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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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What I got out of this

Greetings from the land of beer & bratwurst & weird porn (in Germany because of Gamescom?). Got here a little while ago and tired so I'm dropping this early. Then I'll go to bed, visit some churches (Kölner Dom), friends, Rheinpark, work meetings stuff and then I'm going to see how the gamefloor is later this week.

#Truthfact No.1
No live stream for the Xbox One Gamescom press conference for real reasons. Xbox One architecture is still not fully completed and latest versions of the SDK from couple of weeks ago dropped the perfomance by 15 to 20% across the board. Now before Xbox fans get mad at me: this happens all the time during development and will be eventually fixed, BUT there is no chance for a early October release.

#Truthfact No. 2
And it won't be released for all 21 countries at the same time. Localization is absolute 100% bullshit, period. Truthfact. Knock-offs as launch titles and Smartglass will be ready as well, but there doesn't seem to be a coherent vision for the console's launch.

#Truthfact No. 3
Sony PS4 will launch in late October - SDKs are ready.

#Truthfact No. 4
For those people who were mad about Bayonetta 2 going exclusively Wii U, you'll be somewhat unhappy about what Microsoft is money-hatting PlatinumGames for. Other Japanese developers will join PG as well, but PG is 100% on board. The game is not aimed at North Americans or Europeans, so expect a truly Japanese feeling title (probably for the JPN Xbox One launch).

#Truthfact No.5
There was a MOBA developed by Bigpark, but it was "nuked" and now a lot of studios focus on TV services. The best talent went to Big Tusk or left SM (?) entirely. Rare is still focused on Kinect despite whatever you've heard.

#Truthfact No.6
New Indie policy is still not set in stones and will be finalized after the Xbox One launch.

#Truthfact No.7
Early September surprise. Apologizing it advance. Everything I saw over the last 24 months was that nonsense of a "Kinect-less" SKU. So I can confirm that there are "whispers" of a Xbox One SKU without Kinect early next year around March/April. This isn't set in stone and they'll probably wait and see how launch numbers will look like.

An Ass Storm is coming.


Folks are putting way too much into Titanfall's "Xbone exclusivity" when that much isn't even true - it's coming to 360 and PC at the same time. It would be guaranteed to sell the most on the 360 whether it came to PS4 & PS3 additionally or not, so I doubt EA is seriously sweating over their fortunes, when they probably received a hefty sum from MS in the first place.

Did you somehow miss the part in my post where I mentioned $50 million?! That was confirmed by CBoat,

I MIGHT be able to see it as sufficient if it wasn't exclusive to MS systems only. They have the potential to lose a lot of sales by not being on the PS3 and I fail to see how $50 million makes up that loss.
Platinum IPs they own.

Pick yer poison:
-Infinite Space
-Mad World
-Anarchy Reigns

Sega owns Bayo and Konami owns Revengeance while Ninty owns W101 and Bayo2 standalone.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Quote from an honest MS employee.

Seems to be Albert Penello vs. CBoaT then.

Launch volumes are not really an issue. This was simply a software issue in terms of getting local language and voice support in the dash. it's pretty straightforward, but disappointing I know for people who are missing launch.

Obviously, I support people waiting for the official supported launch in the affected markets for the best experience ;)

..cetain ly notfor al 21 countries. laco zation is abstlut one hguenrd percnt BS. peridd. TRUTHFACT. excuswe nobvdy with comn senes would considre. lok at coutriews droped. Crosf referce against langaues spoken, ofical and otherwi#sE int saidoe coutnreis. Isaidid yieild tissueses 2 mos ago and the chiks navhe come homet t0 oro0ost. Nnknock ons for lauch tittle, l Ssmartlgasls, etc. Instad of 180s 1coherent vision. Pay|n pric enow.


If we were to remove Kinect from the bundle, then THAT would be a 180... but it's not going to happen. This was a very minor policy change, for people who had privacy concerns or repair issues. As someone earlier stated, my guess is that very few people will take advantage of the feature. But knowing it's there as an option is important.

trutgh fact*#7:Setpember surpsei early.
agpolise ina dvnce. verythign I ssaw over last 24 monts was thats
nocahcnce of kniectlses sku. soldidconetcrete decsionfirm as

beachvoolleyball buttocks,nomatt (er wath othc chagnes have bcon goin on raound her.

.d....weelll baout that

wihsper of kienct optionsal (not inbox--() sku aerly next yr
mar//aprl. Enouhg smoke nowt hat I dint want to watit until Septemr

to say.!t. lauhc number falout wil play_ its patrt.
Ok so can someone summarize this in an dummies version for me? Sorry to ask but I don't understand any of that techno talk in the translation, I just understand the games and Platinum and stuff. Who is this even from?


Sounds to me like Platinum will make a new IP that'll be exclusive to Xbox One, which will make Platinum fans unhappy, in CBOAT's opinion.

It's nice to hear that there will be a Kinectless version coming, though.
It sounds to me more that Platinum are going to make a Kinect heavy game. That would upset way more fans than a new IP.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
If I'm looking at potential ROI on projects and I'm Steve Ballmer, I'm way more worried about Apple and Google than fighting a zombie electronics company that is subsisting by selling life insurance and that relic Nintendo.

