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Yahtzee: Kid Icarus: Uprising and Hurt Nintendo Fans

I hope for the sake of gaming sites all over the internet that the WiiU turns out to be a success because the comment sections of the all sites are going to be insufferable if it has mediocre sales and mediocre support as a result.
Calling me a slave of consensus of general taste just prove it. You find something cool because you thini it's different.

No, calling you that because of what you wrote proves that you are. I'm playing tons of starcraft 2 and angry birds right now (you've probably never heard of them, both are small indie platformers with really fascinating messages) if you are really interested in my eccentric and artful tastes. Damn I'm so "elit".
No, calling you that because of what you wrote proves that you are. I'm playing tons of starcraft 2 and angry birds right now (you've probably never heard of them, both are small indie platformers with really fascinating messages) if you are really interested in my eccentric and artful tastes. Damn I'm so "elit".

And in which way ? Because I said some reviewers give low score to make speak of them ? lol.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Maybe. I prefer to think of the staleness as an illusion caused by them being the most frequently released games in an utterly neglected sub-genre.

Ha! This is perhaps the best succinct summary of Zelda's "problem".

Zelda is the standard bearer in a genre that's under-represented. People tend to expect Zelda to be all things, but it generally sticks to the fundamentals even when it's being innovative.

More robust genres have a variety of flavors within them, and much of the time, franchises that stick to their roots are merely considered a single flavor. Don't like them? It's not the game's fault, you just need Type A-3B represented by this other game here.


But in terms of quantity of complaints, the quicker response, and rate it spreads, it's usually worse with the Nintendo crowd. I don't know if this is because this particular fanbase is maybe more active in online gaming communities than the others, representing a larger share, or maybe because there's bigger fansites dedicated exclusively to Nintendo platforms versus the others. I have no idea why, but when you piss them off you're guaranteed to hear about it very, very quickly, and hear about it from everywhere.

Coming from someone who is a Nintendo fan, I think it also comes from the fact that a lot of Nintendo fanboys have something of a persecution complex, brought on by constant dismissals by and under-representation in the mainstream journalist and blogging community. From charges of being "kiddie" to "casual games" to "waggle" to "technologically inferior" to "rehashed franchises," Nintendo seems like it's always under assault from some corner of gaming. And the fanboys take it personally because it's not just about people bagging on games or their favorite company, it's bagging on what they perceive to be as part of their identity.

And some of these feelings of persecution are real, but a lot of it is perceived. Nintendo's had a longer history than the other two, so there's a larger demographic that's had formative moments with their games, which in turn creates strong feelings toward them. It isn't surprising they lash out a little more in response, even if it is frequently embarrassing.
Also, we see a lot of "Nintendo is doomed" "Nintendo going third party" "Nintendo should go iOS" or any other articles/statement like this. Did you see those equivalents with Sony or Microsoft ? I don't think so.


I also think it's because Nintendo games are more intrinsically linked to Nintendo as an overall brand. Sony and Microsoft, especially since the move away from platform exclusive characters, don't have quite as weighty a history of franchises that are identified with their corporations anymore. There are some exceptions, but to a tee they're all a lot younger than Nintendo's evergreen vaults of characters from the 80s and 90s that have survived to this day.
So watching the review, I fail to see anything wrong with it. The controls are shit, every customization of it is shit. Controlling the camera on ground totally sucks with the touch screen and abxy. Positioning your hand to fire and use the touch screen can be painful experience on such a small device. The self referential humour wont be for everyone (i love it personally). So yeah.

My little brother likes the controls, but then hes still got tiny little kid hands.


The stand is necessary because the movement, aiming and shooting controls combined preclude the ability to actually anchor the device in your grasp. Some correspondents have informed me that there is an autofire option - thanks for making that clear, Nintendo - but even just using the analog stick and the stylus makes anchoring the thing awkward. And besides, how are you supposed to use the charge attack, the one that requires you to stop firing for a second? because it's useful enough to gameplay that it's practically essential.

he could at least try it before writing the article

dude obviously doesn't know what he's talking about


Also, we see a lot of "Nintendo is doomed" "Nintendo going third party" "Nintendo should go iOS" or any other articles/statement like this. Did you see those equivalents with Sony or Microsoft ? I don't think so.

No, the Sony ones just say that Sony is going to go bankrupt and die.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Please tell me where you work now so I can accurately continue my one-man hate campaign against you.

