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Spider-Man: Miles Morales does open world right, while Horizon Forbidden West does it all wrong.


Gold Member
miles morales? will eventually get back to it one day, but my first attempt resulted in me bailing after about an hour - the game has such an overwhelmingly saccharine, wholesome opening/atmosphere, i felt like i should maybe stop playing before i started developing some cavities...

forbidden west? loved zero dawn, & really disliked forbidden west. tho not because of the combat, which i felt was one of a handful of positives...


Horizon is a slog. I beat the first one but it was years after it came out when there was a dry spell of new games. I tried with the second one hoping it improved. Got to the second open area and was like nope I'm good. Spider man and spiderman MM while not perfect, have engaging stories and really nailed traversal
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Gold Member
These are two compare two completely different types of open world games. Spider-Man and Spider-Man:MM are fast paced action brawlers. Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West are slower, stealthy games that actually force you to consider tactical play, especially when taking down larger machines (unless you're playing on the braindead easiest mode).

Frankly, I found Miles Morales to be a poor, shallow, clone of the original Spider-Man. I platinumed Spider-Man when it came out, 100%'d it again when I upgraded to Spider-Man Remastered. I reached a point with Miles Morales where I got tired of the story about halfway through (it was so trite and cliche) and because I disliked Miles' venom attacks. I pushed through to finish it but didn't platinum it.


I liked Horizon better to be honest. I liked the combat, the world is still really cool, it has some pretty good side quests and the visuals are incredible.

Miles Morales was just ok. Just felt like more Spiderman Ps4 but without the novelty, which made the standard and honestly dated sandbox design stand out more.
Yeah traversal is technically more fun but it's just the same city again and it all blends together since you just swing around in the air. I actually found the world of Forbidden west more fun to explore and its locations more memorable.

The story was pretty meh in both.
Aloy is bland and unlikeable, Miles is whiny and has a really annoying voice. Horizon felt like they didn't really know how to follow up the story of the original while Miles felt like some trite superhero story with really forced dialogue.


I wasn't a huge fan of the first Horizons game, but it was generally pretty good. Second one did nothing for me for whatever reason and I just dropped it.

Just seemed slow and boring from Open World perspective and I didn't dig the combat as much anymore. And he'll, I loved Origins and Odyssey so not like I am opposed to Open World games.

I loved Spider-Man and then MM. Characters themselves were great, stories were fun, traversal was amazing and I still like that Batman type combat. First game had meh side quests but traversal saved it. MM improved in the content.

Can't wait for Spider-Man 2, not so much for next Horizons offering.


Gold Member
you recently started and deleted horizon, you never even gave the game a chance.

Don't make a dumb thread if you don't give games a chance and write it off immediately.
I put 16 hours into it, guy. But thanks for jumping to assumptions.

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K' Dash

Meanwhile, BOTW probably makes them both seem phenomenal.
BOTW curb stomped both Horizon games for a reason, it is better at everything, the fact that it has sold better than both games combined is hilarious.

I finished the first horizon and bailed out at the 20 hour mark of Forbidden West. They’re both lookers, but nice graphics only can engage you so much.


I put 16 hours into it, guy. But thanks for jumping to assumptions.

The intro is about 10 hours so you don't know if the story is good or bad.

The side quests in FW are better than miles and spiderman, if you think otherwise you just like fetch quests i guess....

Boring open worlds? its the most beautiful open world ive ever seen, it has nature and robots and diversity in all its regions. This whole thread is lunacy.


If horizon was exclusive to another console people would be singing its praises. It’s unfairly maligned and a very good game.

I barely get through open world games but I beat FW. Sure i skipped many optional quests but the main game was great. Also the quests in general are well done and combat is much better than your average open world game. Anyone who claims the game spams the map with icons probably played it for two seconds, the dino sites are just information where to find specific types, disable it if you are bothered by clutter.
Combat in SMM is flashy at first but it getting boring after that, but the game is short enough. Hope spiderman 2 will be different.

HFW combat is weird. It just doesn't clicked with me. The game need to have parry/defense button. I'm tired of spamming roll button to only get hit. And there're too many things to collect and remember. It's like a completely new game when you come back after 2,3 weeks don't play it.
And Aloy need to STFU. This is the main reason I deleted HFW lol.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
That’s because Horizon forbidden West is a flawed as fuck. Poor design decisions everywhere. Its almost like the b ram worked on the sequel. I could and have written a thesis on why the game just doesn’t work but at the end of the day it’s just not engaging enough.

Miles is short and constantly moving. It’s probably a 7 hour game that they padded just enough with side missions to feel like a 15 hour game but the short length works to its advantage. The new combat changes are fun, story is fun and miles is a better more likeable protagonist. I have no idea why Sony is going with these flat, angry, boss bitches in their games. You have to make the lead charismatic and charming.


