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Battlefield 3 Sells 8 Million Copies, Ships 12 Million

I fucking contributed twice like a dumb fuck.

Bought my son the PS3 version the day it was released. Then, over black friday weekend I say to him.. "hey, why don't I get the $30 PC version, which you can play on my PC. It'll look better, 32 vs. 32 online..."

Me, thinking that Gamestop guarantees a $30 trade in on BF3 until the end of December, and i can use that $30 to buy Uncharted 3.

So...two hours into playing the PC version my son says..." would you hate me if I wanted to keep the PS3 version?"


Now I got a copy of BF3 for the PC that my son won't ever play, and that I won't play because I dont play FPS titles (other than Crytek stuff).

Oh well..

YOU GOT ME TWICE EA!!!! Shame on me!!!!!

And I fucking hate EA because of Madden. Dammit.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
I definitely believe that shipping number. I saw about 12 million copies sitting on shelves last week. Good on them if their sales numbers are really 8 million.
The maps are smaller and less complex. It even has less vehicles and captureable flags. But the overall production values are much, much higher in BF3. The game looks gorgeous on a PC.

Make no mistake, I am enjoying the console version and can really only commit on that version. Yes I think the graphics are pretty good even on the consoles. Hell I even enjoyed the single player.

I can't commit on the PC version of 3 so I really won't compare 3 to it or even two, but it sounds like some of the BC2 stuff has infected main BF even on PC.

So I'll just compare BF3 to Bad Company 2 and Modern Combat

I didn't like BC2 because of it's map and emphasis on vehicles. I blame this on what seems to Dice basically designing the maps for rush mode and then popping them into Conquest maps. It makes the control points very close together, basically turning things into meantgrinders. Taking away the ability to capture the main bases I also thinks takes away from the tension. When all spawn points are captureable, I think it makes teams put better focus on capturing them. Now that's removed and I can understand the logic. The basic end battle could be very annoying where you are basically up against a wall as the other team keeps pushing on the last point, but that can be fun and well that's the part of being the losing team. It just seems to me as an attempt to appease those who would whine about it. For BC2 I found that most of the control points where not only right next to each other, but also basically in a line. They basically funnel people into them, which makes for a very boring conquest map.

Now I think BF3 has some better maps honestly. Maps like Caspian Border, Kharg Island, and Terhan Highway are nice, big, and somewhat open maps. Even Grand Bazar is an ok map that is just your typical double map. The rest suffer from the problems that BC2 had.

But I mean look at some of the maps in Modern Combat.


Bridge Too Far is basically like Bazar in that it's just a typical double sided map, but this map is still far better. You have the constant struggle of the middle point just like Bazar, but in Bridge have the two points in the side that can be taken and then be lead to a flanking of the middle or you can just take it up the middle and go straight to the enemy base and then isolate them. Never mind that this map is full of vehicle combat and tons of way for infantry to move around like railroad area or underneath the bridge. Plus it has high sniping points for Snipers. Bazar just can't compare.

Another favorite of mine was Hidden. A great assault map, where one team starts off on the island with a seemingly disadvantage because the big island is controlled by the other team. But see that was awesome as players charged and tried to overcome the other team as they couldn't control everything. BF3 doesn't have maps like this and I can only postulate it's because they want to keep it as simple as possible in an effort to attract CoD players. I mean look at all that water as well and another cool thing is that the seemingly middle control point was actually underground. Meaning you could take your boot and go into the sub dock like a lot of teams would as it wasn't as obvious and then push up the stairs to the top of the island. It's like the team would be invading from inside. It's just an awesome idea that none of the maps in BF3 do.


I said BF3 and BC2 have linear control points, but so did Modern Combat, but I believe it was done much better here. Special Ops is a pretty big map, but each control point is vastly different and has different ways to be taken regardless that they are situated in a line. Tons of flanking options, but players wont get overun and it wont turn into meatgrinders, because the points are nicely spread out so players will be everywhere instead of pushed into an area. There's a lot of leg room here.

Here are just some other bigger maps from the game.






These maps were done on the PS2 and Xbox, I'm not sure why they couldn't be done on the 360. They were huge maps that had tons of neat things to them and a great balance of vehicle and infantry combat.

It's not that BF3 is bad. I'm enjoying it and like I said some of the maps are decent and hell I even think vehicles are better utilized then they were in BC2, but I think there has been some change of design philosophy when it comes to BF. Maybe because of CoD. Regardless, I don't think it's for the best.
Maps are pretty terrible. But thats cause companies really can't let go of the fact that they can't make better ones.

Its really fucking annoying.

