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The Twelfth Doctor revealed: Peter Capaldi

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The wait is almost over for Doctor Who fans, as the identity of the next actor to play the Doctor is to be revealed in a special one-off Doctor Who Live broadcast on BBC One this Sunday August 4 at 7pm.

In front of a live studio audience, host Zoe Ball will unveil and interview the 12th person to play the Time Lord, one of the most coveted roles in British television.

The half hour programme will feature Doctors old and new, companions, special guests and celebrity fans, all taking place against the backdrop of a swirling vortex with Daleks and the TARDIS stationed in the studio.

Earlier in the week the BBC disguised the show in the TV listings, scheduling a fake ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ in the 7.30pm-8pm slot.

Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor will end months of speculation over who will be taking over from Matt Smith, with Peter Capaldi, Ben Daniels, Ben Whishaw and David Harewood having all been linked with the role, though an unknown actor is perhaps far more likely.

Executive producer Steven Moffat said : ‘The decision is made and the time has come to reveal who’s taking over the TARDIS. For the last of the Time Lords, the clock is striking twelve.’

Moffat and Smith will both give interviews during the show, commenting on the role and what they believe it takes to play the Doctor.

Fans in America will be able to watch the unveiling live via simulcast on BBC America.

Charlotte Moore, Controller BBC One said : ‘BBC One is the home of big live events and this special live show is the perfect way to reveal the identity of the next Doctor and share it with the nation. The Doctor is a truly iconic role and I’m more than excited about the booking.’

Ben Stephenson, Controller of BBC Drama Commissioning meanwhile, revealed how they have been using the codename Houdini for the actor.

He said: ‘We can’t wait to unveil the next Doctor with everyone live on BBC1 on Sunday night. Amongst all the speculation and betting, there has been lots of fun and intrigue at work as we’ve been using the codename Houdini as a decoy! It’s the biggest secret in showbiz, even those working with the new Doctor on other projects at the moment have no idea they are in the presence of the 12th incarnation.’

Rory Kinnear had also been tipped as a possible Doctor, but after insisting that he won’t be joining the show his denial was compounded by his signing up to ITV drama Lucan, which films at the same time.

Come on, Capaldi.

Wish it could stay a surprise for the actual show, though :/


Thank God. I honestly cannot stand hearing months of utterly fucking stupid speculation, wherein everyone suggests all these actors that are too famous, too expensive, already contracted for other work, not demographically appropriate, etc.....


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Cool, could be an interesting or unbelievably boring choice. I wait with bated breath.
I have my doubts that it'll be Capaldi.

New Who has liked to have the Doctor have a bit of a love interest with his companions, which would be thrown off a bit considering there's about a 20 year age difference between Capaldi and Coleman (unless they ditch her too). I get that nothing would change for the characters, but the onscreen relationship would be a little...off.


People always suggest a female or black Doctor. I doubt that either will ever happen.

At this point I have my doubts that they will ever pick anyone besides a white male under age 35. The property has become too big to risk blowing it with stunt casting that might backfire.


Despite knowing loads of people who work in the Beeb I haven't heard anything about who will take on the role. Looks like I'll be watching with everyone else.

I will continue to poke around though.............,


Like Eccleston?

He was only like 40 at the time I think. Eccleston was nearly a decade ago, and doctors have only gotten progressively younger.

Eccleston was arguably stunt casting as well -- a recognizable face to give the newly-christened reboot some press and attention. He was brought on with the understanding that he would do one season and be done. Noawadays they need younger people that can commit to longer multi-year runs.


AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I cant wait for this!


And damn you BBC, you need to livestream this on the internet for everyone.
The dumb thing is I got an email about tickets to this earlier this week. Under a different guise, but with this date, and knowing it was Who.


A Twelfth Doctor? As in a Twelfth main character? When is the series going to end.

There's only been 3 since the restart. And that was, what, 8 years ago?

He was only like 40 at the time I think. Eccleston was nearly a decade ago, and doctors have only gotten progressively younger.

Eccleston was arguably stunt casting as well -- a recognizable face to give the newly-christened reboot some press and attention. He was brought on with the understanding that he would do one season and be done. Noawadays they need younger people that can commit to longer multi-year runs.

And he still quit. To do HEROES of all things.
I'd be delighted with Peter Capaldi or Daniel Kaluuya, both of whom have been heavily mooted. Entirely different actors who'd bring entirely different perspectives on the role.

As they're doing the reveal live, with a live reaction in the studio, I'd hazard a guess at it being someone at least reasonably well known.
Also, why no link to the site, why just the copy+paste? The only two sites actually reporting this when I google search are now Den of Geek and Bleeding Cool, and Bleeding Cool is saying they don't actually think this special is happening.

edit: URL in that screencap goes to nothing now. I'm wondering if this was either a jump-the-gun, or bad info and they yanked the story.
Also, why no link to the site, why just the copy+paste? The only two sites actually reporting this when I google search are now Den of Geek and Bleeding Cool, and Bleeding Cool is saying they don't actually think this special is happening.

Metro broke embargo and yanked the article off their website.
You said no didn't you

Like all ticket things, I think "oh I'm not near, I won't go" then thought "but I look like Matt, it'd be hilarious" then I went and had a biscuit and promptly forgot it

Also, why no link to the site, why just the copy+paste? The only two sites actually reporting this when I google search are now Den of Geek and Bleeding Cool, and Bleeding Cool is saying they don't actually think this special is happening.
Well seeing as they gave out tickets for it I think it is
Edit: No, they're saying the name won't come out at midnight - which is true. It'll be announced live.


He was only like 40 at the time I think. Eccleston was nearly a decade ago, and doctors have only gotten progressively younger.

Eccleston was arguably stunt casting as well -- a recognizable face to give the newly-christened reboot some press and attention. He was brought on with the understanding that he would do one season and be done. Noawadays they need younger people that can commit to longer multi-year runs.

I would love to know what the reaction to Eccelston being announced as the Doctor for the reboot was like.

I remember being disappointed that he was only doing one sense but perhaps that was the for the best. Especially for those new to Doctor Who. Get watchers used to the lead character changing and becoming a different personality without skipping a beat. I hadn't experienced anything like that before.
Like all ticket things, I think "oh I'm not near, I won't go" then thought "but I look like Matt, it'd be hilarious" then I went and had a biscuit and promptly forgot it

Well seeing as they gave out tickets for it I think it is

To clarify - they don't think the special being a special specifically for announcing the Doctor is happening. Not that there isn't a special.
Also, why no link to the site, why just the copy+paste? The only two sites actually reporting this when I google search are now Den of Geek and Bleeding Cool, and Bleeding Cool is saying they don't actually think this special is happening.

Metro broke the midnight embargo, and yanked the article as soon as they realised their mistake. Various news sources have been teasing about a midnight embargo for hours, but the Metro broke cover.
Okay, so this story isn't supposed to go up until Friday at midnight, but they posted it Thursday at midnight, and they yanked it shortly after making it live?


Metro broke the midnight embargo, and yanked the article as soon as they realised their mistake. Various news sources have been teasing about a midnight embargo for hours, but the Metro broke cover.

Ah so the announcement for tonight was an announcement of an announcement. ffs

Twelfth? There's more than one? What happened to the last one? This series has been running for 50 years?

Doctor dies and regenerates into a new person and generally the entire tone of the show tends to change when that happens. That's why it's been on so long.

The series itself has lasted 50 years but the current rebooted series has only been on for 8.
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