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GTA’s remaster trilogy has ‘significantly exceeded expectations’ with up to 10m sales

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief


Basically everyone ITT, lmao!
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And unfortunately I was part of them because I didn't expect that mess and since the originals were ancient I thought they could actually improve them a lot...:messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_face_steam:
They can keep GTAV though, I don't feel any need to replay that.
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So it is surprising that a game like this would sell 10 million units.

lol, no its not.

Prepare yourself for more shocks then.

received bad reviews from critics and gamers alike.

Oh shit where have I heard that before? Do you not see why I'm saying the community has a habit of overreacting and using this emotional concept to measure unit sold or something?

No one fucking gives a shit man, we've seen the worst flops move MASSIVE units of literally new IP, yet you are shocked one of the most recognized IPs in gaming moved such units? Once you hear someone cry about Call Of Duty, telling you about some "derrrr it received da worst youtube dislikez doe", only to be shocked by it moving huge units, or AC Unity, I recall the meltdowns on it moving over 10 million and folks crying over the bugs and glitches, only to be shocked that Origins and Odyssey went on to continue to break records or Far Cry 5 getting downvotes on Youtube and a bunch of negative press and reviews, only for it to become the best selling Far Cry in history.

Sir...this is where I simply can't factor some nerd rage or feelings fest into this shit, if CP2077 can move 13 million units as a new IP, continue to sell after the fact of folks KNOWING it has issues, you shouldn't be shocked at GTA, a fucking established series that has a title that has sold 160 million units mind you, none of that should surprise you that such a collection moved such units.

Whats next? You going to fucking tell me how upset, sad, and how many bad reviews Call Of Duty got by "critics and gamers alike" only to have your monocle drop when you hear its sales or something?


So this has everything to do with the emotional state of the gaming community. This isn't being on a "high horse", this is understanding reality. I even hate a majority of the games I referenced, that doesn't fucking mean I apply that to sales or units sold or some shit, I hate Fortnite too, am I suppose to be shocked that it has 350 million registered players?


Gold Member
lol, no its not.

Prepare yourself for more shocks then.

Oh shit where have I heard that before? Do you not see why I'm saying the community has a habit of overreacting and using this emotional concept to measure unit sold or something?

No one fucking gives a shit man, we've seen the worst flops move MASSIVE units of literally new IP, yet you are shocked one of the most recognized IPs in gaming moved such units? Once you hear someone cry about Call Of Duty, telling you about some "derrrr it received da worst youtube dislikez doe", only to be shocked by it moving huge units, or AC Unity, I recall the meltdowns on it moving over 10 million and folks crying over the bugs and glitches, only to be shocked that Origins and Odyssey went on to continue to break records or Far Cry 5 getting downvotes on Youtube and a bunch of negative press and reviews, only for it to become the best selling Far Cry in history.

Sir...this is where I simply can't factor some nerd rage or feelings fest into this shit, if CP2077 can move 13 million units as a new IP, continue to sell after the fact of folks KNOWING it has issues, you shouldn't be shocked at GTA, a fucking established series that has a title that has sold 160 million units mind you, none of that should surprise you that such a collection moved such units.

Whats next? You going to fucking tell me how upset, sad, and how many bad reviews Call Of Duty got by "critics and gamers alike" only to have your monocle drop when you hear its sales or something?

So this has everything to do with the emotional state of the gaming community. This isn't being on a "high horse", this is understanding reality. I even hate a majority of the games I referenced, that doesn't fucking mean I apply that to sales or units sold or some shit, I hate Fortnite too, am I suppose to be shocked that it has 350 million registered players?