Rocket Chainsaw :p

Coming from someone who is a Nintendo fan, I think part of it also comes from the fact that a lot of Nintendo fanboys have something of a persecution complex, brought on by constant dismissals and under-representation in the journalist and blogging community. From charges of being "kiddie" to "casual games" to "waggle" to "technologically inferior" to constant journalist dismissals of Nintendo, Nintendo seems like it's always under assault from various corner of gaming. And the fanboys take it personally because it's not just about people bagging on games or their favorite company, it's bagging on what they perceive to be a part of their identity.

And some of these feelings of persecution are real, but a lot of it is perceived. Nintendo's had a longer history than the other two, so there's a larger demographic that's had formative moments with their games, which in turn creates strong feelings toward them. It isn't surprising they lash out a little more in response, even if it is frequently embarrassing.

Similar to what Karsticles, and I do agree. I think sometimes it's warranted. Obviously it's better to ignore, but you know, when Morgan Webb or whoever goes on another "Nintendo is for kids" rant I can't blame people for lashing out at her. It's bigger to walk away and not give the attention, but you know, they get what they deserve.

But sometimes the anger comes out at the slightest things. For me, it was simply because I said Epic Mickey wasn't an amazing game. I didn't even blame the Wii, or Nintendo, or anything. Just that the game had problems, a lot of them, and was thus only slightly above average. But because this was a hyped exclusive and a 'big deal' to the console warrior Wii crowd, they jumped on it.

I feel this is sometimes applicable to Yahtzee. I haven't seen his Kid Icarus review, but I'm sure he bitched about the controls. A lot of people bitch about the controls, and there always seems to be that one guy who replies to them all with "No. No. You're wrong. The controls are fine". But, at the same time, Yahtzee's stick is to go for the jugular, and even though I do (or did, I haven't watch for a long time) get a laugh out of his rants, he probably too often launches into an attack against an entire fanbase. And in those cases he reaps what he sews.


As I previously stated, I'm more than willing to deal with poor design choices and such if it means I get an overall experience I like. Yatzhee clearly doesn't feel that way about the kinds of concessions Nintendo has to make in the post-DS/Wii era, and that's a valid opinion. You don't have to like his sense of humor, I just don't understand why people can just say "BIASED AGAINST NINTENDO" as if that means anything outside the playground. He has no reason to just be biased out of nowhere. He's giving you reasons; he thinks motion control is too fidgety and it adversely affects games. That is a valid opinion. I agree with it, even though I like motion control; I just value the freshness of some of those experiences while he values precision much more.

I don't even like motion (excluding a handful of games), it's just that these reviews have gotten stale over the years, especially in Nintendo reviews because he always picks the same few targets.


In a thread chock full of people repeatedly exclaiming Yahtzee shouldn't be taken seriously as a critic, several pages in merely an hour or two is slightly ironic.

Just saying.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
Yahtzee is awesome, he speaks the truth, why are the bitter Nintendo Fanboys always whining?
If you don't want to feel bitter, stop buying shitty broken games and try to push them as good to justify your purchase.
Kid Icarus was broken from the get-go, who the heck wants to use the stand and awkward controls? All this could have been avoided with the SIMPLE implementation of a second nub.
Nintendo's 2-bit shit of an excuse philosophy pertaining to cheap unit production costs has got to go, and maybe they do as well.
Nintendo should be a 3rd party developer, leave the consoles and handhelds for those who know how to compose them.

I'm sick of my 3DS accumulating dust, where is Fire Emblem: Awakening?

Sure, leave all the good games to the other continents.

With best regards,

A bitter @$$h013
Yahtzee is awesome, he speaks the truth, why are the bitter Nintendo Fanboys always whining?
If you don't want to feel bitter, stop buying shitty broken games and try to push as good to justify your purchase.
Kid Icarus was broken from the get-go, who the heck wants to use the stand and awkward controls? All this could have been avoided with the implementation of a second nub.
Nintendo's 2-bit shit of an excuse philosophy pertaining to cheap unit production costs has got to go, and maybe they do as well.
Nintendo should be a 3rd party developer, leave the consoles and handhelds for those who know how to compose them.

I'm sick of my 3DS accumulating dust, where is Fire Emblem: Awakening?

Wow. You know, you're a fanboy too. But in a different way.


Yahtzee is awesome, he speaks the truth, why are the bitter Nintendo Fanboys always whining?
If you don't want to feel bitter, stop buying shitty broken games and try to push them as good to justify your purchase.
Kid Icarus was broken from the get-go, who the heck wants to use the stand and awkward controls? All this could have been avoided with the SIMPLE implementation of a second nub.
Nintendo's 2-bit shit of an excuse philosophy pertaining to cheap unit production costs has got to go, and maybe they do as well.
Nintendo should be a 3rd party developer, leave the consoles and handhelds for those who know how to compose them.

