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Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking terrible PC ports and their motherfucking stuttering!


Gold Member
Consistent problem(s).

Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Those sort of stupid takes make me laugh. "only in the past 10-15 years". No, people have been building gaming PCs since graphics accelerators were a thing in the mid 90s.
I don't really remember anyone having a dedicated gaming PC back then. I was playing action quake 2 on the same PC that I was writing word documents and browsing the web and doing other computer stuff on.
I'm sure it happened but most computers until the latest streaming boom were multi-use.


How can you possibly not notice the game literally pausing for half a second every few seconds? We're not talking a few dropped frames here, the game actually freezes every now and then.
I'm talking about the stutters in UE4 games in general. Callisto Protocol is/was a specially bad case. Its not as bad as in Stray for example.


I like(d) PC gaming too. I was primarily a PC gamer for over 10 years (Radeon HD 4890 -> GTX570 -> GTX780 -> GTX1080 -> RTX3070). I've had enough of it.

Issues with games stuttering and not running well is not a new issue at all. We had to put up with some amount of this bullshit all the way back in the Unreal Engine 3 days (I can still remember all the config tweaks for VRAM utilization and texture pooling I had to use back in the early 2010s). Peak UE3 was the Arkham Knight release, which was so terrible Warner Bros had to pull it from sale. Funny thing is that game's issues just seems like your typical AAA PC release nowadays.

The trend worsened with Unreal Engine 4 , yet no one seemed to really do anything about it for a whole generation. Over the last several years i've seen world streaming hitches in Dragon Quest XI, The Outer Worlds, and Jedi Fallen Order. All UE4 games. All unfixed. Even so-called 'good' releases like Days Gone can have a bit of it. The issues have flown under the radar for so long and it's a combination of the shitty engine, developer incompetence, and apologism for all of the above by gamers with low standards (see: the cavalcade of "it runs fine on my PC!" comments whenever it was brought up).

Now in the last couple of years we throw the DX12 API into the mix, which itself has issues with stutter. So not only do we get UE4 games exhibiting the typical shite we've dealt with for years, we now see even more severe shader compilation stutter too. Ghostwire, Stray, Sackboy on release, Callisto Protocol, Final Fantasy 7 in DX12 mode, Shadow Warrior 3 - the list goes on and on and on. And because of DX12, it's not only UE4 games with issues - we're also seeing it games running on other engines too, like Elden Ring and Hitman 3.

Now, why is it that this issue is so important that I have basically thrown PC gaming under the bus?

1. Unreal Engine is used by a massive number of game studios. Look at the amount of support for UE5:


We're even seeing developers like CD Projekt and Remedy, who traditionally used their own in-house engines, move over to the problematic Unreal Engine. This won't be just a small subset of PC games affected - it has the potential to be masses of them. We're already getting a glimpse of this with the number of #stutterstruggle games in 2022.

2. DX12 is being adopted by more and more games. A big part of this is because of the RTX support it brings, which developers are increasingly using.

Until the above issues are fixed, this is a slowly unfolding disaster for PC gaming. A bigger stink needs to be made about it and i'm very glad to see more and more pushback from other gamers who have also had enough. Review bombing of Callisto Protocol and Digital Foundry constantly raising the issue brings a big smile to my face.

Because yes, I do also like PC gaming, but it's being killed right now.

I was literally thinking the same thing about Arkham Knight the other day, it would be seen as a standard PC release nowadays.

I had issues with all the games you listed as well and I’m getting a bit sick of it to be honest. When PC games work (God of War, RDR2), there’s nothing better. Unfortunately it feels like a good port is an exception to the rule now.


I was literally thinking the same thing about Arkham Knight the other day, it would be seen as a standard PC release nowadays.

I had issues with all the games you listed as well and I’m getting a bit sick of it to be honest. When PC games work (God of War, RDR2), there’s nothing better. Unfortunately it feels like a good port is an exception to the rule now.
Its why I will still always have consoles in my house. Games that play at 60fps+ on console are always given a hard look when debating on buying between it and my 7900xt PC.


PC master race lol

I love my PC. But optimization is shit lately. (hello Witcher)
Isn’t Witcher 3 sub 30fps on console on the nextgen patch? I think I saw figures below 20 on some Xbox/PS comprison video so it’s probably not the best game to use for a lol.
Huge disappointment for the whole release for me anyhow, I had a save near Novigrad so I just ran about in the city for like 15 minutes and then closed the game. No idea if they’ve patched it more afterwards.
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It’s just frustrating to see this and knowing I can’t do anything about it without having the source code. And while the stalls are short on my new PC they’re still there and super annoying.

Witcher 3 in RT mode on PS5 is the worst feeling 30FPS I ever experienced. It gave me a headache and in my 30+ years of gaming that literally never happened before.
I get motion sick from low fps so I know the feeling. I should start it up again and see if they’ve improved it on PC, wasn’t enjoyable at all after the patch.
I was literally thinking the same thing about Arkham Knight the other day, it would be seen as a standard PC release nowadays.

I had issues with all the games you listed as well and I’m getting a bit sick of it to be honest. When PC games work (God of War, RDR2), there’s nothing better. Unfortunately it feels like a good port is an exception to the rule now.
RDR2 has horrible stuttering problems on high end systems that even mods can't fix.


I’m surprised nobody has released a game version of ‘The Kings Speech’ on PC - it would be the ideal platform for that authentic experience.
I disagree. Rdr 2 runs perfect it must be your system.

