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What is the worst PC port of all time?

People talking how GTA IV runs fine in their PCs don't played the game right after the launch, the thing was pretty bad, patches fixed most thing eventually.

I did, and it ran like shit, but NVidia released a beta driver specifically with GTA IV improvements, and It ran absolutely great (well, normal steady non stuttery frame rate) after that.


Yeah Dark Souls is silly. It's still better than the console versions and fixed the framerate drops in the game that were one of it's only flaws. It's simply that the DSFix was so glorious that it makes the initial release look so bad.

It wasn't horrible and broken like DMC3 or RE4.


Something that can be fixed by placing a DLL file in the game folder does not a bad port make.

If the game requires a community mod/patch to work properly*, even if it's just a simple DLL file, it means it is a bad port.

*not saying that Dark Souls doesn't work properly without the patch; although locked resolution and crappy mouse controls can be a gamebreaker for some people.


Anyone who says Dark Souls is just plain wrong. It's the definitive version of the game.

Something that can be fixed by placing a DLL file in the game folder does not a bad port make.

-GFWL is dreadful
-the online is filled with hackers
-If you're new to the game and don't browse forums, you won't know about DSFix which is a COMMUNITY mod
-if you have 2 screens and want to play Keyboard and mouse, the mouse isn't constrained in the game window, and I know it can be fixed but once again you have to fix it manually

I had to help 3 different people install Dark Souls on PC and explain them why they needed to patch the game manually and why Keyboard+Mouse is almost unplayable, and kept repeating "I know it's stupid but the game is worth it"

yet, yes it IS the definitive version once you've gone past the dumb port stuff


Unconfirmed Member
Edit: also, Metal Gear Solid 2... try playing that with a mouse.
Oh yeah, this port is dreadful. If you wanna quit the game, you gotta press Escape, then the game minimizes and a standard Windows message box appears asking if you want to exit.

And don't get me started on the setup program:

Good luck trying to decipher what each key does.
I understand the mention of Dark Souls on PC, but it's not exactly fair to consider it in such a bad light when adding a couple files fixes most if not all issues and turns it into the best version of the game there is.

It's sad indeed that From Software didn't study Durante's hotfixes and implement them themselves as a patch/hotfix. Still, once could argue with it , the game turns into a pretty good port... That and some tweaking, especially if you have an ATI card... My friend still gets crappy framerates on it to this day though , even after trying most of the existing fix and graphical option/control center hoftixes you can read about on the net... It's playable , but barely, then again it's a 4 year old gaming rig with a dual core processor running on a single core OS... So he's begging for trouble.

I love my version though. Runs at higher resolution than the PS3 version, no lag in Blighttown anymore, uses my PS3 controller with changed PS3 button icons from a mod, I have a mod that makes matchmaking with your Games for Windows Life friends almost instant , so I can finally coop with friends without praying and waiting 40 minutes in an area to establish a server connection to them...


This is just strange. I ran SR3 totally fine on a Core 2 Duo E8500/4GB DDR2 for me. Must be the GPU holding you back I guess? I'm honestly not sure. I had an AMD Radeon HD7850.

i thought it was strange tbh
my rig plays most games at a level i am happy with

though my mobo is a cheap POS maybe its not helping

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Did some of you just start gaming on PC this generation? Because the bar being set for worst port of all time is incredibly low.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Dark Souls is a pretty bad port. But From admitted they wouldn't be the best at porting it so I give it a slide.

Saints Row and Volition however... I can't really let that slide.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'd say for last last gen: Halo 2 Vista was a pretty bad port. Mouse input lags the better your hardware is. WTF?

But yeah, FF7's during the PSX era was a damn bad port. Like... horrible.


I understand the mention of Dark Souls on PC, but it's not exactly fair to consider it in such a bad light when adding a couple files fixes most if not all issues and turns it into the best version of the game there is.

It's sad indeed that From Software didn't study Durante's hotfixes and implement them themselves as a patch/hotfix. Still, once could argue with it , the game turns into a pretty good port... That and some tweaking, especially if you have an ATI card... My friend still gets crappy framerates on it to this day though , even after trying most of the existing fix and graphical option/control center hoftixes you can read about on the net... It's playable , but barely, then again it's a 4 year old gaming rig with a dual core processor running on a single core OS... So he's begging for trouble.

