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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies

Are the big pubs mad? Is someone at EA ready to blow? I mean I'm sure they loved this right?
Beyond that, it means that yes it is simply a matter of "flipping a switch" between all DRM everything and you owning your games. That's...Kind of unsettling.


download the games digitally.

note - this also works on PS4, PS3, 360, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PSP and DS

On PS3/PS4/Wii - if you buy digitally your games don't travel with you - they are tied to a maximum of 2 consoles and you have the hassle of registering/deregistering consoles all the time....it's such a pain. At least MS lets you take your digital games wherever you like....people underestimate that.


Good for you. Now you have a 50% less powerful machine. Enjoy...

Oh yeah don't forgett your $100 you'll need...

Keep it gamefaqs mate!

Really? Just because the PS4 is more likely the better option on paper it is still subjective. As incredible as it may seem to you some are going to go with the One over the PS4 and others will get both.


Can't wait to hear about how many new games will require the cloud to function and how it certainly isn't just a justification for always online DRM.


G***n S**n*bi
It can be turned off completely in software.
Great move by Microsoft...

But make no mistake, you can thank Sony for this, and in turn you can thank #PS4noDRM as well. If Sony hadn't rejected the publisher pressure, this would never have happened no matter the outcry.

I love legitimate competition =)

I believe this is 100% true.


Sweet I can gift these to sailors on subs without reservation again.

Now, can we keep our avatars and all the stuff we got for them?

I don't mind paying for kinect. Still can't recommend one over PS4 at this point though. Really MS needs to do something to transition all the CoD players over.



Now they can fire every single dumbshit who was onboard with the original idea. Cull the herd ruthlessly.

As long as any of those fuckers are in any position of authority, the threat of MS going back to their original nightmare 'vision' remains one 'software patch' away.

Oh, and the box is still $100 too expensive. And Kinect watches you masturbate.


Hipster Princess
Microsoft has no plans to change its decision for the Kinect to be on by default

Microsoft had no plans to drop their DRM either until they listened to our wallets.

I wouldn't be surprised if by launch there is an Xbone SKU without kinect and $100 or more cheaper.

And as for this "one time internet requirement for activation" or w/e it is, that would only be because of the current planned Xbone launch OS would have all of that nasty nasty DRM and they can't quite change their manufacturing process in time for launch. Hell, the actual update probably hasn't even been created let alone tested yet. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if launch games have the update on disc and 3months or more down the line that one time activation isn't required because all consoles will be manufactured with the updated OS.


That is an ok stance but that's not the angle I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who say things like "No MS ruined my trust forever etc.". That just seems like, well it seems like bullshit to me.

Unless MS do some major shift in Xbox management team, I can't trust their gaming division.

The best way to predict the future is look at the past events.


Wow. Woke up to some great fucking news.

kudos for doing the right thing.

And this is what grinds my gears. Why are we cheering and celebrating MS taking away this bullshit when they should have never implemented it in the first place? Now you want to come back on your hands and knees asking for forgiveness? Fuck that noise. You tried it once. You'll try it again. That's why I can not in good faith buy the Xbone not until it's at most $350-400. Sony and Nintendo might have done some stupid things in the past, but none of them had the balls to pull this shit.
You don't sell anything you own?

Usually no I haven't traded in a games or sold a game or blu ray since mmm maybe 95 back when GameStop was software etc lol.

Other stuff I usually give to family since it is an upgrade for them...oh I did sell a iPhone 4S 64g for like 400 something awhile back....but yeah usually nope.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist

Mixed feelings about this one.
On one hand, the DRM policies MS had in place would definately not be an issue for me, even the always connected because at home, besides the fiber-Internet, I have redundancy for it in case it would go down, with a 4G/LTE mobile modem. Basically, Armageddon has to happen before my internet connection goes down...

And also, I liked this differntiation of the console with this. But it was obvious that MS did not have a clear strategy together with publishers on this one.

MS would have had it soo much easier to enforce this if they would have made offers gamers could not refuse.