The logic has always been that good games sell better than bad games.
Of course there are exceptions. Fifa and Madden will always sell well, because even the smartest people will turn off their brains when it comes to sports and stuff around it.
CoD was once great and that is where it garnered such a big status in gamming. Today it's no longer such a high quality product, but it still sells on brand recognition. And some of it's games are still decent enough.
In this you are right, because GTA is also a well established brand, that sells on name recognition alone. But the failings of this game were talked so widespread, that most people probably knew about them. Even if it was just from a friend or some gaming news.
And mind you this is one of those rare occasions where both reviewers and gamers agreed the game was bad.
Selling 10 million units is still a a lot, even for today. So color me surprised that one of the worst games of the year, sold so much.

Also consider that the 10 million figure is an estimate, based on previous reported numbers from other games in the franchise. So there is margin of error.
It's a shame that the gaming industry doesn't have the same tradition of reporting box office numbers, like cinema does. Regardless of a success or a flop.


i don't know what to say. For the first time I was surprised that even big gaming outlets called out R* for their bullshit and gave the game pretty low rating. Despite all the reviews and technical issues people shelled out full game price for this? Unbelievable. R* should start selling farts in jars to these idiots.

It's the same reason Disney reboots make billion despite being shite. Huge marketing budget or name recognition + nostalgia = free money.


Completed SA and it's still the goat - looks amazing and retains that vibe. Had an immensely enjoyable experience with it.

Meanwhile sheep trash talk from the sidelines with zero hands on experience, probably knee deep in the latest Ubi trash.


No way!
There is something wrong with those numbers.
He is assuming the new Trilogy sales up to 10 million.
He is not wrong but it doesn't tell all the facts.

Some mobile GTA could be had sold 2 million so the Trilogy drops to up to 8 million.
So when we account all GTA games... how much it sold from these 10 million in last quarter?

GTA Remaster Trilogy sales could go down to 2 million or even less (of course very unlikely).
But the celling is still 10 million (very unlikely either).

Based in assumptions GTA Remaster Trilogy can be anything from 1 to 10 million.... the range is pretty big for claims imo.
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Gold Member
Was thinking about purchasing it. But $59.99 jeesh. I loved San Andreas. I remember the mission where you first go out into the country. What a trip. It's a moment in gaming I will never forget. It showcases the scope and complexity of the game; opportunities for more mischief (tractors and combines). A passing thunderstorm brings the immersion up to a 10. Fucking brilliant. Is this all "better" in the new versions?
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Seriously though, you people are actually surprised one of the most beloved ip's in gaming managed to move these sorts of numbers? You do realize the vast majority of people out there don't give a shit about all the things being whined about on videogame forums right? They're too busy enjoying themselves instead of frothing at the mouth over some glitches or goofy character models.
Damn gamers, they ruined gaming.
I have a suspicion, the Streamers and Youtubers are really to blame.

These people unfortunately do not understand the value of money.

Despite the serious flaws that the games have, they still buy them because they have many flaws like Cyberpunk, in a comical way... it attracts the public and is entertainment material.

That does not matter to ROCKSTAR but it does affect us, because we expect quality products, but these types of people, the Streamers, are negatively involved in the quality of the products.

Something must be done to defend this type of bad practice that, due to a few people, happens to us all.


The logic has always been that good games sell better than bad games.

"Good" is subject to change gamer by gamer. You have gamers on here literally telling you CP2077 is a good game, you have many telling you its a bad game, you even have gamers on this very thread telling you they like GTA Trilogy, so what you think is good or bad is overall irrelevant to the wider market, its simply not an objective enough idea. People even admit to hating the issues in CP2077 and still will tell you they like the game and it was one of the best games they played that year, literally look at the fucking threads about that game. That should show you this whole "good games sell betterz" simply isn't always the case, gamers likely see that as a degree of, as in they might WANT a game to be good, but will settle with its current state based on believing updates will fix it or they have no other option for that type of game or those issues are not enough for them to not buy it.

So....its a flawed concept.

Fifa and Madden will always sell well, because even the smartest people will turn off their brains

smh, thats simply not true and this type of emotional response is legit the biggest reason you'd have a hard time understanding this. To make this type of derogatory statement simply cause you don't fucking like those series means you are applying some stigma or feelings towards units sold.

