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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies


Considering the next gen hasn't even started yet .. it matters almost none. By the time November comes around, the average consumer who even knew about the DRM stuff will have long, LONG since forgotten about all of it.

GAF will hold onto it for as long as they can, but the real world will not.

This. Still heaps of time for advertising and word of mouth to spread the DRM changes.

Now all they need to do is drop the price / kinectless sku and things will get interesting.


Now confirm they won't steal my MS points in a year, drop the price and confirm the specs are in line with Ps4, and maybe all will be forgiven for this cluster fuck.


Family sharing was never more than a PR stunt.

1 Developers could opt out
2 Developers could opt out
3 Developers could opt out

This is why it was never finalized. This is why they never tried to show us the "positive" of an always online console outside of buzz words like cloud gaming.

MS wouldn't have opted out. So first party games could have been shared. Now they can't.
Looking back through the thread where the DRM was initially announced is amazing now.

The eventual wall of shame for this debacle is going to be huge.


I don't get this way of thinking. There hasn't been any damage done. The console isn't even out yet.

Are you always this incredibly shortsighted? They created a fucking PR nightmare for their company. It's probably the WORST thing you can do when trying to launch a new product.

Make no mistake, this epic cluster fuck will be studied by schools and businesses on how NOT to launch a new product.
Was never a big fan of totalbiscuit, but he lost any shred of possible respect I could have ever had for him. Seems to me like he didn't have a real foot in this argument and since his "side" lost he's just going to try and low blow people to make a point.

The fuck's he going to realize he just makes crappy gaming videos on the internet, what has he done for these same people he's so proud to use as a bash for everyone else?



This guy, nelson, needs to go. He got told by Joe, period. In fact, all of MS xbox suits need to go after this debacle.

And L.O.L. at the people thanking MS for this wonderful "Fan Service". If you think for one single moment that MS did this out of "good will" for their fans and not that absolute trashing they took from the press and most likely investors after reading such press, along with seeing all those polls and most likely "preorders", and finally their vaunted allies like EA saying "whoa-whoa-whoa, it wasn't us bro, it was all MS's idea", they had no choice but to revert all.

Now, regardless, there was even MORE to this factor. Sony also pulled a killshot on them when the price of $399 was announced. So they had no DRM/online check ins/used games fiasco's and a lower price.

Finally, considering Sony had both those in line, there could easily be truth behind MS having issues with production. So, less powerful, a bunch of anti-consumer stuff, more expensive, coming off of the most faulty console quality launch of all time, and not being able to put as many units as Sony on the shelves means massive lost sales.

MS had to do this to have a chance to survive this gen. I still wouldn't trust them one bit though, trying to pull some of the most ridiculous stunts ever in console history, all in one swoop at that.

Maybe I'll buy one a couple years down the road now, as long as they stay true their word right now, and they actually support the console throughout it's life, unlike the last two gens.
Fantastic post.

People can't forget that MS just tried to screw them over.


Consumer wins, does that ever happen?

Wonder where the pressure came from that finally made them cave.

I still have no interest in the XBone, but congrats to those that do.

I personally think major news outlets would have had a military shitstorm about the DRM making even non games dislike MS.

"This is what DRM is and why it is bad for gamers." vs. "Micrsoft's DRM policy and the effects on military overseas entertainment"
Great news, but Sony will have the momentum on preorders, and this won't get the headline news coverage that the uproar did. So it'll take MS time to turn this around, if they can.

Its June. They have plenty of time. At least they didn't wait till 2 weeks after launch.


power of the crowd > power of the cloud.


You want new online experiences and better XBox live so we give you game sharing and instant game changing.

You hate it and now want offline gaming and discs and no cloud, so we take Sony's route and remove DRM, region restrictions and always online.





Both of you, take a bow. Excellent work.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I bet Major Nelson's pissed off. He's been riding that DRM dick pretty hard the past few days. Looks like a complete dumbass now.

While this is on the whole good news, I'm kind of worried about what series of numpties (all up and down the management chain) at MS ever thought that this was a good idea in the first place.

