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Final Fantasy real time tech demo - Luminous Studio [Up3: Survey/Screens/Video]

I'm not entirely aware of what the next generation of consoles/video cards might be capable of, but I feel this might be way further out than people realize.

Also, can Square please stop dangling carrots that are years away before even delivering on already revealed projects.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I love that it's not Nomura characters.

Agni and the old man are not that far from his views. Infact he is character design super visor here, and I'm pretty sure his input in Agni is pretty clear.


Is there any other feedback you would like to provide?
The clash between fantasy and real world elements, specifically the "ethnic" terrorists was disconcerting. An uncomfortable dynamic emerged, where we were meant to empathize with the girl because she was young, white-skinned and attractive, as opposed to the scary black/brown bad guys dressed in turbans wielding AK47s. We see enough of this in war shooters, the presence in fantasy games speaks of both insensitivity and laziness on SE's part. Technically, it was very pretty though.
Oh, I said something similar. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. Though I said by changing the race of girl and that wizard dude to middle eastern/south asian, it would fit the setting better. It would also be less racist looking, since they'd be of the same race. Honestly all these white people in hot locales is weird(unless it's a foreigner of course within the context of the game).


My assumption is that they are making this tech demo to eventually be put on the PS4. It wouldn't have been too different from when Kojima was first showing off MGS4 on what was definitely not PS3 hardware.

Their job offer for 3d programmers to work on their next gen engine clearly indicate a multiplatform orientation, so there's no reason to make that assumption.

I'm not entirely aware of what the next generation of consoles/video cards might be capable of, but I feel this might be way further out than people realize.
The tesselated hair's the really tricky bit to judge for a game situation, it's the most taxing element. Everything else is quite possible at reasonable speeds for DX11 level hardware. And as I said earlier real-time editing ofthe running gmae with tools is actually becoming more and more common.


Agni and the old man are not that far from his views. Infact he is character design super visor here, and I'm pretty sure his input in Agni is pretty clear.

Yeah Agni is a very typically looking FF character with a few twists. Then again the whole trailer is kinda your typical FF with a twist of middle east.


Agni and the old man are not that far from his views. Infact he is character design super visor here, and I'm pretty sure his input in Agni is pretty clear.

Thats what I like. I don't want character design to have drastic change from current ones.


We're truly in for a treat next generation if this is what we'll be getting near the start. Honestly can't wait. Let's just hope the gameplay keeps up.
That's the problem, a lot of people are thinking, "this is how SE's games are going to look next-gen!" when in reality it's running on a high-end pc.


At this rate, with these platforms looming to their end and next-gen coming, the no-show that's Versus may as well be moved to a next generation platform using this engine.

We still won't see the game on store shelves even if they do that.

lol true. But I believe they will not switch production of final fantasy versus 13 to another generation of console as that will be more time consuming and was already shown on a working ps3. Eitherway, I am hopeful that during the next Square Enix event, we will see more about versus 13 as they promised, with a release date.


That's the problem, a lot of people are thinking, "this is how SE's games are going to look next-gen!" when in reality it's running on a high-end pc.
Considering that the hardware we have on console launching in 2014 shouldn't really be far from todays PC, I do not see a problem with this.
looked absolutely gorgeous but i also got a headache watching the action scenes

i dont know whos in charge of how the action scenes are shot but they need to fire that guy


The people who make the assets are not the same people who write the story. One shouldn't have anything to do with the development of the other.

If you want something cohesive then they should be working together. I see what you're saying, but to say they should have nothing to do with each other is wrong.


Don't know if posted


Here is the actual presentation, you can see them manipulating it in real time, very impressive

He also discusses various ways in which it's efficient compared to their previous engine, and much faster rendering and whatnot

wow. changing the beard was very cool, and the insects flying around the skeleton, which I thought were just generic particle blobs but are actually little meshes
if this new engine makes it easier for them to create assets and spend more time on building better stories and gameplay mechanics then I'm all for it.

this post right here is the key.

They spent so much time at the beginning of this gen dicking around with 'The White Engine' and assuming they only had to cater it towards PS3 development that they ended up really stunting/delaying their whole operation once MS took over and the PS3's price turned the tide of the so-called 'console war'.

It just mucked everything up and, to my knowledge, they ended up with the 'Crystal Tools', a gutted shadow of The White Engine, that was supposed to somehow accommodate the PS3, 360, and the Wii. Just very disorganized and they seemed like they've been scambling all generation with their high budget developments.

If they can go into 'next' gen with an engine (Luminous) that has been designed ground up to be more flexible and have a high ceiling for whatever level of tech MS/Sony are going to throw out there, as well as a floor that can still make it functional with whatever WiiU can produce, I think they'll be in much better shape from Day 1.*

*I don't know shit about how these engines are actually designed. :D
I mean, do people really look at this image, look at a current gen game, and then go "Woah that's entirely impossible!"?

