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Mass Effect 3 Demo Impressions [Online Open To All]

Played the demo two times. Controls felt weird the first time, but pretty decent the second. Shooting feels less stiff than ME2. Dodgeroll feels bad man. I was hoping for less Gears and more Vanquish, but at least it finally exists. Melee is useful for shit that isn’t the basic husk, since it can be combo’d now. They took the cinematic flair with the Heavy Melee a bit too far. It’s not like the visual differences between heavy melee and standard melee were negligible to the point where they need to obscure my view of the battlefield.

Not much to say about the first part. It was a set-piece laden tutorial, so there really wasn’t supposed to be much going on gameplay wise anyway. The only notable things were the clichéd dialogue(“I’m a soldier not a politician”? the hell does that have to do with offering advice for fighting a threat?), and that blatantly obvious attempt at emotional manipulation with the kid.

Honestly, they should have picked another segment of the game for part 2 of the demo, to show off some of that enemy variety they had in the trailers. Outside of that one segment with engineers and the boss dude, every fight was generic Cerberus guy and generic Cerberus guy with greater damage threshold.

Making it so that cooldowns depend on weapon loadouts, but not letting the player actually customize them was also a missed opportunity.


Can this whole "people who dislike anything about a game are lying and actually buy it and love it from day 1" thing be bannable at this point? It's the most anti-discussion thing we've had since "haters gonna hate."

This and "here comes _____ defense force" type dismissive shit both need to get blown up.


Just played the demo. Kudos to BioWare because the gun play feels really amazing, feels better than Uncharted 3's gun play even which is of course a significant step up from ME2 and a GIGANTIC step up from how the series started with ME1. Was the camera this zoomed in on ME2 and I'm just not remembering it? Something about it seems off, I wish it was zoomed out just a bit more because it makes the movement feel so clunky. I can't see where the fuck I'm going. I'm constantly rolling myself into corners because I can't see. Also the running feels really awkward and the default movement speed when not running feels too slow.

Really loved the demo, my only real complaints are what seemed like a lack of dialogue (but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because dialogue isn't really a set piece demo thing) and the general feel of movement being awkward and stiff (possibly as a result of the camera?).
Im really wondering what games you guys are playing that have so much better writing than Mass Effect. I cant help but laugh at all the complaints about the writing because this series is at the better end of videogame writing (which doesnt say much because all video game writing is at the level of Warhammer 40k novels or something). Please point me toward those games which resemble War & Peace or Shakespeare, because i never encountered them.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion

I'm no fan of ME2 and disagreed with it winning GAF's GOTY, but it wasn't just for the usual reasons everybody cites (the absence of a plot). I thought the third-person gameplay was barely adequate and often quite rigid/boring.

This game - while still less fluid than some of its contemporaries - at least feels fun to play for me. There's more movement options, the encounters feel better and seem more strategic.

The plot is typical dudebro "save the universe" stuff, but I accepted that a long time ago. So whatever. This demo worked well enough for me.

It's kind of sad that it's just become cliche since ME1, but I do love the atmosphere and aesthetic of Mass Effect. The story may no longer, but the atmosphere definitely still screams "classic sci fi".

Im really wondering what games you guys are playing that have so much better writing than Mass Effect. I cant help but laugh at all the complaints about the writing because this series is at the better end of videogame writing (which doesnt say much because all video game writing is at the level of Warhammer 40k novels or something). Please point me toward those games which resemble War & Peace or Shakespeare, because i never encountered them.

Not all stories are either War & Peace or totally idiotic explosion fantasies.


Given the game shares many similarities with ME2, moving over to Frostbite would require a lot of code be re-written, and the techs relearn the ins and outs of Frostbite. It would make for a better looking game, but also a longer development cycle, and runs the risk of new issues popping up that take even longer to fix.

Easiest path was to continue using UE3.

Yeah I know, one can only dream of FB2 powered Mass Effect

On another note, were the CG cutscenes 720p or 1080p in the demo? I thought the quality of them was noticeably better than in the second game, but I might be wrong.


Would it kill bioware to assign one of the numerous actions X does to another button? Having to examine something only to dodgeroll is annoying.


It's kind of sad that it's just become cliche since ME1, but I do love the atmosphere and aesthetic of Mass Effect. The story may no longer, but the atmosphere definitely still screams "classic sci fi".

Very true. For all of my criticisms of ME, one of the biggest reasons I continue to replay ME1 and ME2 is simply because of the great lore/artistic design. I would love to see what Bioware could do on a cutting edge engine working solely with PC hardware in mind.