They don't simply like Fifa or Madden cause its called Fifa or Madden, if the fucking game was called that and all you got when you put in the disk was a black screen, you telling me they'd keep seeing record sales? I mean people are turning "off their brains" right? So there is something happening that is consistent enough for them to return.

CoD was once great and that is where it garnered such a big status in gamming. Today it's no longer such a high quality product, but it still sells on brand recognition

Dear god, I can even agree with you that I like the original 3 Call Of Duties, ie 1,2 and 4, but shit, that doesn't mean it no longer has "high quality" and is selling on "brand recognition". Medal Of Honor is an older IP, why is that not selling based on brand despite being around longer?

Star Fox, how come those latest title flopped despite having some of the most recognizable icons in gaming?

Series come and go, but in order for gamers to return, they must have an expectation of what they like that they played BEFORE in order to fucking buy the next title.

because GTA is also a well established brand, that sells on name recognition alone.

It sells base on an expectation of those concepts that GTA is known for being there.....not name alone. 10 million are not fucking buying a game with a white screen and a sound of a birds chirping just cause it has the name GTA, you'd just get record returns, lawsuits lol

But the failings of this game were talked so widespread, that most people probably knew about them. Even if it was just from a friend or some gaming news.

I don't disagree with you on that, but gamers crying about shit is widespread period, just cause they heard someone being upset, raging, screaming, crying etc doesn't mean they'll take it seriously when the community is now known for this shit. So because they don't have a measured response and love this type of click bait shit, I believe the majority have a hard time understanding if that information is true, or exaggerated or click bait or all of the above lol We all know that one hardcore gamer that has a series that they love, that they talk shit about every fucking entry and they happen to be its biggest fan, yet continue to tell you to avoid all new entries or something. By the time they are done telling you this, you find out they only like 3 out of 20 games of the series or something lol

So sir, do you think that series is living off of 3 good games and has 17 flops because religious gamer number 652145 says so? That is how the majority sees such gamers. That even when they proclaim to be fans, their views are so extreme, they can't really be used to justify not buying a fucking game.

So I don't disagree that those gamers heard that information, simply that they didn't take it seriously because of the history of that outrage, they also may not take it seriously when you get extreme fanboy cult telling them "what Da rEaL gTa iS" lol We all know someone like this man, this shit is why you are seeing many of those IP continue to sell, you can warn someone something is wrong, but if that continues non fucking stop, of course they will doubt this information, even when its actually true.

Selling 10 million units is still a a lot, even for today. So color me surprised that one of the worst games of the year, sold so much.

Well now you know that such overreactions and clickbait and screaming Youtube videos and cult fans can have an opposite reaction.

Also consider that the 10 million figure is an estimate, based on previous reported numbers from other games in the franchise. So there is margin of error.

Nah, its more then likely moved that and I don't think anyone should be surprised.

So when you have gamers say stuff like

"Completed SA and it's still the goat - looks amazing and retains that vibe. Had an immensely enjoyable experience with it."


"Bought it day one, finished all three (about 75 hours), loved it."

This means clearly, an overreaction likely did happen regarding this and its why gamers in general don't take such information seriously considering the source. Its hard to count on a bad review or gamer telling someone something to warn them of a games condition, when they cry over anything...

"Meanwhile sheep trash talk from the sidelines"

^^^ Thats how they view you, you still think you telling them the game is bad and a bad review will really stop a purchase? Maybe we need to re-evaluate how react to such things, its getting to the point where most gamers simply can't believe the press or other gamers if they have a history of overreaction for clicks or cult shit.


