right-wing echo chamber were the ones who attacked them as traitors who are disrespecting the flag, the military, etc. The hatred and division comes clearly from one side and one side only.

It's why all this kind of hand-wringing about division in the country is so shallow and selfish. I've long since grown tired of it.
He ain't playing football right now. That's part of the problem.

To be fair, Hemsworth and Evans do what they can in calling shit out. Radcliffe...is nude on broadway right now?

I'd rather have Aaron Rodgers kneel though. Get the NFL to actually fucking do something.

Oh shit. When the high profile whites start taking a stand...what then? I know those againist it will still have a way to spin it, but man...I still hope it happens.
Then this county is lost and we should all leave.

No. The alternative is to go where the power is. The power isn't in a politician exactly. It's in a boycott.

Problem is that it requires more than a hash-tag. It's a long-term sacrifice large groups of people as a single unit would have to make to force change. We know corporations control a lot of shit. Stop spending as a large group and real attention will be brought to the issue and perhaps enough pressure to make change. Who knows. But that's what I think will work. But folks would have to be dedicated long term to it.

And don't get it twisted. Folks like jred250 would STILL bitch and moan about the people engaged in it.
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