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I have a problem. Everything has to be sweet for me or I can't enjoy it

You need water. Not just a couple of drinks. You need it daily water drink nonstop.

Can help you control your sugar output, and balance your diet.
I drink a lot of water! The problem is that I can't stay away from sugar. Tried coffee, tea and even juice with no sugar but I just can't. It tastes bland without it. And other kinds of sweeteners taste like shit :(


This is a question for a doctor, but a standard piece of advice is to buy some real fruit, not juice or smoothies, and eat that when you get a craving for food with added sugar.


I drink a lot of water! The problem is that I can't stay away from sugar. Tried coffee, tea and even juice with no sugar but I just can't. It tastes bland without it. And other kinds of sweeteners taste like shit :(
Everytime you drink sweet stuff, drink it with water if you can.
You need to teach your tongue that too much sweet isnt good for you.

I used to drink sweet stuff. Stopped eventually after drinking it water. Now little bit sweet is too much for me, without water.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I have a very bad appetite in that I don't like to eat a lot. Sometimes the only time I will eat is when it is something sweet, even though I know it's bad for me and I probably have diabetes right now.


If you go cold turkey for a few months, suddenly a lot of things will seem too sweet. Better get yourself under control before you screw something up.

I rarely have anything sweet now. The thought of a hershey bar disgusts me

Yep, if you're willing you can "reset" your taste buds so to speak. I went like, 4 months or so without drinking sweet drinks, and after that even just a regular Coke or something was just way too sweet. That was like ten plus years ago and it's mostly stuck - I don't drink soda, rarely juice, but do add some sugar to coffee because let's be real, coffee without sugar is nasty.


Yep, if you're willing you can "reset" your taste buds so to speak. I went like, 4 months or so without drinking sweet drinks, and after that even just a regular Coke or something was just way too sweet. That was like ten plus years ago and it's mostly stuck - I don't drink soda, rarely juice, but do add some sugar to coffee because let's be real, coffee without sugar is nasty.
I’m fine with just cream, but sometimes I get those flavored creamers. Black is too hard on your stomach
steve sugar GIF


I’m fine with just cream, but sometimes I get those flavored creamers. Black is too hard on your stomach

You guys are just not used to black coffee because you're accustomed to sweetners. I find that adding anything to coffee ruins the taste. Sugar overpowers any subtlety and makes sweet the primary taste. Milk or creamer dilute and make for a blander taste. Tea is the same except a few varieties of tea like oolong do have a chemical that can make you sick when brewed strongly and drank on an empty stomach.

OP you should try to spend a month completely sugar free. Avoid all liquid sugar and as much dietary sugar as possible. Your tastes should revert to something more natural. See a doctor if they don't or if you psychologically can't omit sugar from your diet because it could be a sign of addiction or other health issues.


I'm a bit the other way around.
Not that I hate some sweetness but it's always a struggle to find something that isn't too sweet.

Have to make stuff like juices, jam and most desserts at home because everything store bough is way too sweet (at least around here).

Even when they are like "no added sugar" it just means that, no added sugar. But they sure put a metric ton of sweetener in there.


You guys are just not used to black coffee because you're accustomed to sweetners. I find that adding anything to coffee ruins the taste. Sugar overpowers any subtlety and makes sweet the primary taste. Milk or creamer dilute and make for a blander taste. Tea is the same except a few varieties of tea like oolong do have a chemical that can make you sick when brewed strongly and drank on an empty stomach.

OP you should try to spend a month completely sugar free. Avoid all liquid sugar and as much dietary sugar as possible. Your tastes should revert to something more natural. See a doctor if they don't or if you psychologically can't omit sugar from your diet because it could be a sign of addiction or other health issues.
On the contrary, I used to drink black tea almost every day, and then suddenly I couldn’t do it anymore. Too acidic. Not sure if it’s from getting older or what, but I have a few friends that are the same


On the contrary, I used to drink black tea almost every day, and then suddenly I couldn’t do it anymore. Too acidic. Not sure if it’s from getting older or what, but I have a few friends that are the same

Not sure. Adding creamer is just dilluting the tea. The same result can be achieved by using fewer leaves and or steeping for a shorter amount of time. I steep black tea for around a minute instead of 3 when my tummy is sensitive. Sugary tea makes me want to vomit the minute that it hits my stomach. I can only take sugar in the form of milktea which doesnt count since tea comprises less than a third of the beverage.