Also Sonyponies really shouldn't laugh too hard at the kinectless sku stuff. If MS gets a $399 box out there Sony could be in major trouble. Nervous laughter maybe.

Welp. What's with the name calling?


Platinum IPs they own.

Pick yer poison:
-Infinite Space
-Mad World
-Anarchy Reigns

Sega owns Bayo and Konami owns Revengeance while Ninty owns W101 and Bayo2 standalone.

Infinite Space 2 (with console level budget) would be almost system selling stuff for me. I don't really care for their other IPs though.


i don't get it. what does xbox one not being ready yet have to do with them not streaming the press conference?

Can't properly show off a live demo? Maybe the performance with the OS is stuttery and looks terrible and would rather not show off a canned video this close to launch.

We'll still get a grip of videos from Microsoft and interviews but I doubt they allow them to show off the OS if it's not running fluidly.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Also Sonyponies really shouldn't laugh too hard at the kinectless sku stuff. If MS gets a $399 box out there Sony could be in major trouble. Nervous laughter maybe.

Nah, it's good for everyone in the long run. Means Sony will have to remain competitive to keep beating MS. EDIT: And MS to keep up with Sony.

"Sonyponies" hehe.


yes SEGA own both Bayonetta and Vanquish ips.

They (Microsoft) just need to throw money to fund game development and publishing the game to secure it on their system (like Nintendo with Bayo 2) they don't have to buy the ip.

People are insisting that it might also come out for the PS4 but if it's a new IP would MS want the IP rights as part of an agreement with Platinum. It's already shown that Platinum is welling to develop a game that they don't have the IP for and also if it's new IP, MS is taking the risk. MS owns the IP of Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon so it's not unreasonable they might want to keep a new IP


Releasing a Kinectless SKU next spring makes sense (or doesn't) as that's around the time console sales begin to dwindle before it flat-lines like it does in the summer.

All who REALLY needed an X1 would have already picked up one and those who were on the fence, may still pick up one. I dunno.


MS moneyhatting P*!?! Would suck because Xbone is the only console I won't own :(

Now I know how Bayonetta fans felt when 2 got announced as U exclusive lol. It would hurt even more if Kamiya is directing


One thing I was wondering about, CBOAT is an MS insider, so how is he so sure of PS4's release window?

I suppose it's quite easy to get that sort of information a few days in advance, when the whole industry is meeting and chatting at the same place. I'm sure everybody in Köln knows the details right now.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Microsoft really appears to stumbling. Totally unprepared and lacking a coherent vision for the Xbox One, which of course, is Microsoft's general MO.

There is something sci-fi about CBOAT. Like a higher being, or an oracle, or an AI that has become self-aware; and it only speaks in riddles, and only when it choses to.

I love it :)

I like to imagine CBOAT is living in the world of William Gibson's recent trilogy of novels. There's some media espionage information warfare going on with CBOAT in the middle of Microsoft and Sony, and Hubertus Bigend's Blue Ant company is trying to figure out how to profit from it.


Also Sonyponies really shouldn't laugh too hard at the kinectless sku stuff. If MS gets a $399 box out there Sony could be in major trouble. Nervous laughter maybe.

It'll happen. But by the time that happens, I hope the X1 has something left that makes it different than a PS4 or it will make little difference overall.


I don't doubt the October PS4 release, but there's no way in hell Microsoft won't launch soon after. They're not going to let Sony have free reign on Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin's Creed IV, and Watch Dogs - all of which hit late October or early November.
They probably aren't too fond of the idea, but they have to be careful to not release a crap system that's been rushed out the door against what's looking like a casually-strolling-across-the-finish-line Playstation.

Performance comparisons will be made regardless of circumstances or platitudes made by either company.


October launch confirmed, holy shit.

And lol @ MS still trying to get in bed with jpn devs. Clearly that's only just to hurt PS4.
Both of those have been wrong before.

And Sony can make Demons Souls 2 without Miazaki or From as they own the IP.

According to Famous, Miyazaki and Sony are very tight and I really don't see them making Demon souls 2 without him, I'm not sure why the hell you think he would be on a XB1 exclusive :lol
i don't get it. what does xbox one not being ready yet have to do with them not streaming the press conference?

As others have pointed out, most likely MS plans to show off new features to the OS added into that SDK. If it kills performance though, they don't want it setting the tone. So, they'll mitigate the damage by releasing it later, with the gamescom show floor footage from games to play off against.

In the current PR atmosphere for MS, where their every little stumble is blown up into a massive cluster F, probably a safer thing to do.


October launch confirmed, holy shit.

And lol @ MS still trying to get in bed with jpn devs. Clearly that's only just to hurt PS4.

Of course that plays a role, but the Xbox consoles are so unbelievable unattractive in Japan that this might be their only chance to sell a few units


I wonder if they've been actively trying to uncover the leak at Microsoft.

It wouldn't surprise me if MS floated some erroneous info in an effort to trap cboat or at least identify him. I imagine cboat has to be quite careful to 'sniff' out all his info for traps and such.
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