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MS confirms indie program for XB1, was a big GamesCom surprise, angry at GI for leak


I think they will, for better or worse. I think it'll be similar to the Windows 8 store. As long as you have a dev license and your app passes a few basic tests, it goes on the store.

Which I'm all for.

Of course discovery is an issue. Especially since no-one has cracked that, and lots are trying (apple, google, valve, etc).
And you honestly think Microsoft will host every single one of the garbage games average bozos come up with on their Xbones?

And an Xbone dev kit is meaningless if many of their backward policies are still in place regarding things like slots and forced exclusivity. Devs will just take their games elsewhere.
Those were policies for being picked by MGS to publish your game on XBLA. And since you couldn't self publish on xbla you'd either acept that or try getting another publisher.

Self publishing removes that hurdle altogether... You just publish your game to the store, and if the game plays by the rules it gets released, you don't need to be approved or picked like a publisher would.

So this every console is a devkit thing kind of confirms the limitations that they are putting on the console. You can't have the libraries loaded and use the console to the maximum capacity.

Which is why probably self publishing will be done through the windows "partition". The apis there would be winRT and standard directX... Very performant, but not close to the metal.


So this every console is a devkit thing kind of confirms the limitations that they are putting on the console. You can't have the libraries loaded and use the console to the maximum capacity.

If you want full access to the hardware cant you just get a real dev kit?


Oh no, I know that. You can only play so many games of 'Try Not To Fart'.

Gaikai isn't available at launch either. It's not unusual. I think this will bring in a new generation of indie developers who've found a home on smartphone platforms, who can now move into the living room onto a massive ecosystem like Xbox LIVE.

It's an uncurated system I think, isn't it? I guess the only reason they'd block a game's sale is if it violated certain content restrictions. And no, those policies seem to be on the way out of this approach.

Oh yeah, that's true. But it's lowering the barrier to entry for everyone, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Marc Whitten seems to think it can. But I guess he would.

Apparently this whole self publishing thing isn't available at launch as well. Shows how forward thinking MS has really been. Again I'm taking a wait and see approach. If this all works out then great on them, but this all seems very reactionary to what the competition has been doing and how outspoken other indies have been.


Apparently this whole self publishing thing isn't available at launch as well. Shows how forward thinking MS has really been. Again I'm taking a wait and see approach. If this all works out then great on them, but this all seems very reactionary to what the competition has been doing and how outspoken other indies have been.

They had self publishing on the XBox 360, too. And yes, XBLIG was very forward thinking. This appears to be a continuation of that, and far more open than XBLIG ever was.
It's an uncurated system I think, isn't it? I guess the only reason they'd block a game's sale is if it violated certain content restrictions. And no, those policies seem to be on the way out of this approach.

The Apple App store does. So does the Windows 8 app store. And the Windows Phone 8 app store, and Google Play.

So did XBox Live Indie Games.

The market is full of examples of this happening, including Microsoft's own products. What on earth makes you think that they won't do it on their next console, too?

"Our intention is that there will not be an indie ghetto," Whitten said. "I do believe in some curation and I want the best to flow to the top. But I also want to be able to see what's trending on the surface."


Sounds curated to me.

To what extent, we'll have to wait and see.


Sounds curated to me.

To what extent, we'll have to wait and see.

Yeah. Its not like the iOS Store is totally uncurated, and neither are (I imagine) the existing Windows/Windows Phone stores or Google Play.

The fine print for both this and apps will be very interesting to see and what convinces me to buy one.


Now the world will get to play my Carlos Danger Dating Sim.

I do wonder how much these changes are due to the management changes.
There is curation in Sony's system as well.
You might want to follow the thread of the conversation. I never claimed there wasn't.

Apple does curating, too, of course.
Your response to my claim that Microsoft wasn't just going to let every game on the Xbone made by any average bozo was:

The Apple App store does. So does the Windows 8 app store. And the Windows Phone 8 app store, and Google Play.

So did XBox Live Indie Games.

The market is full of examples of this happening, including Microsoft's own products. What on earth makes you think that they won't do it on their next console, too?

Now you're saying "Oh, of course Apple does curating!" (which I'm fully aware of). So which is it?


Ah good. I've been saying that they'd announced it before launch. It seemed like the lowest-hanging fruit to pick off the negativity tree. Relatively simple to do, another talking point gone, all good.

Its obviously reactionary, not coming at launch, but still it sounds like a rather good implementation (no devkit required) will be the end result. Now all they have to confirm is there are no artificial barriers ala XBLIG, and that cboat made up the 3GB limitation.


You might want to follow the thread of the conversation. I never claimed there wasn't.

