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Nintendo E3 2012 Conference Thread

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I just screen captured this...

Good stuff. I'm curious on the Avengers title that didn't get spoken of in detail from the trailer, but Scribblenauts sold me.

Only big things not present were Retro and Smash news. Other than that I think they had enough.

  • 2 NSMB games across 2 consoles
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited across 2 consoles
  • Zombi U
  • Nintendoland
  • Just Dance 4
  • Sing
  • Wii Fit U
  • Batman Archam City Armored Edition
  • Assassin's Creed 3
  • Trine 2 special edition
  • Rayman Legends
  • Paper Mario 3DS
  • Luigi's Mansion 3DS
  • Pikmin 3
  • Some kind of Avengers game
  • Tekken Tag 2 with Wii U mushroom tools or something
  • Lego City

And I think a few more. Got a ton of Mario stuff, some things for the casuals and health crowd Nintendo owns, Pikmin, and some good 3rd party stuff including ports with features exclusive to Wii U that aren't little tiny things, but pretty big gameplay changers like the armor and combat stuff in Arkham City.

What was missing? Retro, Smash, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Kirby, Pokemon, DK.

Yeah I wanted those things too, but geez give it a rest. They had a lot to talk about and they still have a huge 3DS conference to do later as well. Still had more than Microsoft/Sony did that appealed to me.

Bless your heart for trying, but no.

Horrible conference and no real reason to buy a Wii U shown outside of Pikmin.

It was what it was.


So they still don't talk about the hardware, they still don't have a release date except holiday season, which may be as late as early January 2013, there is no price, there are no games. They still don't show any interesting ideas for the second screen (what we got were inventories, maps, sonars and rifle scopes, all pointless because they aren't needed). There is still no information on their online strategy (paid, free, digital distribution?, entertainment?). I was thinking about getting a Wii U but now that Halo 4 basically is a new Metroid Prime I don't see why I should. The fact that they don't talk about hardware power is telling. It's weaker than the competition, otherwise they would gloat over it. But hey, at least it has thumbsticks. And you can press them in for additional control. :D
Disappointing, but still an okay conference. This was their opportunity to really sell people on the Wii U concept, just as they did with the Wii in 2005, and they definitely fell short. There was a lack of surprises, and most of the games mentioned were mentioned at last year's event, though it is nice to finally get some hard info on Pikmin 3, Luigi's Mansion 2, the NSMBs, Paper Mario, and Lego City Stories. As for Nintendo Land, it irked me that they didn't confirm whether it would be a pack-in game; they just said that it would launch at the same time.

Most of all, it's too bad that they didn't do a "one more thing" shocker with Retro, Sakurai, or with the rumored 3DSXL, as that would've ended the conference on a far more positive note.
I actually kinda like the look of Nintendoland, but they spent wayyyy too much time on it.

Even though it dragged like hell, Eguchi seemed like a nice guy to hang out with. His face looked so innocent it made me smile the entire time.

I laughed until I cried.


they are going to have to do a re-re-reveal next year, at this rate this turd is going to bomb harder than Vita.
I literally can't stop laughing.


I thought it was fine. The first part convinced me to buy a WiiU for sure. The rest was garbage.
I thought that way after pikman 3 and then figured if they showed Zelda,DK, Metroid or FZero I'd prolly buy one at launch. Now there is no way I'd bother for launch day or even by 2013 and that's if they show more games.


Reggie is getting mad that Geoff is calling him out on such a poor showing. Thanks Geoff for saying what is right.

The thing is though he doesn't really do it for anyone else. It's odd. Would love to see everyone come under the heat.


PLATINUM GAMES...is there a stream where you are hearing this news? I think Nintendo is saving the games for when Xbox 720/PS4 arrive.


Wait Platinum Games published by Nintendo!!?!?!?!

And it wasn't in the conference?

Nintendo (and to a lesser extent Sony and MS) have figured out how E3 works. For a few years now, the console makers have been using the E3 conferences primarily as a way of reaching people who don't typically pay any attention to gaming news.

It's silly to make a big deal out of Smash Bros at a presentation like this when they could unveil it next week and reach exactly as many of the core crowd. I'm not saying that that's what they'll do, and obviously their business model in general has moved away from that sort of thing, but this is why the conferences are all about Nintendoland and Wonderbook.



So they cut to WiiFit U.

Last gen I was PCWii. This gen, maybe just PC? Or 16-bit gaming, my SNES still works.

Wow unless you played them at a friends house you managed to miss out on some amazing games.


Really guys? I know Nintendo's conference was bad, but no where near the awful that was MS conference. They basically tied with Sony, if not a little better for Pikmin 3.
Like most of us, I had so much hope for the Wii U. The Wii was necessary for Nintendo to recoup some of their standing and gain mucho money, so they were in prime position to create another golden glory era for the company.

Even though Nintendo franchises are my favorite, and I always fall for the hype train, my play time between 360 and Wii has to be like a 15:1 ratio. My Wii barely gets any play at all, while my 360 is a constant source of entertainment. I go back and replay games like GTAIV and Red Dead Redemption and Halo and all that good stuff. The last game I replayed on the Wii was... Punch-Out!! I think, which I played once for maybe an hour beyond the main play through

I just want to love Nintendo again

That being said, the 3DS is amazing. It's one of my favorite systems ever, and it has so much potential to be Nintendo's best handheld. I can't wait for tomorrows presser on the 3DS, but then again I'm super jaded right now and that guy presenting seems like a robotic lifeless joke

At this point I would be more than content if Nintendo folded in the console race and poured all of their resources into their handheld market which I still love

Really though, I don't think there is any way the 3DS presentation tomorrow won't surpass today's. I already love the system and are excited for upcoming games. But as of now, the Wii U is Dead On Arrival
I can't take anyone who scores MS above Nintendo as serious, almost 1hr on the HTPC that is the 360 and Usher was better than at least something you could play

Cry more GAF, cry more


Halo 4 alone was better than anything Nintendo produced. Throw in South Park, Tomb Raider, Forza and Gears and it was CONSIDERABLY better.

Face it dude, that was the worst E3 presser ever. Pikmin, year old ports and Nintendoland? Don't make me laugh!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I still cannot believe how bad it was, especially the first party output. Just retreads basically.


You can definitely tell Nintendo's banking hard on the Mario universe. NSMBU, NSMB2, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Ghost Mansion... I love Nintendo games, but Christ, lay off a little.
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