Gold Member
"Good" is subject to change gamer by gamer. You have gamers on here literally telling you CP2077 is a good game, you have many telling you its a bad game, you even have gamers on this very thread telling you they like GTA Trilogy, so what you think is good or bad is overall irrelevant to the wider market, its simply not an objective enough idea. People even admit to hating the issues in CP2077 and still will tell you they like the game and it was one of the best games they played that year, literally look at the fucking threads about that game. That should show you this whole "good games sell betterz" simply isn't always the case, gamers likely see that as a degree of, as in they might WANT a game to be good, but will settle with its current state based on believing updates will fix it or they have no other option for that type of game or those issues are not enough for them to not buy it.

So....its a flawed concept.

The concept of Good or Bad is inherently subjective. Nevertheless, there are plenty of games, where the great majority of gamers and reviewers agree a game is either good or bad.
GTA Trilogy, was a game were the great majority of people agreed it was a bad game.

CP 2077, has a clear line of where the people consider it good or bad. Most people on PC consider it a good game. Or at least a decent one.
People on consoles, tend to consider it a bad game. The reason is that the PC version has significantly less technical problems.

smh, thats simply not true and this type of emotional response is legit the biggest reason you'd have a hard time understanding this. To make this type of derogatory statement simply cause you don't fucking like those series means you are applying some stigma or feelings towards units sold.

They don't simply like Fifa or Madden cause its called Fifa or Madden, if the fucking game was called that and all you got when you put in the disk was a black screen, you telling me they'd keep seeing record sales? I mean people are turning "off their brains" right? So there is something happening that is consistent enough for them to return.

It's not a derogatory statement. Even the smartest people will turn off their brains when it comes to sports. That's why clubs get away by selling shirts, tickets, and all sort of merchandize, at hyper inflation prices.
Doesn't matter if a Fifa or Madden release is good or bad. It always sold millions. And it will continue to sell millions.

Dear god, I can even agree with you that I like the original 3 Call Of Duties, ie 1,2 and 4, but shit, that doesn't mean it no longer has "high quality" and is selling on "brand recognition". Medal Of Honor is an older IP, why is that not selling based on brand despite being around longer?

Star Fox, how come those latest title flopped despite having some of the most recognizable icons in gaming?

Series come and go, but in order for gamers to return, they must have an expectation of what they like that they played BEFORE in order to fucking buy the next title.

CoD still maintains a level of quality. Just not as high as it once had.
EA has a policy of abandoning an IP at the first sign of trouble. And never going back to it.
Activision, for all it's problems, tends to support it's franchises much better than EA. They don't tend to just abandon a series when is falters, rather they either stick to it, or just put it on an hiatus.
When MoH Warfighter failed, EA could have kept the series going. Revamped the concept. Changing teams. Getting a new plan. The brand still had a lot of recognition.
It has been almost a decade since Warfighter released, and the saga is dead and buried, with no sign of EA doing anything with it.

Starfox was never as big as CoD or Fifa, or Madden. It never got the brand recognition as other IPs. Mostly because it was always exclusive to Nintendo consoles.
Meanwhile, Fifa, Madden and CoD are everywhere.

It sells base on an expectation of those concepts that GTA is known for being there.....not name alone. 10 million are not fucking buying a game with a white screen and a sound of a birds chirping just cause it has the name GTA, you'd just get record returns, lawsuits lol

We dont know that it sold 10 million units. That number is just an estimate.

I don't disagree with you on that, but gamers crying about shit is widespread period, just cause they heard someone being upset, raging, screaming, crying etc doesn't mean they'll take it seriously when the community is now known for this shit. So because they don't have a measured response and love this type of click bait shit, I believe the majority have a hard time understanding if that information is true, or exaggerated or click bait or all of the above lol We all know that one hardcore gamer that has a series that they love, that they talk shit about every fucking entry and they happen to be its biggest fan, yet continue to tell you to avoid all new entries or something. By the time they are done telling you this, you find out they only like 3 out of 20 games of the series or something lol

So sir, do you think that series is living off of 3 good games and has 17 flops because religious gamer number 652145 says so? That is how the majority sees such gamers. That even when they proclaim to be fans, their views are so extreme, they can't really be used to justify not buying a fucking game.