Your response to my claim that Microsoft wasn't just going to let every game on the Xbone made by any average bozo, your response was:

Now you're saying "Oh, of course Apple does curating!" (which I'm fully aware of). So which is it?

If I were to guess, minimal curating, similar to other app stores.

I guess it depends on what your "average bozo" is. If it's "hello world", then no, it probably isn't going to make it onto the store.


You might want to follow the thread of the conversation. I never claimed there wasn't.

Your response to my claim that Microsoft wasn't just going to let every game on the Xbone made by any average bozo was:

Now you're saying "Oh, of course Apple does curating!" (which I'm fully aware of). So which is it?

Apple and MS (WP8/W8) curate on a "it's not objectionable, it isn't porn, it doesn't freeze up every 5 seconds" level. They are not picky. We will all be playing Carlos Danger Dating Sim within a year's time.

Apple/MS take the "i know what porn is when I see it" approach when defining if an app is app-enough to be published.

Of course it's all conjecture until more info is released.

He also says there it won't be windows store apps:

With the Xbox One sharing the Windows environment alongside the now-titled "Xbox" operating system, with a hypervisor managing both operating systems, one possible way of allowing self-publishing on the Xbox One would be to allow it to run "Windows Store apps."

Whitten shied away from digging into the specifics of what architecture the Xbox One and Windows 8 will share, but said that when indies create things for the Xbox One they won't be "Windows Store apps" though, on the highest level, the desire is to allow developers to create things that can effortlessly move between Microsoft platforms.

"We would love for you to be able to roll something out and it would touch phones, consoles and Windows," he said. "But there is work we still need to do to make that easier for people."

If they are not just allowing self publishing through the windows OS than it might actually be a change of policy...

I do hope people can still develop and self publish store apps on xbone too. And that those apps can have the same capabilities as the ones Ms have already shown. (Like a hypothetical facebook app could be snapped to the side of the game while playing to upload a gameplay video directly to my timeline)


Why does Microsoft need a PR beat-down before they do anything correctly?

Always Online-> bad PR-> 24-hour check in-> More bad PR-> MS removes restrictions.

Obstructive Indie policies-> bad PR-> No self-publishing while both Sony and Nintendo offer it-> even more bad PR-> MS adds self-publishing.

Always on Kinect-> bad PR-> bad PR-> Kinect can be turned off but is always listening-> more bad PR-> Xbox One cannot function without Kinect-> Even more pad PR-> ?????

$499-> bad PR-> weaker console-> more bad PR-> ????

Seriously, just think before you act Microsoft.


He also says there it won't be windows store apps:

If they are not just allowing self publishing through the windows OS than it might actually be a change of policy...

I do hope people can still develop and self publish store apps on xbone too. And that those apps can have the same capabilities as the ones Ms have already shown. (Like a hypothetical facebook app could be snapped to the side of the game while playing to upload a gameplay video directly to my timeline)

Yeah I'm really hoping at the very least that Microsoft doesn't develop all the video apps (Hulu etc) in house again.


Why does Microsoft need a PR beat-down before they do anything correctly?

Always Online-> bad PR-> 24-hour check in-> More bad PR-> MS removes restrictions.

Obstructive Indie policies-> bad PR-> No self-publishing while both MS and Nintendo offer it-> even more bad PR-> MS adds self-publishing.

Always on Kinect-> bad PR-> bad PR-> Kinect can be turned off but is always listening-> more bad PR-> Xbox One cannot function without Kinect-> Even more pad PR-> ?????

$499-> bad PR-> weaker console-> more bad PR-> ????

Seriously, just think before you act Microsoft.

This is standard practice for MS. Never buy the first version of any software by MS, seems like they start to hone in around iteration 4. But that's where they're good- no matter how shitty their first version is, they keep improving. It's almost as if they are aware of this process.
I like the Xbox One can be a dev kit in of itself. PS4 should do that as well.

In total agreement, though I am really interested in how they could make it available to everyone yet still put up enough barriers to mitigate Joe Casual from outright clusterfucking their console and teaming up with some slimy lawyer for a lawsuit.


This is why I'm always for having at least 2, preferably 3 console manufacturers per generation. Sony came out guns blazing, MS came out of the gate limping and consumers let MS know they weren't happy by pre-ordering tons more PS4s than XboxOne's. (this has to be the case with how fast Microsoft is now trying to fix the issues)

If there was no PS4 coming out Microsoft would've had no reason to change and consumers would lose. This is why no matter which console you choose you should really be routing for all the consoles to be as successful as possible.


