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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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... I'm speechless, K actually might have the best animation that shown so far this season, why they must ruin it with so fuckin' ugly filter.


Excitement: Shin Sekai Yori
Legit fun: Kamisama Hajimemashita, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Watchable: Chuu2byo, Zetsuen no Tempest
Unwatchable (literally): K


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act. 16

The Dark Kingdom and their crazy plans translate over to the live action adaptation too! Kunzite's plan in this episode didn't really make any sense to me. Initially the way he described it I thought he meant they would kidnap different people and then return them to their daily lives to then drain their energy at a later time. It turns out that they were actually being sent to some highrise/skyscraper type building, I guess referring to his "farm" type analogy.

The weird part about this is that the building
didn't look like it was in disuse and they were all on the first floor lobby type area. People could get inside the building no problem but there was an energy barrier in place to prevent people from getting close. Why not seal off the building though? Nobody came into the building and noticed all these people just milling about like zombies? You'd think there possibly would have been missing persons type reports filed and someone would have stumbled across them out in the open like that. Why "hide" people in such an obvious open place like that in the first place?
It just came across as kind of dumb honestly.

Haha, also could the setup for that talk scene between Ami and Rei have been any more contrived? I figured Ami would open up about what had happened with her and Naru and how it all related to Usagi and I actually liked that whole talk scene but the setup was so weird.
Not really spoilers but small details about the show that some might not want to know beforehand if your sensitive to that type of thing in the following...

All the girls have cellphones, they've been shown to just talk on them casually like regular phones and not just use them for Dark Kingdom related business, Luna called them up just beforehand to tell them about what was going on with the kidnappings. Now Usagi, instead of just phoning Jupiter, runs all the way to her apartment and then the two of them run all the way back to the highrise building. Pretty much all so Rei and Ami could talk. Jupiter even says "you could have just phoned me." or maybe it was "why didn't you just phone?", I forget

That scene near the end though was an interesting change that's definitely different from the Anime. The actual scene right at the end too...I wonder if it's what it looks like or if it's the same thing that happens in the Anime. I'm pretty sure that's in Sailor Moon R though.


They probably thought it'd be stylish. Ironic really.

This Gohand's art director dude in need to check his eyes.

Seriously you can see Gohand is promising studio but like David Pro, their art director is so hardheaded with their (ugly) "style"


Anime-GAF truly isn't ready for this Kyo-ani show.

If I had the photoshop skills I would give my avatar an eye patch and blue hair.

Is this to your liking?



Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
K really didn't seem that bad. Literally unwatchable? I dunno.

Don't you guys hatewatch stuff all the time? It's not even hatewatchable?
Btooom! 1

The OP is the best part of the anime, great song and great visuals to go with it. The initial concept of Btooom! is promising but I think it just has really incompetant characters just based on how they acted this episode. Sakamoto, looks good, but unfortunately, I think he is a bit slow on the uptake of what he needs to do
It really took him THAT long to realize his bombs were timed? What even? And worst the dude he was going against, how in the world did he missing hitting him when he was at point blank range NUMEROUS times? I cant even

Well Sakamoto can only go up and hopefully he grows as a person through this ordeal. I wish he could follow his dream.

Next episode looks boring, the girl probably doesnt have good backstory and I dont like the direction its going with her on this island and that healthy looking man
Zetsuen no Tempest 1

This was a fantastic introductory episode, delivering a large, but compelling, amount of exposition and character development without noticeably faltering in it's execution. The setting is especially interesting, as it exudes a mysterious, bleak atmosphere, particularly during the moment when the
black iron syndrome began to infect the bodies of those within the city
. Despite it's common and prevalent nature, the theme of
is an excellent one, as this recurring element provides the potential for a variety of unexpected, emotional conflicts to arise.

The strange, uncertain nature of Aika's death and her unknown murderer provide the central, motivating factors of the story, as the main characters are haunted by their memories of her. As Mahiro appears to be entirely unaware of Yoshino's past relationship with Aika, it will be interesting to see how that hidden knowledge develops, as it seems likely to eventually create an emotional fracture between them, potentially leading to a violent confrontation. Also, another mystery that could be elaborated on in the future is the possibility that Yoshino might know quite a bit more than he's currently divulging concerning the circumstances of Aika's murder, since the gradual development of this point appears to be slightly foreshadowed.

My favorite scene, of course, was the fight between
Mahiro and Evangeline
, as it temporarily provided some intense, brilliantly animated action, culminating with the rather brutal finish, in which
he knocks her unconscious by slamming her head to the ground
. I also greatly enjoyed the final scene where the
chained sphere rises out of the water, since it essentially signifies this looming, ominous threat
. It's a really effective note to conclude the episode on.

