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What aspects of the PS3 and X360 controllers would you change for next gen?


This isn't a DS3 vs. 360 controller battle. I just want to see what you guys would keep and change for each controller next-gen.


-slightly bigger handles
-shape similar to the 360 controller, maybe not as big
-concave analogues
-proper triggers that are concave, springy, not a lot of travel and are more like the 360 triggers
-i would say swap the dpad and analogue stick, but i think that the dpad in the secondary position is both good and bad. I think the dpad in the main position has its merits.


-no more battery pack, rechargeable out of the box
-not so heavy
-better durability on the sticks, I swear these things wear out in 6 months flat. never an issue with DS3
-higher precision on the sticks, DS3's analogues are more sensitive
-no more hard plastic face buttons, please stop with these
-thinner handles
-much better dpad

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member

-no more battery pack, rechargeable out of the box
-better durability on the sticks, I swear these things wear out in 6 months flat. never an issue with DS3
-much better dpad

If they hit these three I'd be perfectly content.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
360: Fix the dpad, start with a built in rechargable battery.

Would be perfect once they did this, for me.

DS: Swap the dpad and stick, make actual triggers, bigger.

I hope sony actually does change the controller, I really dislike it.


not once, but twice you refer to it as the "DS3"

Never was a big fan of the horizontally aligned analog sticks. Makes aiming difficult in FPS. Also, they're overly sensitive (or is it just me?)
When it's not plugged in, it's on. Always. During movies, Netflix, etc. Runs out of juice whenever i want to play a game. CAn we get it to turn itself off like the 360?

Xbox 360
Fix D-pad to be like PS3's.
Better durability on the analog nubs.
Battery compartment on my old controller never could fit right, so it'd occasionally slip and get disconnected. So if it isn't a charger controller fix that too
I'd change the 360's D-Pad. That's about it. Perfect weight and size, in my opinion. I use eneloop rechargeables which are the best on the market and I can switch some fresh ones in the second the ones in the controller run out so I'm not bothered about a battery pack, but one should be included regardless. Not a built in battery. No, no, no.

I'm not a big fan of the dual shock size/shape. I think with the proper D-Pad, the 360's controller is as close to perfect as it gets for me. Anything more in that direction I'd like, with better triggers at the very least.

Though personally, I dont mind where the analogs are on the DS3

Also, rubberized triggers similar to 360's, PS3's d-pad, and PS2's analog feel (which I felt was grippier, and more resistant)


360: Make the face buttons less convex, get a real d-pad, make the triggers softer, make the bumpers less.... disgusting.

PS3: Make the sticks tighter and concave, replace d-pad with a larger Vita d-pad, replace the triggers with those from the GCN controller, make the shape a little more ergonomic.


Throw them in the trash and start over. I think it's time for more innovation: haptic feedback and motion controls sounds like a good start.
I have said it before and Ill keep saying it until it happens.

Split the current button configuration across two nunchucks with next gen motion sensors in them.

Combined with a newer/better camera for body tracking stuff and you would be able to do play almost anything out today across wii-kinect-ps360.

Most of the stuff mentioned by the posters above, but what I'd in particular like to see is the following:

  • Gyro
  • On-board memory, so that one can bring ones own controller with stored character profile and settings to a friend.
  • Possibly a VMU-type screen to work in conjunction with the above.


360: Make the face buttons less convex, get a real d-pad, make the triggers softer, make the bumpers less.... disgusting.

PS3: Make the sticks tighter and concave, replace d-pad with a larger Vita d-pad, replace the triggers with those from the GCN controller, make the shape a little more ergonomic.

OH MAH GOD. I think the bumpers are the nicest things about the controller, love that satisfying click.
I can only speak for the Dual Shock on this topic. I wouldn't change a lot, because I personally think it's awesome the Dual Shock 1-3 haven't changed except for additional features (like the Home button, Wireless, Sixaxis, and Rumble). When I buy a Sony System the controller isn't foreign when you pick it up, you know exactly what you are getting. That said the following changes would keep the look of the controller while at the same time improving it.

  • Slightly larger - Emphasis on slight, a little extra size will address issues people have with the smaller size of the DS, and would probably improve the egronomics for everyone.
  • Make L2 and R2 concave - Again would benefit nearly everyone. The PDP add on triggers not only make using the triggers more satisfying it also improves the ergonomics of the controller as the middle fingers have something to rest on. So making that standard for the next Dual Shock would be a welcome addition.
  • Add a little ridge on the analouge Nubs - This is to provide better grip. Some may say make the sticks concave but I thing just a little ridge would accomplish the same thing. Sort of like the Wii Pro Controller.
  • Take the Dpad from the Vita and put in on EVERY CONTROLLER!!! - Seriously though the Vita Dpad is one of if not the best Dpads, it's clicky and responsive and should be on the next Dual Shock.