Horizon is probably my least favorite Playstation Franchise. It has the crappy Q&A dialogue style, a crappy story and Alloy sucks as a main character.

The combat is pretty unique, and it's what mostly carries the game, but it's not enough to make it worthwhile in my opinion. You're asked to do boring tasks that are unrewarding because the progression system isn't great, and the reward you get is some truly awful dialogue between Mary Sue and whatever character came out of the Diversity Roulette when that particular mission or task was designed.

Sony has too many first party Open World games IMO, and if they have to drop one of them, I'd like it to be this one.


Gold Member
I think you just like spiderman
I really don’t actually, which is the funniest thing about it to me. I wasn’t a huge fan of Spider-Man on the PS4. And the hero has never been in my top 10. Might not even be in my top 20 comic book heroes. And don’t get me started on how bad Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is. Dude has his mask off more than on, when in the suit. Not to mention all his whining.


Gold Member
Morales story was kinda dogshit and wow, a spiderman game has better traversal than majority of other open world, call me surprised...
The game was vastly inferior to vanilla spidey except for the yellow power imo.

Combat are too different to even compare, horizon has way more thing going on and it's much much harder.

Interesting enemies and location variety wise, horizon utterly destroy morales.
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Guerilla games studios are overrated. They honestly never made that one would consider a masterpiece.

Insomniac studios are always one hit after the other. it's not really even fair to compare them.

Guerilla games have a great engine. and they are excellent at art direction and story writing. whatever it was Killzone or Horizon, they all had an interesting story you wanted to know.

but once it comes to core mechanics gameplay? they are shit. like honestly they are very bad. bad dialogue, and bad pacing, aside from a few bosses the combat is a snore.

doesn't help that Aloy as character is super boring. super annoying AND she got fatter too. LoL was kidding.. I think
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I loved Miles Morales but not for the open world, for me it was the traversal and choices you had in combat, I liked how you could sneak around and clear out a whole area with stealth, and I just liked the vibe of it all.

Forbidden West…
Before Elden Ring: This is great! 9/10!
After Elden Ring: Why do I even play this?

Don’t remember where I stopped playing HFW, saw some big reveal storywise and was possibly 30 hours in, never reached the big water area I’ve seen in trailers though. For me there is just no point to have a map that size when there is so little meaningful things to find. Beautiful game though!
I’ll go back to it some day.


How funny. It was exactly the opposite for me. I put a ton of time into HFW. More than any other game on the system I really just looked around, took a ton of screenshots, really soaked it all up. Loved the atmosphere. Did pretty much all the side quests and really enjoyed the story and characters.

After playing through Spider-Man twice on ps4, and again on PC, I just could not bring myself to enjoy Miles. I don’t know why. I really like MM as a character but for some reason the game just never grabbed me. Played a bit past the first mission to where you have some freedom and dropped it. Just… didn’t care.
I thought forbidden west was worse than the first one - I really think they need to totally revamp their traversal - the half-assed climbing made it feel worse than it should’ve if it didn’t exist at all.


Horizon Forbidden West felt more like a journey, making my way to the West was an experience. The combat is great. Spiderman has fun combat but the variety of the map is nowhere near as great as HFW.

Both are great in their own ways, different styles though


The intro is about 10 hours so you don't know if the story is good or bad.

The side quests in FW are better than miles and spiderman, if you think otherwise you just like fetch quests i guess....

Boring open worlds? its the most beautiful open world ive ever seen, it has nature and robots and diversity in all its regions. This whole thread is lunacy.
Eddie Murphy Reaction GIF by Laff


Gold Member
Days Gone is still King when it comes to open worlds.

I do enjoy the robot encounters in Horizon, the AI is really well done, however I think the traversal is a bit of a chore.

Spider-Man probably not the greatest comparison as the combat is relatively easy in comparison.


The parts where you use a bow, or the staff. Shoot weakspots and loot. Crouch in tall grass and stealth attack. Just felt so by the numbers and lacked flare.

The combat and move set in MM I’d not only fun to pull off, but fun look at.
You are describing the thing that’s actually good about the combat. Apart from the staff, I agree with you on that.

Shooting off parts so you can loot them later is an excellent addition that stops you from mindless shooting. Same with the weaknesses. The only thing I didn’t like was their idea of difficulty spike: Elements build up slower the higher the difficulty.


I still maintain Horizon was a solid 7/10 and would have preferred it to be much much shorter.
The game was boring.


All they need to do for Horizon 3 is a toggle to shut the hell up for Aloy!! She speaks so many times it gets annoying pretty damn fast!


Gold Member
Lol, good one. Farming at the same place respawning resources and farming reputation via boring quests to progress are just awful. It's the peasant of open worlds.
Can you give examples cause I don’t know what you’re trying to say here?