It's a real issue. There have been attempts to fix it using mods and countless other fixes. As of the latest update of the Stutter Fix mod on Nexus, it's basically worthless for high end systems, so we're still waiting for a proper solution.
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It's a real issue. There have been attempts to fix it using mods and countless other fixes. As of the latest update of the Stutter Fix mod on Nexus, it's basically worthless for high end systems, so we're still waiting for a proper solution.
I never had a problem. 2070 super back then. vulkan api.

i know that doesnt help. thats the shit in pc gaming shits often broken for no reason. i had stuttering in the witcher 3🤷🏻

thats why i prefer console….the older i get. it just works
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I never had a problem. 2070 super back then. vulkan api.

When was the last time you played? The Stutter Fix mod worked for a while before a Rockstar patch rendered it useless. I'm on a 3080, 5700x, 32 GB.

To be fair, I didn't have stutter issues when I first played it on my old 1080 Ti, but was on much lower settings ofc.


When was the last time you played? The Stutter Fix mod worked for a while before a Rockstar patch rendered it useless. I'm on a 3080, 5700x, 32 GB.

To be fair, I didn't have stutter issues when I first played it on my old 1080 Ti, but was on much lower settings ofc.
I never used any mods. it was 2019/20 i cant tell you.
I never used any mods. it was 2019/20 i cant tell you.
I'm just saying the issues are real even if you're one of the lucky ones that somehow never had any. Rockstar games aren't exactly known for having great optimization on PC. They're one of the worst and are a great example for this thread.

This was just a month ago.

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I would say rdr 2 is the best optimised gsme ever. i think you guys dont know what that means.

it runs on anything because its so well scalable.

technical marvel

It can run on a fucking ps4 with great graphics.


I would say rdr 2 is the best optimised gsme ever. i think you guys dont know what that means.

it runs on anything because its so well scalable.

technical marvel

It can run on a fucking ps4 with great graphics.
i tried it on a 2 gb gt 1030. engine is so well optimized on PC, it managed to find a way to load "high" textures on that small buffer, without crashes. I could literally see engine transforming the game world to fit the buffer. it is crazy how a 1 year delay pay dividents on PC ports. gta 5 and rdr 2 are two great examples of it.

game ran majestically on my friend's 1060, never stuttered. optimized settings + 1080p/60. practically peak resource/graphics ever gotten from a 1060. just like PS4. it also runs majestically on the GPUS such as 1650super and so on. there are now games that looks worse than rdr2 that calls for 1080p low 30 fps on the very same GPU.

its resource management is crazy. even a lowend ryzen 1600 at 3.6 ghz is able to lock to a perfect 60 in Saint Dennis. it is also a great example how a Vulkan game should be, alongside the Doom Eternal.


No but i was just pointing out. No offense
i know, as a matter of fact, I was just saying how game managed to run somehow okay even on that " below" spec. I was actually appreciating the game engine on how scaleble it is. dare I say, rockstar could've pushed for a Switch port. I'm not joking lmao. but textures look really horrible on "low" texture quality setting. but that's a usual compromise most companies do for switch ports anyways

its crazy


PC gaming is where is at. There always will be some dodgy ports OP. But in general I have sticked to these groundrules and it makes my experience so much better.

1 - Play at your own pace. Don't let the hype machine (mainly a console oriented thing) influence your game selection. PC gaming has the most diverse game selection out there.

2 - Never preorder, Never buy day one: Specially if we are talking about AAA games, those need 6 months to be patched most of the time and your experience will be better then.


Gold Member
Calisto has frigging broke me. It started with Horizon Zero's PC port with shader compilation issues up the wazoo, cyberpunk, then dying light, Elden ring, Spiderman, sackboy all having high as fuck PC requirements, Gotham knights looking like a terrible 2011 open world game while having system requirements higher than what it looks to need. And now we have callisto which is a laggy piece of shit on even the best PCs

If it isn't stuttering and shader compilation it's abnormally high system requirements that blocks off anyone using a 1060 or a 1050ti and prevents midrange from bring able to max out the game easily. The state of PC ports in 2022 is fucking embarrassing, half of the time a new, anticipated game gets buttfucked by a terrible PC port. Can developers not optimize anymore? I got my PC to get better performance than anything else and now I'm getting games laggier than a Kenyan's internet connection.
Nah, I have an i9-9900k overclocked and a 2080ti and 32 gb of DDR4. Having that PC built was the worst decision of my life, well almost.


Gold Member
Gotham Knights seemed to be running fine on a 1080GTX. I did run into a few bugs. I agree that many games are undercooked on release. What is annoying is that they demand full price like it is a polished product.


Gotham Knights seemed to be running fine on a 1080GTX. I did run into a few bugs. I agree that many games are undercooked on release. What is annoying is that they demand full price like it is a polished product.
as much as flak nvidia gets, pascal actually aged like fine wine, weirdly. for a time, it seemed like it was going to age horribly compared to GCN, but then devs most likely started caring about Pascal optimizations for their DX12 titles after seeing how many 1060 users there were.

these games running fine on 1060 to 1080ti surely helps with sales. people have these GPUs. and as long as nvidia does not provide another "pascal like" value oriented series, they only hurt PC gaming industry as a whole.

i mean we're at a point where some games started to omit lastgen consoles one x/ ps4 pro, yet 1070/1080ti runs them gracefully, such as a plague tale requiem, flight simulator and more. I know the main underlying reason is most likely CPU but... damn Pascal lived long. I'm glad it did. I hope current gen GPUs can have a similer timespan to that of Pascal's. However Pascal had plentiful of VRAM... majority of ampere and turing cards seriously lack VRAM firepower. we will see how nextgen techs will fuse with these GPUs however.
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