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Nintendo E3 2012 Conference Thread

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So, about this conf...

I'll sound like a broken record or even worse a "i told you so" douchebag but...

Nintendo is fucking lost. Everything proves it. The simple face of this Nintendo guy showing with proud and excitement the most boring demo ever, to fucking close the show... The simple fact that these 50 years old guys could think it was a good idea to showcase the console like that, proves that they don't have a fucking clue anymore. They are badly disconnected from the gaming world, they just don't know...

Actually i think, as they are lost, they are blindly following the voices they hear in this dark room, but those voices scream everything, from make things for soccer moms to i love pikmin. So do shits and things randomly, cause this is fun without any sort of direction. So you have things for fans, which won't sell the console at all, and things that clearly screams "don't buy our shitty casual console you gamers, we don't want your money"

I know Nintendo is not doomed and has a lot of money, but maybe it's as unsinkable as the titanic after all... Cause after all those years, what Nintendo fans don't realize, in their love for the company, is that Nintendo isn't even making the best games anymore. This conf is the ultimate climax of the suicide mentality they've had for some years now. How can you even tell people you're going to reach, or even reconquer gamer's heart, when you worldwide launch your console with this kind of bullshit. More casual games than Sony and Microsoft united, boring and empty talks about how you're inventing social gaming... The simple fact that the only Shige appearance was at the beginning, for the Pikmin 3 showcase, and was meant to be the "gamer"s" moment, shows how much Nintendo is clueless...

It makes me think of an old grandma who doesn't really know how to talk with youngsters and some kid tells her "tell them yoooo" and she just uses it and everyone is laughing. Actually that's concretely how it feels to see Reggie using internet memes to get some laughs.

That's it, i think the console will have some cool things, and real games are probably coming, but the fact that Nintendo can think it's possible to hype a console at E3 this way, without ANY of the Nintendo ips that would just make everyone explode in semen, just by showcasing bullshit concepts and telling everyone they're back and about games.. This is just sickening.

I know they are stuck in a corner, cause they don't have free innovations to use anymore, and they don't want to directly compete with the money burners around, but here they're just sitting on their ass and waiting for the bullets...

That was my melting down i guess.

They're not lost. This is just the culmination of how little they care about the general gamer that watches E3 anymore.

Just look at their BIG SURPRISE for Wii U. It was yet another comical mini-game compilation. I mean, this is what Nintendo's "new ideas" come down to these days - not just yet another fucking lame party game, but a lame party game that is yet another outlet for Ninty to whore out their stable of ten-to-fifteen recurring franchises. It was like they were parodying themselves.

As I stated, everything about the Wii U pad was utterly predictable. No paradigms were shifted, nothing new was brought to the gaming world - it's just a dual screen handheld type but for consoles and with current gen power. And that's certainly enough for many, and it makes me happy since it means I don't have to suffer endless gimmicks to play my games.

But as a show, yup, Pikmin 3 was it for me. And even THAT looked like an upscaled Wii game with some basic next-gen shaders and more intense DOF.

Dachysta said:
Repeat after me.

Pikmin 3 is a upport of a WII game.

haha, so it is just an Wii game upscaled. Seriously, all these funds, and Nintendo can't just NOT be lazy about something? *sigh*


Looks like MS and Sony won't be launching new consoles for a looooooooong time.

Smart glass and Vita can probably stave off the wii u pad enough for them both to release super cheap powerful new consoles in 2014 or 2015.


It's like 2006 all over again, but not for the reasons you think.

Remember what happened when we all groaned and said "oh man, that conference sucked"?


Can we at least wait til the end of the day for this shit, or are we going to prove that we never learn our lessons EVER?

In my head, this makes no sense. Why even have a press event if you intend to show off after the fact? Go balls deep and show off your best at the event.


don't forget guys Nintendo is doomed because everyone here hates Nintendo now!

The Wii U will bomb so hard it'll make the virtual boy blush.

after all we've always been right before, how the 3DS was doomed and the Vita would be the king.

Don't even start that shit! Many of us were Wii supporters. We saw what Nintendo was doing with the machine and felt it was doing something worthwhile. We're not the ones, by and large, who said the 3DS was doomed or that the Vita would rock worlds.

Pick your audience better next time.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Maybe WiiFit doesn't look very different, but I think NSMB is doing a lot of interesting stuff.

I'm talking sales perspective- is NSMB U going to appeal enough to casual and core gamers to get them to buy a new system this year?