Im really wondering what games you guys are playing that have so much better writing than Mass Effect. I cant help but laugh at all the complaints about the writing because this series is at the better end of videogame writing (which doesnt say much because all video game writing is at the level of Warhammer 40k novels or something). Please point me toward those games which resemble War & Peace or Shakespeare, because i never encountered them.

I thought Deus Ex: Human Revolution did a commendable job of being a breezy sci-fi action game that still had a sense of gravitas to the story.


I thought Deus Ex: Human Revolution did a commendable job of being a breezy sci-fi action game that still had a sense of gravitas to the story.

The conversation "mechanics" were definitely pretty engaging in Deus Ex as I recall, but as far as what actually comes out of characters' mouths?


ME series can be bad (e.g. first stage of the ME3 demo), but it's never this bad. Still a good game though (Jensen's apartment is a pretty amazing videogame set).
Im really wondering what games you guys are playing that have so much better writing than Mass Effect. I cant help but laugh at all the complaints about the writing because this series is at the better end of videogame writing (which doesnt say much because all video game writing is at the level of Warhammer 40k novels or something). Please point me toward those games which resemble War & Peace or Shakespeare, because i never encountered them.

"This isn't about strategy or tactics, this is about survival" is one of the most insipidly stupid lines I've ever heard in a game.

Ploid 3.0

It's weird that they did it with Dragon Age 2 of all games. I guess it's a different engine, though.

DA2 had beyond horrible textures though. They had to throw owners something. It was a joke, and probably still is. DA2 looked so bad compared to DA1.

DA2 OT first post probably shows it off. Mud mountain type stuff.


No bald cap? Lies!
Have they stated whether or not this game is longer than 2?

I recall hearing them mention that its equal in length, but theyve also aimed to improve the replayability.

Trying to look that quote up first thing I found was from the games Audio lead, who said ME3 has some 40k lines of dialogue where as ME1 and ME2 had only half that at 20k. So take that as you will.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
"This isn't about strategy or tactics, this is about survival" is one of the most insipidly stupid lines I've ever heard in a game.

The line is pretty stupid. I can see what BioWare were trying to convey though, the board going all 'herp derp give us a solution Shepard' and Shepard going 'we're fucked you morons'.


The conversation "mechanics" were definitely pretty engaging in Deus Ex as I recall, but as far as what actually comes out of characters' mouths?


ME series can be bad (e.g. first stage of the ME3 demo), but it's never this bad. Still a good game though (Jensen's apartment is a pretty amazing videogame set).

That conversation was awful and somewhat racist...ME is on it's own level as far as I am concerned. I am definitely excited for this game!


I wanted to preorder the collectors edition for the 360, but it seems to be out everywhere. I noticed in the details that there is a unlockable character/squad mate as well as missions. Is this true? If so, will they be available to the standard edition? If not...I am bummed and pissed at the same time.
Oh man, people actually enjoying this demo have some shockingly low standards.

At this point, it's not even worth it for devs to try harder because some people gobble up everything anyway.


No bald cap? Lies!
Apparently some of the CE contents is just day one DLC.

Thats what I was about to say but I just double checked and according to the ME Wikia only the Collector's and Digital Deluxe versions come with the bonus mission and character. Preording the standard version just nets you the N7 armor, rifle and two other guns. That sucks if correct, which is likely those Wikia guys are quite thorough. DAO, ME2 and DA2 all had bonus missions and characters but they were simply locked for new purchases regardless of being standard, collector, preorder or post.

The preorder and edition bonuses are crazy. Getting the Digital Delux version is going to net me N7 Armor, N7 Hurrican SMG, N7 Crusader Shotgun, N7 Valient Sniper Rifle, N7 Eagle Heavy Pistol, N7 Valkyrie Rifle, M-55 Argus Rifle and AT-12 Raider Shotgun. Thats kind of nuts.


Oh man, people actually enjoying this demo have some shockingly low standards.

At this point, it's not even worth it for devs to try harder because some people gobble up everything anyway.

I love my low standards, means i enjoy a lot more games then people with high standards.


True, all video games are totally idiotic explosion fantasies, so i cant help but roll my eyes when people call the writing in Mass Effect so much worse than other games.

Difference is, Bioware prides itself on being the storytelling developer and draws attention to it constantly in its PR, so you have to forgive people for scrutinizing it a little bit more than the average game, which is equally-as-shittily written.
Combat is sooo much better. It feels like a bigger leap over ME2 than that was over ME1, if just because you're required to apply tactics and have a greater degree of mobility. Engineer is a really incredible class. Classes like this, and the biotics, are going to be totally boss for high recharge builds. Even the level design seems a shit ton better than ME2, where most encounters boiled down to camping at one end of the battleground and playing whack-a-mole. Here I was moving around, flanking, using melee, and repositioning. Excellent stuff.