Because gamers are fickle SOBs..:)

For example.

1. MS has the most powerful hardware
- Gamers love powerful hardware and to have the top dog HW in the world, would have made the DRM a bit more easy to swallow.

2. Cheaper price for all games.
- MS should have from the beginning, when thinking about DRM, to have talked with publishers and said like: "This is what we have in mind, what do you think? There are this and this benefits for you, does it sound good? If MS could have made a case for devs/publishers, then hopefully it would have lead to cheaper games on the XB1 and because gamers are cheap bastards, this would have the DRM thing a bit more easily to swallow. (And obviously, DD games would be even more cheaper due to lacko media, distribution-partners etc etc)

3. With our without Kinect2.
-Maybe offer the possibility to do like.. Buy Kinect2 at the same time you buy an XB1, it cost 50dollars. Buying Kinect2 standalone, 99 (or whatever price). However, I do like that Kinect2 comes with the machine, but obviously, it adds to costs. But this option would have made it a bit easy for gamers to swallow the DRM.

4. $299
-Enough said.

This pricepoint coupled with cheaper price on games, plus more powerful hardware plus optional kinect2 as stated above, would more or less make the whole DRM issue much much more accepted.
MS failed to execute on all of this points..

Dracchus in the movie Gladiator (Actor Derek Jacobi) has a good quote that fits:

I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it's the sand of the coliseum. He'll bring them death - and they will love him for it.

Replace fitting words with DRM and voila.. it fits now as well.

So basically, MS is in dire need of a strategist!!! :)
So why not incentivize digital purchases by enabling family sharing and whatnot for non-disc purchases?

Oh yeah, because it was only meant as lubricant for the DRM bohica.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I dont exactly understand your point. They both want your money and they both realized that their audience wasn't going to accept "always on" at this point. The only reason either company would be "sympathetic to the consumer" is to ensure that they get your money. Are you really that naive?

Not all companies are exactly the same internally. Every corporation has a unique culture and way of doing things. I see this kind of thinking a lot whenever these topics come up - that every company just wants your money - they're all the same etc. etc. Have you had multiple jobs? Didn't you notice that not every workplace or company conducts itself exactly the same?

There's always going to be people that see their customers as a means to an end. But some value the patronage they receive, are passionate about pleasing people and see it as their responsibility to not only keep shareholders and bosses happy but valued customers as well. This isn't naïveté, it's a fact and anyone who has had multiple jobs at sleazy companies and finally found one they are proud to work for knows this.


The can still shop at retail for competitive pricing. Their ability to install the game and throw away the disc is not a consumer right.

Not for digital. You can't walk out of Gamestop day one with a new release redemtion code, and whatever exclusive content that retailer got. At least not yet. This change also killed the ability to resell digitally. Wasn't resell ability a basic consumer right? Where's the fight for justice now? It's just, "buy digitally, bro" and that's it. I thought people were fighting for what was right and just? So the battle's over? I guess people just wanted what was most important to them personally and not for the greater good of the consumer. Go figure.

I keep seeing this, but don't honestly understand it. What is the collector collecting in this example? A disc which retains no value? What is the point?

How does a disc you don't need to put in any less a collectible than one you do if the box is the same? It's still a disc in a box you can display on your shelf.


Good news for gamers. This does prove that they listen to what is said/written. At the same time I also just know that MS realized they screwed themselves for this console gen if they followed through with this. I feel like the attempt has only been postponed until the "next gen."

I want to like the XBO. I really do. Even after all this though I'm mad that they tried to pull this stunt and then berated us with their pointless PR tactics and spins.

At the end of the day they still attempted this crap, are charging $100 more than the PS4, and still requiring the Kinect 2.0 because of it. I'll never use the Kinect. Give a $399 XBO version without the Kinect and we could talk.

You know what would really strike a blow into Sony? If MS apologized for everything and then made online play FREE.
I can dream, right?


