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Grand Theft Auto V - review thread [Embargo 3pm BST/7am PST]

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hows melee combat in this? Haven't seen it in any reviews, so I guess its not much different from IV?

I don't know about the combat as a whole but I saw one gif in the spoiler thread where a punch was thrown and I actually cringed and said "holy shit". It looked that painful....and good.


Escapist Review comments are hilarious. Everyone complains that he's "docking" the game for something that sounds appealing to them. Hasn't the review done it's job then? You gleaned information from it and decided that it's something you would like, yet all they can focus on are the stars at the bottom of it.
Yes, that's exactly why that quote is laughable.

I should have said "could". This isn't that far fetched, we don't know how long digital footprints in society will last. Look at some of the topical literature and history we use now to interpret past happenings. Comics, one off books that weren't even popular at the time but became part of 'education'.

But whatever, I sense his genuine excitement and his want for videogames to be part of cultural history so I see the quote as an optimistic look at future generations looking back. Kind of like watching a 1950's sitcom and listening to all the references.

I can see it being taken as hyperbolic nonsense or as a statement coming from a hopeful and maybe a bit doe-eyed person looking at the industry. But it's a far cry from "masturbatory whatever".
I think Escapist has a very valid point. Not everyone can partake in, let alone enjoy, the levels of excess that Rockstar puts in their game. That's not a bad thing, though some members are jumping on Escapist as if it is, seeking to invalidate a very valid stance and opinion.
The Lost and the Damned was an example, the story was so dreary and the characters so irredeemable that I didn’t see the point of it.


Honestly I am trying to keep a level head. Red Dead was incredible but GTA 4 was all sorts of terrible.

Completely agree with red dead, game play was awesome, it set a new open world standard then, especially with the graphics too....story was also rather moving :)

GTA had fps issues on both consoles (for me anyway) and didnt really DIG Nico...

From what I seen of GTA 5, it seems every bit worth a 10/10, I dont suspect anything off at all, altho will hold full reservation until I complete it, but come on, 5 years in development, £170m/$265 and some are up in arms :p
I think the problem with every one of Sessler's reviews (at least of late, I never really followed the guy before this year) is that they end up saying more about him than the stuff he's reviewing. I'm not sure there's a great deal really wrong with that, but at the same time, how can you not roll your eyes when someone tells you Bioshock Infinite's plotline should be compared with Chinatown and Waiting for Godot?

It's not that the sentiment is inherently wrong, or that games should not or could not eventually be compared to literary works, it's that it's meaningless to compare unlike things using the same measuring stick, especially when there's an undeniable gulf in the level of maturity and weight of both media. I mean, I could tell you that watching Top Gun with surround sound is like making love to the Easter Bunny, but unless you've done both, what the fuck good is that information to you, and does that say more about me or Top Gun?


tagged by Blackace
Giant bomb's criticism of traversal is so odd. Not every game needs or warrants the stupid flying squirrel stuff of Saints Row and GTA has never had as many traversal options and vehicles as in GTA V. From bikes to 747s.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Seeing Sessler review Bioshock Infite, Last of Us and now GTA5 made me grow tired with him. Everything is so... superlative, every game he describes sounds like the best game ever. By doing this, he is cheapening the meaning behind something really superlative. The end result goes against him, because his character now appears to exist just to use his charisma to indulge hype in consumers.

It's sad, because I like the guy.
Well, Last of Us was certainly worthy (despite its framerate troubles). Infinite was also of very high quality. It's not as if they didn't deserve a lot of the praise. There were issues one could raise about what they were or were not but the end result was still great.


well not really...yet
Seeing Sessler review Bioshock Infite, Last of Us and now GTA5 made me grow tired with him. Everything is so... superlative, every game he describes sounds like the best game ever. By doing this, he is cheapening the meaning behind something really superlative. The end result goes against him, because his character now appears to exist just to use his charisma to indulge hype in consumers.

It's sad, because I like the guy.
Well Bioshock Infinite and Last of Us are both without a doubt utterly superlative works so I dont see the problem.
Again I understand completely what he was doing, I was really good in english/lit classes too, but it doesn't change how dumb it was to say it.

