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The Resident Evil 6 Race Representation Discussion Thread

Beth Cyra

Let's explore the logic whereby a game set in a certain place has to cast a person from that place as a protagonist for some reason.

I also want to know about it came to be 90% when only one third of the game will take place there and maybe not even all of it given Chris or Leon are going to have to leave to meet up.


Yes, if you set a game in one country, one of the heroes must be from that country. Of course. It only makes sense.
Makes as much sense as the fact that no matter what country you set a game in, the hero's going to be white.


When I get this game I'm going to play it while eating a KFC Famous Bowl with orange pop and side of watermelon, just to counteract the white supremacy radiating from every orifice of its glorious master race leads.

Makes as much sense as the fact that no matter what country you set a game in, the hero's going to be white.
They're not from said country.


Unlimited Capacity
I'm sorry, but....

Man I can't believe this series with fan favourite characters created 15 years ago would have the audacity to use them again.

There is a problem with racial diversity in video game casts, but this is not the game to get up in arms about.


Unconfirmed Member
What have I done wrong? I've seen way more vulgar posts regularly, the two years I've been lurking waiting to get my account accepted.

There is zero tolerance for slurs on gaf regardless of context


Suffice it to say, I think this thread has made us all closer.

I think we can all agree the real enemy is the French.


Glad this was moved to a separate thread.
I like your Replicant, but..come on.. :p

And Ada is already expected to be in the game, at least based on the same rumors that mentioned Leon and Chris been in the game.


I can't remember who has the avatar quote but it was always one of the favorites: "If they're Spanish and in the NBA, they're more racist than your favorite team."


It's amazing to me that someone merely asking for more minority representation can be met with such ignorance, how old are we? Why is everyone making every excuse in the world to NOT include a minority character? But but but the scripts! Seriously... Would you guys be this defensive if someone asked why they can't be a female soldier in Call of Duty? But for some reason, everyone gets ants in their pants whenever you mention
RACE... God Forbid!

Replicant, you're doing God's work but did you expect anything else from this crowd?
To anyone who steps into this thread, before you say something, just answer this:

Is it too much to ask that out of 6 leads in this one game, to have 1 or 2 of the characters to be non-white? Especially when the story is set in other country like China/Hong Kong. Is it too much to ask that another race is being represented out of the 6 lead characters?
Apparently, yes! It is too much to ask. Know your place Replicant.
Yeah, OK. Well I think it's more racist of you to assume I'm white just because I think the racial whining is the actual racism, but OK, belittle me, that's cool.
Do you know what "racist" even means? Wow...
It's racist for race to be a factor -- PERIOD. Which includes you having a beef with an all-white cast.

There's no winning with people that look for racism. You look and you will always think you've found it.
Amazing, go on sir! And the classic "look for racism" meme to boot. It's pretty much a red flag that whoever says it has a race problem.
I didn't say they can't or shouldn't be or that it makes any more or less sense for them to be white. You totally dodged my question, so now I will triple it.

1) How is it not racist to be demanding that people like you be in the game?
Uh.... how about because it's not? Who taught you the term racist?


YoungHav, read my other posts: You might not think "racism" is the right word, but the point is the only people making a big deal about race here is Replicant (and now you). Everyone else would be fine no matter what race they are. So you can complain RE6 is too white, but personally I don't care if they're white or black or yellow or brown or whatever. The race doesn't make a difference to me.

What does bother me is someone changing however they were going to make something just to appease everyone. If someone wants to make an all-black game -- make an all-black game. If someone wants to make an all-Asian game -- make an all-Asian game. It's no skin off anyone's back. But nobody should be changing what they make to try and please everybody.

YOU are building divisions. No one else sees these artificial differences you're creating.

Clearly an Asian person did not work on this game.
Ha! Why didn't someone think to point this out sooner?
If the whole problem with this game being about White Imperialism why has nobody noticed it's a Japanese developer creating a video game about killing Chinese? Maybe Capcom are using Whites as a tool for their evil racist agenda! :O



These Asian game-makers are putting too many non-Asian people in their game. Why are they racist against themselves? :(


If the whole problem with this game being about White Imperialism why has nobody noticed it's a Japanese developer creating a video game about killing Chinese? Maybe Capcom are using Whites as a tool for their evil racist agenda! :O


I noticed that but didn't bring it up since I don't feel I'm knowledgeable enough to comment on the matter.


YoungHav, read my other posts: You might not think "racism" is the right word, but the point is the only people making a big deal about race here is Replicant (and now you). Everyone else would be fine no matter what race they are. So you can complain RE6 is too white, but personally I don't care if they're white or black or yellow or brown or whatever. The race doesn't make a difference to me.

What does bother me is someone changing however they were going to make something just to appease everyone. If someone wants to make an all-black game -- make an all-black game. If someone wants to make an all-Asian game -- make an all-Asian game. It's no skin off anyone's back. But nobody should be changing what they make to try and please everybody.