Thinking about motion controls recently and how they can be great in very specific use cases but are not generally applicable across a wide range of variety genres, and that the reason a controller is so great and has stood the test of time is because it is extremely versatile and people will keep coming up with new mechanics it can be used for. In terms of improvements beyond basic ergonomic stuff, although this would raise the barrier of entry even more the only thing I can think of is...adding more buttons, to allow for more possible interactions. I don't have any suggestion on where they would go though since current controllers are already using up almost all their space.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.

Trigger shaped L2/R2, just like the 3rd party ones.


Better face buttons (not pushing outward)
Less travel for the trigger
Built in rechargeable battery
New D-pad


I'd keep the stick/button placements on both the same because not only are they distingushing characteristics, but there's pros/cons to both plus controllers are one of the only things keeping consoles distinct anymore with how much exclusives dried up and how identical performance can be.

Personally, I'd go with this:


- Make a bigger version of the Vita D-Pad as the standard, not only does it feel great but the recessed center becomes a visual quirk more than a pointless yet somewhat annoying design call.
- Do SOMETHING about those triggers. Either make them more Xbox like, or (what I'd prefer) step back to the DualShock 2's design but make them mushier ala the L/R buttons on the GC and original Classic Controller. That way they notably feel analog, rather than it being a hard to notice feature, while not having the stupidity of being convex slopes.
- Tweak the ergonomics, the batarang likely would've been fine with some retooling (face buttons looked too spaced out) but they could just as well just subtly reshape the handles or something.
- Keep the rechargeable battery, but make it easy to swap out like on the Wii U Pro Controller. There's no good reason to have to carefully take apart the controller just to replace/remove the damn battery.
- Improve the Sixaxis like the Vita, in case there's any good use for it.


- Make the D-Pad amazing and durable. Seriously, focus test the hell out of it using classic games if necessary, just don't let it be the afterthought abomination it is on the 360. The switching one being standard would be nice, but not essential.
- If you don't build in a rechargeable battery at least make the battery pack more seamless with the body. Also don't forget to make it easily removable.
- Make LB/RB bigger, similar to the Pro Controller. And if possible easier to hold while keeping your index fingers on them, I thought I'd be able to do this with the 360 controller but it ended up too uncomfortable.
- Let it actually connect through a USB cord like the DualShock 3. I'd love to treat it the same way, a wireless controller on a full charge and a wired one when not, as is I've been ignoring my wireless controllers in favor of the wired one my brother got me for my birthday.
- Similar to the PS3, if this has any serious future add solid motion tech to the Xbox controller. Maybe then it'll be better used than it was on the PS3, and it might even be a way to ensure some Kinect-focused games can work fine without such as Wreckateers.

Also, I don't know how useful this would REALLY be but mics in both could be useful to ensure voice chat, even at a basic level.


360 grip
PS3 Layout
Logitech Bumpers




.. looking at it now, nothing about the 360 controller is that great, if you've used the logitech precision, you've held the best controller ever.

The off set 360 analog sticks are stupid.

360 triggers are really good for racing games though.


bish gets all the credit :)
  • Make the bumpers actually useable while using the triggers (maybe move them to the back of the controller on the handles)
  • Shorter throw on triggers
  • Flat buttons
  • Useable d-pad
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Build quality on the analogs needs to improve alot
  • Concave sticks are good and bad, so I don't know if I'd change them. They work great for twin stick shooters like Geometry Wars, but my thumb seems to dig into the front of it in normal games where you're always moving forward. So, probably just make the left stick softer or like the duke's. Absolutely keep the right stick concave.

  • Longer handles, overall bigger
  • More space between R1 and R2
  • Either eliminate the triggers or make them curve up slightly
  • No squeaky d-pad


Master of the Google Search
Their exclusivity to one console. At the very least I'd make them both PC compatible right outside of the box.


Their exclusivity to one console. At the very least I'd make them both PC compatible right outside of the box.
I could hardly care less about console exclusivity, especially knowing that for the first party ones neither would allow it, but PC compatibility should absolutely be there for the Dual Shock. I guess a problem may be getting games to properly support it, AND use those buttons.

Though similar to the Xbox, PC is probably seen as a "competitor", whereas Microsoft can afford to roll with it since that still benefits them in some way.


