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Microsoft cancels post-E3 media roundtable

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Oh MS.... sometimes i feel like their PR people must all be doing that L.A. Noir "I can't even..." gif down the stairs all day long ...

To be charged with spinning some of this stuff onto positives... uhg.. what a fuckin stressful job.
Oh MS.... sometimes i feel like their PR people must all be doing that L.A. Noir "I can't even..." gif down the stairs all day long ...

To be charged with spinning some of this stuff onto positives... uhg.. what a fuckin stressful job.

Theyre job wasnt that fucking hard. Had they shown a decent amount of games to begin with, a lot of this shit wouldn't be this bad right now. We saw practically nothing on the gaming front. That hurts when you do that at a gaming console reveal. Its obvious, and yet completed over their heads. Incredible.

Mikey Jr.



Holy shit.


If they aren't actually replacing it with some other media event... I... I don't even know what to say... I guess MS, you've been committing a slow suicide for a while now. It's really painful to watch.
Wii U sold over 3 million from launch till the new year. Then it only sold 600k since January. The poster said XB1 would sell to early adopters off of name alone and then sales would tank.

it sold only 2 million in that time not 3 and a little less than 600k since jan


They don't need a roundtable. Microsoft promised to kill Sony and Nintendo, so there's nothing to talk about. Competition is dead. All hail King XBone!


"There can be only [Xbox] One!"

The best thing Microsoft can probably say at this point is nothing. The longer they hold off giving any concrete definitive answers, the longer they have to gauge public reaction and observe their competition.

Saying nothing means they get to keep people interested longer if they're at all aware that many of the current decisions are unpopular ones. Video game enthusiasts are not the target audience for this thing and not giving straight answers aids in stopping or slowing the dissemination of information by them to people that aren't on these forums or that don't make as informed purchases.

If Sony has a very similar strategy, then there's very little chance Microsoft will reverse their stance. Although, we don't have any definitive answers as things are being kept deliberately nebulous at this point so it could be said that Microsoft has no stance at all.

So let people become invested in your machine and your games for it and at the last moment you can, let them know everything so that hopefully they'll have accepted it by that point or they'll already be emotionally invested in your platform making the decision not to buy a harder one.
They don't want to have to come up with elaborate lies or schemes to twist the truth on the fly. They know if they tell the truth outright everyone will be angry. Xbox one, more like Xbox Done amirite?
I am really trying to remain optimistic about this new console, and really enjoy my Xbox 360. Honestly? I am struggling to stay positive about the Xbox One until after E3 then make my decision. ...I hope it ends up in a win for Microsoft.

Consoles are a waste of money, save up for a bit longer and build yourself a PC.


I'm thinking they're putting pressure on Sony, whose conference is later that day, to field the DRM questions. Sneaky sneaky.
They couldn't arrive at a way to spin effectively, didn't want a repeat of their reveal.

Seriously though, they'd better be very clear in their press conference, about all this online DRM shit.

I doubt they will clear anything up after E3. They're just going to show the masses some shinny shit, release the console, and wait for the cash to roll in from the uninformed.



I'm thinking they're putting pressure on Sony, whose conference is later that day, to field the DRM questions. Sneaky sneaky.
So they can get roasted all day leading up to Sonys conference? I'm hoping they kill all the questions and let out a FAQ on all that crap before Monday.


Unconfirmed Member
Before I could ever even consider buying an Xbox One in the future, I need a journalist or gaming blogger to ask a Microsoft executive upfront:

"Do you intend to run the Xbox One servers for as long as Microsoft is a company, or will purchased games no longer function once the servers are shut down years from now?"

I will NOT lease a game from Microsoft that should be my own property, and anyone who buys a game for the Xbox One has the right to know the answers to those questions.

Seriously it's absolutely insane that this question isn't being asked more often by the press. It's by far the biggest issue with DRM and no used games. There are other issues with DRM and no used games too, but they don't matter if at the very least this one isn't answered.


So they can get roasted all day leading up to Sonys conference? I'm hoping they kill all the questions and let out a FAQ on all that crap before Monday.

They had better do something like that cuz they'll be getting roasted from now until then ANYWAYS by this news alone lol


Before I could ever even consider buying an Xbox One in the future, I need a journalist or gaming blogger to ask a Microsoft executive upfront:

"Do you intend to run the Xbox One servers for as long as Microsoft is a company, or will purchased games no longer function once the servers are shut down years from now?"

I will NOT lease a game from Microsoft that should be my own property, and anyone who buys a game for the Xbox One has the right to know the answers to those questions.

If they said yes, would you believe them?
Can there please be some positive xbox news for once.

There's 5 billion transistors
Forza will be 1080p and 60fps
we've spent a billion dollars on new titles
there will be 15 new titles in 1 year
the cloud will provide 40x the power of xbox 360

You want to see these things in action?? TBA ok but look at the numbers !!!
Can there please be some positive xbox news for once.

You want positive news?