Mahiro's desire to
avenge the death of his sister
is an intriguing motive; one that might inspire in him a
violent darkness that could, if it hasn't already, consume him
, potentially creating a distinctly cold, wholly unsympathetic antihero. Yoshino's personality and emotional state is a bit more uncertain and vague at the moment, since he seemed a
bit detached and relatively incapable of displaying any sort of strong reaction to Aika's death
. The two female characters haven't been given nearly as much development, but I definitely expect that to change within the next episode or so, as it wasn't a particularly necessary requirement for this one, since, aside from establishing
Hakaze's whereabouts
and importance to the narrative, as well as noting
Aika's death
, they weren't all that integral.

I really enjoyed the focus on Yoshino's character and perspective throughout this episode, as he's the most interesting character up to this point. I do expect Hakaze to be my favorite character eventually, and, of course, it certainly helps that she's voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro. In fact, the voice acting all around was terrific, and, even though it was certainly overwrought, I really liked the occasional quoting of Shakespeare's Hamlet. I don't particularly have any significant criticisms at the moment, but I am, however, a bit hesitant to fully embrace the story, as it certainly has the potential to devolve into a plethora of continual contrivances, which would be rather unfortunate, since the story, so far, is extremely interesting, layered, and wonderfully complex.

Ando was terrific here, as his confident direction and superb handling of the material created a combination of various, contrasting elements that rarely failed to impress. As such, the production qualities were outstanding. The direction, as well as the cinematography, was excellent, particularly in the creative framing of several large-scale moments, along with the methodical pans across various scenes. The animation was superb, especially in how meticulously the small, inconsequential movements and specific nuances were captured. This impressive attention to detail was most evident in the brief action sequence between
Mahiro and Evangeline

Despite being a bit slow and drawn-out at times, this episode was consistently well-paced, rarely lingering on a single emotion or exposition-heavy conversation for too long. I liked how the
were naturally interwoven into the story without feeling too overtly jarring, since they were rather essential in providing a certain level of insight into the emotional machinations of these characters. Oshima's orchestral score is incredible, as it illuminates the melancholic, foreboding tone beautifully, thus becoming one of the very best aspects of the show.

All in All, Zetsuen no Tempest is thoroughly impressive so far, particularly in regards to it's amazing production qualities, aided by the rather compelling narrative and intriguing set of characters. As such, it's an extremely promising start, and it definitely exceeded my expectations. I'm hopeful that, due to Ando's influence, it's immense potential isn't squandered by the story turning into an unnecessarily convoluted mess. As for now, i don't exactly know which direction the story will take, but I'm certainly excited to find out.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
It's an artificial layer of irony that people use to justify their enjoyment of shows they know are poorly-made.

Even then I wouldn't bother doing a "season ranking" before a bunch of the new shows have even come out, but whatever floats your boat.

At the very least a good facade for watching shit one enjoys without having to admit actually liking it unironically

edit: thinking on the same page, lol

These explanations make more sense!
Adventures of Tempests and Civilizations: Don't Blast Me, Bro 1

If I didn't read the manga, I would be confused as hell. It doesn't seem like Bones did anything to make this more accessible. The jumping around is still disorienting, the plot progresses in a jarring way that leaves you little time to register stuff, and the tone feels even more somber than in the manga, making it more boring overall. The subdued music is really the last thing I wanted this series to have.

Action was good though. Some very nice choreography. Not sure if the few minutes of it were worth the rest of the zzzzz, but it's something.

Now to wait for this to become even more of a mess.


To Love Ru Darkness 1 (censored)

Light beamz! Steam censors! Conspicuous black bars! No, it's not Blood-C you're watching, it's TLR Darkness!

So apparently TAN is broadcasting TLRD half a day before it even comes out in Japan. Of course, given it's censored it's worthless anyway, but hell, I was curious so I watched it anyway. Discounting the very obvious... indiscretions mentioned above, it is, like the OVA, a completely faithful adaptation of the manga, sometimes even frame-for-frame. I'm totally okay with this.

Guess we'll find out in a few days if BDs are necessary or if AT-X saves the day.
K really didn't seem that bad. Literally unwatchable? I dunno.

Don't you guys hatewatch stuff all the time? It's not even hatewatchable?

I think K has limited appeal, so I could see how people may not like it or think its not good, the naked girl and lolis seemed like tacked on ideals and a distraction from the main attraction...and I think the anime doesnt really have much dialogue. Anyway, probably on my top five this season.


