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Final Fantasy Tactics S - First Trailer


I knew I dare not trust SE pm mobile after all these shits. Feeling justified right at first battle gameplay footage.


One by one, all the series I love die or meet a fate worse than death.



Wow, it looks more like Suikoden with its huge player-controller party.

No more battlefield grid or terrain traversal then?


The joke is, I'd love to try a version of FFT that is like Ogre Battle. It would have to have the poorly digitalzed "FIGHT IT OUT" command and everything.
The "S" stands for shit, I take it?

Look, recycling old assets to make a mobile game I'm ok with. If they can make some money doing that, by all means, go for it.
Hopefully that means if/when we see an actual new Tactics game, it'll be on consoles / handhelds.
This is just squashing FFT down into it's most basic form and then putting into onto smartphones. I would love a new one created for the Vita with great looking sprites, new jobs, locations, abilities etc.

But it seems I am doomed to watching Square waste their great titles on this crap. Once FFX/FFX-2 is released I am done with this BS (unless they release FFXII of course)


I decided to give it a try, myself.

First, this is definitely a money-grubbing smartphone game, no two ways about it. You can only take so many actions before you have to use an elixir to extend your stamina bar, and of course you can buy those with money (or you can just wait for your bar to refill over time).

That said, I think there's more to this than people are really giving it credit for. In the game, each unit has unique stats and abilities. Even amongst units of the same class.

The bodyguard on the left is classified as a front-line character, and has an ability called kamaitachi that can attack the whole front enemy line. The archers are classified as mid-line characters, but they each have a different ability. The first one has aim: head which can target two squares directly in front of the archer, and the second one has charge which increases attack power.

Of course, being the kind of game this is, you can also spend money to get better characters right off the bat, like these.

A black mage with fira and a green mage with brave.

You can also equip your units, and upgrade their equipment via a blacksmith by using items you find in battle. And on the pre-battle screen, you get lots of info to help you determine which units to deploy, including enemy weaknesses, and if I scroll down on the page there, it'll tell me the requirements for the quest, like the reward, number of turns I have to win in, and other information like that.

The battles occur automatically, but they'll play out differently depending on which units you have deployed. This is very much like Ogre Battle or Venus & Braves. Your strategy takes place before battle, and then you get to watch it play out. Of course, both OB and V&B do have a limited amount of interactivity in battle, like V&B's ability to shuffle rows and classes having different abilities based on what row they're in. This is obviously simpler than that. But I still find it interesting enough to continue playing. ... whenever my stamina recharges.


First, this is definitely a money-grubbing smartphone game, no two ways about it. You can only take so many actions before you have to use an elixir to extend your stamina bar, and of course you can buy those with money (or you can just wait for your bar to refill over time).

Uuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I appreciate the analysis of the gameplay in the rest of the post, but the "stamina bar" limitation crap in f2p games really need to die. It's fucking awful. >_<


It's not a replacement for a real tactics game, but if they actually translated it and put it on Vita I'd play it.


Uuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I appreciate the analysis of the gameplay in the rest of the post, but the "stamina bar" limitation crap in f2p games really need to die. It's fucking awful. >_<

Yeah, it is. It seems to regenerate at an okay rate, though. I got 3 units in 10 minutes. Of course, even at that rate, with battles taking 9 units, it means I will get to a point where I can only do one battle per half hour.
Hey you know what was good? Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1.

Hey you know what was meh? Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced/A2 for the GBA.

Lets make a continuation of the meh ones, but also gut the gameplay.

Keep that downward spiral going square!


This is the future of all gaming, isn't it. Companies need to compete with WOW-level recurring fees so they work out more and more ways to incur costs in absurd ways like health regeneration.


Hey you know what was good? Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1.

Hey you know what was meh? Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced/A2.

Keep that downward spiral going square!

FFTA2 is really great in all ways except the story, honestly. The gameplay itself is better than FFT's.


FFTA2 is really great in all ways except the story, honestly. The gameplay itself is better than FFT's.

FFTA2's balance was really messed up. There were a bunch of classes that were useless you avoided, then there were some broken ones that could fly across the entire map and kill things in a hit. The actual game was also very short if you ignore sidequests, and doing the sidequests meant you were hilariously overpowered for the rest of the game.

I really liked it but I still think FFT is the better game.


Oh, also class being tied to race made some races useless. Moogles were so bad, and the flying/seeq races had a limited amount of jobs, usually with 1 really good one then some filler.

That said I'm gonna give this a try if it's free, why not. You can always try it and not spend any money on it if you don't want to, and I really doubt we're getting more FFT anyway seeing as how they are distancing themselves from anything Ivalice after Matsuno left


This game is what it's like when you're taking a shit that feels big coming out, but then when you see it as you go to flush it's even bigger and nastier than you had imagined.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Uninspiring that the entirety of this "thing" only has a single map of a bland Square.

Nothing really tactical other then attack whatever is in front of you.

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