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Kotaku: "Only 90% of Xbox One GPU usable for games"- PS4 GPU up to 66% more powerful?

Foxix Von

Seems strange, It was a root level category before, and interacting with friends is/was a cross media thing.

Will there still be party chat or are they replacing that with Skype? If so, will Skype on Xbox One integrate 'game' related info and functionality? Replace the friends list entirely?

That's pretty much what I took away from the conference. Makes sense to integrate the two.

Heck, maybe the friends list isn't even under Games, it might just be integrated into the Skype app.


Gemüsepizza;58981249 said:

It was already mentioned in another thread but it didn't get that much attention, although I find it pretty surprising: According to Kotaku, the Xbox One can only access 90% of the GPU ressources for games (1.107 TFLOPS).

So I think if the PS4 doesn't reserve a similar, noticable amount, which doesn't seem to be that far-fetched in my opinion, this would make the PS4 GPU not 50% but 66% more powerful (or the Xbox One GPU 40% less powerful, instead of 33%). Please lock if unnecessary.

Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding. And I think they have multitasking for social integration as well. And user interfaces.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding.

There's hardware in PS4 for video encoding etc. And a secondary 'companion chip' that apparently helps coordinate some of this stuff.

Obviously some GPU will be reserved on PS4, how much I don't know... but 'even' PS3 and 360 reserved a sliver of GPU time IIRC.


Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding. And I think they have multitasking for social integration as well. And user interfaces.

You dont know that. It doesnt seem to take alot on wii u to do the same thing.
Well, there'd be notifications and stuff happening on one overlay (or plane) managed by the OS.

The VGLeaks docs also mention GPU resources reserved in relation to Kinect, IIRC.

Notifications about tasty new flavors of Doritos, rendered in beautiful 3D graphics managed by the OS?

Resources reserved for Kinect so they can count the people looking at the notifications about tasty new opportunities to enjoy Doritos with an ice-cold Mountain Dew?
Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding. And I think they have multitasking for social integration as well. And user interfaces.

I thought video encoding would be done by a special chip for this share/stream feature? They will probably use the same stream for remote play, I guess.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sort of off topic here, but thinking about Skype, I'm wondering : where is the friends list in the Xbox One OS?


People was shown under My Pins in one of the UI shots they released.

There's also an "..." icon on all the UI tabs which will probably bring up more options.

The most interesting part of the article for me was information about how suspension and game state works.

So when you leave the game (going back to the home screen or putting the console to sleep probably), it gets into suspended mode. It still takes all the 5GBs of memory for that, so if you start another game, that one is killed.
The game can save it's state to the hard drive before that though, but it's a game specific thing, not an real "save state" like you would have on an emulator for example. So it's up to the game to decide what to do, and it could be as simple as just saving the chapter the player is on, and the next time the game loads, it brings the player back to that spot bypassing the main menu (but still loading everything again).

They also talk about the game not being able to save the state (I assume cases like the power going off, or it failed to save the data in usable time, etc). In that case it starts fresh, so it would make sense to still have manual saves to ensure player progression is saved.
Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding. And I think they have multitasking for social integration as well. And user interfaces.

There is an "other shit" chip which is probably an ARM SoC with dedicated encode/decode hardware and some cheap stacked RAM. Tegra 4, for example, costs around $28 and that would be absolute overkill. A cheap dual core ARM A9 with 512MB stacked RAM and dedicated encode/decode hardware would be $10-12 total. No main system resources wasted and it is useful for a LP mode (updating while on standby etc...) and shutting system functions out from hackers.


Ummm then how come Forza 5 looked THAT good? (assuming it was indeed in-game)!

Then we should expect Wonders from PS4! O_O


What was the difference between 360 and PS3? In flops? That was 400 vs 240, we still saw comparable looking games. I still cant believe how naieve a lot of us are. We should be directly comparing the exclusives with video and screenshots. Theoretical flops are highly subjective.


What was the difference between 360 and PS3? In flops? That was 400 vs 240, we still saw comparable looking games. I still cant believe how naieve a lot of us are. We should be directly comparing the exclusives with video and screenshots. Theoretical flops are highly subjective.

The PS3 and 360 had quite different architectures so tflops comparisons don't mean much in that case.


PS4 already has 2 cores reserved (Killzone SF slides) confirmed. 3GB reserved for PS4 OS is likely based on some posts from a developer and the way ERP (works for Sony) is acting on B3D.

I think it doesn't take a rocket scientist to assume they'll reserve from the GPU as well if MS is doing it it must be a desirable/necessary thing.

PS4 reserves 2 core for now, but according to Eurogamer article, OS reservations aren't locked down yet and developers will have access to at least six of the eight cores. So logically it can only go up from that.

