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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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This is too stupid. You are pretty sure i did what now? Are you accusing me of something?
Is it you or jaxwood who had the circumcision when they could have simply used a lotion, and now rails against parents being allowed to have their children be circumcised because of his own personal poor choice?

If it was jaxwood, then my deepest apologies.


is now taking requests
Is it you or jaxwood who had the circumcision when they could have simply used a lotion, and now rails against parents being allowed to have their children be circumcised because of his own personal poor choice?

If it was jaxwood, then my deepest apologies.

I'm Swedish, we don't do circumcision.


is now taking requests
It's a shame you can't make an argument and often have to apologize to other posters for freaking out.

And it's a shame you're not man enough to.

Thus it comes down to honor. Time for a duel! Anybody got some sabres or pistols? Come on, Manos. I know you do!

Manos is not someone who keeps his word. He'd probably draw on two.

does it really matter when he is only shooting blanks?

Anyway, this is now officially TOO stupid, even for me. But "shooting blanks" was a reference to your inability to make an argument, and not about your penis.
I think the Philadelphia police department was exemplary in their handling of the eviction of the Occupy encampment here, whether or not you feel they should have been forcibly removed (hint: they should have).

The Philly police banned tasers and pepper spray from being carried by officers during the operation, and they allowed ample time for everyone to leave before they would arrest them. They had outreach workers on hand to assist the homeless and direct them to shelters. Instead of forcibly and immediately arresting protesters that were blocking the streets, the police commissioner let them stand their for hours in an effort to let them leave peacefully.

It makes me so glad that the city stepped up and did whatever it took to keep Commissioner Charles Ramsey in Philadelphia, instead of letting Chicago draw him away. He's the best thing to happen to the PPD in my lifetime.
I think the Philadelphia police department was exemplary in their handling of the eviction of the Occupy encampment here, whether or not you feel they should have been forcibly removed (hint: they should have).

The Philly police banned tasers and pepper spray from being carried by officers during the operation, and they allowed ample time for everyone to leave before they would arrest them. They had outreach workers on hand to assist the homeless and direct them to shelters. Instead of forcibly and immediately arresting protesters that were blocking the streets, the police commissioner let them stand their for hours in an effort to let them leave peacefully.

It makes me so glad that the city stepped up and did whatever it took to keep Commissioner Charles Ramsey in Philadelphia, instead of letting Chicago draw him away. He's the best thing to happen to the PPD in my lifetime.

Yeah, Philly cleaned out the garbage with little to know problems, though if you read the hilarious statement Occupy Philly put out it gives an idea of just how deluded they are.

Man Matt Cord on WMMR yesterday reemed the shit out of them and ended it telling them to Occupy Camden. lol

It seems everyday on KYW 1060 that they are causing traffic delays during rush hour, so I'm not surprised to hear people happy to see them go. I can't understand how they think hurting blue collar workers during their commute home is going to help them.
Yeah, Philly cleaned out the garbage with little to know problems, though if you read the hilarious statement Occupy Philly put out it gives an idea of just how deluded they are.

Man Matt Cord on WMMR yesterday reemed the shit out of them and ended it telling them to Occupy Camden. lol

It seems everyday on KYW 1060 that they are causing traffic delays during rush hour, so I'm not surprised to hear people happy to see them go. I can't understand how they think hurting blue collar workers during their commute home is going to help them.

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Apparently the incident with the horse was caused by a protester burning it with a cigarette, and that's why it started to stampede. That's what the rumor is anyway.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Apparently the incident with the horse was caused by a protester burning it with a cigarette, and that's why it started to stampede. That's what the rumor is anyway.

It takes a real asshole/scumbag to burn an animal with a cigarette. You'd expect that from the Syrian Security Forces, not "protesters" fighting for the betterment of society.
It takes a real asshole/scumbag to burn an animal with a cigarette. You'd expect that from the Syrian Security Forces, not "protesters" fighting for the betterment of society.