They even tried to hide the waist high walls a bit... allthough you can still tell a combat area from miles away. The gunplay itself feels much better than in ME2 as well.

But I still can't get excited over this game. If anything this demo solidified my decision to hold off on this one, as I got burned with ME2. I might get it used later on. Don't care about the online stuff, so EA can go to hell with their online pass scam.


Oh man, people actually enjoying this demo have some shockingly low standards.

At this point, it's not even worth it for devs to try harder because some people gobble up everything anyway.

What's so terribly bad about the demo? It's main focus was on the combat and that's been drastically improved since ME2.
Not going on the internet to tell other people they have bad taste probably saves him a bit of time to do other stuff.
boom, headshot.
After playing the multiplayer a bit I've got more used to the combat, and it's actually pretty fun. The rolling mechanic's too insane though, you can't do anything on the A button without Shepard tumbling over himself for no reason.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh man, people actually enjoying this demo have some shockingly low standards.

At this point, it's not even worth it for devs to try harder because some people gobble up everything anyway.

These are the kind of posts I can't stand. I don't care if people don't enjoy the game, but don't act like you're above them and INSULT people for enjoying something.


Gameplay and technical issues aside for the second (since everyone else is discussing those); the one thing that stood out to me and left me a little disappointed was the score / music in the front end.

I just really miss the ME1 menu music, and in general I feel like it may be a sign that BioWare have lost track of the tonal ethos and influences that made the first game feel so Sci-Fi in that kind of retro 80s yet futuristic way. The whole orchestral, bombastic Hollywood score just doesn't gel for me. I know there were elements of that in the previous games, but here it's front-and-centre, as soon as you reach the title screen.

Obviously i can't judge the entire score based on the demo, so i'm specifically talking about the opening, and I'm still hopeful that the complete OST will be awesome.
Gameplay and technical issues aside for the second (since everyone else is discussing those); the one thing that stood out to me and left me a little disappointed was the score / music in the front end.

I just really miss the ME1 menu music, and in general I feel like it may be a sign that BioWare have lost track of the tonal ethos and influences that made the first game feel so Sci-Fi in that kind of retro 80s yet futuristic way. The whole orchestral, bombastic Hollywood score just doesn't gel for me.

Obviously i can't judge the entire score based on the demo, so i'm specifically talking about the opening, and I'm still hopeful that the complete OST will be awesome.

I actually like it, but the again it reminds me of Brian Tyler's Battle LA score, so that might be why.
Tried the PS3 demo last night

...got all of 3 minutes into actual gameplay. Framerate is a fucking embaressment.

With that, i'm officially done with the series. Wife was watching for a minute and commented on how terrible everyone looked

"What's wrong with their faces!?"



Gameplay and technical issues aside for the second (since everyone else is discussing those); the one thing that stood out to me and left me a little disappointed was the score / music in the front end.

I just really miss the ME1 menu music, and in general I feel like it may be a sign that BioWare have lost track of the tonal ethos and influences that made the first game feel so Sci-Fi in that kind of retro 80s yet futuristic way. The whole orchestral, bombastic Hollywood score just doesn't gel for me. I know there were elements of that in the previous games, but here it's front-and-centre, as soon as you reach the title screen.

Obviously i can't judge the entire score based on the demo, so i'm specifically talking about the opening, and I'm still hopeful that the complete OST will be awesome.

Same here. I loved the almost Tangerine Dream quality of the first one.


No bald cap? Lies!
I am trying to track down the Tweet, but the exclusive character and mission and day one purchasable DLC.

It'll be like Sebastian from DA2, only included with special editions for "free" but was available for purchase by normal users as DLC on release day. It's sucky they didn't keep things like Shale and Zaeed, but it is what it is.


I am trying to track down the Tweet, but the exclusive character and mission and day one purchasable DLC.

David Silverman @dsilvermanea

@Person_Dude yes, the bonus character and mission DLC will be sold separately for people who didn't get the CE.


Combat is sooo much better. It feels like a bigger leap over ME2 than that was over ME1, if just because you're required to apply tactics and have a greater degree of mobility. Engineer is a really incredible class. Classes like this, and the biotics, are going to be totally boss for high recharge builds. Even the level design seems a shit ton better than ME2, where most encounters boiled down to camping at one end of the battleground and playing whack-a-mole. Here I was moving around, flanking, using melee, and repositioning. Excellent stuff.

