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Here Comes the Next Xbox {Many Xbox 720 Details - Paul Thurrott article} [Updated]


"Internet-connected. The next Xbox must be internet-connected to use. This is source of the “always on”/“always online” rumors and isn’t as Draconian as many seem to believe."

I take that as... you will need to be internet connected to use and take advantage of all the features (voice commands while the system is in standby is done on their backend etc...) but will not be a requirement to play games (not used for DRM).

That's what I think as well, but I really don't know what to believe at this point.

No sense in getting worked up when we're going to know less from a month from now though.


MS not clarifying this DRM crap is getting really really annoying.

it just further perpetuates this negative narrative being unfurled before their eyes. Why they wouldn't clarify it with a controlled leak once and for all through a mouth piece like a Paul Thurrot, Major Nelson or perhaps to better effect Polygon, is beyond me.

It's a stink they can't shake and maybe there's a very good reason for that *sniff*sniff*
I own more 360 games than I do PS3/Wii combined, I own over 50 arcade games, I've paid for Live for like 5+ years.

If the next Xbox requires you to be online to play games I am not buying it.


Been an Xbox consumer since 2003. I'm in the same boat. Your move MS.


'cmon people, almost everything besides campaign on the console requires to be online, even the reveal of 360 said it's always online and always connected, chill out, must be wording problems.


We won't know exactly what it means until Microsoft unveil the console of course, but it's more about the way it is worded than anything else. "Must be internet-connected to use" suggests more than simply needing an internet connection for Xbox Live.


This may be the first console in quite some time that I don't actually want as soon as it launches. I've not used my Xbox 360 in a few weeks now, the last two console games I bought (TR and Bioshock Infinite) I got for the PS3.

PS4 is really appealing to me, but I'll reserve judgement for this until I see it.
Zomgbbqftws company had made calculations about PS4 manufacturing cost and it was about 450-490$ few months ago so under 500 is definately not impossible. Especially if the parts go down in cost fast.

Tretton also confirmed it won't be another 599 and I think it was Yoshida who said they target a bigger audience with pricing than PS3 at launch (duh). 500 is the max, not the min.


Wow at $499. Wonder if Sony comes in at that price too.

I've set aside 500 bucks for a console this fall, but yeah, if the $499 price is true for Next Xboxt that means we are all paying for Kinect 2.0 in every box. I don't know if I want to be spending additional money on a piece of hardware I just don't want. I hope Sony doesn't force their camera on the end user as well.
it just further perpetuates this negative narrative being unfurled before their eyes. Why they wouldn't clarify it with a controlled leak once and for all through a mouth piece like a Paul Thurrot, Major Nelson or perhaps to better effect Polygon, is beyond me.

It's a stink they can't shake and maybe there's a very good reason for that *sniff*sniff*
Well there were (maybe) controlled leak from vgleaks


Could you please explain what this is for those of us who don't use Steam?

EDIT: No way Sony or MS go over 500$. That would be bananas.

You have to register your content with Steam (which happens automatically when you buy games online). Once you have done that, you can start "offline" mode giving you access to all your games - obviously excluding all online features like multiplayer and friendslists.

That means: You have to have Steam online at least once for each new content you buy, but after that could go offline.


I've set aside 500 bucks for a console this fall, but yeah, if the $499 price is true for Next Xboxt that means we are all paying for Kinect 2.0 in every box. I don't know if I want to be spending additional money on a piece of hardware I just don't want. I hope Sony doesn't force their camera on the end user as well.

From what I heard, Sony Cam comes in the box too, but isnt mandatory


I've set $500 as Sony's minimum, and I don't see why that won't happen. When the Wii U costs $350 with "last gen" tech, I don't see why everyone is so convinced that the other systems will be around $400.

The Wii U is a $175 system with a $125 controller and a $50 surcharge for the glossy black color. Much of that $175 is parts that aren't much cheaper for Wii U than the HD Twins Electric Boogaloo: your BD-ROM drive, your casing, your HDMI hardware, your wifi, etc.


$299 + $10 * 24 months = $539.

That seems too cheap when the console by itself is said to cost $499.

Something's fishy here.


This may be the first console in quite some time that I don't actually want as soon as it launches. I've not used my Xbox 360 in a few weeks now, the last two console games I bought (TR and Bioshock Infinite) I got for the PS3.