I just never got the reasoning. They were told they could move across the street, so that construction on the new Dilworth Plaza plan could begin, but they decided to stay? It's like they wanted to prevent the workers who had been looking forward to the job for months from working. Isn't that like... the exact opposite of their goal?

The new plaza is going to be AWESOME too.
I just never got the reasoning. They were told they could move across the street, so that construction on the new Dilworth Plaza plan could begin, but they decided to stay? It's like they wanted to prevent the workers who had been looking forward to the job for months from working. Isn't that like... the exact opposite of their goal?
I think Occupy Philadelphia may have the dumbest members of any Occupy group based on their actions (lets screw up workers commute!) and every time the held a protest it was to bring attention to the original point of the "movement"...which was different every time. lol

The new plaza is going to be AWESOME too.
Yeah, I've heard a lot of nice things about the upcoming work being done.
Yeah, Philly cleaned out the garbage with little to know problems, though if you read the hilarious statement Occupy Philly put out it gives an idea of just how deluded they are.

I have to say, while I once did, I can't take issue with people who refer to you as fascist after reading this post. "Taking out the garbage," when referring to human beings exercising political freedom, is beyond the pale. You are precisely the kind of person that makes fascism in a country possible, without doubt.

And I love how this "rumor" about somebody burning a horse with a cigarette has immediately become fact for you, placing all protesters on part with "the Syrian Security Forces." And that without even any conveyance of intentionality in the rumor!


Dude Abides

I think the Philadelphia police department was exemplary in their handling of the eviction of the Occupy encampment here, whether or not you feel they should have been forcibly removed (hint: they should have).

The Philly police banned tasers and pepper spray from being carried by officers during the operation, and they allowed ample time for everyone to leave before they would arrest them. They had outreach workers on hand to assist the homeless and direct them to shelters. Instead of forcibly and immediately arresting protesters that were blocking the streets, the police commissioner let them stand their for hours in an effort to let them leave peacefully.

It makes me so glad that the city stepped up and did whatever it took to keep Commissioner Charles Ramsey in Philadelphia, instead of letting Chicago draw him away. He's the best thing to happen to the PPD in my lifetime.

How strange. I was under the impression, from GAF posters who claimed expertise in the subject, that pepper spray is an absolutely essential tool for crowd control, and is in fact safest for all involved. Why would the Philly PD jeopardize their safety and the safety of the protestors by forgoing use of this vital tool?
How strange. I was under the impression, from GAF posters who claimed expertise in the subject, that pepper spray is an absolutely essential tool for crowd control, and is in fact safest for all involved. Why would the Philly PD jeopardize their safety and the safety of the protestors by forgoing use of this vital tool?

The world's like, going crazy man.


Obsidian fan
How strange. I was under the impression, from GAF posters who claimed expertise in the subject, that pepper spray is an absolutely essential tool for crowd control, and is in fact safest for all involved. Why would the Philly PD jeopardize their safety and the safety of the protestors by forgoing use of this vital tool?

How strange. I was under the impression, from GAF posters who claimed expertise in the subject, that pepper spray is an absolutely essential tool for crowd control, and is in fact safest for all involved. Why would the Philly PD jeopardize their safety and the safety of the protestors by forgoing use of this vital tool?
To safe hassles of dealing with garbage claims filled by people with help from groups like the Nationals Lawyer Guild.
I have to say, while I once did, I can't take issue with people who refer to you as fascist after reading this post. "Taking out the garbage," when referring to human beings exercising political freedom, is beyond the pale. You are precisely the kind of person that makes fascism in a country possible, without doubt.

And I love how this "rumor" about somebody burning a horse with a cigarette has immediately become fact for you, placing all protesters on part with "the Syrian Security Forces." And that without even any conveyance of intentionality in the rumor!

You're just upset that people are pointing out Chavez is in an idiot in another thread.

You support for violence home and abroad is disgusting.

Not to mention your support for genocide denial.


How strange. I was under the impression, from GAF posters who claimed expertise in the subject, that pepper spray is an absolutely essential tool for crowd control, and is in fact safest for all involved. Why would the Philly PD jeopardize their safety and the safety of the protestors by forgoing use of this vital tool?