It really isn't a dumb thing to say. We live in a very short term "relevancy bubble", if I stepped out today wearing 90's attire and adopting it's slang people would think I was either nuts or being funny. Time is constantly eroding the prior generations relevance into a new normal, my nieces will never believe computers didn't have touch screens (they will learn it I am sure, it just won't be important to their reality) And that's what he is getting at, the game is like a juiced up infomercial of how we live now. We see the satire because that is our reality now, people in future generations will lack the insight we have and take it as is. This isn't an English lit argument, it's about how generations view the world as time passes. And for the record I don't think it was a dumb thing to say. Maybe for someone who only lives in the "now".



Can't Waittttt

I too am looking forward to it. It's always a good laugh inevitably seeing a number of posters riled up about it getting good scores. I'm ready to get my hands on it!


GAF is not a single person, dude,

I said "some of you", and what some of you guys are saying is equivalent to having to say "in my opinion" anytime someone gives an opinion. It's unnecessary, and if your "that guy" I'm talking about, well than you know who you are.


Oh boy, it's The Last of Us/Bioshock Infinite/GTA IV all over again. Review scores are more ridiculous than ever. I want critical reviews, not glorified ads.

last of us deserved it. GTA IV deserved it at the time. Bioshock Infinite could not have deserved it less, reviewers were paid off there.
I think this ones definately a case of deserving all praise


The Escapist blurb sounds like it's describing my feelings on GTA IV. Consequently I'm in no huge hurry to check out 5

"Unfortunately, you can only hear a character say "&^%@ you, Mother&*^%er" so many times before it starts to grate on you. You can only embody a vicious psychopath a short time before it becomes boring, at best, and soul-crushing, at worst. Forcing players to murder people, not in a gamey "I killed you to complete a goal" way that defines this medium, but in a terrorizing and demeaning way, is not what will make videogames great. Rockstar had a chance to elevate, and they wasted it on portraying characters you don't want to spend five minutes with, let alone the hours it would take to play through the game's story."

Same here. Also the Eurogamer excerpts

These are serious and intense moments, but Trevor is too shallow and unconvincing to justify them, and instead his antics derail the narrative. He's such a distraction to Michael that his family become a footnote rather than a subplot, while Franklin is almost completely forgotten until a bit of last-minute catch-up near the end of the game. The outcome ties up loose ends, but I'd lost interest by then.
The fucking exact same problem as IV (and most other 'oscar winning' Rockstar stories). Reads like some serious moneyhatting / afraid to get fanboy ire for EG to still give it a 9 after that. A 9 for a game that can't even remain interesting for the first playthrough and sustain its own narrative. Boggles my mind.


Hahahahaha that Adam sessler quote wow. Did he just one up IGN?

Just gotta wait a couple months, if there is a backlash in this game like gta4 know to avoid.
Anyone see how the Gamespot review went off in a few areas on how they treat women? In a game where you kill, crash, maim and so on for pleasure and fun, treating women in a poor light is crossing the line... what?



My hype is at a sayian level. I am going to thoroughly play the living shit out of this game once it arrives at my doorstep.


Honestly I am trying to keep a level head. Red Dead was incredible but GTA 4 was all sorts of terrible.

Same here, I loved RDR but GTAIV was a big disappointment IMO.

I'll wait for some impressions from gaf before getting too excited about the game. :p


As expected. Got burnt on GTA IV by reviewers and there whole "Oscar Worthy" acclaim.

Lets see if they actually get it right this time....well see come Tuesday.


It really isn't a dumb thing to say. We live in a very short term "relevancy bubble", if I stepped out today wearing 90's attire and adopting it's slang people would think I was either nuts or being funny. Time is constantly eroding the prior generations relevance into a new normal, my nieces will never believe computers didn't have touch screens (they will learn it I am sure, it just won't be important to their reality) And that's what he is getting at, the game is like a juiced up infomercial of how we live now. We see the satire because that is our reality now, people in future generations will lack the insight we have and take it as is. This isn't an English lit argument, it's about how generations view the world as time passes. And for the record I don't think it was a dumb thing to say. Maybe for someone who only lives in the "now".