I mean, his collar low-ish resolution, his hair is kind of janky. This isn't exactly insanity.

Truthfully, I saw nothing in here to convince me of next gen graphics. In fact I fail to see anything all that dramatically improved over the crystal engine. Not to mention that I take this news as anything but good for SE's future, once again refusing any kind of outside help/middleware and wasting years upon years and hundreds of thousands of man hours on an engine that will be used on maybe 1-2 games at most, IF this company is even still solvent by the time next gen comes around. SE needs to wake the fuck up and get back to developing GAMES not glorified eye candy.
Is is wrong that during the entire video all I could think was "if our only choices are middle eastern stereotypes or Nomura character designs... I'll take this, thanks"?


Is is wrong that during the entire video all I could think was "if our only choices are middle eastern stereotypes or Nomura character designs... I'll take this, thanks"?

You're actually getting both, but mixed in. Honestly, the dudes with guns looked like coming from an FPS today while the magic dudes look definitely FF-like. It's a nice contrast at the end when the shabby buildings look like taken from a real-world war game and at the back you've got traditional FF highly advanced city.
That's the problem, a lot of people are thinking, "this is how SE's games are going to look next-gen!" when in reality it's running on a high-end pc.

Yeah I know that. Kind of worded it wrong I guess. We're seeing these visuals today, albeit with high-end PCs, so just imagine 3-5 years down the line and what we'll be seeing then. I guess I shouldn't have said "next-gen" as that kind of applies to just consoles.

Still, I would imagine that "next-gen" consoles will be able to produce similar visuals to those that we see here, just maybe with less effects and a lower resolution or something.


That's the problem, a lot of people are thinking, "this is how SE's games are going to look next-gen!" when in reality it's running on a high-end pc.

Well square has slowly (sloowly) begun to embrace the pc as a platform..maybe..maybe!


Yeah I know that. Kind of worded it wrong I guess. We're seeing these visuals today, albeit with high-end PCs, so just imagine 3-5 years down the line and what we'll be seeing then. I guess I shouldn't have said "next-gen" as that kind of applies to just consoles.

Still, I would imagine that "next-gen" consoles will be able to produce similar visuals to those that we see here, just maybe with less effects and a lower resolution or something.
Do we?

What are the PC games that look as impressive as Watch_Dogs or this demo?

Edit: I think I might have understood the context wrong. Forget what I said.


The most depressing thing about all this is that we won't see anything come out of it for probably a decade if they still can't even show Versus.
There will always be a part of SE that invests in the top end hardware, so there is nothing that will go to waste
The fact that they're investing in this engine is proof enough


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Holy shit. Very impressive to see it manipulated in real time.

Next Gen will be amazing. Just amazing.



When you look at Resident Evil 5, Gow3 or Uncharted 3 real time cutscenes, i don't think think this is too far away from what we can expect from next gen.

In terms of real time cutscenes, at least.


I don't understand why they just don't license Unreal4?

Because this tech demo blows anything we've seen U4 related out of the water. Also SE has many studios and games, all of which could benefit from a united internal engine (like Capcom).

Considering the quality of Final Fantasy XIII versus The Last Remnant, I hope they never touch Unreal again.

They licensed it for 3 games as far as I remember. One is an ARPG for PS3/PSV.

When you look at Resident Evil 5, Gow3 or Uncharted 3 real time cutscenes, i don't think think this is too far away from what we can expect from next gen.

In terms of real time cutscenes, at least.

I'd say this is miles ahead of those games. Particle effects, lightning, object interaction, clothing physics are all on or above the FFVII:AC CGI level.


SE = multiplatform, as far as I'm concerned - on consoles anyway

So it would include PS4

Which is my point, multiplatform doesn't mean it SHOULD be shown at one company's press conference or another's. It means S-E should show it off for themselves, like they did.
Holy shit.
If sony and microsoft go the wii route ( a console only slightly more powerful, with whatever gimmick) imma hold that grudge like an elephant.

Well, we can have some hope that devs with the next gen kits are showing otherwise; however, I wouldn't expect Avatar.

And hey, how are you getting these awesome pictures of Heather :)


Sony does not need any one to make a tech demo for them .

It was great seeing him doing stuff during the demo .

That's not 100% real time and it seems it's not in engine. During the seconds with the "king" they said they were changing light within Maya (a 3d app), and it didn't change completely dynamic in real time. They even say they will use that for their cinematic team.

It's a very nice presentation, but i'm sure it still needs much work to do to be completely real time on a console...

EDIT; On a second viewing it seems it really is real time within Maya. Anyway, if i'm understanding this correctly, this will be used for cinematics. I don't think they have explicitly said this was for in-game use.
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