I'm sick of my 3DS accumulating dust, where is Fire Emblem: Awakening?

Sure, leave all the good games to the other continents.

I'm surprised people still get so upset at him when they know he does exaggerate some points for comedic effect, but again I shouldn't be Nintendo fans are usually more swarmy in these situations. Personally I still find him entertaining after all these years.
A fanboy for which company exactly?

Sounds like he just has some strong opinions (that I don't necessarily agree with, especially Nintendo just going third party) that all stem from legitimate complaints about Nintendo's business.

I think your labeling of critics as fanboys, and reviewers that score lower than average as contrarians says more about you than about this industry and its consumers.

Not only the opinion, but the way to say it. When a man seems so upset, it's typically a fanboy reaction.
Also my labeling of critics is justified.


I'm pretty sure SMT is just kidding.

I hope so, Kid Icarus is hardly a "shitty, broken game." A second analog would've been a good option but the touch screen allows for far greater precision and speed. The uncomfortable nature of the setup is certainly there for some, however, which has to be addressed, but I had little problem with the controls and it's a great experience.
Xbox 360 fanboys are the last remaining respectable bunch. Nintendo fans and Sony fans shamed themselves with the 8.8 and 8.5 respectively.

Have we forgotten the days of Gaming-Age's C- Ninja Gaiden review? Or the 8/10 Fable review? Or even IGN's review of that stinker Brute Force? Xbots were the WORST back in the day. I guess it is better this generation with the 360 being both popular and well-regarded by critics, as opposed to being a fledgling brand with new franchises last gen.


There are some that want Sony to go bankrupt and die.

I think that's more representative of a large population and people liking to take sides on anything and everything. Like many on here I just want to play games and enjoy them goddamnit. :D
...by what?

I'd say the mountain of evidence goes in the other direction: that most reviews stand in line with each other. You just don't see that in other media as often.

As I said, it's proved when a reviewer is proud to not gives 8/10 scores because others do. So even if the game deserve it, you don't because others do ? So I'm tired of this elitism of reviewers.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
Yahtzee is my inspiration. I love him <3.
I can't wait until he rips Fire Emblem: Awakening to shreds.


Kid Icarus Uprising is the best game Nintendo's released since Super Mario Galaxy. Controls are perfect to me. I play without the stand, no pain at all. Same with my casual brother. We both have large hands. We both don't have a problem. Only time I felt soreness was when I first played, I'd play for two hours at a time and holding the system grew a bit uncomforable in the way it did with Super Mario 3D Land. But, I'm not a pussy! :p

Simply dial horizontal and vertical aiming speed all the way up, in air and on land, and max out reticule stopping speed. Bam! Best controls in any third-person shooter to date, in my honest opinion as a huge action fan (other favorites being Vanquish and Bulletstorm). Nervous twitch gameplay like Unreal Tournament, with a super-tactile feeling thanks to the stylus; melts in your hand and mind so you don't even notice it there, but you feel like you're wielding a sword and physically striking something as you use it, making every battle so impactful, especially online where the game really shows its skill-based depth. Precision and speed, the action fan's bread and butter.

It's like Star Fox 64 with superior scenario, script, production values, depth, gameplay and replayability. The campaign is effectively three arcs in one, like a 26-episode anime OVA; there are ~90 levels of difficulty; over 100 weapons to collect, buy, fuse, and infinite stat modifications; over 400 idols to collect; over 300 in-game achievements, with actual in-game rewards; hours and hours of top-tier voice acting, orchestration, etc; gorgeous graphics and animation; inspired settings and character designs (the level meant to resemble SuperFX Chip graphics ala the original Star Fox was brilliant). Oh, and the best soundtrack Nintendo ever made.

Incredible game. Shame it was so tough for Yahtzee to play. His loss. :)
How do you even know they're "proud" of it?

I think you're just assigning that trait to them. Is it actually based on anything? Is there some blog post by a popular reviewer saying, "I'm glad I bashed Portal 2 with that 7/10, I'm breaking the mold for game reviews and I'm doing it for no reason other than my own amusement"?