Just got up. Sounds like I missed a train wreck.

So all 3 manufacturer's conferences sucked huh?

Manufacturers need to trow the new consoles , people are getting boring of the same games, Wii U was the only "new" console but seriously it looks like current generation and with extreme use of the Mario franchise.

Last of Us for me was the best game of all E3 but as you say all 3 conferences were flat a no Megaton was unveiled. We need the PS4 and 720 xbox.


It's like 2006 all over again, but not for the reasons you think.

Remember what happened when we all groaned and said "oh man, that conference sucked"?


Can we at least wait til the end of the day for this shit, or are we going to prove that we never learn our lessons EVER?


I'm finding it a little harder to get hyped after Monday and now today.


My Member!
The sad thing is, I think Nintendo could have done minimal resource management and do things lots of other companies do to fill gaps.

Take Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, maybe Mario Sunshine the *HD Remake* treatment, sell them as a package at launch. Take Wind Waker and do the same. Those games look great in Dolphin, they could have had their OoT remake groupies do it for them, and throw in some rudimentary map/control tablet support (which would actually work great in Wind Waker) and you're done. Cheap & easy? Sure. But it's filling gaps and people would probably rebuy them like has been done on other systems.

There's a dozen examples of the stuff they could do with this with their huge backlog of games they could push HD versions of. Lets not act like they're "above" this sort of thing either, with Wii Play Pikmin 2 coming out, and New Super Mario Bros U basically all the same assets as the other version, in HD.
Weird, I can't see that anywhere in that image, are you sure the cut out part wasn't blown up during the upload process?

As far as crispness goes, some of them look pretty nice:




Looks like Viva Pinata or LBP. Nothing that hasn't been seen.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I didn't see a single thing that looked next gen at the conference. Hell I didn't see a single game that looked current gen.

Pikimin 3, AC3, Arkham City, ZombiU, Mass Effect 3, etc?

And people were calling me out when I said there was potential for this thing to sell GCN numbers. Thing is, I don't know if I should feel good or bad. What I say today was definitely sad. Nintendo really doesn't make consoles for me anymore. There handhelds and sony/micro consoles are where I'm looking to be headed. This gen on a whole is feeling stale as well. Maybe the five year reset was a good idea. HD just kinda fucked everything up.

And you are still wrong. All we know so far is the launch line-up, but do you really think NintendoLand, Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Lego City Underground, Arkham City, Pikimin 3, Wario Ware, and Assassin's Creed 3 won't be million-sellers, and drive sales until proper content arrives? The control and games are varied enough to easily attract a wide range of gamers (casual and hardcore) and the casual applications/intuitiveness of the controller and system will easily help bring a similar market to Wii (at first). The trick is to sustaining it.

As long as Nintendo provides a good price and some compelling pack-in software, I see no reason why Wii-U can't have a successful Holiday this year. Remember, a bunch of Wii owners will be upgrading to this, it's pretty much the only hot item line-up currently for this Christmas.


Will QA for food.
Looks like Viva Pinata or LBP. Nothing that hasn't been seen.

If your expectations are 'things we have never seen before' graphically this coming generation, you are going to be disappointed. But yes, Pikmin 3 is not mind blowing for its visuals, but I'm sure the game itself will be polished and visually pleasing in the end.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
And you are still wrong. All we know so far is the launch line-up, but do you really think NintendoLand, Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Lego City Underground, Arkham City, Pikimin 3, Wario Ware, and Assassin's Creed 3 won't be million-sellers, and drive sales until proper content arrives? The control and games are varied enough to easily attract a wide range of gamers (casual and hardcore) and the casual applications/intuitiveness of the controller and system will easily help bring a similar market to Wii (at first). The trick is to sustaining it.

As long as Nintendo provides a good price and some compelling pack-in software, I see no reason why Wii-U can't have a successful Holiday this year. Remember, a bunch of Wii owners will be upgrading to this, it's pretty much the only hot item line-up currently for this Christmas.

I respectfully disagree. I don't think the Nintendo first party efforts are going to hold nearly the appeal that Wii Sports did, and nothing they showed will appeal to the core gamers in any real fashion. And no sports games at launch is like, unprecedented.
Judging from the general response to that press conference and the Wii U, Nintendo might need to hit the panic button and do a price drop even before there is a price to drop.

Been reading that there is relatively light traffic at Nintendo's E3 booth this year, perhaps that might be a fire under their butts.
Last night, after the Microsoft and Sony conferences disappointed, I felt a slight sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I considered the thought that Nintendo's conference could be equally disappointing.

