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E3 2011 Nintendo Press Conference Thread: What's in your coffee? [Over]

And e3.nintendo.com came back and has died...well off to make food I guess.

Cosmo Clock 21 said:

I missed the first round of logos. Anybody screencap it?
There was a first round? Totally missed Mairo Party 9!

MARIO PARTY 9. Is probably for Wii (or DS) since it weasn't talked about.


NSQuote said:
Nintendo probably just assumed we's knoew it was a new console from the way Iwata was speaking.

We didn't. :(
They specifically said "new console" but were only showing the controller at the moment.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Sony showed some real (awesome) games, had a proper platform introduction, though the move stuff was meh. Still the clear winner of the 3, beat soundly by EA.

They showed Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, the meh move stuff, and the Vita with a bunch of ports. Sounds almost identical to Vita's announcement, except Vita is sooner than Wii U. While by no means did Nintendo rock, Sony did nothing either. Declaring a winner to E3 this year is about as arbitrary as announcing which Michael Bay movie is the best....


Thoughts about Nintendo's conference:

  • Oh Nintendo, you never change; the show starts with Zelda and Mario. It's beyond me how much they can milk the franchises, and people still lap it up like it's the nectar of the gods.
  • The controller looks and feels strikingly similar to PS Vita.
  • Plenty of marketing speech, very little substance; promises of innovation and a plethora of new ideas, tech demos (come on!), no actual 1st party Wii U games shown.
  • All the 3rd party games looked like their PS3/360 counterparts, not to mention that ALL of them will be available on those platforms as well.


The new Nintendo console (lol Wii U) is going to get year old scraps that's barely an improvement over the CURRENT gen consoles and you guys are seriously defending that?

Seriously take off the goggles for once.


After thinking a bit, I really don't think they did a good job of presenting this.

I think my issue is that, Nintendo's stuff is so different that they can't just half announce something, or only give a few details, and then say 'we'll tell you more at some point, months down the line. See you then!'. They need to go all out with these things in order for everyone to fully grasp the impact.
Yup. Shitty conference.

It was just too early for them to be discussing WiiU in any serious capacity.

I guess it's nice that EA is handling the online?


lttp, been watching the press conf live tho.

Wii wat? O Wii u...wat? I thought vita is a funny name that can't be beaten in this E3, I was wrong.
Not hyped for it. No price no release date?
this E3 sucks. :(
SoulPlaya said:
What are you joking? They showed plenty of things for 3DS.

No they didn't. Not at the conference at least. The only game that they actually showed was Kid Icarus. Everything else was after the conference.

Neo C.

I'm actually confused by the rage of you guys. I have watched the conference without reading GAF, and I'm pleased by the show. Now I'm quite shocked about the aggressive bitterness in this thread.


speedpop said:
Yeah same. The curveballs are great. My better half immediately wanted it when she watched the demos going on, and it does indeed seem interesting.

The problem with the focus on the controller, however, is that there's a lot of FUD floating about that will hopefully clear in the future.

My only other concerns are with how powerful the device is, and with the "Wii U" name - I think that tethering the device to the Wii brand may potentially hold it back.

Hopefully Nintendo can get better third-party support for the Wii U than they have for the 3DS.
Starwolf_UK said:
And e3.nintendo.com came back and has died...well off to make food I guess.

There was a first round? Totally missed Mairo Party 9!

MARIO PARTY 9. Is probably for Wii (or DS) since it weasn't talked about.
I might have been wrong. Too busy lamenting at how Nintendo's conference met none of my expectations.


If it wasn't for Microsoft's aweful conference, this one would have scored a D in my book. It's a C :

0 Wii game...it's dead (not that was alive and kicking to begin with).
Ridicuouls 3d party support for 3DS going by the montage.
Wii U...not as exciting as I thought it would, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

On the plus side : An amazing mario is coming to the 3DS.


Alright, so now comes the best part.

Time to crack Nintendo's password and find [stike]PAPER MARIO[/s] the other games~



#WiiU looks cool, but will the HD games be able to compete with other consoles? The hardware still isnt as good as #Xbox360 and #PS3..

Why are we always to last to know? Not like the console was a secret at the office, hard to miss #nintendo visiting us #Lolz #BF3 #WiiU


Mr. B Natural said:
Worst conference I've ever seen in my life.

Good job Nintendo. The competition was fierce, but nintendo won the who-can-be-the-worst competition.

Creatively BANKRUPT both in terms of software and hardware

Creatively bankrupt? Seriously? People are going to dive all over the in screen controller thing come next gen.


If you cannot grasp that this is a new console, and not just an addon to existing hardware, you're a fucking moron and have a god awful attention span. Fuck me sideways.

chaosblade said:
So, I'm left wondering...

Where are the Wii games?

It's been a wasteland all year, and they didn't announce anything.
In the logo at the end. Kirby Wii. Rhythm Pardise and Mario Party 9. Kirby is the only one that says Wii but the others must be too since they were not talked about at all. Which is my biggest problem with the show really. We know Wii is dying but at least read it its last rites rather than deny anything but Zelda exists.


Nothing up on the press site yet....

-PXG- said:
If you cannot grasp that this is a new console, and not just an addon to existing hardware, you're a fucking moron and have a god awful attention span. Fuck me sideways.


I think some are confused because Nintendo didn't cover the console itself and they don't bother to look at the picture that's been posted 1,000 times in this thread of it.


Not a great conference. I don't hate the Wii U capabilities and I think it could be really cool with that second screen. but the actual revela was weak and more confusing than it needed to be.

3DS games that were shown weren't surprises. Wii stuff was entirely MIA.

at least it was short.

I'd give it a C

Sony B-



after all 3 press conferences, i honestly expect 99% of gamers will now go PC only and anticipate Battlefield 3 and play Witcher 2.

cause i still don't know wtf just happened.


I am sold but so many questions left, wtf was that :

  • Do I need a new console to play the Wii U ? Is the Wii U the name of a new console or just a controller ?
  • Is the whole thing a cloud structure with content being streamed from the Wii itself ? Or are the graphics generated by on place (new) hardware ?
  • How about the online possibilities/price/infrastructure ?
  • How much does it cost ?
  • Is there a possibility to get better graphics that currently with the HD twins ?
  • Will I get good software from Nintendo ?
  • How are you supposed to play with that big thing ?
Next year's E3 is gonna be pretty funny if Nintendo are showing their launch lineup of current-gen ports a day after either Microsoft, Sony, or both announce even a half-generational leap forward.
Melchiah said:
Thoughts about Nintendo's conference:

  • Oh Nintendo, you never change; the show starts with Zelda and Mario. It's beyond me how much they can milk the franchises, and people still lap it up like it's the nectar of the gods.
  • The controller looks and feels strikingly similar to PS Vita.
  • Plenty of marketing speech, very little substance; promises of innovation and a plethora of new ideas, tech demos (come on!), no actual 1st party Wii U games shown.
  • All the 3rd party games looked like their PS3/360 counterparts, not to mention that ALL of them will be available on those platforms as well.

- We haven't had a console Zelda in 5 years
- True, they're simply not ready with Wii U software
- Lego is exclusive :p

Captain Tuttle said:
I'm trying to picture how to use that controller. Does it have triggers? Is it flat like a tablet? Looks uncomfortable.

Yes, it has triggers and shoulder buttons.


Anyone else try to read the 3rd party titles on the screen at the end of the conference? I saw 2 kirbies up there and Super Pocket Fighter.

I need a screen shot to make out more since it went down.
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