(Bungie and halo 3 and reach, BF3, MW3, etc.)


8 million sold yet less than 130k playing online across all platforms. Wtf!

I picked up the pc version during the black Friday sale. Returned the 360 version but might buy it again to play with a friend.... I dunno what to do.


Already traded it in because I had the sneaking suspicion that Dice had no idea what to do about it or how to fix it. Despite having perfectly functional controls in a build a mere 6 weeks older.

And based on the first patch, yeah, ditching the thing was the right thing to do. Don't really care how awesome the game is when it controls that terribly.
I wish I had traded it in sooner to tell the truth. I was so excited for the game but when I picked up my dualshock and started playing I was like woah, what the hell happened to the controls?

The trade in value has dipped a bit. It was about $30 trade in value on Amazon a couple of weeks ago. Now it's down to around $18 and change last I checked. Figure I'll hold out for the B2K expansion in the hopes that the controls eventually get fixed.

Biggest disappointment this year for me. I don't want to shit the thread up any more so I guess I'll just say congrats, EA. :/

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I suppose as a FPS it's okay. Battlefield 3 is not a good Battlefield game though. There are some silly ideas in this game (mortars, the IR scope, the entire unlock system). There are also some backwards ass design choices in this game that make me wonder if the same people who developed BF2 truly developed this game (no in-game VOIP at launch for PC, shitty squad management, shitty customization menu, shitty deployment UI and the shittiest maps of any mainline Battlefield game). The destruction is underwhelming since it bears similar resemblance and use as BC2. It doesn't change the landscape of how matches are played like commander mode did in BF2. It doesn't change how we play Conquest like Titan mode did in BF2142. There's really no selling point of this game.

As for the sales, I suppose DICE will just interpret it as them doing something right with the franchise and will continuing to not push the series forward in any way that brings more substance to it than the aesthetics. In fact I find it funny that it's gotten to the point where the playerbase has to be thankful that the devs rehashed BC2 into a game that resembles BF2. We don't expect any more from them, just the fact that this game was trying to be BF2 with better graphics and some destruction was enough to get people excited. Also what a dick move to put Conquest Assault in B2K and not the main game.
This pretty much nails it.
8 million sold yet less than 130k playing online across all platforms. Wtf!I picked up the pc version during the black Friday sale. Returned the 360 version but might buy it again to play with a friend.... I dunno what to do.

Online gaming isnt as big as we message boarders think it is.


Trucker Sexologist
8 million sold yet less than 130k playing online across all platforms. Wtf!

I picked up the pc version during the black Friday sale. Returned the 360 version but might buy it again to play with a friend.... I dunno what to do.
130k in one day or 130k at one instance? Because if it's a constant 130k and there's a lot of churn that could easily be a few million different players a week.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
130k in one day or 130k at one instance? Because if it's a constant 130k and there's a lot of churn that could easily be a few million different players a week.

At a given moment. The number just seems kind of small when Skyrim did more than double that just on PC concurrent.


130k in one day or 130k at one instance? Because if it's a constant 130k and there's a lot of churn that could easily be a few million different players a week.

During peak hours there's about 130k people playing across all platforms. It's drops a lot lower than that most of the time.

For a game with the sales that EA is claiming the online player base is really low. It'll be interesting to see if it increases with the karkand pack or if the broken first impression EA rushed out has hurt the franchise beyond repair.


8 million sold yet less than 130k playing online across all platforms. Wtf!

I picked up the pc version during the black Friday sale. Returned the 360 version but might buy it again to play with a friend.... I dunno what to do.

Yeah that's what I don't get. EA's either fudging numbers somewhere or that's one hell of a returned/stopped playing ratio.
You guys are delusional if you think that's a small number.

Even if that 130k was peak for the day (it wasn't - peak was much higher), that easily means at least 1-2 million unique people who played the game that day.

You're telling me that it's a bad thing that 1-2 million people out of 8 million total purchasers playing a game on any given day is bad or disappointing? You're crazy.

People get so caught up in Call of Duty's concurrent numbers that they lose all semblance of normalcy. No other FPS comes close to doing what Call of Duty does. 40,000-50,000 concurrent players playing one multiplayer game on a single platform is absolutely massive.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
To be honest I didn't really like the beta. The controls were too sensitive, and I didn't like the map. Picked up the game on black friday and its been absolutely incredible. The online is amazing. I stopped playing battlefield 1943,and can't go back.

Friday I plan to buy mw3 and skyrim to keep me indoors for months.