Worst case, I thought, is we see Pikmin (already confirmed), the Mario game from Nintendo Direct, and the rest is Wii Sports, Wii Fit and third party ports.

What a complete and utter letdown. Nintendo has only left me with the overwhelming feeling that they've run out of ideas. Controller looks great, and it's a HD machine, but they still have no first party games to take advantage of the leap in tech.


It's like 2006 all over again, but not for the reasons you think.

Remember what happened when we all groaned and said "oh man, that conference sucked"?


Can we at least wait til the end of the day for this shit, or are we going to prove that we never learn our lessons EVER?

You're misremembering. That conference was good, capped off by a great Brawl trailer at the end of the day.

Very little, short of a sizzle reel, can save this shitty day for Nintendo.

NSMB is huge. It might not sell as well as the Wii at launch, but I expect it to do pretty well for itself.

I think there's a point of diminishing returns.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think the Nintendo first party efforts are going to hold nearly the appeal that Wii Sports did, and nothing they showed will appeal to the core gamers in any real fashion. And no sports games at launch is like, unprecedented.

NSMB is huge. It might not sell as well as the Wii at launch, but I expect it to do pretty well for itself.


It's like 2006 all over again, but not for the reasons you think.

Remember what happened when we all groaned and said "oh man, that conference sucked"?


Can we at least wait til the end of the day for this shit, or are we going to prove that we never learn our lessons EVER?
But if we take it easy and not dish out the disappointment, Nintendo won't let any of their cards out like the stubborn jerks they are.

Reminds me of the time where Iwata saw the E3 response to the 3DS and went 250$ on our ass. We need all the crap thrown at Nintendo because they're looking.


Yeah that made a bad conference worse cause I think alot of people got their hopes up, especially after opening with Pikmin 3. I also felt like Reggie was talking extra slow to fill up time.

They showed games after the show that they didn't feel they had time to show at the conference, like Project P-100 for example.

As much as I was bored by the conference and think they got it wrong they clearly weren't trying to fill time.


I dunno, people bought Wii Fit Plus in large numbers, and that had even less new content to offer than what I saw from Wii Fit U. An integration with your out-of-house workout routine would be a great addition to some people. We'll see how that goes.

True. But Wii-Fit launched the fitness "game" craze and there was no competition at that time. Ain't Kinect a much better alternative now? It might be the only thing it's good at but as a cool training tool you use for a week and never touch again, it really dominates!


Pikimin 3, AC3, Arkham City, ZombiU, Mass Effect 3, etc?

And you are still wrong. All we know so far is the launch line-up, but do you really think NintendoLand, Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Lego City Underground, Arkham City, Pikimin 3, Wario Ware, and Assassin's Creed 3 won't be million-sellers, and drive sales until proper content arrives? The control and games are varied enough to easily attract a wide range of gamers (casual and hardcore) and the casual applications/intuitiveness of the controller and system will easily help bring a similar market to Wii (at first). The trick is to sustaining it.

As long as Nintendo provides a good price and some compelling pack-in software, I see no reason why Wii-U can't have a successful Holiday this year. Remember, a bunch of Wii owners will be upgrading to this, it's pretty much the only hot item line-up currently for this Christmas.

So nintendos excuse for having fuck all to show for launch is 'eh, people will buy it anyway'? That's pretty weak


So, about this conf...

I'll sound like a broken record or even worse a "i told you so" douchebag but...

Nintendo is fucking lost.

If you think nintendo has this suicide mentality going on then you're insane. I'm betting my new car that this console will push units and be well over the hump before ps4 and xbox 720 comes around. Casuals was brought in by nintendo and they have ushered in this shitty new market that sony and MS is also aiming at. But at the end of all this, why would a console tailored at casuals be suicidal? The casual angle is working for nintendo and like i said before, we all know all of the mega hitters is coming. All I am concerned about is just when.
Pikimin 3, AC3, Arkham City, ZombiU, Mass Effect 3, etc?

And you are still wrong. All we know so far is the launch line-up, but do you really think NintendoLand, Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Lego City Underground, Arkham City, Pikimin 3, Wario Ware, and Assassin's Creed 3 won't be million-sellers, and drive sales until proper content arrives? The control and games are varied enough to easily attract a wide range of gamers (casual and hardcore) and the casual applications/intuitiveness of the controller and system will easily help bring a similar market to Wii (at first). The trick is to sustaining it.