I don't know how many more times I have to say it but I understood what he was saying.
People need to stop using this logic 'cause it does not apply to every developer. Rockstar is the valedictorian of the gaming industry and this generation, and scores like this definitely don't look well on their transcript. A 3.5 out of 5 might be good for C average developers, but not Rockstar.

I feel like this should be printed and framed somewhere.


Anyone see how the Gamespot review went off in a few areas on how they treat women? In a game where you kill, crash, maim and so on for pleasure and fun, treating women in a poor light is crossing the line... what?

Clearly they did that to touch on the recent fiasco regarding females in gta and houser saying F that


Breaking Bad Season 4
Breaking Bad Season 5

It happens.

Granted I don't know if I'd say GTAV is as impressive a game as BB is a TV show, but I don't think it's hard to see why it's being praised so highly.
This is an interesting example. The first season has a 74 MC score, the second 85 and the consecutive seasons ramp up even higher. I wonder if the increasing popularity of the show influenced the reviewers or it genuinely gets better. Or the ones that reviewed the show lowly didn't bother watching the following seasons. I stopped watching midway through the second season as the show was getting more and more boring, so I have no idea how to explain this.

I stand by my point. "Universal" is just your excuse to discount any examples people do bring up.
Not really. I just have a hard time imagining any game being universally loved by every single person on the planet, particularly one as highly flawed as GTA games have historically been. That's why I would like to see examples in cinema/books, and one has been actually delivered.


Will GTAV be the Miley Cyrus of Obamacare? Let's hope our Kojima Tropes vs. Women in Video Games Miyamoto will 9.8 the XBONE Used Games Twerking Westboro Baptist Church!
Same here. Also the Eurogamer excerpts

The fucking exact same problem as IV (and most other 'oscar winning' Rockstar stories). Reads like some serious moneyhatting / afraid to get fanboy ire for EG to still give it a 9 after that. Boggles my mind.

Why should the story have that much impact in a game where you can spend 50 + hours doing whatever you want. You story focused people are ridiculous, WE PLAY VIDEO GAMES, we don't watch them.

I am getting really sick of every review being about story first and gameplay second, everything is backwards. I honestly dont give three craps what the reviewer thinks about the story.


Seeing Sessler review Bioshock Infite, Last of Us and now GTA5 made me grow tired with him. Everything is so... superlative, every game he describes sounds like the best game ever. By doing this, he is cheapening the meaning behind something really superlative. The end result goes against him, because his character now appears to exist just to use his charisma to indulge hype in consumers.

It's sad, because I like the guy.
I understand why Sessler rubs some people the wrong way, his style isn't exactly the most subtle around, but I don't think it's as bad as what you describe. I mean you mentioned three games. That's three out of probably hundreds that have come out this year. It's okay if a few of them are great :lol
I don't understand some of you sometimes. Every given day it's always "fuck metacritic man, fuck reviews, reviews are awful, etc", but when a game comes out you guys get all giddy about the review thread, spend every second arguing on why someone's opinion is wrong and stupid, constantly are updating metacritic every moment so we know that a game goes from a 99 to *gulp* a 98. And then years from now people will constantly spout "man GTAV got the reviews from hype and paid journalists, reviews are a fucking joke", only for the same process to repeat its self for GTAVI or whatever the next big high profile game is.

I was going to come in and say this.
I don't know about the combat as a whole but I saw one gif in the spoiler thread where a punch was thrown and I actually cringed and said "holy shit". It looked that painful....and good.

I can't see any of the protags being high level martial artists, but as long as combat isn't that weirdly robotic thing that was in GTAIV, RDR, and la noire, ill live.

sleeping dogs quenched my thirst for open world melee anyways ;)


Why should the story have that much impact in a game where you can spend 50 + hours doing whatever you want. You story focused people are ridiculous, WE PLAY VIDEO GAMES, we don't watch them.

I am getting really sick of every review being about story first and gameplay second, everything is backwards. I honestly dont give three craps what the reviewer thinks about the story.

We play because of motive.
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