Ha! Why didn't someone think to point this out sooner?
I don't care what race these characters are. But if someone is merely asking about including more minorities in game leads, I don't see the problem in asking that, nor do I see why such a question deserves such backlash...

And everyone can pretend that they are "colorblind" or that the "race of the characters don't matter" but the fact of the matter is it does. A lot of games made by Japanese have White protagonists to appeal to the West, because race obviously matters to that Western audience. Also, look at the embarrassing backlash of C.J.'s reveal when San Andreas was first shown. Because Hollywood films and the U.S. media industry in general are accessible all over the world, non-White people are always flooded with the cliche image of the White Straight Male protagonist (or white protagonists in general). Non-whites are used to the status quo and go out and watch/support these movies anyway.

But whenever the cast is made up mostly of non-whites, there tends to be a lack of White support/viewership and it becomes a financial gamble for those putting the project together (See Red Tails and The Wire and the history of the film industry for that matter). Same reason why Asians have been mostly invisible when it comes to lead roles etc... So while the racial makeup of this cast doesn't bother me personally, I just don't see why OP needs to be booed for bringing up a valid issue.
Diversity is not just the sake of it. It's a reality. Different races live in different countries together. It's about time video game reflects that reality and stop just presenting white leads 24/7.

I'm assuming this is a troll thread, but even so, you are missing the point.

The buying audience is mostly comprised of one race. Thus, that's reflected in pretty much every game/film.

News at 11.

I just don't see why OP needs to be booed for bringing up a valid issue.

It's not booing for me, I just fail to see the point. The circumstances have to change to see more ethnically diverse roles. This isn't a secret.

For an example of audience overreaction, just take a look at the GTA:San Andreas thread from this forum. There's a reason why most companies don't bother.


But whenever the cast is made up mostly of non-whites, there tends to be a lack of White support/viewership and it becomes a financial gamble for those putting the project together (See Red Tails and The Wire and the history of the film industry for that matter). Same reason why Asians have been mostly invisible when it comes to lead roles etc... So while the racial makeup of this cast doesn't bother me personally, I just don't see why OP needs to be booed for bringing up a valid issue.
Part of the problem was that, originally this was not a separate thread but posted in the RE6 thread, so it was out of topic, which is why it was seaprated (and most of the first replies doesn't make sense, since it was off-topic.

Then, one of the arguments is around how the should at least add Ada Wong, just because she's chinese; when that character is rumored to be in the game (just not revealed yet). Heck ,Capcom has been using Ada through the years in actual game related stuff than a character like Claire or even Jill.; and she's even going to be in the upcoming fifth movie...yet, now they may be racist because she hasn't been revealed yet(?)

So, if Ada was expected joins the cast, you bet some will be talking about how it was because of the "racist card"; when rumors always pointed to her inclusion. If anything is a matter of waiting and seeing, rather than already be demanding and arguing about aspects that we don't know. Even if Ada doesn't make it, doesn't mean that no chienese character won't be.

And lets not forget that China is one of the multiple locales in this game; unlike RE5 which was centered mostly in Africa. So is not like they need to add a russian character when they're in Russia or something.


And everyone can pretend that they are "colorblind" or that the "race of the characters don't matter" but the fact of the matter is it does. A lot of games made by Japanese have White protagonists to appeal to the West, because race obviously matters to that Western audience. Also, look at the embarrassing backlash of C.J.'s reveal when San Andreas was first shown. Because Hollywood films and the U.S. media industry in general are accessible all over the world, non-White people are always flooded with the cliche image of the White Straight Male protagonist (or white protagonists in general). Non-whites are used to the status quo and go out and watch/support these movies anyway.

But whenever the cast is made up mostly of non-whites, there tends to be a lack of White support/viewership and it becomes a financial gamble for those putting the project together (See Red Tails and The Wire and the history of the film industry for that matter). Same reason why Asians have been mostly invisible when it comes to lead roles etc... So while the racial makeup of this cast doesn't bother me personally, I just don't see why OP needs to be booed for bringing up a valid issue.
San Andreas, the game you mentioned, was one of the best-selling games on the PS2... Possibly THE best-selling in America, was it not? I'll admit I did not witness this backlash, though.

At any rate, nobody's saying the OP can't ask for what he wants, it's just that anyone who feels it's silly and a non-issue is equally within their right to say so. Would I appreciate a game that takes under-represented races and depicts them matter-of-factly as normal people every bit as heroic as the oft-seen white man? Sure I would. But I don't think it's necessary to deliberately go out of one's way to do it. People are people, is my bottom line.