The game shipped with a dumbed down upgrade system, Call of Duty lite gameplay, and not a single memorable map. As a Battlefield (not Bad Company) main series branded title the game can only be called a dissappointment. Yet it goes on to sell 8 million copies.



I fucking contributed twice like a dumb fuck.

Bought my son the PS3 version the day it was released. Then, over black friday weekend I say to him.. "hey, why don't I get the $30 PC version, which you can play on my PC. It'll look better, 32 vs. 32 online..."

Me, thinking that Gamestop guarantees a $30 trade in on BF3 until the end of December, and i can use that $30 to buy Uncharted 3.

So...two hours into playing the PC version my son says..." would you hate me if I wanted to keep the PS3 version?"


Now I got a copy of BF3 for the PC that my son won't ever play, and that I won't play because I dont play FPS titles (other than Crytek stuff).

Oh well..

YOU GOT ME TWICE EA!!!! Shame on me!!!!!

And I fucking hate EA because of Madden. Dammit.
You can still play it. Why not think of it as an rpg and play a medic who only heals, or maybe a pilot or something.


8 million sold yet less than 130k playing online across all platforms. Wtf!

I picked up the pc version during the black Friday sale. Returned the 360 version but might buy it again to play with a friend.... I dunno what to do.

Online pass should be a major factor too; nobody can bring the game over to a friend and play online there.
During peak hours there's about 130k people playing across all platforms. It's drops a lot lower than that most of the time.

For a game with the sales that EA is claiming the online player base is really low. It'll be interesting to see if it increases with the karkand pack or if the broken first impression EA rushed out has hurt the franchise beyond repair.

Where are you getting these numbers from?


It's peak today was 120k which still makes 130k for 3 platforms look laughable.
In part, that's a consequence of BF3 having longer games with more players, compared to CoD tendency toward brief, pick-up-and-play deathmatches. That's not necessarily a slam against either game, just the nature of the beast.


To be honest I didn't really like the beta. The controls were too sensitive, and I didn't like the map. Picked up the game on black friday and its been absolutely incredible. The online is amazing. I stopped playing battlefield 1943,and can't go back.

Friday I plan to buy mw3 and skyrim to keep me indoors for months.

Yep. I can't see how people don't like this game. When it work it works like nothing else out there. Awesome experience.


Junior Butler
In part, that's a consequence of BF3 having longer games with more players, compared to CoD tendency toward breif, pic-up-and-play deathmatches. That's not necessarily a slam against either game, just the nature of the beast.

Don't ruin it for him, he loves this shit.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
And once again, where are these numbes coming from for BF3? Battlelog and in game does not have any of these numbers, nor is it tracked by other third party browsers.

I have no idea where the guy pulled 130k for BF3 from. Honestly at this point that is probably too high anyways. None of my friends express any interest in playing the game anymore.


Junior Butler
I have no idea where the guy pulled 130k for BF3 from. Honestly at this point that is probably too high anyways. None of my friends express any interest in playing the game anymore.

Your tourism once provoked occasional giggles but your schtick is getting stagnant. You're clearly trying too hard and you really, really need to fucking stop.
I have no idea where the guy pulled 130k for BF3 from. Honestly at this point that is probably too high anyways. None of my friends express any interest in playing the game anymore.

BF3 stats tracker currently has 224k players online now playing across 3 platforms, and it's not even primetime, and a Wed, which also doesn't contribute players on unranked it seems, but it is the only place I see with tracking of amount of players.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Your tourism once provoked occasional giggles but your schtick is getting stagnant. You're clearly trying too hard and you really, really need to fucking stop.
Give me back my 42$ I wasted on the half-baked product first.

That or a patch fixing relevant issues and 15 good maps.


Press - MP1st.com
Not sure where to put this since the BF thread is essentially "gone."

Here's the list of Trophies/Achievements for Back to Karkand!


Yeah, I wrote that. :)

8 mil in a month is really good, no? I mean, not close to MW3 numbers, but certainly a very good "first" step by DICE/EA.

BC2 had what? 12 mil units sold across all platforms? I'm guessing BF3 might do at least 15 mil and that's no slouch.


So yeah, like I said in my previous post, the idea that 130k concurrent players across all 3 platforms was "peak" for the day was nonsense.


1) Even if it was true, that still maps to at least 1-2 million unique people playing the game every day
2) As others have pointed out, the real peak is actually closer to 250k concurrent people, which probably means 2-3 million unique people playing the game every single day

I'm sorry, but anyone who looks at these stats and proclaims that Battlefield 3 is dying has a serious confirmation bias problem, or is simply too ignorant to realize how massive an outlier Call of Duty is.
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