Here's a simple guide:

1. Rewatch the Xbox One reveal event and forget about everything else you've heard so far regarding the system.

2. Watch the pre-E3 Microsoft press conference.

3. Do not visit any gaming sites until November 2013 except Xbox.com and Major Nelson's blog.

4. Purchase your Xbox One console day-one with all the other Microsoft diehards.

^ A quick and easy way to remain blissfully ignorant.
You want positive news?

Here's a simple guide:

1. Rewatch the Xbox One reveal event and forget about everything else you've heard so far regarding the system.

2. Watch the pre-E3 Microsoft press conference.

3. Do not visit any gaming sites until November 2013 except Xbox.com and Major Nelson's blog.

4. Purchase your Xbox One console day-one with all the other Microsoft diehards.

^ A quick and easy way to remain blissfully ignorant.

More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week)
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats)
A patient better driver
A safer car (baby smiling in back seat)
Sleeping well (no bad dreams)
No paranoia
Careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole)
Keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then)
Will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in wall)
Favours for favours
Fond but not in love
Charity standing orders
On sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants)
Car wash (also on sundays)
No longer afraid of the dark
Or midday shadows
Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace
Slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now self-employed
Concerned (but powerless)
An empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism)
Will not cry in public
Less chance of illness
Tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat)
A good memory
Still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
No longer empty and frantic
Like a cat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness)
Fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig
In a cage
On antibiotics


I assume they would like to wait for Sony to have to finally say something before they open their damned mouths about another thing


Before I could ever even consider buying an Xbox One in the future, I need a journalist or gaming blogger to ask a Microsoft executive upfront:

"Do you intend to run the Xbox One servers for as long as Microsoft is a company, or will purchased games no longer function once the servers are shut down years from now?"

I will NOT lease a game from Microsoft that should be my own property, and anyone who buys a game for the Xbox One has the right to know the answers to those questions.
If that's your concern, don't buy an Xbox One. Microsoft have a history for supporting their products for long after you think anyone would still be using them, but everything gets sunsetted eventually. Happened to the original Xbox, will happen to the 360, and definitely will happen to the One.
You want positive news?

Here's a simple guide:

1. Rewatch the Xbox One reveal event and forget about everything else you've heard so far regarding the system.

2. Watch the pre-E3 Microsoft press conference.

3. Do not visit any gaming sites until November 2013 except Xbox.com and Major Nelson's blog.

4. Purchase your Xbox One console day-one with all the other Microsoft diehards.

^ A quick and easy way to remain blissfully ignorant.

Exactly. Xbox Magazine just gave The Last Of US (PS exclusive getting rave reviews) a 7 out of 10. So if you want only good news!


I'll just be blunt because I have no idea: is this actually a big deal?
As Microsoft are now viewed to be actively avoiding answering questions about a console that is more Greek God myth than man at this point, yes, this is a huge deal.
I'll just be blunt because I have no idea: is this actually a big deal?

Avoiding a time to show more games, the systems potential, and finally get some positive momentum for a change. Cancelling something expected that could do this in the process.

It's a big deal.

It tells us how much faith Microsoft has in what they are doing...


I'll just be blunt because I have no idea: is this actually a big deal?
It's only a big deal to those that somehow think that this means MS will avoid answering any questions at all pertaining to all the ones they've left unanswered up to this point in an effort to deceive peeps into buying something before they have to disclose the horror lol.
I assume they would like to wait for Sony to have to finally say something before they open their damned mouths about another thing
Why? Before the Xbone reveal there were many people in the media and here at GAF claiming MS isn't concerned about Sony and that their main competitor is Apple! What happened to all that?


Neo Member
Makes sense based on the rumors that they are having problems, the fake presentation, and that Sony caught them off guard


Why? Before the Xbone reveal there were many people in the media and here at GAF claiming MS isn't concerned about Sony and that their main competitor is Apple! What happened to all that?
It all changed after DAT 8 GB GDDR5.

Srsly. With the original amount of global memory available (4 GB) the PS4 could only have been a PS2 ver. 2.0. It could not have fostered a large social/media entertainment environment due to the memory footprint of all those programmes running in the background (would've quickly maxed out their alotted memory budget, or started eating into game quality). Having their environment constraints suddenly dropped means the PS4 can, theoretically and if Sony so wishes, do the exact same things the Xbone can (minus the Kinec2.0 stuff, obviously) cheaper (since their process is based on a simpler, easier to build arch). In fact, thanks to Vita's global remote play (just add Gbit WiFi) it can do more.

MS is in HFS mode for a simple reason: up until now, an architecture followed the old adage: cheap, simple, powerful, pick any two. They themselves only managed to pick one, due to various causes, related mostly to corporate positioning. Owing to Cerny's fanatical belief in the memory producers' abilities, and a stroke of good luck on the latters' part, Sony managed to pick all three. MS doesn't have to fight only Google (who haven't made a move yet), or Apple (whose AppleTV kinda whiffed), but also their main intra-industry rival, who got mad lucky.
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