And for the record I generally support things like affirmative action (though I prefer it be based more on income, etc; in some cases I feel it's necessary to break cycles of poverty). I just don't think it needs to bleed over into games and start constricting people's creative. That's a compromise an artist shouldn't have to make. But that's my opinion. You and Replicant are free to ask for whatever you want.
Is the TC N'gai masquerading as an Asian Gaffer?

Btw, Im sure there will be plenty of Asian men in RE6, you probably wont be playing as them though.


If there are any asian men in this game that aren't the enemy, they'll die quick and gruesomely... I'm almost certain of it.
1- This game so far doesn't seem to have any major female characters, only supporters. WTF Capcom!?

2- Fuck the action related crap in this game. Went to see two friends today and their reactions were the same lol. I was especially surprised by the reaction from my second friend who is usually open and laid back about these things. It was a freaky experience to say the least.

3- Yeah, I'd really like to see anyone else taking Chris' place. I'll take a Chinese(Cmon over Ada!) lead over Chris at this point.

The race thing is an issue, but I'm more disappointed on other things right now.
Man I can't believe this series with fan favourite characters created 15 years ago would have the audacity to use them again.

There is a problem with racial diversity in video game casts, but this is not the game to get up in arms about.
Uh, only two of the six characters shown are fan favourites (I really doubt Ashley or Sherry or whoever the fuck is hanging out with the superdude is a fan favourite). But whatever, let's make it three. What's the reason that the other three just had to be white?

The president's secret service lady had to be white? Chris's partner in Hong Kong? Superdude who might be Alex Wesker or Hunk or whatever (Okay this would make it third fan favourite if it was Hunk)?

Females being support only is kind of weird too. There is that supposed hidden Ada chapter that's speculated about but yeah.

I mean I get that games shouldn't have to push agendas or whatever but I kind of agree with Replicant with the whole Chris going to Hong Kong and not being partnered with a local agent who knows the area. I mean Sheva was sort of like that, and I know a lot of people hated her, hell I do too, but it was because of her awful AI.


Uh, only two of the six characters shown are fan favourites (I really doubt Ashley or Sherry or whoever the fuck is hanging out with the superdude is a fan favourite). But whatever, let's make it three. What's the reason that the other three just had to be white?

The president's secret service lady had to be white? Chris's partner in Hong Kong? Superdude who might be Alex Wesker or Hunk or whatever (Okay this would make it third fan favourite if it was Hunk)?

Females being support only is kind of weird too. There is that supposed hidden Ada chapter that's speculated about but yeah.

I mean I get that games shouldn't have to push agendas or whatever but I kind of agree with Replicant with the whole Chris going to Hong Kong and not being partnered with a local agent who knows the area. I mean Sheva was sort of like that, and I know a lot of people hated her, hell I do too, but it was because of her awful AI.

Who said any specific new character HAD to be white?
I don't like the way zombies are portrayed as mindless, flesh-eating monsters in the Resident Evil games. Way to play the stereotype, crapcom!


This thread is even more racist than the game itself. Why make the topic? This is stupid. I'm asian and I don't care if there is any need to be asian represent in chinese story. I'll be more realistic to have asian character there and Capcom know it. We only got 3 minutes of the game footage so far!

And capcom is asian. Majority of the game staff are asian, For christ sake. It's not like asian don't like to be asian so get rid of all asian from US based story game :(

I guess thread owner is not asian though. Since there is no such a rasicm thing among asian. We just don't care (that much).


Banstick Emeritus
Having white characters makes them most relatable to the consumer they're marketing to. It'll sell more units and make Capcom more money. Sorry if that pisses you off, business wins again!
I'll get to this in a minute, because it's so stupid, so ignorant, so bereft of anything resembling fact that, well, I had to knock back some vodka first.

And I was out of vodka, so a trip to the liquor store was in order. But now I'm back. Vodka.


GTA San Andreas
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Chronicles of Riddick
Resident Evil 5 (heh)

These are all multimillion selling games (with the possible exception of Riddick, which I believe is around 980K lifetime) that have minority characters either as the main protagonists, or playing central, major roles. In the case of San Andreas, it was the #3 selling game of all time for years.

Certainly there could be more. There are studies that suggest that videogames are a powerful gateway for interest in maths, computer sciences - and seeing yourself represented in a medium is a surefire way to see it as a pathway for you and others like you. I lucked out, my dad saw computers as the way of the future back in the 80s. Bought a C-64, insisted that me and my siblings learn how programming works and I took it from there. But I still didn't see many folks like me in gaming, and it blew my fucking mind to find out that not only did Jerry Lawson exist, he's the guy who invented the videogame ROM cartridge. That felt...good. Visibility matters, and it makes a difference.

Listen, from a pure gameplay POV, it doesn't matter at all what the character's race is. Jumping on turtles or shooting zombies is jumping on turtles or shooting zombies, period. So if it doesn't matter, who does it hurt to provide more diverse characters? It's not affecting the gameplay, so why the uproar and dismissiveness of Replicant's thread?