And didn't do their market research properly.

And why they have apparently still got their jobs.

Got a horrible feeling this will re-emerge in some guise further down the line.

I'm worried about this too. But for the time being, it's atleast been delayed for one more generation.
Good for them. Now it's just the weaker specs, Kinect, and higher price they need to sell people some people here on. I'm not planning on XBox One on launch, but if they do decide to start listening I may decide on it later.
Well, still gonna just be PS3 and Vita for me for a couple years anyway. Kinda feel bad for Sony but they still vastly improved their (already decent) image, IMO.
It's not the NOISE it's all the people who DIDN'T PREORDER the piece of shit.
With most companies only money talks and even more so with Microsoft.
Thanks to those with a little restraint life is much better for those who were anxious to be XBoned.

Still, I'll pass

You want to know what sucks? I understand that there were a lot of people this was going to affect negatively, but I know for a fact that most of the people crying about it weren't going to be affected at all because they always do have access to the internet, kept their 360 online all the time anyway and were basically upset based on principle...

But was REALLY annoying is that a lot of people complaining were Sony fans who never intended to get an Xbox One anyway and were just trolling the Xbox One, I would say as much as half of the complaints were never getting an Xbox One and have now ruined it for all of us who were ready for the future. The benefits truly outweighed some of the bad imo, family game sharing was indeed TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE *cries


I assume today's new doesn't affect the changes they announced for Xbox Live accounts? Everyone logging in on your console will get Gold benefits?


they have no balls or integrity. Don Mattrick should be fired over this PR disaster
Why wasnt it this way from the beginning then Microsoft? Thought you could just get away with this bullshit?
The suits at Microsoft who thought up and made the decision to add the DRM to the X1 in the first place need to lose their jobs. Period. Don Mattrick also needs to be fired. Possibly Major Nelson too. Seriously, heads need to fucking roll up there in Redmond, WA. Anyone with half a clue and a pulse on current society & market knows that restricting used games and forcing always online is asking for serious trouble.

This policy reversal is a good step in the right direction, but it's not good enough:
- Remove the required Kinect (don't even bundle it with the console). One SKU, Kinect-free.
- Drop the launch price down to at least $399...$349 would be ideal since the X1 has weaker components than PS4
- Get rid of the whole "live TV" integration (almost nobody cares about it)
- Make online multiplayer free, or revise Xbox Live Gold so that it actually has real value, similar to PS Plus. Stop putting Netflix etc behind a paywall.

Do all that, and maybe Xbox One will start to look slightly more appealing to more consumers (not me). That said, it's very unlikely that MS can accomplish the above and still make their release date. Especially if hardware mass production has already begun.


I don't get this way of thinking. There hasn't been any damage done. The console isn't even out yet.

Oh damage has been done. Otherwise MS won't even do this stunt.

BTW you were the one who called this MS's action as 'biggest fan service ever'. such BS.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
all games will be available digitally. just buy the digital versions if you want that feature.

The thing is it used to be that we could buy digitally OR buy a disc and you could share your games digitally with family. Now it's a choice between sharing and having to use the disc or buying digitally and not being able to share. So for people who were comfortable with the DRM and were already going to buy the box this is a downgrade.

Having said that, in an interview with Kotaku Marc Whitten said they won't have share available "at launch" so there is hope that we'll see that feature brought back at some point.


He's right, though.

He is right, but also absolutely out of place. The hashtagging might not have changed Sony into doing the DMR thing because they already had almost decided what to do, but they surely changed Microsoft (even if their image is already hurt and a lot of people will remember the XBone / 180 for what has happened). Sure, it's nowhere in the same level, so what? Can't be happy about it anymore because of it?


Funny thing is how they justify DRM
always online stuff with "but you can play all my games in your house no Disc", "see always online has great benefits", M. Nelson sayings how great it is "what problem Joe".

I am not sure if you seen Aaron Greenberg On video talking and selling this DRM as the greatest thing ever for MS digital console future. Even saying "If you dont have internet dont get our console"

Wonder how he feels now.
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