According to PS4daily, PS4 doesn't reserve 3 GB RAM, but instead only 1 GB. So that means that it has 7 GB available for games. Besides, PS4 doesn't have 3 operating systems + mandatory Kinect to feed so this makes sense.

Don't know about GPU reservations, no info there.
What was the difference between 360 and PS3? In flops? That was 400 vs 240, we still saw comparable looking games. I still cant believe how naieve a lot of us are. We should be directly comparing the exclusives with video and screenshots. Theoretical flops are highly subjective.

Not in this case because hardware architecture was very different this gen, next gen PS4 and Xbone share a similar architecture (identical?) so the power difference will be readily identifiable. Last time around developers had to work around an asymmetric processor and shit GPU on PS3 an most didn't bother so the power gap was not visible since the system was not being used to its maximum potential. Where it was the gap was quite noticeable (first party vs first party on each platform was an easy win for Sony). This time every developer can access the extra PS4 power without any difficulty, in fact it will be automatic in most cases and the PS4 version of games will run noticeably smoother with less tearing and frame drops.


the kotaku article in the OP mentions how this makes it easier to play a game like dark souls because you can "save anywhere".

um, what? you can already save anywhere in dark souls. it's called "doing anything" because the game is always saving.

if the console lets you save state and load a previous state, then yes, it could be used to give an advantage in a game like dark souls. otherwise, no.


Hey guys

Hope this might help you. Info is sent by a Eurogamer member called "The-Jack-Burton" who can't post here yet.

ITT People are wondering how much system memory devs have access to with the PS4

"Sony has worked to carefully balance the two processors to provide maximum graphics power of 1.843 teraFLOPS at an 800Mhz clock speed while still leaving enough room for computational tasks. The GPU will also be able to run arbitrary code, allowing developers to run hundreds or thousands of parallelized tasks with full access to the system's 8GB of unified memory."



lol Xbox One and DBZ comparisons. Time to clear things up.

DBZ was awesome and still watchable
Xbone blows so far and you wont be able to use it when it reaches DBZ age.


What was the difference between 360 and PS3? In flops? That was 400 vs 240, we still saw comparable looking games. I still cant believe how naieve a lot of us are. We should be directly comparing the exclusives with video and screenshots. Theoretical flops are highly subjective.

You don't seem to know the meaning of "subjective" vs. "objective".

These two system will have an extremely similar architecture (with some enhancements in compute and memory for the PS4), they are very comparable: In raw FLOPS alone, PS4 will have at least a 50% advantage, all the other components that are better will only add to this.

Xbox 360 and PS3, on the other hand, are much more different in their relative strengths and weaknesses and therefore less easily compared (but it's clear they are still extremely close).

Many of the encoding duties seem to be handled by a dedicated ARM system on the PS4.
I don't think anyone expected Microsoft to dedicate over half of the 360's entire GPU resources to background tasks. Considering how performance constrained next generation titles are going to be on XBone as it is, this makes an already bad situation even worse.
What was the difference between 360 and PS3? In flops? That was 400 vs 240, we still saw comparable looking games. I still cant believe how naieve a lot of us are. We should be directly comparing the exclusives with video and screenshots. Theoretical flops are highly subjective.

Because there was a major difference in arhitecture and the devs encountered issues while doing PS3 games. X360 also has some major advantagaes, such as ultra high bandwith eDRAM. These advantages are gone. Getting much higher performance from the PS4 is going to be a trivial task.
only 90%? not the 100%? blasphemy!

I'm sure PS4 will use the 110%


well I might be wrong but I think reserving a small amount of the GPU for non-gaming purposes isn't strange at all
lol Xbox One and DBZ comparisons. Time to clear things up.

DBZ was awesome and still watchable
Xbone blows so far and you wont be able to use it when it reaches DBZ age.

And Xbox One is not likely to ever feature a game with Akira Toriyama character designs (especially an RPG lololololololol).
Problem: Every game is streamable to a Vita, so the PS4 GPU can't run at 100 % for games, it has to do a lot of encoding. And I think they have multitasking for social integration as well. And user interfaces.

The PS4 has another chip for streaming \ recording games and remote play .
So no it does not uses any of the cpu\gpu for that stuff .


I don't think anyone expected Microsoft to dedicate over half of the 360's entire GPU resources to background tasks. Considering how performance constrained next generation titles are going to be on XBone as it is, this makes an already bad situation even worse.

10% = over half?

Is it possible that we may get XBone games at a lower FPS than PS4 games at some point?

Probably, but I wouldn't expect a huge difference in multiplatform games. Publishers always strive for parity because they don't want to anger fanboys on either side. I'd say you may expect locked 30 fps for PS4 and 30 with drops for Xbox 1, maybe with some effects disabled on the Xbox version.
So Sony won't be offering suspend states or multitaksing features on the PS4?

That's pretty disappointing considering they were such great features on the Vita.
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