What exactly are you scared of?

Please note that I'm not arguing for pluralism. Segmenting the market into "Latino games" and "black games" and "white games" makes no sense. It doesn't seem to me (and feel free to correct me, OP) that the argument is being made for establishing a bunch of race-based silos. What I believe is being said is that having more diversity represented onscreen that matches how the world, y'know, actually is - might be

1. a very nice thing to have, and
2. not affect your bottom line, as noted in the examples above.

Now, DaBuddaDa, we've established that you don't know what you're talking about. That's okay. It's not your fault and I won't hold it against you. Par for the course around here as a general rule (unless you're Phisheep, whom I dearly want to be when I grow up). When you want to masquerade your ignorance as fact...well, then you and I have an issue. But you - and others like you - have a glorious opportunity. Time to study! Research! Build an opinion based on something other than your ass and then release it

like a butterfly

to the world upon your return.

I believe in you and your ability to rise above. Make us proud.

tl;dr - stop being a fuckwit; vodka is good


Replicant, you're doing God's work but did you expect anything else from this crowd

I really thought that GAF would at least have more sensitivity than this. Asking repeatedly if this is a troll thread just because they disagree with its content is something I expected out of Gamefaqs board. I didn't even create the thread. I only posted on the original RE6 thread but the thread got split up by Nirolak because the discussion got heated. It's partly my fault but I couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed that out of 6 lead characters that Capcom advertised, none of them is a colored character. But according to many people here, I am not even entitled to be unhappy with the fact that Capcom couldn't make a provision for just one colored character to be included as a main character.

Then, one of the arguments is around how the should at least add Ada Wong, just because she's chinese; when that character is rumored to be in the game (just not revealed yet).

If they want to include Ada, it'd be nice if for once she's actually one of the main casts not just a surprise antagonist who appears once in a while. I want her to be announced and given proper spot in the trailer just like those other characters that have been announced so far. I mean the white bald guy seems like an antagonist but that didn't stop Capcom from advertising him.

This thread is even more racist than the game itself. Why make the topic? This is stupid. I'm asian and I don't care if there is any need to be asian represent in chinese story.

Just because you chose to go with eyes wide shut in regards to racial inequality it doesn't mean others will do the same. And you're not speaking for all asian people, certainly not on my behalf at least. It's no wonder people often think "Oh, the Asians are going to be okay. They didn't object so surely they don't mind." Well, I'm sorry for not trying to be one of those Asians. If I'm not happy I'd say something about it.

And capcom is asian. Majority of the game staff are asian, For christ sake. It's not like asian don't like to be asian so get rid of all asian from US based story game :(

THIS is a major misconception that I haven't addressed so far. It's such a false dichotomy that "Because they're Asian, they can't possibly be racist towards Asian". Wrong. History has documented long-standing tension between the Japanese and the Koreans or between Japanese and Chinese. Also, yes, believe it or not, there are unspoken racism between different races of Asians. It doesn't get brought up often but yes, it's bubbling like a heated water and only occasionally it spills over into an argument/fight.

I guess thread owner is not asian though. Since there is no such a rasicm thing among asian. We just don't care (that much).

Go to GayGAF and asks some people there who have seen my photo and they can vouch for my race cred. As for your second statement, see my responses above.

Please note that I'm not arguing for pluralism. Segmenting the market into "Latino games" and "black games" and "white games" makes no sense. It doesn't seem to me (and feel free to correct me, OP) that the argument is being made for establishing a bunch of race-based silos. What I believe is being said is that having more diversity represented onscreen that matches how the world, y'know, actually is - might be

1. a very nice thing to have, and
2. not affect your bottom line, as noted in the examples above.

Exactly. I didn't even ask for a one-race game. I asked for the minorities to be more represented, to be given more exposure than they've received thus far. Maybe just in 1 or 2 LEAD characters out of 6 LEADS. But apparently even that is too much to ask. But I'm tired and I get the same exact responses when I ask this question so this will be my last response in a long while.

And for those of you who asked, "Why this game?" , the answer is "Why not?" What game do you want to start this precedent on? There'd always be people complaining "Why my favorite game(s) becomes a platform for racial/political discussion?". People were complaining when Bioware wanted to add more sexual based options for those who are not straight white male. People denied that there were some awful racial stereotyping in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. There'd never be the right moment if we keep going with this kind of mentality. There'd always be someone who denies that there's a racial/gender inequality when it comes to representation of race/gender in video games.
I thought all racism claims for RE5 were ridiculous and I found it more insulting that in the end product there were a large number of token white zombies to try and distance themselves from that claim.

Having a white character go to a foreign country and kill coloured natives of that land isn't racist as long as the motivation for killing them isn't "you're a different colour to me."

Simple as that in my eyes.
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