Sugar is so bad for you. Watch some youtube videos on what sugar does to you and it should help you cut it out of your life. I am planning to phase off of sugar to see how my body responds to it.
All great answers here. Everything you loved as a kid gets worse and worse for you as an adult. It's a shame that people sometimes don't learn this until it's too late.


I am literally the opposite. sweet is fine, but I became less and less fond of sweet food recently.
I mainly eat super spicy stuff these days

Alcoholic drinks? Only if it's sweet. I can't stand regular beer.

what is "regular beer"? a good german white beer is definitely sweet I'd say.
there are literally Bavarian white beers that have a hint of banana taste (which often get also mixed with banana due to how compatible the tastes are, which we call Bananenweizen)

other brands might have slightly different flavor profiles with hints of other fruits (no fruit flavor is added btw. it's just the way they are brewed being responsible for these hints of fruit flavor)
Belgian white beer also often is very sweet
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I am literally the opposite. sweet is fine, but I became less and less fond of sweet food recently.
I mainly eat super spicy stuff these days

what is "regular beer"? a good german white beer is definitely sweet I'd say.
there are literally Bavarian white beers that have a hint of banana taste (which often get also mixed with banana due to how compatible the tastes are, which we call Bananenweizen)

other brands might have slightly different flavor profiles with hints of other fruits (no fruit flavor is added btw. it's just the way they are brewed being responsible for these hints of fruit flavor)
Belgian white beer also often is very sweet
Beer in general tastes bitter to me. I hate it.


Gold Member
So don't drink coffee, tea, or juice then.

Part of my diet right now is what I call 'NLC' - no liquid calories.
This is me. No liquid calories. They add up too quickly and if I'm going to consume them I'd rather they be on a savory meal.

I'll have a beer or two on a cheat day but it's much less often than it used to be.


I'm a bit the other way around.
Not that I hate some sweetness but it's always a struggle to find something that isn't too sweet.

Have to make stuff like juices, jam and most desserts at home because everything store bough is way too sweet (at least around here).

Even when they are like "no added sugar" it just means that, no added sugar. But they sure put a metric ton of sweetener in there.
same here, I do recommend St Dalfour jams, no sugar no sweeteners, though good luck trying to find them in the wild


Gold Member
eat whole grains and peas/beans/lentils and whole fruit/roots/tubers the fiber in whole foods will slowly release sugar into your system throughout the day & should satiate your sugar cravings for longer & it'll be easier to limit your desire for fiberless liquid sugar which absorbs too quickly not saying you can't have a cup during a meal but you want to make sure you're eating fiber throughout the day as well to slow down absorption & leave you more satiated


You really just need to ween yourself off of it. It’s totally doable, and you’ll probably find that you appreciate other flavors more once you curb your sugar intake. Plus the obvious health reasons.


If you need excessive sugar to enjoy certain drinks it means you don't actually enjoy the drink itself and you shouldn't drink it.


Thread title says all. I can't enjoy anything without sugar. Tea? Coffee? Any kind of juice? Pour. Some. Sugar. In. Moarrrr!

Alcoholic drinks? Only if it's sweet. I can't stand regular beer. Or wine. Wtf is wrong with me :(

Stop eating and drinking sugar for 6 months, everything will taste great. The problem is your taste is fucked because u endlessly keep eating / drinking sugar.


Golden Boy
Sweetness is something you get used to in a way that it numbs you for any levels of sweetness below it.
it is almost an addiction.
As others said, reduce sugar consumption for several months and stop with sugared drinks entirely. Once you have unlearned your taste you will notice that you will not like the same levels of sweetness anymore.

Beer in general tastes bitter to me. I hate it.
You can become tolerant to bitterness just as much as you have become to sweetness.
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Do not buy any sweet items from the supermarket.

Force yourself to drink water.

Only have fruit for dessert.
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