I love my version though. Runs at higher resolution than the PS3 version, no lag in Blighttown anymore, uses my PS3 controller with changed PS3 button icons from a mod, I have a mod that makes matchmaking with your Games for Windows Life friends almost instant , so I can finally coop with friends without praying and waiting 40 minutes in an area to establish a server connection to them...

Yeah, the thing that saddened me when it first came out on PC wasn't the console resolution, which I was expecting and Durante had fixed instantly, but the fact that it was running at an unplayable framerate because my HD7870 was stuck in low power mode for that game. I fixed it by upping all of the settings in catalyst control panel, even if they didn't really *do* anything it forced my card to kick into high gear and solved the problem. I definitely wasn't the only one with the issue at the time as I tried to help others online with the same problem. It was really frustrating, I could not have been looking forward to the PC release more (after 700+ hours on PS3), and my first couple of hours weren't spent trying to find the new content or things that were patched (DWGR nerf!) but trying to figure out this framerate problem. I'm not sure it was fixed, probably not, and I'm not even sure if it's a problem with AMD drivers or the game itself. But yeah it frustrated me more than any other issue with the PC version.

It was personally one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with a PC port, but all things considered I don't think it could be one of the worst, because most of the problems are solvable, I'm like 600 hours in and it's my favorite version of the game.

I haven't played the PC version of Resident Evil 4, but I've had to convince myself a few times to not get it after reading about the issues. Why don't they just port RE4HD to Steam?!


Did some of you just start gaming on PC this generation? Because the bar being set for worst port of all time is incredibly low.

hell i can barely remember what happened before this gen as far as games are concerned

project igi f*cked my pc up but i dont think that was a port
i didnt know what were ports and what werent before this gen


Did some of you just start gaming on PC this generation? Because the bar being set for worst port of all time is incredibly low.

That's why I think all those "the worst" kind of threads are bad - they always end up with people mentioning "bad" things that they know about/remember and are actually worth mentioning. The worst PC port is probably a port of a game that barely anyone played.


Wow, at that first video. I don't recall Ryu's Hadoken slowing the game down in the console versions. Is this a DOS "emulation" issue on modern PC's or was it like this at the time?

Although I didn't play the PC version back in the day, I did have the Amiga version which was ported by the same guys who did the PC version and yeah, there was slowdown all over the place. I'm pretty convinced it would do the same on a PC of the time too.
Path of Neo.

no clue how their mapping software works, but I'm pretty sure to shoot on my a 360 controller, its the back or start button.

had to dig out an old logitech controller.

Game also tends to not work a lot if you aren't on a win xp.


Path of Neo.

no clue how their mapping software works, but I'm pretty sure to shoot on my a 360 controller, its the back or start button.

had to dig out an old logitech controller.

Game also tends to not work a lot if you aren't on a win xp.

Don't really think you can blame them for not properly supporting a joypad that wasn't used for PC's when it first came out or on future operating systems.
Assassins Creed 2 was a bit of a travesty. Ran like a 3 legged dog, and those fucking button prompts. "Press Hand". "Press foot". WHAT FUCKING BUTTON IS FOOT??

That post has brightened my afternoon up. I laughed for far too long reading "WHAT FUCKING BUTTON IS FOOT??"

I was about to start on Saints Row 2 (having never heard of the issues). I am intrigued as to how bad the problems really are, more than what the game is like.

Not that I will be playing it by the sounds of things...


Saints Row 2 is my vote. I could never get the game to run properly. GTAIV is second, even to this day I can't get the game to consistently play at 60fps even with hardware that is several times greater than the recommended specs of the original release.


Weird to see GTA IV mentioned so often.

I heard that it was bad at launch, but I didn't pick it up until it was on sale on PC, and by then, it was not only running smooth, but it was the superior version by far.

On the consoles the world seemed utterly fake. Cars and people disappeared 3/4 of a block away from your character.

On PC the world felt so much more alive as people, cars and activity were present several blocks away.

It's the game that finally got my buddy, who had never considered anything other than console games, to buy a gaming PC.


I'd say for last last gen: Halo 2 Vista was a pretty bad port. Mouse input lags the better your hardware is. WTF?

But yeah, FF7's during the PSX era was a damn bad port. Like... horrible.

Played through FF7 on PC during the PSX era, other than the poorer sound quality I don't remember any other issues, hardly a terrible port.