Our weapon of choice is c-4 explosives dropped from a helicopter.

Dude Abides

To safe hassles of dealing with garbage claims filled by people like the Nationals Lawyer Guild.

Washington DC's baseball team has a Lawyer Guild? This thread grows curiouser and curiouser.

Clearly the decision not to use pepper spray, or as I like to call it, cuddle spray, shows that these cops don't care about the welfare of anyone, not even themselves.


I just never got the reasoning. They were told they could move across the street, so that construction on the new Dilworth Plaza plan could begin, but they decided to stay? It's like they wanted to prevent the workers who had been looking forward to the job for months from working. Isn't that like... the exact opposite of their goal?

The new plaza is going to be AWESOME too.
Those people were not part of the solution so they were part of the problem.


So the police did use Love Spray here? Are you calling AbortedWalrusFetus a liar? How gauche.

Maybe the horse suddenly realized it was in Filthadelphia and decided to GTFO. Can't say I blame it.

Spray from love park? Homeless peoples urine? And you just mad illadelphia 4 lyfr.

Nah its pretty shitty
You're just upset that people are pointing out Chavez is in an idiot in another thread.

You support for violence home and abroad is disgusting.

Not to mention your support for genocide denial.

Dude, you're a mad man wholly untethered from the real world. With a weird fixation on the National Lawyer's Guild, one of the most respected legal organizations in the country, to boot. In fact, I've been remiss in not joining it. I think I'll do that now.

For those interested, here is some of its illustrious history in the US:


I would encourage everybody to donate!

Dude, you're a mad man wholly untethered from the real world. With a weird fixation on the National Lawyer's Guild, one of the most respected legal organizations in the country, to boot. In fact, I've been remiss in not joining it. I think I'll do that now.
If it took me to get you to actually part with your money, then you are a pretty lazy human being.

Take a look at this report which they got into a ton of trouble about when they put out a report kissing North Koreas ass.

Submitted by the 2003 NLG Korea Peace Project Delegation

Neil Berman
Christopher Black
Peter Erlinder
Jennie Lusk
Eric Sirotkin

To contact the delegation call 505-266-2753 in the United States or email us at sirotkin@igc.org. Our web site will be at www.nlg.org beginning in November 200

• MYTH #2 - People are being Starved to Death by the Government
While officials we met admitted to food shortages and hunger during the floods and natural disasters of the late 1990’s, this is really old news. At that time it was the DPRK government who reached out to the international community for disaster food assistance. Today they are still in need of some imports, as are most countries, but everywhere we traveled we saw crops growing – even on rooftops. Rice was laid out to dry without guards. Small fruit stands existed and people looked healthy and active. Many others we met who traveled around the country supported our observations. Even in the countryside, housing is provided free to all DPRK residents.
Sadly, the U.S. push for economic sanctions, and its pressuring of Japan, South Korea and other countries to cut off their food exports to the DPRK, exemplifies the inhumanity of using food and starvation as a political tool. With the emerging false justifications to start the war with Iraq, it is incumbent to set the record straight and base our decisions on up to date information.