As long as Nintendo provides a good price and some compelling pack-in software, I see no reason why Wii-U can't have a successful Holiday this year. Remember, a bunch of Wii owners will be upgrading to this, it's pretty much the only hot item line-up currently for this Christmas.

You think already released games that will be 6months - 1 year old have a chance at being Million-Sellers and drive adoption of the console? Man someone should tell Irrational that Bioshock seriously under-performed on PS3.

If you think nintendo has this suicide mentality going on then you're insane. I'm betting my new car that this console will push units and be well over the hump before ps4 and xbox 720 comes around. Casuals was brought in by nintendo and they have ushered in this shitty new market that sony and MS is also aiming at. But at the end of all this, why would a console tailored at casuals be suicidal? The casual angle is working for nintendo and like i said before, we all know all of the mega hitters is coming. All I am concerned about is just when.

The difference is Nintendo had a great hook with the Wii with Wii-Sports and Wii-Fit and were able to usher in a whole new way of gaming for the general populace. Where is that hook now? You think they can just re-release the same exact hash on the Wii and expect it to move units with nothing unique? If that's the case why is the almighty Rock Band plummeting?


True. But Wii-Fit launched the fitness "game" craze and there was no competition at that time. Ain't Kinect a much better alternative now? It might be the only thing it's good at but as a cool training tool you use for a week and never touch again, it really dominates!

Depends on whether the Genre King concept is true or not. If it is, Wii Fit U should sell pretty damn well. But yeah, ... whatever.
Regarding EA no-show (and maybe Activision), I wonder if it has something to do with the online. One of the shockers for me today was the complete lack of info regarding online gameplay, downloadable games, storage, etc. Is there going to be 32GB built in? 16GB?

EDIT: As an example, would the Autolog thing for Most Wanted even be possible, who knows?
NSMB is huge. It might not sell as well as the Wii at launch, but I expect it to do pretty well for itself.

That's what I dont understand. No matter how much us(hardcore) don't like some of these titles, NSMB pretty much has sold the Wii U, with....or without us. And the fact that they didnt announce anything else, means they're working on alot of titles. There's alot to look forward to TBH


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Alberto if you are lurking, can you confirm Black Ops 2 is coming?


True. But Wii-Fit launched the fitness "game" craze and there was no competition at that time. Ain't Kinect a much better alternative now? It might be the only thing it's good at but as a cool training tool you use for a week and never touch again, it really dominates!

The Wii-Fit-U stuff looked really half-hearted compared to the MS Nike+ stuff. Nintendo destroyed it with Wii Fit and now they have to convince people to buy into it for the 3rd time on the Wii-U.
They did NOTHING to stop the rumors and he said she said about the Wii-U being underpowered/only on-par with 360/PS3. Nothing that said, "Invest in our system as soon as possible, great stuff is coming!"




That's what I dont understand. No matter how much us(hardcore) don't like some of these titles, NSMB pretty much has sold the Wii U, with....or without us. And the fact that they didnt announce anything else, means they're working on alot of titles. There's alot to look forward to TBH

Let me make this clear: I love 2D Mario. I loved playing NSMB Wii with friends and family. I will NOT buy a Wii U for another one alone. They have to offer something else too. This is lazy thinking.


I just don't get it. I thought one of Nintendo's intended goal was to get the core gamer back and make the system extremely third party friendly. I guess they just failed to do it.

I really think they might need new management. They completely mismanaged the end of the Wii, the 3DS, and now seemingly the Wii U.

Going after the blue ocean casuals was a GREAT idea, but all the foundation they laid was for nothing because that base moved to iOS.


I'm very much looking foward to Lego City Undercover.
Yeah. That game looks awesome. That and ZombiU. I like both of those games.

The conference was kind of shitty but at the same time they were time constrained. Reggie even said at the beginning of the conference that there is so much to cover but so little time. The next few days we should hear more titles announced for the WiiU.

I'm not sold yet on purchasing it but out of the three conferences. I liked Nintendo conference. Ubisoft obviously won this year's E3.
In my head, this makes no sense. Why even have a press event if you intend to show off after the fact? Go balls deep and show off your best at the event.

Their event was clearly targeted at the Wii Sports market for the most part. They're trying to recreate the same buzz the Wii had. Their core titles don't create that kind of buzz outside of our circle. Nevertheless, the games will come, it's just disheartening to not see any of them.
When people talk about E3 Meltdowns, they dont exagerate at all.