And this is what grinds my gears. Why are we cheering and celebrating MS taking away this bullshit when they should have never implemented it in the first place? Now you want to come back on your hands and knees asking for forgiveness? Fuck that noise. You tried it once. You'll try it again. That's why I can not in good faith buy the Xbone not until it's at most $350-400. Sony and Nintendo might have done some stupid things in the past, but none of them had the balls to pull this shit.

Why shouldn't we celebrate it? They did exactly what we wanted.

We can be like "hey, good work on this decision" while still maintaining other possible concerns about the device and not forgetting that they were going to do this.
And this is what grinds my gears. Why are we cheering and celebrating MS taking away this bullshit when they should have never implemented it in the first place? Now you want to come back on your hands and knees asking for forgiveness? Fuck that noise. You tried it once. You'll try it again. That's why I can not in good faith buy the Xbone not until it's at most $350-400. Sony and Nintendo might have done some stupid things in the past, but none of them had the balls to pull this shit.

Yeah, i don't get it... they are just luring them in, once they buy it they're helpless to their will. I'm never gonna own a Juan... not even as a gift... i'd take it as an insult.

What happens to the cloud?... i'm guessing it's gonna fall to the side and rarely be implemented or mandatory because not all users are gonna be always online... unless they want those w/o internet to have a sub-par experience.
That is an ok stance but that's not the angle I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who say things like "No MS ruined my trust forever etc.". That just seems like, well it seems like bullshit to me.

Oh. Well, trusting MS that much in the first place seems to be the problem. I usually go Sony/Nintendo because the games I want go that way. I'm still aware that Nintendo makes bad decisions and hates America and Sony let everything they know about me leak all over the place. Putting "trust" in corporations isn't smart. As consumers, our job is to do what's in our best interests. A game console isn't a dog, it doesn't become part of the family just because I play with it a lot.


How is that different than, we won't change the policy before you buy it, but after you buy it is up in the air? If you think I'm ready to get all buddy buddy with Microsoft after the sneaky stuff they have been trying to pull you are sorely mistaken. I planned to get all 3 consoles again this generation. Now the Xbox will be 2+ years before I pick it up, to be sure they don't fall back on their DRM policies.

They already talked to their "partners" about the DRM (including ubisoft etc.), I wonder if any of these "exclusive deals" were based partly on DRM. Only time will tell I guess.

That article you linked was a slant (an unfair one at that) against Xbox insinuating the interviewer did not get a straight answer from Microsoft when asked if they would change their policies in the future. Microsoft answered the interviewer and he did not push the issue any further. It's not as if they flat out dodged the question. Its the same as me saying Sony didn't say they won't ever change their policies, therefore they are unable to give me a definite answer so I doubt them.

It's dumb to think they will go back on this, it would be suicide.

Edit: Bottom Line though any way you cut it, you should always reference the direct source
And this is what grinds my gears. Why are we cheering and celebrating MS taking away this bullshit when they should have never implemented it in the first place? Now you want to come back on your hands and knees asking for forgiveness? Fuck that noise. You tried it once. You'll try it again. That's why I can not in good faith buy the Xbone not until it's at most $350-400. Sony and Nintendo might have done some stupid things in the past, but none of them had the balls to pull this shit.

People were praising Sony last week for simply not enforcing anti-consumer policies and keeping their policies the same as they always were.

It's worth saying kudos to them for doing the right thing, as it was with Sony. Praising them? No. But they didn't have to change, and its a good thing that they did so.

You don't have to personally translate that into a sale, but it shouldn't "grind your gears" that people are happy that MS changed their policies. Sony were complete shitheads at the start of the PS3 era, but they turned around too. Did you hold that against them forever? Of course not.


So why not incentivize digital purchases by enabling family sharing and whatnot for non-disc purchases?

Oh yeah, because it was only meant as lubricant for the DRM bohica.
Pretty much. It was a car freshener on top of a large splotch of dog sick. Since the car freshener was an extra expense, once they got rid of the vomit they took that away as well. After all, why would they give their users 'free value'?