Also I guess Saboteur and Rage deserve honourable mentions for being so fucking terrible on AMD cards at launch.


MegaMan X for the PC

One of the very first games I ever bought - it was from an EggHead games iirc, and it game with this six-button gray controller with a serial port. Used that controller for a solid 5+ years. Also beat the hell outta MMX, and I don't recall it running that poorly (though that could be my memories as a child making things fuzzy...)

Edit: Oh yeah, and enough about me - worst PC port I've EVER played hands down is Dark Souls. I was so hyped to play it... I'm still salty about it, even with the glory of dsFix.


I remember GTA3 running like total ass when it first came out.

Deus Ex 2 was pretty horrible as well. Awful performance and console UI.

If we're talking about AAA games, I doubt anything can beat first release of RE4. I mean, just look at this:

There was no proper lighting in the game. Areas that were supposed to be dark and moody were light. Nighttime section of the game looked like a daytime. Salazar's castle had white walls everywhere. It was fixed in a patch, released few months later (if we're talking about European and Asia version; IIRC US version was released later with the patch).

Even after the game was patched the game still had a lot of troubles (aside from it being a port of the PS2 version and not the NGC one):
- terrible quality of FMVs (low resolution, washed out colors, low quality sound)
- no mouse support
- button icons were simple: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. Try to guess which buttons you are supposed to press during a QTE when suddenly "1 + 5" flashes on the screen
- terrible performance[/QUOTE]

It was also locked at 30fps


I tried to play Saints Row 2 on PC recently, but it was just a no-go. It runs like complete ass on my system unless I turn down several of the graphical options, which makes it look significantly worse than the console version. It still doesn't run smoothly even then when driving. And that's on a 7850.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
LOL @ the people saying Dark Souls is the worst port of all time.

No, it's not the worst port of all time. It's not even a BAD port. It's just barebones, where they were able to get it up and running, and didn't bother putting in any graphics customization options.

Customization options are included in PC games not because they're expected as a "feature", but because of the nature of the PC as an open hardware platform. Because the N64 had the RAM pack which expanded the system's ram, some N64 games had customization options put in place, since some systems could have more RAM than others.

The fact that Dark Souls runs, and it runs more smoothly and looks better than console versions on default (or in this case, the "only," at least without durante's fix) settings, makes it a solid, or even good, port, especially given From Software's technical inexpertise and their inexperience with PCs. (To be fair, they were probably lucky that the Xbox 360 platform existed, since the XBox 360's API was designed by MS and Nvidia and is based on DirectX, most closely resembling DirectX 9.0c, which is, shock, the API required for Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition on the PC.)

If Dark Souls were the worst PC port of all time, the PC wouldn't have a "reputation" as a platform that is difficult/inconvenient to game on. There are plenty of games out there which flat out don't run on PCs because they're coded so poorly or compiled so inefficiently that they use orders of magnitude (literally!) more processing power than they should be using, or games which only run on Nvidia cards, or games which only run on ATI cards, or games where graphical effects go out of control on certain cards/brands of cards (There is an issue with the PC version of PoP: The Sands of Time on NVidia cards, where the fog in the games covers EVERYTHING, and makes the game run slowly and things are nearly impossible to see), or where the PC version's game mechanics or design are inadvetertently or purposefully altered, sometimes making the game unplayable or impossible to progress/finish, such as TMNT, which was mentioned earlier in this thread.
Well, Dark Souls sure is among the laziest ports in history but not exactly broken like some others (RE4, SR2, both before getting fixed).

DSfix elevated it to an incredible port however.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Well, Dark Souls sure is among the laziest ports in history but not exactly broken like some others (RE4, SR2, both before getting fixed).

DSfix elevated it to an incredible port however.

The fact that it is the best looking and running version of the game out of the box, and with new content, makes it not lazy.

As I said, it's barebones from a features perspective


Played through FF7 on PC during the PSX era, other than the poorer sound quality I don't remember any other issues, hardly a terrible port.

Also I guess Saboteur and Rage deserve honourable mentions for being so fucking terrible on AMD cards at launch.

I seem to remember the original PC version required a voodoo card in order to use hardware acceleration. If you had any other type of card it would only allow software rendering. This wasn't fixed until the unofficial ultima patch. Between that and the MIDI soundtrack I'd say FF7 is well in the running for this accolade.
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