So I don't disagree that those gamers heard that information, simply that they didn't take it seriously because of the history of that outrage, they also may not take it seriously when you get extreme fanboy cult telling them "what Da rEaL gTa iS" lol We all know someone like this man, this shit is why you are seeing many of those IP continue to sell, you can warn someone something is wrong, but if that continues non fucking stop, of course they will doubt this information, even when its actually true.

Don't try to pass gamers as a bunch of kids crying foul at everything. Bad products deserve being pointed out and flagged.
Gamers are not at fault for bad games. The companies that made bad games, are.
I have seen you doing this in several threads, where you try to shift the blame from game developers and publishers, unto, the consumers.

Nah, its more then likely moved that and I don't think anyone should be surprised.

So when you have gamers say stuff like

"Completed SA and it's still the goat - looks amazing and retains that vibe. Had an immensely enjoyable experience with it."


"Bought it day one, finished all three (about 75 hours), loved it."

This means clearly, an overreaction likely did happen regarding this and its why gamers in general don't take such information seriously considering the source. Its hard to count on a bad review or gamer telling someone something to warn them of a games condition, when they cry over anything...

"Meanwhile sheep trash talk from the sidelines"

^^^ Thats how they view you, you still think you telling them the game is bad and a bad review will really stop a purchase? Maybe we need to re-evaluate how react to such things, its getting to the point where most gamers simply can't believe the press or other gamers if they have a history of overreaction for clicks or cult shit.

Exceptions are not the rule. Just because a handful of gamers liked the GTA trilogy, doesn't change the fact that most didn't.


GTA Trilogy, was a game were the great majority of people agreed it was a bad game.

I'm sorry but I don't see any evidence of that, its simply screaming in an echo chamber. Such logic would mean majority hates Fortnite, Call Of Duty, Assassins Creed etc. Just cause its stated a lot on here, doesn't mean that is what the majority agrees with.

It's not a derogatory statement.
Doesn't matter if a Fifa or Madden release is good or bad. It always sold millions

smh, just stop man, don't double down on that shit, you make many great points, but I see nothing to gain by trying to disrespect gamers with such offensive statements. I don't play those series, but I'm not going to state something like they have no brain or something as if they are just buying just for lolz, something is happening that they like, that they are returning to for a reason.

So it matters greatly if its good or bad, as they can't release a game that is just a screen with a high pitched noise where nothing happens and it moves millions, just stop. Its silly and tries to make it sound like no logic or reason exist within those purchases. I may not play that series, but the same logic on those sales applies to all gaming, one must like what they are playing, one must have fun, enjoy the product to continue buying the product. Do you fucking buy games for name alone? What game are you buying sight unseen? So why apply such a disrespectful notion to other gamers? I simply won't stoop so low as to make such odd claims.

CoD still maintains a level of quality. Just not as high as it once had.
I personally agree as I enjoy the older ones, but then again I don't play any of the new ones to pretend they are getting lessor, lets just say I personally like the older COD and I can't argue the quality is less just cause I don't play it any longer. I'd admit having a bias on liking the older games can blind me, so I take it back. I believe the quality is just as high, I'm sure the new gamers playing COD are getting a great deal.