Can you give examples cause I don’t know what you’re trying to say here?
It's been a while, but all resources like fuel and so on respawned at the exact same locations. It was just a grind mechanic to make the game longer. And you had to upgrade the bike at least once, i think it was for a big jump and you needed to have a good reputation in order to get the parts.
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Gold Member
It's been a while, but all resources like fuel and so on respawned at the exact same locations. It was just a grind mechanic to make the game longer. And you had to upgrade the bike at least once, i think it was for a big jump and you needed to have a good reputation in order to get the parts.
Yep, petrol stations and camps for fuel. You could upgrade the tank as you progressed, it didn’t slow down the game but you did have to think smarter about what you had.
So you just got out of the 'starter area', and somehow already have a good grasp on the story and combat? Checks out.
What is the difference in gameplay at the first area with the rest of the game?

You shoot more arrow types, have more grenades to throw? Everything you do in the first area you are going to continue doing it for the whole game.


How funny. It was exactly the opposite for me. I put a ton of time into HFW. More than any other game on the system I really just looked around, took a ton of screenshots, really soaked it all up. Loved the atmosphere. Did pretty much all the side quests and really enjoyed the story and characters.

After playing through Spider-Man twice on ps4, and again on PC, I just could not bring myself to enjoy Miles. I don’t know why. I really like MM as a character but for some reason the game just never grabbed me. Played a bit past the first mission to where you have some freedom and dropped it. Just… didn’t care.
All what you just said proves that spider man is way ahead of HFW.

You finished spider man 3 times. You had enough of it for now you can't play miles which is normal since it's kinda the same formula . Yet you finished horizon once a s you claim it's a better game. Does not compute lol 😂
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As a smart gamer, I have PS+ and its catalog of games. Sure, it’s missing key entries, but we can forgive Sony. They’re just getting their feet wet in what a good subscription service is.

I recently started and deleted Horizon Forbidden West. I got out of the starter area and just “noped” right out of there. The combat wasn’t fun, the traversal was awful and the story was still garbage. But fuck me, that game is a beauty.

Then I fired up Spider-Man:MM and this game is fun. The combat is fun, traversal is fast and the story has me hooked. It’s doing everything right. Its side quests are a blast, and even the mundane random events between objectives are fun to see through. And this game is still a looker too.

Horizon seriously needs to look at what other open world games are doing right. That series maps might be the most boring open worlds ever created. And worse, there’s nothing fun to do or explore between big areas.

Spider-Man 2 hopefully continues the trend of smart/fun gameplay, an open world map worth exploring and plenty of different small missions to complete.
What does Horizon do wrong ?
Yes unfortunately the fun part in Horizon is only with the combat against the machines. But the rest (quests, exploration) is quite uninteresting. The world is not interesting to explore (Horizon 2 is a bit better than 1 though) and that's really a big problem when you have such a big map.

I think they could take the best of horizon (graphics and machines) in a Monster Hunter game. Now the game would be way more interesting. Because the design of the dinobots, combat and its techniques to fight them is really where the game shines.

Boss Mog

It's hard to take OP seriously since he complains about the traversal in HFW but quit before any real traversal happens. You have access to mounts including flying ones later in the game. you can also fast travel instantly with the SSD to any location you visited before.

As for combat, yes MM combat is fun and flashy but you're always a little too OP, nothing really poses a threat. HFW combat makes you think and will sometimes be challenging and force you to retreat and rethink your approach. There's definitely things you can complain about in HFW, like the completely ridiculous and nonsensical story, the useless woke sidequests just to virtue signal (As if such things would ever matter to primitive civilizations fighting for survival), but the traversal and combat aren't amongst them.


Gold Member
It's hard to take OP seriously since he complains about the traversal in HFW but quit before any real traversal happens. You have access to mounts including flying ones later in the game. you can also fast travel instantly with the SSD to any location you visited before.

As for combat, yes MM combat is fun and flashy but you're always a little too OP, nothing really poses a threat. HFW combat makes you think and will sometimes be challenging and force you to retreat and rethink your approach. There's definitely things you can complain about in HFW, like the completely ridiculous and nonsensical story, the useless woke sidequests just to virtue signal (As if such things would ever matter to primitive civilizations fighting for survival), but the traversal and combat aren't amongst them.
Tbf, morales is even more woke than hfw...


Boss Mog

Tbf, morales is even more woke than hfw...

Static imagery is a lot better than the game lecturing you about what language to use. I remember a HFW sidequest where what I guess is supposed to be a trans person or a crossdresser says to Aloy that she shouldn't use the word "crazy" because he was called crazy when he started wearing women's clothing or something. Plus I kind of find it amusing that BLM is represented in MM since it was the biggest scam of this century so far. Corporations donated $83 Billion and nobody knows where that money went or how it was used to help black people.
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