That in term forced them to issue this
For those interested, here is some of its illustrious history of people shilling for North Korea
Daniel Hornal: A Resolution on the Korean Peace Project and Related Reports
WHEREAS, the National Lawyer’s Guild’s International Committee has an important role to play in
shining a spotlight on human rights abuses worldwide;
WHEREAS, maintaining credibility of reports sponsored by the National Lawyer’s Guild is vital to the
Guild’s objectives;
WHEREAS, a human rights report must be made independent of government influence, and one
where the factfinders are kept under constant government surveillance is not credible, regardless of
the veracity of its conclusions;
WHEREAS, The factfinders who produced the Korean Peace Project’s report “NORTH KOREA: THE
GRAND DECEPTION REVEALED” (hereinafter, “the report”) were under surveillance by North Korean
authorities and could not, therefore, produce a credible report;
WHEREAS, the report contains non-credible statements too numerous to mention, including
suggestions that there is adequate food for the people in North Korea, and that it does not engage in
capital punishment;
WHEREAS, the factfinders failed to embark on even a cursory investigation of the massive, welldocumented reports of human rights violations as have been reported by Human Rights Watch[1],
Amnesty International[2] and various other international NGOs;
WHEREAS, it is the duty of the National Lawyer’s Guild to support basic human rights in all countries,
regardless of their economic systems;
WHEREAS, the National Lawyers Guild cannot be a credible voice for international human rights if it
turns a blind eye to the deplorable conditions in North Korea created by the North Korean’s continued
repression of its own people; and,
WHEREAS, turning a blind eye to human rights violations is not likely to lead to peace, security or an
improvement in human rights conditions;
1) The National Lawyers Guild reaffirms its friendship and support of the people living in North Korea,
2) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the government of North Korea provides freedom of
speech and political organization to the people of North Korea,
3) The National Lawyers Guild re-affirms our desire for peaceful reconciliation between North and
South Korea, and encourages friendship and cultural exchanges,
4) The National Lawyers Guild repudiates the Korean Peace Project’s report entitled “NORTH
KOREA: THE GRAND DECEPTION REVEALED,” as well as the report “Myths of the Hermit
Kingdom,” online at http://www.nlg.org/korea/myths_of_the_hermit.html,
5) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the reports be modified to remove all references to the
National Lawyers Guild,

6) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the reports be removed from nlg.org and any Guild-affiliated websites, immediately,
7) The National Lawyers Guild revokes whatever permission ever existed to use Guild trademarks in
connection with the reports,
8) The National Lawyers Guild authorizes all relevant in Guild leadership to take whatever steps are
necessary to carry out this resolution, if those directly responsible for maintenance of the websites
9) The National Lawyers guild en
courages the Korean Peace Project to produce a report documenting
conditions in Korea, but only if it can be produced free of any government influence. The Guild further
encourages the Korean Peace Project to seriously investigate the well-documented oppression
experienced by North Korean citizens in its future reports.
Implementation: Daniel Hornal will take responsibility for implementing this resolution.
[1] http://www.hrw.org/asia/north-korea
[2] http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/north-korea
Submitted by Daniel Hornal

Oh someone needs to tell Daniel that he has some work to do as these reports are all still on NLG websites and uses the NLG name repeatedly.
If it took me to get you to actually part with your money, then you are a pretty lazy human being.

Take a look at this report which they got into a ton of trouble about when they put out a report kissing North Koreas ass.

"We came to North Korea in order to increase bonds between lawyers in North Korea and the west, as well as to increase understanding between the peoples of North America and North Korea in order to reduce the risk of war between the DPRK and the United States of America.

"The visit had several specific purposes: (1) to develop personal and professional relationships with lawyers in North Korea with a view toward understanding their legal system and its role in society, (2) to determine and understand the views of the people of the DPRK with respect to war and peace and its link to the problem of reunification of the “two” Koreas, and (3) to observe as best we could the real situation for the people of the DKRP in the context of the information being propagated in the western press of an Orwellian, totalitarian, impoverished and starving society - allegations which have been used by the United States to justify all its recent wars of aggression. We felt it essential to let the North Koreans know that many Americans and Canadians have a deep desire for peace and oppose the rhetorical “axis of evil” posture announced by the current U.S. administration."

Scandalous!! How dare anybody act to reduce the risk of war! I'm not sure what you're complaining about, seeing as how the NLG decided it didn't approve of the resulting report.
Scandalous!! How dare anybody act to reduce the risk of war!

Are you defending this?
We did not meet Kim Jong Il, something that appears possible on a later delegation. We also cannot on such a short trip have sufficient time to assess the basis of his apparent support. However, the absence of weapons and visible military intimidation makes the usual explanation of a brutal intimidating dictatorship suspect. We do know that a state of war leads to a nation rallying around its leadership and North Korea has had the threat of war hanging over it for over fifty years. Until there is peace, it is unlikely that we will fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current leadership.