Single Player
Co-Op with Zombies and that new engine looks great. So I'm doing my best not to look at it with rose tinted glasses, I see enough that makes sense why that base returns every year, even if I personally love the classic concept from the first 4 titles.
Starfox was never as big as CoD or Fifa, or Madden.
Not the point. It shows a IP can fail regardless of how historic or iconic or memorable the IP is. As in it went from moving millions of units, to not even showing up in the top 20 in Japan. That is what generations of bad qualtiy get you, but same can be stated for so many, Medal of Honor is a great example as its a series that moved something nuts like 40 million units, but clearly a few flops and team changes and.....here we are lol

Something must be maintained for customers to return. One isn't simply blindly buying based on name every time, they might do that once or twice as a gift or if the work many nights, but clearly....they must play the game to see its issues and that will cause them to not return. Brand isn't simply about recognizability, thats what gets the foot in the door, but the quality is what keeps someone returning, THUS making the brand strong, in turn continuing that cycle. So I know you don't buy games solely based on name as I've read enough of your post to know that isn't true, I don't either, so I don't see any use in pretending the majority are just buying for names, many flops show otherwise.

Don't try to pass gamers as a bunch of kids crying foul at everything

Yet...they do. Too many things are exaggerated, for god sakes we have threads of people crying about a chin size of a character or hair color and arguing if it means some agenda lol Its not at everything of course, but its enough that the community get seen as lessor and I can't blame those that ignore gamers like that.

Bad products deserve being pointed out and flagged.

I agree, they should, but thats hard to do in a sea of people crying over anything. Its why this game even still sold millions. Those memes probably even marketed this existed better then Rockstar could have lol

Gamers are not at fault for bad games. The companies that made bad games, are.

I agree, but Both can be at fault for different reasons, thats not really an either or. Gamers can be at fault for exaggerating any situation to the point of the community not being able to be taken seriously to even warn people of real concerns and real issues, companies are at fault for not delaying, fixing their games before release, getting a better port team etc. So thats not an either or, you simply are making it one to argue. So gamers are not at fault for a game being bad, but that clickbait rage post is the reason a lot of those bad games even still move millions as not having a level response and seeking to exaggerate for clickbait is why gamers might have a hard time even telling if something is really wrong, or just classic Youtube scream lol

I have seen you doing this in several threads, where you try to shift the blame from game developers and publishers, unto, the consumers.


That is simply how you see that situation, I don't think you can find even 1 quote of me ever stating that fixing a game is up to customers or the game being delayed or not is because of customers or anything weird like that. Also be specific, stop fucking generalizing and state with context what you are talking about. A lot of what you say is reasonable mind you, but relax on this assuming, guessing, generalizing, gamer myth type thing, if you are unsure, look it up. I make sure not to take anything you say out of context by simply looking it up, looking at what you posted prior or something like that instead of just assuming disagreeing with me MUST mean this or that.

I can only leave that up to you to explain, give me that same respect Winjer.

Exceptions are not the rule. Just because a handful of gamers liked the GTA trilogy, doesn't change the fact that most didn't.

Based on those sales, I have to disagree man. NeoGaf is not 30 million deep or something, the fact that in such a short amount of time they sold that much, tells me most may not care about this topic as much as you might think. So its simply not a "fact" that most didn't as you'd need to even prove that. You don't know the thoughts of 40 or 50 million people man lol When it moves 10 million, its over, the majority made their choice and we need to just live with that instead of pretending we know more didn't like it or something.
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GTA like it or not is the casual gamers series.
So not surprised 10 million of these gamers never checked reviews. Some probably don't even notice how bad the port is in a " wow was it always this bad.. guess it was" kinda way.


The memberberries doing extra work right there.

I wonder which IP nowadays will instil nostalgia 15 years down the line. Nothing comes to mind.
Saw a guy buying the Switch version at Walmart the other day. I really wanted warn him about it, but the employee getting it for him out of the case already tried to no avail.

Sometimes people will just buy anything with a brand name on it.


The games still broken on PS4, some of the NPCs run at inhuman speeds, Managed to get caught by a cop whilst driving. Just barely finished Vice City.
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Saw a guy buying the Switch version at Walmart the other day. I really wanted warn him about it, but the employee getting it for him out of the case already tried to no avail.

Sometimes people will just buy anything with a brand name on it.
You have to keep your mouth shut. It's like when you see someone at the gym deadlifting with their lower back curled... No use to say anything..
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