To Love Ru Darkness 1 (censored)

Light beamz! Steam censors! Conspicuous black bars! No, it's not Blood-C you're watching, it's TLR Darkness!

So apparently TAN is broadcasting TLRD half a day before it even comes out in Japan. Of course, given it's censored it's worthless anyway, but hell, I was curious so I watched it anyway. Discounting the very obvious... indiscretions mentioned above, it is, like the OVA, a completely faithful adaptation of the manga, sometimes even frame-for-frame. I'm totally okay with this.

Guess we'll find out in a few days if BDs are necessary or if AT-X saves the day.

Regardless, i'm watching both. I can be teased the first time, and go all out enjoying it the second time.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I think K has limited appeal, so I could see how people may not like it or think its not good, the naked girl and lolis seemed like tacked on ideals and a distraction from the main attraction...and I think the anime doesnt really have much dialogue. Anyway, probably on my top five this season.

I didn't care much for what I saw of the first episode (apparently I didn't catch the whole thing), but it wasn't super horrible either. Just not so good.
It's an artificial layer of irony that people use to justify their enjoyment of shows they know are poorly-made.

There are plenty of reasons why someone would watch something they don't like. Peer pressure, watch bets, masochism, other stuff. Or do you honestly think everyone here that complains about the things they watch is faking it and/or exaggerating their hatred while secretly loving it?


To Love Ru Darkness 1 (censored)

Light beamz! Steam censors! Conspicuous black bars! No, it's not Blood-C you're watching, it's TLR Darkness!

So apparently TAN is broadcasting TLRD half a day before it even comes out in Japan. Of course, given it's censored it's worthless anyway, but hell, I was curious so I watched it anyway. Discounting the very obvious... indiscretions mentioned above, it is, like the OVA, a completely faithful adaptation of the manga, sometimes even frame-for-frame. I'm totally okay with this.

Guess we'll find out in a few days if BDs are necessary or if AT-X saves the day.

This show will be worth watching for Momo.


The Light of El Cantare
Adventures of Tempests and Civilizations: Don't Blast Me, Bro 1

If I didn't read the manga, I would be confused as hell. It doesn't seem like Bones did anything to make this more accessible. The jumping around is still disorienting, the plot progresses in a jarring way that leaves you little time to register stuff, and the tone feels even more somber than in the manga, making it more boring overall. The subdued music is really the last thing I wanted this series to have.

Action was good though. Some very nice choreography. Not sure if the few minutes of it were worth the rest of the zzzzz, but it's something.

Now to wait for this to become even more of a mess.

Personally, having no experience with the manga, I thought that the pacing was fine and the cuts and jumps were coherent and easy to follow. There was only one transition between past and present that I was aware of, and the perspective only alternated between two points of view--Samon/Hakaze's and Mahiro/Yoshino's. The relatively low number of character introductions allowed the exposition to be pretty focused.

That's just me, though; obviously can't speak for anyone else.


There are plenty of reasons why someone would watch something they don't like. Peer pressure, watch bets, masochism, other stuff. Or do you honestly think everyone here that complains about the things they watch is faking it and/or exaggerating their hatred while secretly loving it?

There's also the "in to deep to stop now" crowd. I'm currently in this space with both E7AO and SAO. I want to stop watching, but can't due to my compulsive need to finish things.
Personally, having no experience with the manga, I thought that the pacing was fine and the cuts and jumps were coherent and easy to follow. There was only one transition between past and present that I was aware of, and the perspective only alternated between two points of view--Samon/Hakaze's and Mahiro/Yoshino's. The relatively low number of character introductions allowed the exposition to be pretty focused.

That's just me, though; obviously can't speak for anyone else.

Well apparently I'm just fuckin stupid then.


The time skip confused me at first, and certainly could have been done better, but I found most of the episode fairly coherent. There was some technical mumbo-jumbo stuff left unexplained, but didn't really detract much for me.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Ginga e Kickoff! 22

About fucking time they lost a match. Watching them steamroll everyone was getting boring.
Ginga e Kickoff 22

Ive only watched like two other actual sports anime that went to tournaments but do all sports series follow the same pattern?
I could tell they werent going to win the second match, mainly for the sake of just Kota and the rain.
. Anyway really emotional episode, ended up pausing midway.

I never noticed in the OP that the team
lacked the 3U. So that means, now that they need to form a new team, that 8 of 11 are there. I guess we get a whole new three set of people or maybe 3U return?
It would be pretty awesome if they
only played with eight people
though. The potential for drama is there.
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