I want the PS3 controller to copy the comy 360 controller but realistically I know that will never happen :\ I'd settle for them making the sticks better. They are pretty bad as they are right now.

For the 360 controller I just want a real d-pad of some sort.

I actually think I am really going to like the Wii U pro controller, it seems like the best of both worlds.


You realize those are buttons right? Buttons that are used in a ton of games, so making them "less clickable" would be removing features from games.

All I want is to not accidentally click on them, happened to me a bunch of times while playing Ass Creed 2.
360: Better dpad, rechargeable battery out of box

PS3: Change position of dpad and left analog stick. Make analog sticks and triggers concave like 360.



Nuclear battery so I don't have to charge the fucking thing in the middle of a game.
Rubber cushions on the underneath for better comfort.
more durable thumbsticks

PS controller:
Get rid of Dualshock, its terrible
Make it more like the xbox controller so I can hold it more than five minutes before getting carpal tunnel.
Get rid of the flappy paddle R1, R2 etc buttons
make the x square circle triangle buttons thicker so i don't feel like I'm crushing the controller when I'm using it. Move the left thumstick up above the dpad, it is in the wierdest fucking place.

I really don't care about the playstation controller as I've given up on the playstation as a console, its a neat entertainment system but Its still the most expensive system and I'd be surprised if the next playstation opens retail at less than 1000 euros. As for the xbox the controller is comfortable, easy to use and as long as they fix the fact that its battery life once you get a play and charge kit is horribly short I'd be in heaven


360: Make the face buttons less convex, get a real d-pad, make the triggers softer, make the bumpers less.... disgusting.

PS3: Make the sticks tighter and concave, replace d-pad with a larger Vita d-pad, replace the triggers with those from the GCN controller, make the shape a little more ergonomic.

pretty much this.

on a side note i would like to see a controller with sticks that can be removed or replaced with convex/concave options as well as height. it would also be nice to be able to make tension adjustments on the sticks. basically a high end controller.


The daulshock needs to be revamped. Layout wise it is fine, but the shape is terrible. It needs to contour to the hand.

The DS3's triggers also bug me. They're fine when I'm immersed in a game, but outside of them when i press down on them, they don't feel right. They bend the wrong way.


360: dpad. That's it.

PS3: proper triggers
Stocks with more resistance
Bette stick layout. They should be higher


For me it's simple. Every goddamn console would come with this controller. Take the 360 controller and replace it's dpad with the DuelShock's dpad. That's it. The perfect controller.

Boss Man

PS3: Do not change the layout of the controller at all.

Only change I would possibly want is for it to be made out of a different material.

Something grippy, like this:



Split them into a pair of one-handed controllers akin to the PSMove Nav controller. Each would have...
  • A clickable analog stick
  • An analog trigger
  • A digital shoulder button
  • Either four face buttons or a d-pad
  • A small home/start/select button
  • Wiimote-like pointer functionality
  • Gyro and accelerometer
  • Rumble
You'd keep all the functionality of the current controllers while adding a TON of new possibilities. Honestly, I was hoping the Wii U would use something like this instead of the tablet.


I'd like Sony to reintroduce the Boomerang controller from E3 2005, or do something new. It's time for the Dual Shock to go. Either go for the 360 analog setup or go for the Wii U analog setup, and replace the D-Pad so that it is all one button like the Vita.

The 360 controller is good, but in addition to the usual stuff, I'd like a change in how the buttons fill. Have them be something that feels more responsive, as opposed to something soft and squishy.

Only change I would possibly want is for it to be made out of a different material.

Something grippy, like this:


I don't like that material at all. The controller itself is better than DS3 by a wide margin, but that texture is not.

Something that keeps it from getting too warm after use would be best.


DS3, fucking triggers are ass, give it fucking triggers that don't feel like mushy crap when you press down on them.

Better yet, get rid of triggers and just give me buttons. Those things are only used properly in racers, and racers are meant to be played with a wheel and pedals anyway. Triggers don't give immediate response in action games and are simply an annoyance.

I don't really about any other change. Some haptic touch gimmick or positional rumble would be cool, I guess.
I hope the Dualshock 4's analog sticks have more resistance. Going from 360 to PS3, and vice versa, always feels weird.
The main reason I play 360 over ps3 is the controller with my big hands I feel like i'm gonna break the dang thing and my hands cramp holding something that small....which really bothers me because I really love PS3 games...

I don't mind the layout or whatever I can get use to all that but just make it feel like i'm actually holding something.....
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