Holy Shit, Someone get suicide watch for the whole forum, the sheer amount of meltdowns is saddening, and,funnily enough, the WiiU will have a better launch lineup then the 3DS, and people are just as doom and gloom about it as with the 3ds.

History reapeats, man.


That's what I dont understand. No matter how much us(hardcore) don't like some of these titles, NSMB pretty much has sold the Wii U, with....or without us. And the fact that they didnt announce anything else, means they're working on alot of titles. There's alot to look forward to TBH

Duh. There's always going to be a 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, etc. until those franchises stop selling completely.

That doesn't mean that failing to show them - even at a developmental stage - was wise.


My Member!
That's what I dont understand. No matter how much us(hardcore) don't like some of these titles, NSMB pretty much has sold the Wii U, with....or without us. And the fact that they didnt announce anything else, means they're working on alot of titles. There's alot to look forward to TBH

This will be the fourth NSMB title, and not even counting last year's big "Mario" themed push with two 3DS Mario titles and a Wii Mario pack in bundle.

There's a very real chance fatigue could set in this year and the sales effect could wane. The sales weren't what they wanted last holiday even with them.


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone
Every year I hope for the "Zelda" moment of the 2004 (?) conference. And every year I'm disappointed. I could not beLIEVE that they ended on Nintendoland. They spent ten excruciating minutes detailing what is essentially Pac Man Vs.

The talk about them being out of touch is spot on. Reggie does not play video games. I guarantee it. They talked about the Miiverse being a place where you could share high scores, and that he would "definitely be there with the top one" or something made me furious. How could a video game company be out of touch with video games. That 3DS dude sounded just as informed as a Fox News correspondent.
Pikimin 3, AC3, Arkham City, ZombiU, Mass Effect 3, etc?

And you are still wrong. All we know so far is the launch line-up, but do you really think NintendoLand, Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Lego City Underground, Arkham City, Pikimin 3, Wario Ware, and Assassin's Creed 3 won't be million-sellers, and drive sales until proper content arrives? The control and games are varied enough to easily attract a wide range of gamers (casual and hardcore) and the casual applications/intuitiveness of the controller and system will easily help bring a similar market to Wii (at first). The trick is to sustaining it.

As long as Nintendo provides a good price and some compelling pack-in software, I see no reason why Wii-U can't have a successful Holiday this year. Remember, a bunch of Wii owners will be upgrading to this, it's pretty much the only hot item line-up currently for this Christmas.

A nintendo stalwart for sure


Yeah. That game looks awesome. That and ZombiU. I like both of those games.

The conference was kind of shitty but at the same time they were time constrained. Reggie even said at the beginning of the conference that there is so much to cover but so little time. The next few days we should hear more titles announced for the WiiU.

I'm not sold yet on purchasing it but out of the three conferences. I liked Nintendo conference. Ubisoft obviously won this year's E3.

Today's conference should have been simple: SHOW GAMES. AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. Don't fuck around too long with any one of them, just douse us with the shit. They have enough pressers and events this year that they don't need to waste time with any one game for too long. We'll get to that. Just show us everything. Get us excited, our hearts beating a bit quicker. MTV the shit out of us.
When people talk about E3 Meltdowns, they dont exagerate at all.

Holy Shit, Someone get suicide watch for the whole forum, the sheer amount of meltdowns is saddening, and,funnily enough, the WiiU will have a better launch lineup then the 3DS, and people are just as doom and gloom about it as with the 3ds.

History reapeats, man.
If history is any indication, Wii U will probably sell gangbusters.

Going back and forth on whether I want it at launch.


Good Art™
They're not lost.

Well to me they're cause indeed they don't give a shit about gamers, but there casual strategy is pretty chaotic and bad too. So they just make everything randomly now.

It's pretty easy to find many reasons why the WiiU is not the Wii and will never have its success.

_It's more expensive
_It's more complicated
_It's not new anymore, as it's using the dead popularity of the Wii
_It has NOTHING, and i say it twice, NOTHING of the attractive power the Wii had. We're talking "OMG I CAN PLAY TENNIS WITH MY ARM" against "things, tablet yeah, like the ipad or these smart tv i guess, i can throw pictures at the screen cool"
_Nintendo was alone with nds and wii, they created the market and ruled it. Now, every function of the WiiU has a direct competitor, from Apple to Samsung to Microsoft...

Of course they are lost. Let's see what their share holders are saying tomorow lol.
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