PS4 is really appealing to me, but I'll reserve judgement for this until I see it.

At 499 $ I prefer to reserve my money, ps4 included. No way in this time I will pay this money. I don't know what this company thinking but a console at 499 bunks is send to dead for the first years. We are not in 2006 again, world economy is a disaster, the vg market is decreased. No way to hell to save the market with those price.
For launch you need to pull in the core to drive sales. Multimedia and gimmicks come later.

Which is exactly why I hesitate to own the 360 successor - for all of Sony's casual antics (Move and Wonderbook), they didn't push those to the front end like MS did with Kinect.

To me it's all really about the gaming experiences, and MS has been neglecting that end for the past few years. Gears, Forza and Halo aren't enough for me - not when I look at the Sony stable of IPs.

Ultimately, I worry that MS will feign their love of gamers - only to follow the same 360 strategy and pretty much ignore them after a few years, to go after mainstream multimedia entertainment...which is not what I want from a gaming system. I have more faith in Sony, staying with gaming IPs, than I do MS.

I hope MS can WOW people and have sincerity toward gaming, but I'm doubtful.
Regarding the price:

Remember that Sony sell a lot of consoles in Europe where they can shaft us over the price and make up some of the money lost on a low US price. The next Xbox, on the other hand, will likely be dead on arrival in Europe, especially if rumours are true. So Microsoft needs a higher price in the only market they are viable.


Internet-connected. The next Xbox must be internet-connected to use. This is source of the “always on”/“always online” rumors and isn’t as Draconian as many seem to believe.

Please explain how "always online" can not be as draconian as many seem to believe.
What do you want to bet that after the official MS pr event that the always online thing will still be confusing? They won't even mention it directly.
I'm now convinced that Microsoft is leaking some bullshit to make things seem better when they're finally revealed.

I'm inclined to believe the always online and always Kinect rumors are true. We've seen too much evidence at this point.

But, $500 as a standard price? lol no

That's just a setup for everyone to be excited that it's got a starting price of $350 or something like that.
Yet, these nasty always-on/DRM/anti-used games rumors have come back with a vengeance and frequency.

And kotaku changed,again
"What We're Not Sure About The Next Xbox

That it requires an "always-online" internet connection. This one's strange. We've heard from some sources that the console will definitely need to be online to start playing games. Others have said this isn't the case. Some are even suggesting that it's the console's entertainment and TV capabilities that will need this, not your games. Because of this confusion, it goes in the maybe pile."

Seems the 180 turn and turn and turn won't end until May 21
when is the last time you guys used a console that had no ethernet cable plugged into it ?

That's not the question I want to answer.

The question I want to answer is when have I had gaming sessions interrupted by Time Warner Cable and internet problems? I'm going to say at least 20 times in the past 2 years.
Internet-connected. The next Xbox must be internet-connected to use. This is source of the “always on”/“always online” rumors and isn’t as Draconian as many seem to believe.


Were not stupid.


Regarding the price:

Remember that Sony sell a lot of consoles in Europe where they can shaft us over the price and make up some of the money lost on a low US price. The next Xbox, on the other hand, will likely be dead on arrival in Europe, especially if rumours are true. So Microsoft needs a higher price in the only market they are viable.

He is absolutely guessing at the price and pricing models.


What do you want to bet that after the official MS pr event that the always online thing will still be confusing? They won't even mention it directly.

Yes, MS really needs to be crystal clear on this or else C-L-U-S-T-E-R-F-U-C-K as DigitalOp put it.


it just further perpetuates this negative narrative being unfurled before their eyes. Why they wouldn't clarify it with a controlled leak once and for all through a mouth piece like a Paul Thurrot, Major Nelson or perhaps to better effect Polygon, is beyond me.

It's a stink they can't shake and maybe there's a very good reason for that *sniff*sniff*

That latest VGleaks article was more than a controlled leak imo. It went into high detail and it conveniently came after the "Sweet Billy" fiasco.


What do you want to bet that after the official MS pr event that the always online thing will still be confusing? They won't even mention it directly.
I have a feeling we won't know absolutely everything until November a week or two before it launches.


What do you want to bet that after the official MS pr event that the always online thing will still be confusing? They won't even mention it directly.

If it goes on up to the eleventh hour with some wishy-washy pr double speak not clarifying the issue, then fuck them, fuck right off.
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