While the changes were exciting, radical, and most of all scary, they would have probably sunk MS' games division. At least this way MS has a fighting chance against Sony, even though their console is 100 bucks more expensive and forces you to have a HAL 9000 watching you 24/7.


That article you linked was a slant (an unfair one at that) against Xbox insinuating the interviewer did not get a straight answer from Microsoft when asked if they would change their policies in the future. Microsoft answered the interviewer and he did not push the issue any further. It's not as if they flat out dodged the question. Its the same as me saying Sony didn't say they won't ever change their policies, therefore they are unable to give me a definite answer so I doubt them.

It's dumb to think they will go back on this, it would be suicide.

Edit: Bottom Line though any way you cut it, you should always reference the direct source

It's not suicide once you have 10-15 million consoles already invested. At that point either they sell the consoles or you get substantially more profit. They will move toward this DRM future before the end of the generation. You can count on that. They want everyone ready to accept a all download console next generation. They are always preparing people for the next release. Everyone with an Xbox expects to pay for gold now, that was never a thing with the original Xbox.... it is all progressive.

I am going to pick up a Xbox one, like I said. It will just be later than I had planned.

Business 101, Always do what is most profitable. Always, Always, Always.

Companies soul goal is to make as much money (and profit) as possible. They don't care whose toes they step on.
How weak and forgetful ppl can be. Microsoft have been shafting consumers since the begginimg and ppl let them get away with it every single time. They did it with lying about the rrod fiasco and rushing hardware, they did it with touting kinect as the next coming of Christ with smoke and mirrors which ended up being casual lag fest and now they tried ton take your manhood and stuck it in partially then pulled it out after you screamed rape and its OK?

Man a lot of gamers disgust me and it isn't a brand loyalty but principles at stake. The only reason Microsoft changed their mind is because it was too much negativity and they were getting screwed on all fronts. Don't be naive and think it was because they cared about the gamers.

So what now? You buy the Xbone and wait until Microsoft does the next shady thing? And its ok becuase they care about you guys now lol hahahaha man alot of you guys deserve the shafting. I'm so happy I have touched a Microsoft console since they knowingly sold faulty hardware and cost consumers time AnD money buying new 360s before they were forced in court to admit rrod and extend warranty. Alot of you guys for Halo would sell your soul Smh

Anyway %uck Microsoft and no i wont be buying the weaker, more expensive, kinect focused and spying xbone. Someone mentioned Forza lol looking the most next gen hahaha im sure he was being sarcastic but if not Killzone Sf and Infamous say hello.

Death to Microsoft. They need to pay for their lies and disrespect and inform one won't buy their crap.

Death to Microsoft, they don't fool me. They need to pay dearly for their avarice and disrespectful ways and ts pay by losing money.


Man, in case this wasn't already obvious, avoid the Xbone sub-reddit; they are piiiiiissed.

The one complaint I don't understand is everyone blaming the internet for this happening. What bullshit, blame Microsoft. They have been almost comically inept at handling this situation since the announcement if the Xbox One. This is textbook example of a PR disaster, and they have no one to blame but themselves for the overwhelming vitriol spewed towards the Xbox One.


They've never attempted to do something as moronic as Microsoft though.

Sony intentionally installed viruses on millions of computers to combat music piracy. Nintendo did all kinds of seriously fucked-up anti-competitive things in the 80s and 90s that led to Sony entering the console space to begin with.
So has any gaming website now started questioning Microsoft about how it will deal with 3rd party DRM? Now that the policies are the 'same' why isn't anyone questioning them?

If recent posts on gaming blogs are anything to go by I would say the Xbox isn't the only thing doing a 180. Now they're chastising gamers for complaining even though they scathingly reported every shred of negative press about the DRM and Online connectivity. Maybe MS muscled them into doing some dirty work by threatening to pull exclusive stories. I don't think we'll be getting any hard-hitting questions about DRM in the next few days (maybe weeks). All we'll be reading is positive spin. Mainstream media will eat this up as well since its a sound-byte about a company who "listened to their fans". It classic PR meltdown/backpeddling.

