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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Caught up all the episodes of Nichijou minus ep 0. I really enjoyed it, and I hope someday there will be a miracle and the anime series will be able to continue.


I miss old animation... love DYRL

From time to time people explain to me that the CG in Macross Zero isn't that bad. Maybe they're right. Still, it's hard to come down off:



Shojo night was quite good Last night. I have alreadu watched Ouran and Kuragahime, but it made me want to watch Nana
and I would say Kimi no Todoke wif the main girl didn't remind me of my Ex :(

People were great and lighthearted as well.
While that technology is theoretically pretty cool the way it's implemented in the world of Psycho Pass suggests that it's basically being used to cover up the reality of the world that the characters live in. Akane may have the illusion of living in a nice apartment, but her room is actually cold, sterile and unpleasant. It's a thin veneer on the top of a society whose order is maintained by literal thought police which certainly isn't a very attractive world to live in. It's not meant to be a future you'd want to inhabit.

Oh, I'm aware of what it's implying and will likely lead to. I'm just saying it looks awesome.
@DTL: Interesting review. Deadman Wonderland is the next show I'll watch.

Don't listen to the buzzkills in here. Deadman is a great show with a ton of crazy in it. Toonamigaf loved it for that reason. I imagine you would like it as well.

Just be prepared for a non-ending that would require reading the manga to continue.


Tragic victim of fan death
Sword Art Online 15

This episode was fairly boring and fairly slow for the most part. Massive infodumps were the leading cause of this and as a result it's clear that they wanted to get this out of the way as early as possible so that they can move on. Pacing is also slower compared to the series' first arc. Rather than moving at lightning speed, Fairy Dance opts for a more slow and drawn out pace. It also appears that they're pretty much sticking to one chapter per episode, give or take half a chapter, from the LN and as a result, the second arc should flow better.The problem in and of itself comes from the fact that one can complain about how the two arcs are complete opposites in ways, which I will leave to your devices.

The episode still proves interesting with the introduction of ALheim Online and it's clear that the visual aesthetic of the game is vastly different from SAO. It'll be interesting how the visual style of this arc holds up as it goes on.
They absolutely said his full name in the anime.

I missed it then.

Don't listen to the buzzkills in here. Deadman is a great show with a ton of crazy in it. Toonamigaf loved it for that reason. I imagine you would like it as well.

Just be prepared for a non-ending that would require reading the manga to continue.

I would be okay with an ending like Mirai Nikki, after the credits. :)


Soooo good and smooth.

I don't feel like modern animation has a problem with smoothness, modern character animation can be pretty damn excellent, but you certainly wont see really detailed mechanical animation in this day and age unless it's some crazy one-off project. Traditional backaround animation is very rare as well.


From time to time people explain to me that the CG in Macross Zero isn't that bad. Maybe they're right. Still, it's hard to come down off:


It's almost unfair to pick the best of the best though. The entire Max/Milia sequence there is a high bar for any show let alone just the Macross franchise itself.


It's almost unfair to pick the best of the best though. The entire Max/Milia sequence there is a high bar for any show let alone just the Macross franchise itself.

True, but it's not a one-off. Many works in the franchise have stand out moments, just look at a well known example like Macros Plus.


I don't feel like modern animation has a problem with smoothness, modern character animation can be pretty damn excellent, but you certainly wont see really detailed mechanical animation in this day and age unless it's some crazy one-off project. Traditional backaround animation is very rare as well.
Macross: Do Your Remember Love? was the very definition of a crazy one-off project, though.

Looks cute. Too bad Gainax is now dead and zombified.
If you are enjoying Medaka Box... what else do you want?


Macross: Do Your Remember Love? was the very definition of a crazy one-off project, though.
Absolutely, but you could look to a number of projects in the 80's/90's, even TV works, and see various techniques and skills on display that no longer exist. It wasn't just regulated to one movie a decade.


Speaking of Macross, I've been wanting to get into the series for a while.

Where should I start and what should I avoid?


After taking in and mulling over what has been released of From the New Word so far - while I already feel the premise is pretty interesting - I can't help but want someone to make an OVA about
the war that broke down society
in the first place, in the vein of The Second Renaissance. Perhaps following certain individuals instead of doing it completely documentary style though.


Speaking of Macross, I've been wanting to get into the series for a while.

Where should I start and what should I avoid?

Original series -> DYRL -> Plus iirc. Maybe Zero too? I keep putting that one off. If you're really into it, then hit up 7, Frontier, etc. Also, never watch Macross II.


There were plenty of OVAs with not so great animation when Macross Plus was released too. Not sure what your point really is!

I assumed you point was that I was selectively choosing works that, by their nature, were going to have high production value.


The Light of El Cantare
Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 01:

Way to completely strip the concept of any amusing commentary it could have had on the console wars by having the characters be vaguely game-themed but be generic stock characters in a generic RPG setting doing generic things, complete with shitty fanservice. It's like one of those terrible 90s fantasy OVAs a la Detatoko Princess that tried to ride Slayers' coattails but were just a soulless amalgamation of fantasy/RPG/animu tropes without any sort of character or personality whatsoever. Dropped.


I assumed you point was that I was selectively choosing works that, by their nature, were going to have high production value.

I'm just saying, good detailed mecha animation exists in OVAs today just like they did in OVAs when Macross Plus was released. You're making a comment about the industry at large, and I'm really not so sure that certain skills have disappeared completely like you claim, since they do still exist. On the other hand, if the point is that Macross has sucked for the last ten years, then you really won't find much disagreement from me!
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