Dunno how it will be in final game or it is in multiplayer [still dont have access with bf 3 linked ;\], but its actually similar to Mass Effect 2 in terms of camping one spot, at least on Insanity. You are so fragile and AI always target You first, so You cant get, for a long, out of cover [with exception to invisibility on Infiltrator of course].
It would be nice to have ability to make tank builds like in Mass Effect 1 or AI less focused on You. Its stupid that You can die from like 10 shots and to kill mercenary You need whole clip or more on Insanity.
Movement also isnt that great, because of 'one button for everything' and even with running and dodging, a turret can kill You in 1 second! - i'm not joking.

I still dont get it why Your skills need to fly to enemy but Your teammates hits instantly. Its slow and Shepard miss target a lot of times that squad mates never do.
I'm also pretty sure that this time around You can shot with squad mates skills through the walls, with so many combat situations, i dont remember that i had to wait for a skill from a squad, it always hit instantly, where in Mass Effect 2 they need to had visibility on the target.


I'm also pretty sure that this time around You can shot with squad mates skills through the walls, with so many combat situations, i dont remember that i had to wait for a skill from a squad, it always hit instantly, where in Mass Effect 2 they need to had visibility on the target.

Actually this is true in ME2; only Shepard needed visibility on the target, the squadmates did not.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Dunno how it will be in final game or it is in multiplayer [still dont have access with bf 3 linked ;\], but its actually similar to Mass Effect 2 in terms of camping one spot, at least on Insanity. You are so fragile and AI always target You first, so You cant get, for a long, out of cover [with exception to invisibility on Infiltrator of course].
It would be nice to have ability to make tank builds like in Mass Effect 1 or AI less focused on You. Its stupid that You can die from like 10 shots and to kill mercenary You need whole clip or more on Insanity.
Movement also isnt that great, because of 'one button for everything' and even with running and dodging, a turret can kill You in 1 second! - i'm not joking.

I don't know how insanity plays as I haven't tried it yet, but I'm not really having the same problem as you are. I feel mobile, tactical, and tried a 'tank build' style soldier and it worked very well, rushing up behind soldiers with adrenalin to shotgun and melee them. Taking cover is still required, and beneficial, but I don't feel as restricted and bolted down as I did in ME2.


Im really wondering what games you guys are playing that have so much better writing than Mass Effect. I cant help but laugh at all the complaints about the writing because this series is at the better end of videogame writing (which doesnt say much because all video game writing is at the level of Warhammer 40k novels or something). Please point me toward those games which resemble War & Peace or Shakespeare, because i never encountered them.

So many games with better writing than what the small demo of ME3 let on... purely based on personal opinion and not going into Day of the Tentacle territory...

Shadow of the Colossus
Portal & Portal 2
Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)
Heavy Rain
KotOR 1 & 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum & City
Half Life 1 & 2
Fallout 2 & 3
Uncharted 1, 2 & 3
Baldurs Gate / Baldurs Gate 2 & Throne of Bhaal
Icewind dale 1 & 2

Of course, this was just a very small demo, so the writing of ME3 could end up to be pretty good *cross fingers*

David Silverman @dsilvermanea

@Person_Dude yes, the bonus character and mission DLC will be sold separately for people who didn't get the CE.

I trully hope it´s not a
, would be typical bioware... imagine the amount of batshit crazy fanfic involving it and Shep.


I don't know how insanity plays as I haven't tried it yet, but I'm not really having the same problem as you are. I feel mobile, tactical, and tried a 'tank build' style soldier and it worked very well, rushing up behind soldiers with adrenalin to shotgun and melee them. Taking cover is still required, and beneficial, but I don't feel as restricted and bolted down as I did in ME2.

Try Insanity :)

And by tank build, i mean something like in Mass Effect q when You could build up resistances and have high hp regeneration, there was also a skill that increased resistance to 90% [fortitude?] or something like that. You could even make nice shield tank build, with really high shield regen and high amount + shield boost skill.
So many games with better writing than what the small demo of ME3 let on...

Heavy Rain

*record scratch*

no. I honestly don't think so. At least Shepard talks in a way that is somewhat normal and expected from a person to speak like. In Heavy Rain, the bad acting is amplified by the unnaturally sounding writing.

The reason people are upset is exactly because Mass Effect was better than most of the games you listed and 3 seems to suggest a bigger drop in quality than 2 was, even.
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