It's very much like the Godaddy/SOPA fiasco.

Yes I am aware I sound like a conspiracy nut.
Cheaper games... There is no way that was going to happen.

Do you really think the piracy 'problem' is so great?? I am sure it exists... but is it really taking the industry down?
Why shouldn't we celebrate it? They did exactly what we wanted.

We can be like "hey, good work on this decision" while still maintaining other possible concerns about the device and not forgetting that they were going to do this.

Great, celebrate it, remain sceptical and wait a good long time to make sure they don't try to fuck you over again.

I think it's odd that many people who were willing to them MS fuck them and now saying 'thank you for not fucking us'

This is really good news but don't blame anyone for waiting for the other show to drop


That just seems like, well it seems like bullshit to me.

They showed they have no regard for their consumer base. Now that they've reversed direction after a massive amount of blowback and we're supposed to say,"Hey guys, this is a different Microsoft from the Microsoft of last week." You know, those guys that told us to just 'buy a 360' if our internet was spotty? There are legitimate reasons to wonder if Microsoft gives a fuck about our interests after the past few months. No bullshit there.
They've never attempted to do something as moronic as Microsoft though.

Do you remember how anti competitive Nintendo was in the NES days?

Sony's PS3 launch was really bad for various reasons.

You're kidding yourself if you think these companies are your best friends looking out for your interests.

And this too shall pass.
Sweet I can gift these to sailors on subs without reservation again.

Now, can we keep our avatars and all the stuff we got for them?

I don't mind paying for kinect. Still can't recommend one over PS4 at this point though. Really MS needs to do something to transition all the CoD players over.

Are they going to have internet to download the day 1 patch to be able to activate the system and play offline? If the answer is no then your sailor friends are going to be shit out of luck. Most likely it will be a huge patch that is 1GB+ as well since they will begin manufacturing and shipping the console before software is ready.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Wow, I wake up to great news. But you know what? Fuck you for trying to pull this crap, MS. I'm not cheering or congratulating for what never should have been attempted in the first place. I was primarily an Xbox 360 gamer this past gen but MS lost all my goodwill. Try flip flopping on that.

I can't wait for my preordered PS4.
Can someone explain what DRM and Always online have to do with family sharing or installing your games? I find it odd they got rid of the very few good things they had going for it just so they can get rid DRM. I knew family share was a bullshit feature that came out of no where. It's as if they are trying to make us feel guilty anout this. lol


Gold Member
That is an ok stance but that's not the angle I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who say things like "No MS ruined my trust forever etc.". That just seems like, well it seems like bullshit to me.

Are you aware of Microsofts past legal troubles regarding monopolies and oligopolies?

It is perfectly valid, especially given the tone not 2 days ago.


Can someone explain what DRM and Always online have to do with family sharing or installing your games? I find it odd they got rid of the very few good things they had going for it just so they can get rid DRM. I knew family share was a bullshit feature that came out of no where. It's as if they are trying to make us feel guilty anout this. lol

DRM was needed due to the fact that you didn't need the disc in the drive once the game was installed.

I think the whole family share thing was trying to throw people a bone because they knew there would be backlash. Turns out people didn't want the bone as much as they expected.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
And this is what grinds my gears. Why are we cheering and celebrating MS taking away this bullshit when they should have never implemented it in the first place? Now you want to come back on your hands and knees asking for forgiveness? Fuck that noise. You tried it once. You'll try it again. That's why I can not in good faith buy the Xbone not until it's at most $350-400. Sony and Nintendo might have done some stupid things in the past, but none of them had the balls to pull this shit.
It's conditioning, you have to balance punishment with reward. If MS doesn't see any benefit from reversing their policies in this matter then they are far more likely to try again than if they see their fortunes improve for not doing it.
This is indeed a victory for gamers. While the ps4 will remain my only next gen console, this was the only way for ms to fight back. Dont see them moving the price tag.
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