In total agreement, though I am really interested in how they could make it available to everyone yet still put up enough barriers to mitigate Joe Casual from outright clusterfucking their console and teaming up with some slimy lawyer for a lawsuit.

I don't see why that's a concern. Every windows PC is a dev machine, and that's not an issue.
This is standard practice for MS. Never buy the first version of any software by MS, seems like they start to hone in around iteration 4. But that's where they're good- no matter how shitty their first version is, they keep improving. It's almost as if they are aware of this process.
Kinda sucks for us core gamers since we're generally early adopters.

Endo Punk

This is why I'm always for having at least 2, preferably 3 console manufacturers per generation. Sony came out guns blazing, MS came out of the gate limping and consumers let MS know they weren't happy by pre-ordering tons more PS4s than XboxOne's. (this has to be the case with how fast Microsoft is now trying to fix the issues)

If there was no PS4 coming out Microsoft would've had no reason to change and consumers would lose. This is why no matter which console you choose you should really be routing for all the consoles to be as successful as possible.

Yeah, MS forced Sony into getting its act together last gen and now MS are forced to do the same. As long as there is competition gamers will be in good hands.


I'd be in the dick
Yeah, MS forced Sony into getting its act together last gen and now MS are forced to do the same. As long as there is competition gamers will be in good hands.

I agree whole heartedly. MS changing things before launch is also going to keep Sony on their toes. They'll need to really start bringing it with game announcements soon now that they're not coasting by on some of their early wins.

Endo Punk

I agree whole heartedly. MS changing things before launch is also going to keep Sony on their toes. They'll need to really start bringing it with game announcements soon now that they're not coasting by on some of their early wins.

So true. I feel Sony held far too much back at E3 because MS allowed them with their blunder. Can't wait to see how both Sony and MS bring it at Gamescom.
so if "no self-publishing until a year after launch" is true, I'd wager that the reason they're doing that is because they don't want to have to worry about sending pre-launch, relatively unoptimized dev kits to people, and spend time having to support and maintain that for a bunch of smaller companies and developers. For launch, they seem to be primarily focused on the AAA heavy hitters, and/or established publishers, which are a bit of a known quantity.

Instead, they'll wait for the "anyone can use their PC and retail Xbox to publish full games" stuff and then anyone can do whatever, since the infrastructure would be in place at that point.

Sony took the opposite approach of going ahead and sending out early devkits to indie devs and building that relationship up front.

Sony's approach gets the benefit of lots of indie support early on, and the messaging that comes along with that, at the cost of losing the random coder in their bedroom who wants to make a PS4 game. Random bedroom coder could theoretically still get a PS4 devkit, but they'd probably have to have something a bit more polished to show for themselves first. They couldn't just email Sony and say "hey, I want to put my massage app up, send me a devkit, kthx"

Microsoft's approach gets the benefit of pretty much anyone with a PC and an Xbox One being able to release whatever game they want, dumb or not, without having to get any approval at all (beyond the basic "it doesn't crash when you first boot the game" testing). The drawback is that this system won't be fully ready until a year after launch, so they'll have to take the PR beating in the meantime, and also potentially lose indie mindshare.

As I mentioned before, this is a possible reason for the 5GB/3GB RAM split. If they reserved too much for games, then there wouldn't be enough leftover for the "devkit environment", which usually takes a lot of extra RAM. Since they've mentioned today that they "designed the system from the beginning to eventually support this", that seems like the most plausible reason for why so much "non-gaming" RAM is reserved.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yeah, MS forced Sony into getting its act together last gen and now MS are forced to do the same. As long as there is competition gamers will be in good hands.

I will say I'm surprised at how fast MS is changing all of these policies, it's almost absurd on some level. It took Sony much longer to fix some of PS3's issues, granted none of those issues were at the level of the DRM fiasco, but still.
Well this convinces me to buy a xbone when this is rolled out. This plan is exactly what I expected from BUILD.

I just hope this is not geographically limited like xblig was.

It really makes me wonder why they didn't reveal this indie publishing "plan" at BUILD or even E3. I really don't understand why they planned to reveal it at GAMESCON just a few months from release. All they are sharing now is what they have planned for Indie publishing to come next year. Wouldn't this have been info to share at their reveal, BUILD or E3?

They aren't showing it yet, they aren't demoing any of it, their "plan" now is just some bullet points on paper basically. If they have really been planning this for a long time, why wait? Especially with Sony supposedly so "indie friendly" and talking up indie devs since their reveal.
You know, this is good news for gamers and developers. That's all that really matters, so long as we get more good games when it's all said and done.