Because they say so ? For exemple, as I already said, in a Gamekult video, the reviewer clearly said people hates them because he said they claim the truth and they're not like those other sites who gaves good scores.
Kid Icarus Uprising is the best game Nintendo's released since Super Mario Galaxy. Controls are perfect to me. I play without the stand, no pain at all. Same with my casual brother. We both have large hands. We both don't have a problem. Only time I felt soreness was when I first played, I'd play for two hours at a time and holding the system grew a bit uncomforable in the way it did with Super Mario 3D Land. But, I'm not a pussy! :p

Simply dial horizontal and vertical aiming speed all the way up, in air and on land, and max out reticule stopping speed. Bam! Best controls in any third-person shooter to date, in my honest opinion as a huge action fan (other favorites being Vanquish and Bulletstorm). Nervous twitch gameplay like Unreal Tournament, with a super-tactile feeling thanks to the stylus; melts in your hand and mind so you don't even notice it there, but you feel like you're wielding a sword and physically striking something as you use it, making every battle so impactful, especially online where the game really shows its skill-based depth. Precision and speed, the action fan's bread and butter.

It's like Star Fox 64 with superior scenario, script, production values, depth, gameplay and replayability. The campaign is effectively three arcs in one, like a 26-episode anime OVA; there are ~90 levels of difficulty; over 100 weapons to collect, buy, fuse, and infinite stat modifications; over 400 idols to collect; over 300 in-game achievements, with actual in-game rewards; hours and hours of top-tier voice acting, orchestration, etc; gorgeous graphics and animation; inspired settings and character designs (the level meant to resemble SuperFX Chip graphics ala the original Star Fox was brilliant). Oh, and the best soundtrack Nintendo ever made.

Incredible game. Shame it was so tough for Yahtzee to play. His loss. :)

Be careful... they'll told you're a fanboy.


Be careful... they told you're a fanboy.
Ha! Well I'm a fan of good games, and Kid Icarus Uprising is fantastic. But everyone's entitled to their opinion, from me loving the game and thinking people who need the stand are wimps playing it wrong, to Yahtzee taking a dump on the game I like.
see here's the problem... it should have tried to be star fox snes instead of star fox 64.

What's the problem ?

Ha! Well I'm a fan of good games, and Kid Icarus Uprising is fantastic. But everyone's entitled to their opinion, from me loving the game and thinking people who need the stand are wimps playing it wrong, to Yahtzee taking a dump on the game I like.

I told you the control would be fine :p
I remember a similar thing happening with metroid prime hunters, lots of reviewers hated it, people claimed had best controls ever and story was amazing.

I dont think many can reflect back and give it a 9/10.


I remember a similar thing happening with metroid prime hunters, lots of reviewers hated it, people claimed had best controls ever and story was amazing.
...who the fuck said MPH's story was amazing? Game did have solid controls, though, and an engine impressive for the 3DS, even if the filterless textures were eye-rape. I liked the invisible sniper dude with the more-or-less OHKO melee attack. Then again, everyone did.
I am really bewildered by people finding him funny or insightful, but on the positive side it lets me know that games culture is so diverse now that he can exist, his fans can exist, and there's plenty of room for all us haters too.


Y'know, sometimes I think people who complain about Nintendo fans are vastly more annoying than Nintendo fans.
There's this misconception that Nintendo fans only play Nintendo games, when in reality most of them play plenty of non-Nintendo games on other consoles and PC. There's also a misconception that Nintendo fans are blind to the fault of Nintendo games, when really there is no one more critical of a Nintendo game than a Nintendo fan (see: Zelda nerd rage threads). Me personally, I'm a multi-console/PC Nintard who regularly shits on Nintendo games, my last blood vendetta being Mario Kart 7 being so fucking inept feature-wise as to omit singe-player Versus. (Here you go, "Oh, you're THAT guy.") ((Game was otherwise awesome, btw.)) Also, Skyward Sword raped my mother and killed my sister. But then there's Uprising: finally, a Nintendo game that held nothing back in terms of production values, scope and content, etc., and it had the balls to try a new control scheme, which is brilliant, thank you kindly! And no filler or hand-holding, just balls-to-the-wall awesomeness. Some people are slower to realize this, but that's OK, not everyone's perfect (except me, of course).


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Y'know, sometimes I think people who complain about Nintendo fans are vastly more annoying than Nintendo fans.

I dunno but I think they're kinda crazy sometimes. I mean look at the Wii U speculation thread, it's almost at OT5. :p


From the standpoint of someone who looks forward to games for a while and then cherishes them when they come out (barring some disappointment), it's easy to see why a lot of "fanboys" hate Yahtzee. In contrast to the "fanboy," Yahtzee seemingly hops along from game to game, mostly shitting on them in the name of humor, occasionally without giving the game much of a chance. There's just a fundamental disconnect. Yahtzee views this kind of person as deranged or something, and sure they could definitely take things less seriously, but it also comes off as quite condescending.
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