We were told that there was no death penalty and that the maximum penalty for any crime is 12 years, with the objective being to try to determine why the person committed the crime and to help that person become a productive member of society. A lack of a death penalty was seen by the delegation as a sign of a civilized nation. There appear to be labor camps where people work out their sentences. No effort was made to hide the presence of these camps. The U.S. media’s recent reports on the poor conditions, high mortality rate and lack of proper care or food, in the camps requires further investigation. In light of the false and exaggerated claims about starvation in the country in general, these reports must be viewed with a grain of salt. We will ask to visit these camps on future delegations.

Really, are you defending this? Come on you're not an idiot, you can't actually defend the things I've just bolded.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
"We came to North Korea in order to increase bonds between lawyers in North Korea and the west, as well as to increase understanding between the peoples of North America and North Korea in order to reduce the risk of war between the DPRK and the United States of America.

"The visit had several specific purposes: (1) to develop personal and professional relationships with lawyers in North Korea with a view toward understanding their legal system and its role in society, (2) to determine and understand the views of the people of the DPRK with respect to war and peace and its link to the problem of reunification of the “two” Koreas, and (3) to observe as best we could the real situation for the people of the DKRP in the context of the information being propagated in the western press of an Orwellian, totalitarian, impoverished and starving society - allegations which have been used by the United States to justify all its recent wars of aggression. We felt it essential to let the North Koreans know that many Americans and Canadians have a deep desire for peace and oppose the rhetorical “axis of evil” posture announced by the current U.S. administration."

Scandalous!! How dare anybody act to reduce the risk of war!

Gah. You give money to actual organizations like these:


Not to asshats that hand the money over to the WPK


MYTH #2 - People are being Starved to Death by the Government
While officials we met admitted to food shortages and hunger during the floods and natural disasters of the late 1990’s, this is really old news. At that time it was the DPRK government who reached out to the international community for disaster food assistance. Today they are still in need of some imports, as are most countries, but everywhere we traveled we saw crops growing – even on rooftops. Rice was laid out to dry without guards. Small fruit stands existed and people looked healthy and active. Many others we met who traveled around the country supported our observations. Even in the countryside, housing is provided free to all DPRK residents.
Sadly, the U.S. push for economic sanctions, and its pressuring of Japan, South Korea and other countries to cut off their food exports to the DPRK, exemplifies the inhumanity of using food and starvation as a political tool. With the emerging false justifications to start the war with Iraq, it is incumbent to set the record straight and base our decisions on up to date information.
if i were drinking coffee i would have spit it out while reading this
Are you defending this?

Am I defending what? Peace between North Korea and the US? Of course.

Gah. You give money to actual organizations like these:


Not to asshats that hand the money over to the WPK

What the hell are you on about? Are you under the impression I am joining the NLG specifically for its Korean Peace Project? That's just something Manos brought up because he thinks it discredits the decades of work that the NLG has done improving American society.

Next Manos is going to tell me he is repudiating the Democratic Party because it supported the USAPATRIOT Act and thereby lost all credibility. (Unlike the NLG, it never repudiated that support.) Oh wait, no he's not. That's because he just plays games.
Am I defending what? Peace between North Korea and the US? Of course.

What the hell are you on about? Are you under the impression I am joining the NLG specifically for its Korean Peace Project? That's just something Manos brought up because he thinks it discredits the decades of work that the NLG has done improving American society.

Next Manos is going to tell me he is repudiating the Democratic Party because it supported the USAPATRIOT Act and thereby lost all credibility. (Unlike the NLG, it never repudiated that support.) Oh wait, no he's not. That's because he just plays games.
Your membership helps support it and I'm sure they appreciate it. You are just trying to hide the fact you knew nothing about it. That as a member maybe you can get them to carry out their ruling on the matter.
Your membership helps support it and I'm sure they appreciate it. You are just trying to hide the fact you knew nothing about it. That as a member maybe you can get them to carry out their ruling on the matter.

As a member, I will be helping to support free legal defenses for protesters arrested for exercising civil liberties, among many, many other worthwhile endeavors.
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