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Game Informer's Guessable Cover: Elders Scrolls Online [Move to details thread]

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If it really does run on the Hero Engine (Like SWTOR) Expect terrible graphics, performance, and the inability to handle too many objects on the screen at once.


As for KOTOR III, it ain't coming. That's it.


ToR was a proper diasppointment. I hope ES does not go down that route and the SP games keep coming.


Cool bit about the ES games is your impact on the world. In other MMOs bosses you kill will reset after a minute.

Another cool bit about the ES games is the huge open world that you can freely explore from the start of the game. Other MMOs put you in a starting town where you have to grind a dozen levels before you're given access to a new city. But then if you walk too far in that new city you'll find you're in way over your head and monsters kill you in one hit so you should go back and grind in that second city for another week.

People saying that Elder Scrolls doesn't easily lend itself to the MMO genre are right.

So they could just not make a shitty MMO...?


MS would never allow cross-play, and that alone kills any reason to ever put it on 360.

That might be true to an extent, but for some games I would think that MS would need to make exceptions for. Besides, if this is planned for the NextBox, and or PS4, it's possible MS's policies could change alittle to allow MMOs.

I doubt it, but I think it could be possible. Sony's gained atleast a portion of respect from others in the industry for being open with the PS3 (Valve for instance), So if MS does not take a look at what they can do to appease devs in this reguard it "could" bite them in the ass.


Not a fan at all of MMOs, but if they do it on a smaller scale, it could actually work amazingly.

I'm thinking Borderlands style, maximum of 4 players.. still keep the basic singleplayer experience intact, but with the added fun of co-op.

But who am I kidding, this will be a clustefuck, won't it?

Bethesda has learned nothing about programming seeing as how Skyrim was their buggiest game yet, and now they'll add online?

*lost connection to Elder Scrolls server*


*lost connection to Elder Scrolls server*


He was right with the "no one will guess it part." Looking forward to seeing what they do.

Can only imagine the bugs this game will have. MMOs are notorious for these bugs, haha.


Cool bit about the ES games is your impact on the world. In other MMOs bosses you kill will reset after a minute.

Another cool bit about the ES games is the huge open world that you can freely explore from the start of the game. Other MMOs put you in a starting town where you have to grind a dozen levels before you're given access to a new city. But then if you walk too far in that new city you'll find you're in way over your head and monsters kill you in one hit so you should go back and grind in that second city for another week.

People saying that Elder Scrolls doesn't easily lend itself to the MMO genre are right.

How on Earth is this any different than Skyrim? There are tons of areas in Skyrim where you'll get your shit stomped in if you just wander there early on.



ToR was a proper diasppointment. I hope ES does not go down that route and the SP games keep coming.

If the dev team realizes that full voice for every NPC/PC is a huge waste of resources they are off to a better start than TOR.


Exploration in an MMO is entirely different though, simply because of the number of people running around fucking around. Unless they go the Guild Wars route and instance it all to hell (which why then make an MMO) you'll never have that experience of stumbling onto some long forgotten ruin and feeling like you are the first one to have set foot in there.

It'll be part of a step by step walk through on WoWHead telling you where to go and what to kill. Making an MMO of Elder Scrolls completely ROBS the experience of being able to explore just by being adding more than one "hero" to the world.
Have you played many MMOs? The sense of exploration and discovery can very much be there.

Early World Of Warcraft players (pre-any expansion packs) will tell you the game had a huge amount of exploration and discovery in it. It felt enchanting and magical and new. It was only with the expansions that (they would argue) the focus shifted more and more to a numbers game and the "optimal path for leveling to 60" started to emerge.


If this turns out to be a sandbox MMO and they fulfill some of Bethesda's lies about Skyrim then I'd probably play it. I remember them saying how dragons would burn villages and it would affect the economy, and you could be a lumberjack and chop down too many trees which would also affect the local economy.

All of that turned out to be bullshit. But if this game actually let me be a farmer or blacksmith or whatever then I'd be in. I have no doubts at all though that all we'll get is another WoW clone.
Pass. Tera is probably the last mmo I'll ever play. My interest in the genre is dead.
Everyone keeps making the same game without learning from the failures of others. Fetch quest -> grind stupid shit -> repeat until level cap -> grind for gear.

It would be cool if this was actually good. But I don't have high hopes.


When is Warcraft IV being released again? Oh, right. Soon after KOTOR III drops.
You're talking about the developer who took 6 years to release a sequel to Warcraft II, 11 years to release a sequel to Diablo II and 12 years to release a sequel to Starcraft. In Blizzard terms, Warcraft III not long came out.