But on a more superfluous level - the console war - I'll say this. It absolutely in no way puts MS on the same footing as Sony when it comes to independent development. Business is about relationships and Sony has been building those relationships for a few years now. MS has been actively fucking small developers over -- there have been TONS of articles and sentiment to that effect the last year or two. And the opposite sentiment when it comes to Sony. That sentiment doesn't come from a few tweets, or some smoke and mirrors PR fuzz. It comes from actual experiences and results between business people - devs and platform holders. You just cannot say "Oh it's a new generation ... Oh, every console is a dev kit ... Oh, hey, Mattrick is out" and think they've wiped the slate clean. Nope. That's pure day dreaming.

Do I hope MS turns it around overnight and gets on equal footing, like, now? Yes, I do. But as someone who's excited for a new generation of indie games, this news doesn't really make me think much differently about the XB1. Maybe a little. But I'm still hugely skeptical. Hope I'm wrong.
You know, this is good news for gamers and developers. That's all that really matters, so long as we get more good games when it's all said and done.

But on a more superfluous level - the console war - I'll say this. It absolutely in no way puts MS on the same footing as Sony when it comes to independent development. Business is about relationships and Sony has been building those relationships for a few years now. MS has been actively fucking small developers over -- there have been TONS of articles and sentiment to that effect the last year or two. And the opposite sentiment when it comes to Sony. That sentiment doesn't come from a few tweets, or some smoke and mirrors PR fuzz. It comes from actual experiences and results between business people - devs and platform holders. You just cannot say "Oh it's a new generation ... Oh, every console is a dev kit ... Oh, hey, Mattrick is out" and think they've wiped the slate clean. Nope. That's pure day dreaming.

Do I hope MS turns it around overnight and gets on equal footing, like, now? Yes, I do. But as someone who's excited for a new generation of indie games, this news doesn't really make me think much differently about the XB1. Maybe a little. But I'm still hugely skeptical. Hope I'm wrong.
I hope you're right as far as indie devs not simply forgiving and forgetting, if only to let Microsoft know they'd better not reneg on any of this shit. But I have a feeling Xbox will remain the premier console for indie devs and North American gamers.

As much as we may talk about how much they've fucked up, one look around the Internet shows gamers are quick to forgive and the goodwill pendulum has swung firmly back to their side. It doesn't matter how bad they fucked up, as long as they quickly burn those shitty plans and pretend they never happened.
If they're still tweaking, they aren't launching until 2014. It takes time to manufacture, box, and ship these things.

The only hints we've got is members of their team saying the purposely designed the console to not be the most powerful and saying that numbers don't matter. And there was that Reddit AMA with someone who claimed (and was confirmed by Reddit) to be a member of the Xbone team who said the PS4 is more powerful. But we want details, and I think we deserve them if they expect us to throw half a grand at their machine.

Nintendo Wii shows that people don't care about specs.


It is impossible that it is reactionary. Tools and infrastructure don't suddenly get made on a whim.

You are incorrect. Microsoft said the tools and infrastructure will not be ready for launch. They promised them within the first year. Also read Mario's post. Microsoft is being reactionary.

REV 09

It's almost as if the console is still in development...shock.

This is cool I guess. I didn't care much before and don't really now, but it was obviously important to some of the audience. Adding something like Steam Workshop with mod support would be much more appealing to me.


Next step is for Cross play and free to play games. No reason why Final Fantasy XIV shouldn't come out on Xbox One as well as other MMO's and F2P games or games with cross play with PC version.
so if "no self-publishing until a year after launch" is true, I'd wager that the reason they're doing that is because they don't want to have to worry about sending pre-launch, relatively unoptimized dev kits to people, and spend time having to support and maintain that for a bunch of smaller companies and developers. For launch, they seem to be primarily focused on the AAA heavy hitters, and/or established publishers, which are a bit of a known quantity.

...They aren't using Devkits for indies. Its like how you do it on XBLI, WP and W8. You pay $100, give them your device ID and they unlock the DevTools in addition to allowing you to put the games on the store.
Nintendo Wii shows that people don't care about specs.
And that has what exactly to do with the topic we were discussing? I said we still don't have many confirmed specs on Xbone. You said this:

probably because they're still adjusting them. sony hit them hard with that 8 gig ddr5.

I don't know man.. I guess put me on the team that thinks both consoles are going to be awesome this next gen. I can't wait for both.

I said there's no way they're adjusting this late in the game. I then said the only hints we have on the console's guts are from a Reddit AMA and some MS PR folks saying numbers don't matter.

What does the Wii have to do with this? Why the deflection and change of subject? I never once said more power = more sales.

The only reason I can think of for this kind of switch is to try to score a "point" for your "team." If that's the case, please don't. We're both better than that.
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