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Battlefield 4 Beta access if you preorder MOH: Warfighter


I can see where the last game designer recently left DICE.
Was that Alan Kertz?

Such a shame where this once great franchise is headed, glad I stopped playing late last year, I just couldn't get into BF3, so I went back to BF2 and PR.

Nothing new here, just EA ruining another one if their IPs, let them run it into the ground, I will not support this kind of stagnation.


They were pretty explicit in an interview a while ago that they were going to focus on the "main" games.

Given how high their sales bar is, I would expect it to be on both generations.

They would have to give up way too much audience to go next-gen exclusive in Fall 2013.

What about some CVs that appeared on linkedin some time ago mentioning Bad Company 3 work Niro? Do you really think the BC series is done for?

I can see this making sense if BF4 is a next gen launch title. I've been saying this for awhile, it's the best chance EA and Dice have of grabbing a bigger chunk of COD audience, people are more willing to try something different in the beginning of a new generation.
(except BF games are playing more and more like COD, oh the irony...)

If BF4 is released for the 720 on launch and the PS4 still takes at least 6 months to be released I'll buy a 720 in a heartbeat. And I was thinking of not buying all future consoles like I did this gen.


No I don't feel burned on BF3 or MOH per say

I love BF series, MOH was OK in my book

It's the "Pre-Order" now that is stupid

I fell for it twice

Just saying this 3rd time, no go

BF3 Beta took for fucking ever to come on the PS3, then the guys who bought MOH LE got a 24 hour head start on public beta before everyone else joined in

Then BF3 release, I was expecting Specact Kit to mean those $1.99 x 4 skins/weapon skins from BFBC2, it was one blue fucking skin, that's all =/
I'm usually an informed gamer, know most thing, but that shit was a ploy to get people to bite without giving full info

With Battlefield 3 you got Back to Karkand, which is a $15 expansion. Pretty good deal if you ask me. And unlike MoH, that one was out of the shelves pretty quickly.


With Battlefield 3 you got Back to Karkand, which is a $15 expansion. Pretty good deal if you ask me. And unlike MoH, that one was out of the shelves pretty quickly.

Yeah and every one of those who pre-ordered and bought premium, paid for B2K again or at least covered their pre-order bonus cost.

Same with this Beta shit, every single one that pre-orders because of it will get cheated because it'll be easier than breathing to get an invite to this supposed Beta when the time comes.


Yeah and every one of those who pre-ordered and bought premium, paid for B2K again or at least covered their pre-order bonus cost.

Maybe, but you got to play it for 6 months before. If you wait long enough you'll get BF3 and all its expansions for less than $60, but it's hardly worth the same if the community has moved on to other games.


Trucker Sexologist
Player count is not the issue on consoles.
24 player maps with only a handful of vehicles isn't really providing an authentic BF experience. I can only imagine DICE's frustration because the hardware isn't the main problem. It's MS's bandwidth limits.

But the game is still selling. Most people don't even know what they're missing.


Yes Jesus Christ let me edit.

Well, this discussion is confusing me. :p

My point is that those who pre-ordered BF3 got something out of it (B2K), so if you know you're getting BF4 or MoH2 it makes sense to pre-order them as well.


I can barely type coherent sentences after reading this news so:

- BF3 was nowhere near finished when it launched (and still isn't), but BF$.

- Next gen isn't even here yet and BF3 barely runs on consoles now, but BF$.

- Spacing releases of the main numbered BF games out with Bad Company games would preserve them as big events, but BF$.

- Fuck you EA/Dice seriously.


Well, this discussion is confusing me. :p

My point is that those who pre-ordered BF3 got something out of it (B2K), so if you know you're getting BF4 or MoH2 it makes sense to pre-order them as well.

No, you still get screwed and this pre-order you'll get even more screwed because getting a hold of an EA Beta invite can be done without paying a dime at the same time as pre-orders, and then $70? Yeah ... no.


There's still like 3 expansion packs and they announce bf4 already ? It came out like last year .. Are they pulling a call of duty ?

DICE, WHY U NO 2143?


Isn't that too soon? Well I was thinking of getting Counter Strike GO and then decide what FPS to get this winter.

Also, even if I don't pre-order, PS+ may help some.

Still... BF4? November 2013 or something?


If it has better graphics people will overlook that, like they did with BF3 compared to BF2 (gameplay was similar but with better graphics)

BF3 didn't play a whole lot like BF2, and most importantly BF2 launched in 2005. Six years of development both cools down the market and allows you time to redesign things for a different game. A BF4 in 2013 can't be too different from BF3 because of the short development time in addition to the market saturation. Of course it can still be a great game and sell well, but the circumstances are different.
Honestly, if DICE wants to waste BF4's potential around current console tech......fine by me.

That mean we'll get Bad Company 3 on next gen >.>
Looks like the Battlefield series has joined the Call of Duty series and the Medal of Honor series in being permanently removed from my shopping list.
WHAT? No Battlefield 2143? DAMN YOU DICE!

And this seems way too soon, but then again, it doesn't really say when BF4 is coming out.

BF4 with the same shit netcode...no thank you, Guildwars 2 will keep me busy for years to come...
Lol, netcode is fantastic in BF3.

Let me know of another 64 player game with vehicles that have decent physics (lol @ Quake Wars) destruction that needs to be synched to all 64 players and plays as good as BF3.

Watch a few, read the comments then come back.

But I guess if you close your eyes stuff doesn't exist.

I didn't say it was perfect, I said it was fantastic for the things it is doing, and it is. I know you forgot to quote the rest for your obvious agenda but:

"Let me know of another 64 player game with vehicles that have decent physics (lol @ Quake Wars) destruction that needs to be synched to all 64 players and plays as good as BF3."

And the most amazing part is BC1/2 had even worst problems then that despite less shit happening. Quite the achievement for BF3. The fact that I'm flying through the air in a jet with pretty decent physics (even if not realistic) not noticing any lag while people 63 other people are on the ground, in tanks blowing houses with destruction that is synched to anyone on the map no matter where they are, or fighting with infantry, etc. Blows my mind every time I play it, those minor quirks don't bother me. BF3 is not a competitive game, its a fun game. A VERY fun game.

Also, those videos are a joke, at least do some proper testing


Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
I would find this very surprising to be released for the current gen of consoles.
By Fall of next year, we must surely know about the new set of consoles and their release dates so Battlefield 4 could possibly be a launch title (much like Call of Duty 2 was for the 360).

As people have said, I don't see how they could really make Battlefield 4 that much different, graphics or tech wise over Battlefield 3 on the current consoles. Battlefield 3 at times felt like it was pushing my 360 to its limits.
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