The only way I can see myself getting into this is if it's a make your own fun, sandbox style MMO. Player run guilds, building homes, roleplaying NPC's, that sort of thing. If it's just more WoW-style design with a new coat of paint, I just don't think I have it in me to return to that well.

The Elder Scrolls games are already practically single player MMOs. I'll be curious to see how it does, but since MMOs are pretty much non starters for me, it would have to be doing something really unique to catch my attention.


there is joy in sucking dick
Why would they do that? I'm sure they'll have first person options, but not exclusively.

Well not exclusively but I'm hoping its tailored for first person. Being a true blue first person role playing MMO would be enough of a differentiator to other MMOs. If its just a 3rd person MMO trying to entice people purely with its lore and by the numbers MMO quest progression I'll be way more ho-humm about it.


Pass. Tera is probably the last mmo I'll ever play. My interest in the genre is dead.
Everyone keeps making the same game without learning from the failures of others. Fetch quest -> grind stupid shit -> repeat until level cap -> grind for gear.


Pass. Tera is probably the last mmo I'll ever play. My interest in the genre is dead.
Everyone keeps making the same game without learning from the failures of others. Fetch quest -> grind stupid shit -> repeat until level cap -> grind for gear.

It would be cool if this was actually good. But I don't have high hopes.

I'm a little interested in Tera but you're absolutely right. It's the exact same shit with different skins.

I'll wait until it has been out for a few months before considering it. That's the only reliable way to approach reviews of an MMO.
Gonna be a naysayer and predict that Guild Wars 2, Dust 514, and Diablo III will show that different forms of online gaming are the future and not more of the same WoW-style MMO. The question is will Bethesda learn from EA/Bioware's TORtanic mistakes?

Boss Man

People saying that Elder Scrolls doesn't easily lend itself to the MMO genre are right.
No they aren't. TES is set in a vast, varied, deep, and fascinating world. Even if the MMO doesn't capture the player's impact on the world, that doesn't mean that TES doesn't lend itself well to an MMO- it just means that you like that aspect of the single player games and you don't expect it to be in the MMO. Regardless, the strongest aspect (by far) of TES is its varied and detailed world and that means that it lends itself very well to the MMO genre.
Damn, I was convinced the MMO would be about the Great War.

I'm pretty sure I'm never going to play this, though. Heck, 99% sure.
Just so it's clear to everyone, Bethesda isn't making this game. They are strictly about Singleplayer in their Elder Scrolls games. Their sister company, ZeniMax Online is making this game, I believe.


Awesome, can't wait to check it out.

And I hope more people can come in letting us know they aren't interested.

It's even better seeing all the people talking about how buggy it will be. Especially since the core people in ZOS all have different backgrounds and none of them (the ones listed on their wiki page, anyway) worked on Oblivion, Fallout 3, or Skyrim :lol
So they could just not make a shitty MMO...?

There's no easy solution to the problems he's talking about.

I think "traditional" themepark MMOs are a flawed design. The added value of other players being in the world with you, in a themepark MMO, is very little. WoW and TOR would both be better games if the entire world except the cities was instanced, Guild Wars style, and you just had to do raids and 5 mans and PvP with other people through a matchmaking tool and your friends list/guild list.

I mean we are pretty much there already anyway; you do all your questing solo and you do your group activities through a matchmaking tool.

That way the questing experience could be much, MUCH better.
Just so it's clear to everyone, Bethesda isn't making this game. They are strictly about Singleplayer in their Elder Scrolls games. Their sister company, ZeniMax Online, is making this game I believe.

Isn't Zenimax just the umbrella company and not a stuido in itself?
Kinda always felt elder scrolls type RPGs were just solo mmos, not quite sure what they could add to make it worth a sub fee. I'll keep an eye on it, but not sure if I like this direction though
If it's just Elder Scrolls but online, this could be good.

If it's an MMO in the Elder Scrolls universe, then lol rofl.

Also, dragon ouroboros. Resident Evil merges with Elder Scrolls confirmed.


So it will have all the downsides of Oblivion games without the upsides of great atmosphere as jackasses in rave outfits will be constantly jumping around town spamming voice commands. I love TES but I just don't see it as a series that will translate well into MMO space.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm always interested in a new MMORPG. I just hope they go sandbox as opposed to yet another boring-ass faction-based theme park game for their design.
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